Space Wolves 7ed 2



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Army BuilderSpace Wolves1851HQ371Njal Stormcaller, Lord of Tempests0.00180Base Cost1180WSBSSTWIALdSvRunic Armor5444243102+Staff of the Stormcaller (S+2, AP4, Concussive, Force, Wyrdbane)Wyrdbane: Grants AW and can reroll 1failed DtW per turnNightwing (24" S3 AP- Assault d6)Bolt PistolF&K GrenadesTRAIT: Saga of MajestyPsychic HoodATSKNFAcute SensesCounter AttackIndependent CharacterMaster Psyker ML=3Lord Of Tempests (reroll failed attempt to manifest Tempestas powers)May replace Runic Armor with:0Terminator Armor10Wolf Lord Ragnar Blackmane0.00195Base Cost00WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor6544354103+Bolt PistolFrostfang (S+1 AP3, Melee Rending Mastercrafted)Melta BombsF&K GrenadesTRAIT: Saga of the Warrior BornATSKNFIndependent CharacterAcute SensesCounter AttackRageInsane Bravado (must issue and accept challenges)War Howl (models in unit from SWF have Furious Charge)Incredible Reflexes (reroll a single failed Save each assault phase)WSBSSTWIALdSv8May be Accompanied by up to 2 Fen Wolves (Svangir and Ulfgir)00404414265+Ulrik the Slayer0.00145Base Cost1145WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor6544253103+Plasma PistolF&K GrenadesCrozius Arcanum (power Maul)Wolf AmuletHealing BalmsRELIC: Wolf Helm of Russ (All SWF units within 12" are Stubborn)Independent CharacterAcute SensesCounter AttackFearlessSlayer's Oath (all SW Faction units within 6" gain Preferred Enemy)TRAIT: Saga of the BeastslayerCanis Wolfborn0.00185Base Cost1185WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor525535583+Wolf Claws x2F&K GrenadesFangirModels with a Thunderwolf mount change their unit type to Cavalry, as described in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules. All close combat attacks made by a model with a Thunderwolf mount have the Rending special rule. In addition, a model upgraded to have a Thunderwolf mount increases their Strength, Toughness, Attacks and Wounds characteristics by 1 (these bonuses are already included in the profiles of models that have a Thunderwolf mount as part of their standard wargear).TRAIT: Saga of the WolfkinATSKNFIndependent CharacterAcute SensesCounter AttackRampageBorn of WolvesCanis Wolfborn, and all Fenrisian Wolves and Cyberwolves in his unit, re-roll failed To Hit rolls in close combat during an Assault phase in which they charged into combat.8May take up to 2 Fenrisian Wolves0Harald Deathwolf1.0190190Base Cost1190WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor525545583+Bolt PistolFrost AxeStorm ShieldF&K GrenadesThunderwolf MountModels with a Thunderwolf mount change their unit type to Cavalry, as described in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules. All close combat attacks made by a model with a Thunderwolf mount have the Rending special rule. In addition, a model upgraded to have a Thunderwolf mount increases their Strength, Toughness, Attacks and Wounds characteristics by 1 (these bonuses are already included in the profiles of models that have a Thunderwolf mount as part of their standard wargear).TRAIT: Saga of the WolfkinATSKNFIndependent CharacterAcute SensesCounter AttackOutflank8May take up to 2 Fenrisian Wolves0Mantle of the Ice Troll KingHarald Deathwolf is unaffected by all Pyromancy psychic powers and all flamer weapons as defined in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules.Bjorn the Fell Handed0.00220Base Cost1220WSBSSFASARAIAHPAssault Cannon667131210344Trueclaw w/ Heavy FlamerS10 AP2 Melee Master Crafted, ShredSmoke LaunchersTRAIT: Saga of MajestyVenerableAncient TacticianWard of the PrimarchReplace Assault Cannon with:0Plasma Cannon00Helfrost Cannon10246/83/1Heavy 1, Blast, Helfrost/Heavy 1 Helfrost5T-L Lascannon0May take Drop Pod as Dedicated TransportWolf Lord0.00105Base Cost1105WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor6544354103+ChainswordBolt PistolFrag and Krak GrenadesBelt of RussATSKNFIndependent CharacterAcute SensesCounter-Attack8Up to 2 Fenrisian Wolves216WSBSSTWIALdSv20Runic Armor (replaces Power Armor)120404414256+0Boltgun (replaces Bolt Pistol)0May take items from Melee Weapons List0Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice0May take items from Ranged Weapons