SPRING 2015 QLP TA Training Workshop. AGENDA TimeTopic 1:00 – 1:15Introduction to QLP 1:15 –...


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QLP TA Training Workshop


Time Topic

1:00 – 1:15 Introduction to QLP

1:15 – 1:20 Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

1:20 – 1:25 Data Collection Overview

1:25 – 1:30 Parscore Tutorial (pre/post-test)

1:30 – 2:00 Data Entry and Submission (QLCDS)

2:00 – 2:10 Tips for TA/Graders Resources

2:10 – 2:30 Q and A

What is the QLP?

The Quantitative Literacy Program is part of UTSA’s Quality Enhancement Plan to address the critical need for quantitative skills in students by enhancing core curriculum of select courses.

The goal is to teach students to think critically when solving problems that involve observing andinterpreting data.

In regular (non-Q) courses, information and data are presented to students in a lecture format and discussed.In a Q-course, students generate and analyze real-world data sets appropriate for the subject.

Example: Physical Anthropology students visited the San Antonio Zoo to collect data on primate activities and created charts and graphs for study

How are Q-courses different from regular courses?

Why is it important? Get More Out of Courses

QLP courses help students1. Acquire basic quantitative literacy and numeracy skills2. Effectively communicate the results of their quantitative

analysis3. Acquire discipline-specific advanced quantitative skills

By incorporating data analysis into existing classes, students will see how informed decisions can be made in the context of their discipline.

These skills are useful in everyday life.

Overview of QLP Process

167 faculty members, 150+ TAs/graders participated in QLP since Fall ‘11


QLP Student Learning Outcomes


Students will demonstrate the ability to explore data to define problems and identify solutions in a variety of real-world contexts.


Students will demonstrate the ability to visualize data through converting information into different graphical and tabular forms.


Students will demonstrate the ability to translate quantitative language into verbal assumptions and vice versa.


Students will demonstrate the ability to express quantitative evidence effectively in oral or written communication.




Data Collection Overview

Different Courses—Different Processes

Depending on the course, the data collected will differ.

All courses are streamlined except for the following: ANT 2033/2043, BIO 1233, HIS 2123/2133, and PHI 1043.

Streamlined Not Streamlined

Pre/post-test including one short written question (SLO: Express).

Pre/post-test (no written piece)

One Q-assignment that covers four or more SLOs, including Translate and Express

Multiple Q-assignments are given


How to grade Parscore

Parscore Types

Parscore Form #F-14507-PAR-L (small one)ParScore Form #F-1712-ERI (large one)


How to Grade Express Piece (large form)

Write the score that the student received in the far right column of the SUBJ SCORE box.

Bubble in the score that the student received for the Express piece in the same column.


How to Grade Express Piece (small form)

Write the score that the student received in the far right column of the EXAM # box.

Bubble in the score that the student received for the Express piece in the same column.

Parscore Process

1. Faculty register for Parscore for their Q-course sections at the beginning of every new semester. Faculty, contact the Parscore office for assistance if needed.

2. The students fill out the Parscore forms for pre/post-test.

3. The faculty/grader grades the Express piece for student.

4. The grader puts the Express score on student’s Parscore form

5. Faculty/Grader create a Parscore “key” and drop off forms to Parscore office, indicating it is a Q-course and give permission for Testing Services to send student results to the QLP.



TA/Grader Resources

Resources Available:Your faculty should be your first resource for questions related to the Q-course.

Blackboard Learn Gradebook permissions Parscore Rubrics/grading materials

You and the faculty member can contact the QLP Team (qlp@utsa.edu) for questions related to

QLCDS Data entry/submission

For those using Blackboard Learn, there are helpful tutorials available online for use (https://learn.utsa.edu/resources_instructors.html)

Any Questions?
