St Bart’s Kids on Sundays As evening approached, a man named Joseph, who had become a follower of...


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St Bart’s Kids on Sundays Children’s Ministry Package • Good Friday

Explanation of Resources This material has been developed to resource families and churches with appropriate children’s curriculum for Good Friday. Included within this package are resources that can be modified and adapted for children aged 1-12years.

Our curriculum focuses upon Biblical literacy and provides opportunities for multi-age engagement, discussion, individual reflection, and hands-on learning in our activities.

How to Use We would love to see children and families growing as disciples of Jesus - so please feel free to use any of these resources at your church, school or at home. To get the most of out these materials, you will need to think about the age ranges of your children, and how you could best engage the children in the discussion and activities. You will find most of these resources can be adapted to groups of varied sizes, albeit with some creativity!

We suggest the following order to help the children understand the main points being taught in this curriculum:

• Worship (in service)

• Kid’s Talk

• Watch Multimedia

• Read Scripture together

• Small Group Discussion

• Pray

• Complete activities

• Children’s Worship

The songs we use for worship are linked directly to the day’s topic, but are different in style to those used in Church. We have found the children love to use their whole body when their worship, so we dance, do actions, and have a wonderful time singing.

This is a free, printable resource, available via download. Multiple copies can be made to resource your family or church. We do ask however, that you don’t upload these resources on your own webpage.

For further information Please contact us on if you require any more information regarding our Children’s Ministry resources.

Sermon Series The King in Jerusalem • Matthew 21-28

Bible Focus this Week Matthew 27:32-66


St Bart’s Kids Sunday Worship FRIDAY April 10, 2020 • WEEK 12

Bible Focus Matthew 27:32-66

Theme Focus Good Friday

Questions to ponder:

How do I feel about Jesus dying on the cross for me?

Songs for Worship 1. All Around the World (LifeTree Kids) https:// 2. City on a Hill (Nick and Becky Drake) https:// 3. Jesus is the King (Emu Music)

watch?v=3OcU0EMP5_s 4. I am the Way (VBS)

v=ueMQV2Ax-MM 5. Let’s get a little Crazy (LifeTree Kids) https://

Multimedia Animated The Easter Story

The Easter Story with Laundry

Online Resources The Lost Sheep Book Series Online

Including: Dave the Donkey, Peter and the Rooster, The Way of the Cross, Mary and the Gardener, and Peter and the Big Breakfast.

The Garden, the Curtain, and the Cross (Book) Beautiful storybook taking children on a journey from the garden of Eden to God's perfect new creation. Read by the illustrator, Catalina Echeverri.

Additional Family Ideas: Worship:

Create your own Easter playlist on Spotify of your family’s favourite worship songs.

Or, here is an Easter 2020 playlist already prepared:


What you need/Shopping List Friday April 10, 2020 • WEEK 12 Choose your activities ahead of time and use the checklist below to work out what you already have and which items you might need to organise before Good Friday.

Items required Tick

Computer with internet access (Worship Songs, Multimedia, etc)

Geoboard (Geoboard Crosses)

Bag rubber bands (Geoboard Crosses, Crosses in sand)

Black A4 cardboard (Mosaic Cross)

Coloured bright paper (Mosaic Cross)

Scissors (Mosaic Cross)

Gluesticks (Mosaic Cross)

Homemade Playdough (Easter Playdough)

Playdough mats or placemats (Easter Playdough

Sandpit (Crosses in sand)

Coloured paddle pop sticks (Crosses in sand)

Paper Plate (Weaving Cross)

Yarn/Wool (Weaving Cross)

Hole punch (Weaving Cross)

Hot Cross Bun baking ingredients (Hot Cross Buns)


Chalk (Pavement Art)

Paint (Stained Glass Window Art)

Paint brushes (Stained Glass Window Art)

Painter’s Blue tape (Stained Glass Window Art)

Old pieces of wood to make a small cross (Sins on the Cross)

Nails (Sins on the Cross)

Hammer (Sins on the Cross)

Pieces of Paper (Sins on the Cross)

Pen (Sins on the Cross)

Small Tent/Cubby with sheets (tomb) (The Tomb)


Jesus is nailed to the Cross

32-44 On the way to Golgotha (meaning place of the skull), they met a man

from Cyrene, named Simon. They forced him to help carry the cross the rest of the


After they arrived, they had nailed Jesus to the cross, and

divided up his clothes by casting lots.