List0Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice0May take items from Special Issue Wargear List0Special Issue Choice00Special Issue Choice00Special Issue Choice0May take Items from either Relics List45Morkai's Claws (Pair) *145S+1 AP3 Melee, Maul, Rending, Shred Specialist Weapon (Maul: gain d3 attacks for Specialist Weapon Pair instead of just 1)40The Wulfen Stone140Wearer and unit have Furious Charge, and Rage (wearer only)15Fellclaw's Teeth *115rerolls all failed to hit rolls in close combat0Relic Choice00Relic Choice00Relic Choice0Replace 1 ranged or Melee Weapon with:15Storm Shield0If Terminator Armor is not chosen may take:50Thunderwolf Mount150Models with a Thunderwolf mount change their unit type to Cavalry, as described in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules. All close combat attacks made by a model with a Thunderwolf mount have the Rending special rule. In addition, a model upgraded to have a Thunderwolf mount increases their Strength, Toughness, Attacks and Wounds characteristics by 1 (these bonuses are already included in the profiles of models that have a Thunderwolf mount as part of their standard wargear).May replace Power Armor BP, ChSw, F&K Grnds with:40Terminator Armor SB, and PW0In Termie Armor may only take Termie Weapons, Special Issue Warger, and Relics0Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement0Rune Priest0.0060Base Cost3180WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor5444242103+Runic WeaponBolt PistolFrag and Krak GrenadesATSKNFIndependent CharacterAcute SensesCounter-AttackPsyker ML=1 (Select two Powers)Replace BP &/or ccw with25Upgrade to Master of Runes ML=20010Psychic Hood33025Runic Armor (replaces Power Armor)375May take items from Melee Weapons List0Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice0May take items from Ranged Weapons List15Plasma Pistol1151272Pistol, Gets Hot!0Ranged Weapon Choice0May take items from Special Issue Wargear List0Special Issue Choice00Special Issue Choice00Special Issue Choice0May take Items from either Relics List0Relic Choice000Relic Choice000Relic Choice00Relic Choice00Relic Choice00Relic Choice0May replace Power Armor BP, ChSw, F&K Grnds with:25Terminator Armor SB, and PW00A Rune Priest in Terminator armor may take 1 of the following:10Combi Weapon05Storm Bolter0A Rune Priest in Terminator Armor may only select items from the Special Issue Wargear List and the Relics ListWolf Priest0.00110Base Cost1110WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor5444242103+Crozius Arcanum (power Maul)Bolt PistolWolf AmuletHealing BalmsFrag and Krak GrenadesATSKNFIndependent CharacterAcute SensesCounter-AttackFearlessOath of War20Runic Armor (replaces Power Armor)120May take items from Ranged Weapons List15Plasma Pistol001272Pistol, Gets Hot!0Ranged Weapon Choice0May take items from Special Issue Wargear List0Special Issue Choice00Special Issue Choice00Special Issue Choice0May take Items from either Relics List0Relic Choice000Relic Choice000Relic Choice00Relic Choice00Relic Choice00Relic Choice0May replace Power Armor BP, ChSw, F&K Grnds with:30Terminator Armor with Storm Bolter00A Wolf Priest in Terminator Armour may only take Items from the Special Issue Wargear and/or Relics of the Fang Lists.Wolf Guard Battle Leader1.018150Base Cost150WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor554425393+ChainswordBolt PistolFrag and Krak GrenadesATSKNFIndependent CharacterAcute SensesCounter-Attack8Up to 2 Fenrisian Wolves216WSBSSTWIALdSv25Runic Armor (replaces Power Armor)0404414256+0Boltgun (replaces Bolt Pistol)0May take items from Melee Weapons List30Thunderhammer0x215Storm Shield115-May take items from Ranged Weapons List0Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice0May take items from Special Issue Wargear List0Special Issue Choice00Special Issue Choice00Special Issue Choice0May take Items from either Relics List35The Armor of Russ1352+ 4++ and applies a -5Init to enemy in a challenge45Morkai's Claws (Pair) *0S+1 AP3 Melee, Maul, Rending, Shred Specialist Weapon (Maul: gain d3 attacks for Specialist Weapon Pair instead of just 1)15Fellclaw's Teeth *115rerolls all failed to hit rolls in close combat0Relic Choice00Relic Choice00Relic Choice0May replace Power Armor BP, ChSw, F&K Grnds with:40Terminator Armor SB, and PW0In Termie Armor may only take Termie Weapons, Special Issue Warger, and Relics25Thunderhammer0x22Melee, Concussive, Specialist Weapon, Unwoeldy00Storm Shield0--Confers 3++ on Wielder0Replace 1 ranged or Melee Weapon with:25Storm Shield0A WGBL in Terminator Armor may only select items from the Terminator Weapons, Special Issue Wargear List and the Relics ListIf Terminator Armor is not chosen may take:50Thunderwolf Mount150Models with a Thunderwolf mount change their unit type to Cavalry, as described in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules. All close combat attacks made by a model with a Thunderwolf mount have the Rending special rule. In addition, a model upgraded to have a Thunderwolf mount increases their Strength, Toughness, Attacks and Wounds characteristics by 1 (these bonuses are already included in the profiles of models that have a Thunderwolf mount as part of their standard wargear).Krom Dragongaze0.00135Base Cost1135WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor6544354103+Bolt PistolFrag and Krak GrenadesATSKNFIndependent CharacterAcute SensesCounter-AttackFurious ChargeStubbornWARLORD TRAIT: Saga of the Warrior BornWyrmclaw+22Melee, Mastercrafted, UnwieldyELITES315Wolf Guard 0.0018Base Cost (5-10 per unit 1 Automatically a Character)8144WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor444414293+ChainswordBolt PistolF&K GrenadesATSKNFAcute SensesCounter AttackAny WG model may replace BP & chainsword with:0Bolter0Any WG model maytake items from Melee Weapons or Ranged Weapons lists:30Pair of Wolf Claws130+13Melee, Shred, Specialist Weapon25Power Fist250x22Melee, Unwieldy, Specialist Weapon20Frost Sword120+13Melee0Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice010Combi Plasma33024/244/75/2RF/RF, Gets Hot!15Plasma Pistol1151272Pistol, Gets Hot!5Storm Bolter152445Assault 20Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice0Whole Unit may take:3Jump Pack0OK007Space marine Bike0OK00Any May Choose5Melta Bombs0Unit may Select Rhino, Razorback, Drop Pod, Stormwolf, Land Raider (Any) as a Dedicated TransportWolf Guard Terminators0.0033Base Cost (3-10 per unit 1 Automatically a Character)13429WSBSSTWIALdSvTerminator Armor444414293+Storm BolterPower WeaponATSKNFAcute SensesCounter AttackDeep StrikeAny WG model may replace sotrm bolter and power weapon with:15Thunderhammer and Storm Shield34515Pair of Wolf Claws115+13Melee, Shred, Specialist WeaponAny model may take items from Terminator Weapons List:00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement025Thunderhammer125x22Melee, Concussive, Specialist Weapon, Unwoeldy015Power Fist115x22Melee, Unwieldy, Specialist Weapon00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Storm Shield10--Confers 3++ on Wielder05Frost Axe15+22Melee, Unwieldy010Power Fist220x22Melee, Unwieldy, Specialist Weapon015Chainfist345x22Melee, Armourbane, Specialist Weapon, Unwieldy015Thunderhammer115x22Melee, Concussive, Specialist Weapon, Unwoeldy00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement0For every 5 models in unit 1 may choose:10Replace SB with Heavy Flamer020Replace SB with Assault Cannon12025Cyclone Missile Launcher125Unit may Select Stormwolf or Land Raider (Any) as a Dedicated TransportArjac Rockfist, Anvil of Fenris0.00115Base Cost1115Independent CharacterWSBSSTWIALdSvAcute Senses555424392+ATSKNFCounter AttackFoehammerAnvil ShieldTerminator ArmorAnvil of FenrisGrimnar's ChampionStubbornThe Fierce Eye's Wolf Guard0.0033Base Cost (4 WGTs 1 Beoric Winterfang (Character Same Profile))5165WSBSSTWIALdSvTerminator Armor444414293+Storm BolterPower WeaponATSKNFAcute SensesCounter AttackDeep StrikeAny WG model may replace sotrm bolter and power weapon with:15Thunderhammer and Storm Shield11515Pair of Wolf Claws0All models must take the following:05Frost Sword15+13Melee0Beoric Winterfang10Power Fist110x22Melee, Unwieldy, Specialist Weapon010Power Fist110x22Melee, Unwieldy, Specialist Weapon015Chainfist115x22Melee, Armourbane, Specialist Weapon, Unwieldy0For every 5 models in unit 1 may choose:10Replace SB with Heavy Flamer110Unit may Select Stormwolf or Land Raider (Any) as a Dedicated TransportDreadnought0.0095Base Cost2190WSBSSFASARAIAHPMulti Melta446121210423Dreadnought Power Fist w/ Storm Bolter5Smoke Launchers0SearchlightVenerable (Venerable