Above his head they placed the written charge against

him. It read, This is Jesus, the King

of the Jews.



Two criminals were crucified with Jesus. One

was on his right and one

was on his left.

Those who passed by shouted at Jesus and made fun of him. They

shook their heads and said, “So you are going to destroy the temple and build it again in three days? Why not save yourself! Come down from the cross, if you are the

Son of God!”

In the same way the chief priests, the teachers of the law and the elders made

fun of him. “He saved others,” they said. “But he can’t save himself!”


Jesus Dies 45-56 From 12-3pm, the whole land

was covered with darkness.

Then Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “My God, my God,

why have you deserted me?”

Some of those standing there heard Jesus cry out. One of the men ran and

got a sponge. He filled it with wine vinegar, put it on a stick, and offered

it to Jesus to drink.

After Jesus cried out again in a loud voice, he died.


At that moment the temple curtain was

torn in two from top to bottom. The earth

shook. The rocks split. Tombs broke open

and the bodies of many holy people were raised to life.

The Roman commander and those guarding Jesus saw the everything

that happened. They were terrified and

exclaimed, “Surely he was the Son of God!”


Not very far away, many women were watching

including Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of

James and Joseph.

Jesus Is Buried 57-61 As evening approached, a man

named Joseph, who had become a follower of Jesus, arrived. He went to

Pilate and asked for Jesus’ body. Joseph took the body and wrapped it in a clean linen cloth. He placed it in his own new tomb that he had cut out of the rock.

Then he rolled a big stone in front of the entrance

to the tomb. ST BART’S KIDS GOOD FRIDAY \\ APRIL 10, 2020 5

The Guards at the Tomb 62-66 The next day, the chief priests and the Pharisees went to Pilate. “When Jesus was still alive he claimed ‘after three days I will rise again.’ Let us go

and make the tomb secure. If you don’t, his disciples might come steal

the body and tell the people that Jesus has been raised from the dead.”

“Of course. Take some guards and go and make the tomb as secure as you can.” Pilate



So they went, secured the tomb, put a royal seal on the stone, and placed

some guards on duty. Matthew 27:32-66



BIBLE Story Jesus






Jesus on the Cross and his had

supper together. That

night a group of

arrested . He

was beaten and put on a

to die. At 3 O’clock,

the whole was


covered in darkness and

died. was

placed in a and a

stone was rolled across

the entrance. stood

watch outside the

Matthew 27:32-66


St Bart’s Kids Small Group Session Outline

Main Point: Things we can be certain of when living in an uncertain world: Jesus is the Son of God, Jesus is King, and Jesus is our rescuer.

Discussion Questions Read Matthew 27:32-45 from the Bible Story pages (pages 1-2)

1. After Judas’s betrayal, Jesus was tried, and charged, and sentenced to death on a cross. What was his charge? ( Jesus was charged with claiming to be the King of the Jews - something that was considered blasphemy because in order to be the King of the Jews it meant he was calling himself God.)

2. How did those who viewed Jesus respond to Jesus when he was on the cross?

• those passing by hurled insults at Jesus - shouting and making fun of him; • the chief priests, the teachers of the law and the elders mocked him saying, ”He saved others, but he

can't save himself! • many women stood watching, from a distance (including Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James

and Joseph, and the mother of Zebedee's sons). • upon witnessing the events surrounding his death, those guarding Jesus (including the centurion)

exclaimed that Jesus was the Son of God.

Read Matthew 27:45-56 from the Bible Story pages (pages 3-4)

3. What do you think holds more power - death or Jesus? ( Jesus! Death holds no power over him. We see this through so many events that occurred when Jesus died: with complete darkness happening in the middle of the day; the veil of the temple curtain tearing in two; and an earthquake happening. These inexplainable, supernatural events demonstrate that nothing is impossible for God and nothing is more powerful.)