Dreads only)May Take Items from Dreadnought Weapons List:5T-L Autocannon1520Assault Cannon120Replace Power Fist with one of the following:5Great Wolf Claw w/ built in Storm Bolter010Missile Launcher110ERROR:#N/AERROR:#N/AERROR:#N/AERROR:#N/A15T-L Autocannon1154874Heavy 2, Twin LinkedReplace Built in Storm Bolter with:10Heavy Flamer010Extra Armor00Upgrade to:WSBSSFASARAIAHP25Venerable Dreadnought0556121210423A Vene Dread may replace Multi Melta and Powerfist with:25Fenrisian Great Axe and Blizzard Shield0May Select a Drop Pod as a Dedicated TransportMurderfang0.00135Base Cost1135WSBSSFASARAIAHPVehicle (Walker, Character)536121210443Furious ChargeIt Will Not DieRageRampageMurderlust (ignore Crew Shaken and Stunned results)SearchlightSAPTYPE0Pair of Muderclaws (one w/SB, one w/Heavy Flamer)10+12Melee, Shred, Specialist, MastercraftedMay Select a Drop Pod as a Dedicated TransportIron Priest1.031555Base Cost3165WSBSSTWIALdSvRunic Armor 444414282+Servo-ArmBolter or Bolt PistolThunderhammerF&K GrenadesATSKNFAcute SensesCounter AttackIndependent CharacterBattlesmithIn each of your Shooting phases, instead of firing his weapons, an IronPriest can choose to repair a single friendly vehicle that he is in base contact with or embarked upon. To repair a vehicle, roll a D6 and add +1 for each Servitor with a servoarm in his unit. If the result is a 5 or more, you may either restore a Hull Point lost earlier in the battle, or repair a Weapon Destroyed or Immobilised result suffered earlier in the battle; this is effective immediately.The Iron Priest may be accompanied by:WSBSSTWIALdSv15Cyberwolves (0-4)0444414282+10Thrall Servitors (0-5) w/ Servo Arm0333313184+The Iron Priest may ride:50Thunderwolf Mount3150Up to 2 Servitors may replace Servo Arm with:5Heavy Bolter010Multi Melta020Plasma Cannon0The Iron Priest may take Special Issue Wargear items:0Special Issue Choice00Special Issue Choice00Special Issue Choice0Wolf Scouts Pack0.0014Base Cost (5-10 per unit)10140Scout Armor (Scouts Only)WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor (Pack Leader Only)444414184+Bolt PistolBoltgunF&K GrenadesATSKNFAcute SensesCounter AttackInfiltrateMove Through CoverScoutF&K GrenadesAll Wolf Scouts may take:2Camo Cloaks00May Upgrade 1 Wolf Scout to:WSBSSTWIALdSv10Wolf Guard Pack Leader00444414293+WGPL May take items from Melee Weapons List0Melee Weapon Choice000Melee Weapon Choice0 WGPL May take items from Ranged Weapons List0Ranged Weapon Choice000Ranged Weapon Choice0WGPL May Take:5Melta Bombs0Any model may replace Boltgun with:0CCW 00Assault Shotgun1Sniper Rifle0Any model may replace Bolt Pistol with:0CCW0One Wolf Scout take either Special Weapon or Heavy Weapon:0Special Weapon Choice00Heavy Weapon Choice00Heavy Weapon Choice0Up to TWO Wolf Scouts may replace boltguns with:15Plasma Pistol23015Power Weapon0Lone Wolf0.0020Base Cost (Max 1)360WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor544424283+ChainswordBolt PistolF&K GrenadesAcute SensesCounter AttackFearlessFeel No PainEternal WarriorPack of One (cannot be joined by ICs)A Glorious Death (Never scoring)Monster Hunter8Up to 2 Fenrisian Wolves0WSBSSTWIALdSv5Melta Bombs0404414256+May take items from Melee Weapons List0Melee Weapon Choice030Pair of Wolf Claws130+13Melee, Shred, Specialist WeaponMay take items from Ranged Weapons List0Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice015Lone Wolf may take Termie Armor w/ SB, PW230May take items on Terminator Weapons List:0Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement010Wolf Claw220+13Melee, Shred, Specialist Weapon00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement010Wolf Claw220+13Melee, Shred, Specialist Weapon0TROOPS125Grey Hunters Pack0.0014Base Cost (5-10 per unit)20280WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor444414183+CCWBolt PistolF&K GrenadesBolterATSKNFAcute SensesCounter Attack2Any model may take a CCW1020One GH may replace Bolter/BP with the following:15Power Weapon025Power Fist2501 GH may take a Special Weapon, if 10 GH in unit a 2nd GH may take a Special Weapon15Plasma Gun2302472Rapid Fire, Gets Hot!5Flamer0Template45Assault 110Meltagun2201281Assault 1, MeltaOne GH may replace BP with:15Plasma Pistol115One GH per DETACHMENT may take:25Wolf Standard00One GH may be upgraded to:WSBSSTWIALdSv10Wolf Guard Pack Leader220444414293+WGPL may take items from Melee Wepaons and/or Ranged Weapons list:25Power Fist250x22Melee, Unwieldy, Specialist Weapon0Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice010Combi Plasma11024/244/75/2RF/RF, Gets Hot!10Combi Melta11024/124/85/1RF/Assault 1, Melta0Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice05WGPL may take Melta Bombs015WGPL may take Termie Armor w/ SB, PW0May take items on Terminator Weapons List:0Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement015Chainfist0x22Melee, Armourbane, Specialist Weapon, Unwieldy0May Select a Stormwolf Gunship, Drop Pod, Rhino or Razorback as a Dedicated TransportHengist Ironaxe's Grey Hunters0.0014Base Cost (4 Grey Hunters 1 Hengist (WGPL, Character))456WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor444414183+CCWBolt PistolF&K GrenadesBolterATSKNFAcute SensesCounter Attack2Any model may take a CCW12One GH may replace Bolter/BP with the following:1 GH may take a Special Weapon, if 10 GH in unit a 2nd GH may take a Special Weapon15Plasma Gun1152472Rapid Fire, Gets Hot!One GH may replace BP with:15Plasma Pistol115One GH may be upgraded to:WSBSSTWIALdSv10Hengist Iron Axe110444414293+23Hengist has a Power Axe (points are arbitray to reflect actual unit cost)123+12Melee UnwieldyMay Select a Stormwolf Gunship, Drop Pod, Rhino or Razorback as a Dedicated TransportBlood Claws Pack1.012512Base Cost (5-15 per unit)10120WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor334414183+ChainswordBolt PistolF&K GrenadesRage (Blood Claws Only)ATSKNFAcute SensesCounter AttackOne BC may replace BP with one of the following:15Plasma Pistol0One BC may replace Chainsword with one of the following:15Power Weapon025Power Fist01 BC may take a Special Weapon, if 15 BC in unit a 2nd BC may take a Special Weapon5Flamer15Template45Assault 10Special Weapon Choice0One BC may be upgraded to:WSBSSTWIALdSv10Wolf Guard Pack Leader0444414293+WGPL may take items from Melee Wepaons and/or Ranged Weapons list:0Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice05WGPL may take Melta Bombs015WGPL may take Termie Armor w/ SB, PW0May take items on Terminator Weapons List:15Wolf Claw0+13Melee, Shred, Specialist Weapon010Wolf Claw0+13Melee, Shred, Specialist Weapon0May Select a Stormwolf Gunship, Drop Pod, Rhino or Razorback as a Dedicated TransportLukas the Trickster0.0080Base Cost0WSBSSTWIALdSvF&K Grenades554425383+Power ArmorWolf ClawPlasma PistolPelt of the DopplegangrelWhen fighting in a challenge, Lukas the Tricksters opponent suffers a -3 penalty to their Weapon Skill (to a minimum of 1).ATSKNFAcute SensesCounter AttackIndependent CharacterBLoodClaws Hero (may only join Blood Claws)The Last LaughIf Lukas the Trickster is removed as a casualty whilst fighting a challenge, both players roll-off immediately if the Space Wolves player wins, Lukas the Tricksters opponent is also removed as a casualty. Egil Redfist's Blood Claws0.0012Base Cost (4 Blood Claws and Egil Redfist (+1 A, Character))560WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor334414183+ChainswordBolt PistolF&K GrenadesRageATSKNFAcute SensesCounter AttackOne BC may replace BP with one of the following:15Plasma Pistol115Egil Replaces his Chainsword with:25Power Fist12510Additional Points required to make up difference110May Select a Stormwolf Gunship, Drop Pod, Rhino or Razorback as a Dedicated TransportFAST ATTACK1040Thunderwolf Cavalry1.082540Base Cost (3-6 per unit 1 is a Character automatically)18720WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor445524493+ChainswordBolt PistolF&K GrenadesRending (ccw only)ATSKNFAcute SensesCounter AttackThunderwolf MountAny TWC model may replace BP with:0Bolter015Plasma Pistol0Any TWC model may be equipped with:5Melta Bombs00Any model may take items from Melee Weapons List15Storm Shield345--Confers 3++ on Wielder30Thunderhammer260x22Melee, Concussive, Specialist Weapon, Unwoeldy0Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice0Swiftclaw Biker Pack0.0020Base Cost (3-10 per unit)360WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor334514183+Bolt PistolF&K GrenadesSpace marine BikeRage (Swiftclaws only)ATSKNFAcute SensesCounter Attack0Any model may exchange BP for Chainsword01 Swiftclaw Biker may take one item from Melee Weapons List0Melee