Date & Week April 10, 2020 (Wk 10)

Bible Focus Matthew 27:32-66


Explanation of the Gospel of Matthew Series In this series leading up to Easter, we’ll be exploring Jesus’ climatic final days before going to the cross. Having finished his ministry in Galilee, Jesus is welcomed into Jerusalem to the shouts of “Hosanna!” (meaning - “save us”!) by some, whilst others oppose, resist, and ultimately seek to kill him. But whilst many plot for his demise, Jesus teaches of coming judgment, the danger of hypocrisy, and that he is the only one in whom salvation is to be found.


All Ages/ Family

4. Why do you think the Centurion (and guards at the cross) suddenly changed their mind about who Jesus was? (These men would have no doubt had heard about Jesus’ stories, his teachings, and his miracles throughout the previous 3 years. They would have seen a lot of people die on a cross - but Jesus’ death was something different. Seeing how Jesus humbled himself upon the cross, and the supernatural events that occurred upon his death, they were petrified and in awe. Their only logical conclusion, was that this man was indeed the Son of God and they were willing to confess this, even though at this point Jesus was the threat the Jews and Romans were trying to get rid of.)

Read Matthew 27:57-66 from the Bible Story pages (pages 5-6)

5. Why were the chief priests and the Pharisees worried about Jesus’ burial? What did they do about it? (They remembered Jesus saying something about rising again after 3 days and they were worried that the disciples might come and steal the body during this time so that they could tell people that Jesus has been raised from the dead. Wanting to make the tomb secure so that this couldn’t happen, they asked Pilate to allow them to make the tomb secure, put a seal on the stone, and post a guard.)

6. Today we celebrate Good Friday. The word ‘good’ used here might not make sense to some people. How would you explain why Jesus dying on the cross is something we can call ‘good’. (Because Jesus died on the cross, we are forgiven and can have eternal life. Our biggest enemy, death, has been defeated forever! This is not just something that is good, but is GREAT!).

7. Do you think there was another way that our relationship could have been restored with God - a way that didn’t involved Jesus dying on the cross? (No. Jesus dying was the only way. This was not Plan B, but Plan A. We know that “the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life, through Christ Jesus, our Lord.” Romans 6:23. That means that the only way for us to be made right with God is death. But instead, God sent Jesus to die in our place. Jesus wasn’t forced to do anything, but he chose to die for us because he loved God and us so much.)

Prayer Thank you Jesus for all that you did for us on the cross. We will never be able to repay you for the sacrifice you made, so that we can have life eternal. Thank you for revealing yourself to us, through your life, death, and resurrection. Help us to recognise you as King of our own lives, everyday. Amen.


Choose from this range of exciting, hands-on activities that are perfect for families wanting to explore the true meaning of Easter. See overleaf for a full description and list of materials required.

Good Friday Activities

Activity 1 Geoboard Crosses #finemotor #individual # spacialawareness #cross

You will need: Geoboard Bag of rubber bands

Task: 1. Collect a geoboard and some rubber bands. 2. Wrap a rubber band around a single nail. 3. Then carefully stretch it to fit around another nail further away. 4. Using another rubber band, create a cross shape by wrapping it around nails that are running at right-angles to the first line. 5. See how many crosses you can create on the one geoboard.

Activity 2 Mosaic Cross #cross #colour #art #design #shape #cut and paste

You will need: Black Card (A4) Scissors Coloured Paper Glue stick


1. Draw a large cross outline on the piece of black card (lead pencil works best). 2. Using the coloured paper, draw some geometric shapes of various sizes that piece together like a jigsaw puzzle. 3. Glue these on the cross, leaving a small black border around each (including the outer edge). 4. (Optional) Cut out the original outline of the cross.

Activity 3 Playdough #finemotor #texture #shape #sensory #smell

You will need: Homemade playdough (flour, salt, cream of tartar, oil, boiling water) Plaacemats or Playdough mats Additional ingredients: cocoa, ground cinnamon, ground gloves, ground nutmeg

Task: 1. Make a batch of playdough (mix all ingredients except the boiling water together into a large mixing bowl). 2. Add the boiling water and mix well. 3. Stir well until the mixture is well combined. 4. Leaving a little natural playdough to the side (this will be for the cross part on top), add additional ingredients to the dough to create a special Easter-scented dough. 5. Form into buns shapes and add the natural dough on the top to create a hot crossed bun.