Weapon Choice035Add a Single HB Swiftclaw Attack Bike0WSBSSTWIALdSvAttack Bike may upgrade HB to:334524283+10Multi Melta0WSBSSTWIALdSv10Upgrade 1 Biker to a Wolf Guard Bike Leader110444514293+Wolf guard Bike Leader may take Melee or Ranged weapons:20Frost Axe120+22Melee, Unwieldy0Melee Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice015Plasma Pistol1151272Pistol, Gets Hot!Wolf Guard Bike Leader may Take:5Melta Bombs0Sklyclaw Assault Pack0.0015Base Cost (5-10 per unit)0WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor334414183+ChainswordBolt PistolF&K GrenadesJump PackRage (Skyclaws only)ATSKNFAcute SensesCounter AttackUp to 2 Skyclaws may replace BP with one of:5Flamer010Meltagun015Plasma Gun015Plasma Pistol0One Skyclaw may replace Chainsword with one of:15Power Weapon025Power Fist0Upgrade 1 Skyclaw to a:WSBSSTWIALdSv10Wolf Guard Sky Leader0444414293+WG SkyLeader may take Melee Weapons or Ranged Weapons0Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice0Land Speeder Squadron0.0050Base Cost (1-3 per unit)2100BSFASARAHPHeavy Bolter41010102Deep StrikeVehicle (Fast, Skimmer)Any Land Speeder may replace HB with:0Heavy Flamer010Multi Melta110Any LS may upgraded with one of the following:10Heavy Flamer11010Heavy Bolter020Multi Melta030Assault Cannon025Typhoon Missile Launcher0Fenrisian Wolf Pack0.008Base Cost (5-15 per unit)15120WSBSSTWIALdSvBeast404414256+Vicious Claws and Fangs (ccw)Counter AttackOne FW may upgraded to:WSBSSTWIALdSv10Cyber Wolf0404514364+Stormwolf1.0215215Base Cost1215BSFASARAHPVehicle (Flyer, Hover, Transport)41212123T-L Helfrost CannonT-L Lascannon2x T-L Heavy BoltersCeramite PlatingPower of the Machine SpiritAssault VehicleTransport Capacity : 16Fire Points: NoneAccess Points: 1 at front of hullReplace both T-L Heavy Bolters with 1 of following:0Skyhammer Missile Launcher10202x T-L Multi-meltas0Rhino0.0035Base Cost270BSFASARAHPVehicle (Tank)41111103Storm BolterSmoke LaunchersSearchlightRepairTransport Capacity - 10Fire Points: 2 models may fire from top hatchAccess Points: 1 on each side 1 on the rearMay take items from SW Vehicle Equiment list:5Storm Bolter152445Assault 210Hunter Killer Missile22083Heavy 1, 1/battle0Vehicle Equipment Choice00Vehicle Equipment Choice00Vehicle Equipment Choice0Razorback0.0055Base Cost2110BSFASARAHPVehicle (Tank, Transport)41111103T-L Heavy BolterSmoke LaunchersSearchlightTransport Capacity - 6Fire Points: NoneAccess Points: 1 on each side 1 on the rearReplace T-L HB with:0T-L Heavy Flamer020T-L Assault Cannon12020T-L Lascannon12020Lascannon with T-L Plasma Gun0May take items from SW Vehicle Equiment list:0Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice10Drop Pod0.0035Base Cost4140BSFASARAHPVehicle (Open Topped)41212123Storm BolterInertial Guidance SystemImmobileDrop Pod AssaultTransport Capacity - 10 models or 1 Dreadnought10Locator Beacon110Replace Storm Bolter with:15Deathwind Missile Launcher115HEAVY SUPPORT0Long Fang Pack0.00WSBSSTWIALdSv15Base Cost (1-5 per unit)575444414193+15Long Fang Ancient (1 per unit)115444414293+Power ArmorChainswordBolt PistolF&K GrenadesSplit FireATSKNFAcute SensesCounter AttackLF Ancient Take one item from Special Weapons List::5Flamer0Template45Assault 1LF Ancient may replace Chainsowrd &/or BP with one:15Plasma Pistol or Power Weapon025Power Fist0The Leader may Take:5Melta Bombs0Any LF may take ont item from Heavy Weapons List:20Lascannon004892Heavy 115M. Launcher (Krak/Frag)575488/43/6Heavy 1/Heavy 1 Blast0Heavy Weapon Choice00Heavy Weapon Choice00Heavy Weapon Choice0One LF may be upgraded to:WSBSSTWIALdSv10Wolf Guard Pack Leader00444414293+WGPL may take items from Melee Wepaons and/or Ranged Weapons list:0Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice05WGPL may take Melta Bombs015WGPL may take Termie Armor w/ SB, PW0May take items on Terminator Weapons List:0Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement0May Select a Drop Pod, Rhino or Razorback as a Dedicated TransportPrdeator0.0060Base Cost0BSFASARAHPVehicle (Tank)41311103AutocannonSmoke LaunchersSearchlightReplace AC with:25T-L Lascannon0Take Side sponsons with:20Heavy Bolter040Lascannon0May take items from SW Vehicle Equiment list:0Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice10Stormfang Gunship0.00220Base Cost1220BSFASARAHPVehicle (Flyer, Hover, Transport)41212123Helfrost Destructor2x T-L Heavy Bolters2x Stormstrike MissilesCeramite PlatingPower of the Machine SpiritTransport Capacity :6Fire Points: NoneAccess Points: 1 at rear of hullReplace both T-L Heavy Bolters with 1 of following:0Skyhammer Missile Launcher0202x T-L Multi-meltas120May replace 2x Stormstrike Missiles with:15T-L Lascannon0Whirlwind0.0085Base Cost00BSFASARAHPVehicle (Tank)41111103Whirlwind Multiple Missile LauncherSmoke LaunchersSearchlightMay take any of the following:5Dozer Blade010Storm Bolter010Hunter Killer Missile015Extra Armor0Vindicator0.00115Base Cost00BSFASARAHPVehicle (Tank)41311103Demolisher CannonSmoke LaunchersSearchlightMay take items from SW Vehicle Equiment list:0Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice1010Siege Shield00Land Raider Godhammer Pattern0.00250Base Cost1250BSFASARAHPVehicle (Tank)41414144T-L Heavy Bolter2x T-L LascannonsSmoke LaunchersSearchlightTransport Capacity - 10Power of the Machine SpiritAssault VehicleMay take any of the following:0Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice10Land Raider Crusader0.00250Base Cost00BSFASARAHPVehicle (Tank)41414144T-L Assault Cannon2x Hurrincane BoltersFrag Assault LauncherSmoke LaunchersSearchlightTransport Capacity - 16Power of the Machine SpiritAssault VehicleMay take any of the following:0Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice10Land Raider Redeemer0.00240Base Cost1240BSFASARAHPVehicle (Tank)41414144T-L Assault Cannon2x Flamestorm CannonsFrag Assault LauncherSmoke LaunchersSearchlightTransport Capacity - 12Power of the Machine SpiritAssault VehicleMay take any of the following:0Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice10LORDS OF WAR0Logan Grimnar, the Great Wolf0.00250Base Cost1250WSBSSTWIALdSvATSKNF6544355102+Acute SensesCounter AttackEternal WarriorIndependent CharacterStubbornTRAIT: Saga of MajestyTerminator ArmourThe Axe MorkaiThe Axe Morkai can be used in one or two hands. Logan Grimnar may split his Attacks between the two modes, making some single-handed and some twohanded (this can grant an extra Pile-In move). Declare how many Attacks will be made in each mode at the start of the Fight sub-phase. The attacks have the following profiles:Storm bolter+23MeleeThe Belt of Russx22Melee, 2-H, UnwieldyMay Ride:70Stormrider (Chariot, Open Topped)00BSFASARAHPStormrider has a 4+ invulnerable save and can move up to 12" in the Movement phase. All penetrating hits against Stormrider count as glancing hits instead. When riding Stormrider, Logan Grimnar loses the Deep Strike special rule (which is conferred from his Terminator armour), can no longer join other units, or be joined by any other Independent Character. If riding Stormrider, Logan Grimnar makes 4 additional Strength 5 AP- Attacks in each Assault phase. These Attacks are made at the Initiative 5 step (this can grant an extra Pile-in move) and have the Rending special rule. 31212123FORMATIONS/DETACHMENTS0DETACHMENT - Company of the Great WolfCOMPULSORY1HQ2ElitesOPTIONAL3HQ3Elites6Troops3Fast Attack3Heavy Support1Fortification1Lords of WarRESTRICTIONSAllunits (Except Fortifications) must have the Space Wolves FactionCOMMAND BENEFITSGrimnar's Right HandIf this Detachment is your Primary Detachment, you can reroll the result when rolling on the Champions of Fenris Warlord Traits Table.KingsguardThe following models have +1 WS on their profile:- Wolf Guard- Wolf Guard Pack Leader- Wolf Guard Terminator- Wolf Guard Terminator Leader- Thunderwolf Cavalry- Thunderwolf Cavalry Pack LeaderDETACHMENT - The Wolves UnleashedCOMPULSORY2HQ2TroopsOPTIONAL4HQ4Troops3Elites3Fast Attack3Heavy Support1Fortification1Lords of WarRESTRICTIONSAllunits (Except Fortifications) must have the Space Wolves FactionCOMMAND BENEFITSJarl of RussIf this Detachment is chosen as your Primary Detachment, you can re-roll the result when rolling on the Warlord Traits table in Codex: Space Wolves.Cunning of the WolfBefore Deployment, roll a D6 for each unit in this Detachment, adding +2 to the result if the units Battlefield Role is Troops and it has been joined by an Independent Character from this Detachment (before rolling, inform your opponent which Independent Characters, if any, will start the game joined to which Troops units). On a 6+, that