Activity 4 Crosses in Sand #sandpit #sensory #colour #cross #play

You will need: Sandpit Rubber Bands Coloured Paddlepop Sticks

Task: 1. Put two matching paddles-pop sticks together in a cross formation. 2. Using a rubber band, bind the crosses together. 3. Cut one of the paddle pops so that it is shorter than the other. 4. Repeat to make multiple crosses. 5. Use these in your sandpit, letting the children play, make patterns, sort them, bury them, etc.

Activity 5 Weaving Cross #fine motor #colour #threading #cross

You will need: Paper Plate Coloured Yarn/Wool Scissors Hole Punch


1. Draw a large cross in the centre of the paper plate and then cut out the cross. 2. (Optional): Paint the paper plate in one solid colour (different colour to the yarn) and leave to dry. 3. Using the hole punch, put holes at equal increments, around the outside of the cross. 4. Thread the wool through the holes, making a pattern (being up and down or criss-cross, or other). 5. Once the wool has been threaded through all of the holes, ensure that the ends are tied off.

Activity 6 Tomb Tent #outdoors #physical #camping equipment #fort

You will need: Tent

Task: 1. Source a small tent (could be a small beach tent, a trampoline tent cover, a teepee, a pop-up tent, etc. Alternatively make a tomb using large sheets draped over your dining table (remove chairs to the side). 2. Find a space to set this up in the backyard. Then sit inside the ‘tomb’ and discuss what you think the tomb would have been like, where Jesus was buried (think about smell, sound, sight, touch, etc). 3. Exit the tent and then zip it up (or find something that could be used to block the entrance). 4. Leave the tomb closed until Sunday, then open it up again and talk about how Jesus is Alive!

Activity 7 Chalk Art #art #creative #messages #evangelism #colour #chalk

You will need: Coloured Thick Chalk

Task: 1. Grab some coloured thick chalk and head out to the front footpath. 2. Write some key messages about the Easter story that you would love passers-by to know. 3. Add some pictures (could be the Cross, the empty tomb, butterflies for new life, etc). 4. Now fill in all the gaps with colour! Make this the most colourful footpath in the street!

This is a great activity to get the whole family involved in.

Activity 8 Cooking #cooking #baking #measurement #food

You will need: Hot Cross Bun Recipe Oven and cooking equipment Ingredients (dried yeast, baker’s flour, salt, milk, sugar, ground cinnamon, ground nutmeg, butter, sultanas, water)

Task: 1. Follow your recipe to make the dough. Then Knead on a lightly floured surface to form a soft dough. 2. Place in a bowl and cover. Allow to proof (until double in size). 3. Knead and divide into 12 equal buns.Place buns side by side on a baking tray (leaving a gap between). 4. Cover and let sit for 30mins in a warm place. 5. Make the white icing (cross) mixture and pipe onto the top of each bun. 6. Bake in a moderate oven (180) for 25minutes.

Activity 9 Stained Glass Window #art #creative #painting #design #shape #colour #window

You will need: Washable Poster Paint Paint brushes Painter’s Tape Dish Liquid

Task: 1. Choose a window to put your design. Using the painter’s tape, prepare the edges and patterns by positioning the tape to form the edges and design of your stained glass. 2. Mix a small amount of water and a drop of dish liquid into each of the coloured paints you will use. 3.After doing a test patch, add paint to your window and allow to dry. 4. Repeat 3-4 times until the colours are as bright as you would like them to be.

Activity 10 Nails on a Cross #hardward #reflection #prayer #sorry #forgiveness

You will need: 2 pieces thick wood Hammer Nails Paper and pencil

Task: 1. Make a cross, using the 2 planks of wood. 2. Write a short prayer (or draw a picture) to Jesus, saying SORRY for all of the things you have done wrong. 3. THANK God for his deep love that - a love that was shown by him sending Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. 4. When you have finished, fold your paper and nail it to the cross. (PARENT HELP REQUIRED).