unit has the Outflank special rule. In addition, at the start of each of your turns after the first, you may select one unit from this Detachment that is in Reserves. That unit automatically passes its Reserve Roll to arrive this turn (no dice roll is necessary).FORMATION - Great Company0.001Wolf Lord1Wolf Guard Battle Leader1Wolf Guard OR Wolf Guard Terminators5Grey Hunters1Wolf Scouts3Blood Claws OR Swiftclaws OR Skyclaws (Any combination)2Long FangsRESTRICTIONSOne unit of Grey Hunters must have a Wolf StandardCOMMAND BENEFITSJarl of RussIf this Detachment is chosen as your Primary Detachment, you can re-roll the result when rolling on the Warlord Traits table in Codex: Space Wolves.Cunning of the WolfBefore Deployment, roll a D6 for each unit in this Detachment, adding +2 to the result if the units Battlefield Role is Troops and it has been joined by an Independent Character from this Detachment (before rolling, inform your opponent which Independent Characters, if any, will start the game joined to which Troops units). On a 6+, that unit has the Outflank special rule. In addition, at the start of each of your turns after the first, you may select one unit from this Detachment that is in Reserves. That unit automatically passes its Reserve Roll to arrive this turn (no dice roll is necessary).The Howl of the WolvesAs long as this Formations Wolf Lord is alive, all units in this Formation have the Fear and Furious Charge special rules.Wolf Lord0.00105Base Cost1105WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor6544354103+ChainswordBolt PistolFrag and Krak GrenadesBelt of RussATSKNFIndependent CharacterAcute SensesCounter-Attack8Up to 2 Fenrisian Wolves0WSBSSTWIALdSv20Runic Armor (replaces Power Armor)120404414256+0Boltgun (replaces Bolt Pistol)0May take items from Melee Weapons List0Melee Weapon Choice100Melee Weapon Choice0May take items from Ranged Weapons List0Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice0May take items from Special Issue Wargear List0Special Issue Choice00Special Issue Choice00Special Issue Choice0May take Items from either Relics List0Relic Choice00Relic Choice00Relic Choice00Relic Choice00Relic Choice00Relic Choice0Replace 1 ranged or Melee Weapon with:15Storm Shield0If Terminator Armor is not chosen may take:50Thunderwolf Mount150Models with a Thunderwolf mount change their unit type to Cavalry, as described in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules. All close combat attacks made by a model with a Thunderwolf mount have the Rending special rule. In addition, a model upgraded to have a Thunderwolf mount increases their Strength, Toughness, Attacks and Wounds characteristics by 1 (these bonuses are already included in the profiles of models that have a Thunderwolf mount as part of their standard wargear).May replace Power Armor BP, ChSw, F&K Grnds with:40Terminator Armor SB, and PW0In Termie Armor may only take Termie Weapons, Special Issue Warger, and Relics0Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement0Wolf Guard Battle Leader0.0050Base Cost150WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor554425393+ChainswordBolt PistolFrag and Krak GrenadesATSKNFIndependent CharacterAcute SensesCounter-Attack8Up to 2 Fenrisian Wolves216WSBSSTWIALdSv25Runic Armor (replaces Power Armor)125404414256+0Boltgun (replaces Bolt Pistol)0May take items from Melee Weapons List0Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice0May take items from Ranged Weapons List0Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice0May take items from Special Issue Wargear List0Special Issue Choice00Special Issue Choice00Special Issue Choice0May take Items from either Relics List0Relic Choice100Relic Choice100Relic Choice000Relic Choice00Relic Choice00Relic Choice0May replace Power Armor BP, ChSw, F&K Grnds with:40Terminator Armor SB, and PW0In Termie Armor may only take Termie Weapons, Special Issue Warger, and Relics0Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement0Replace 1 ranged or Melee Weapon with:25Storm Shield125Wolf Guard 0.0018Base Cost (5-10 per unit 1 Automatically a Character)10180WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor444414293+ChainswordBolt PistolF&K GrenadesATSKNFAcute SensesCounter AttackAny WG model may replace BP & chainsword with:0Bolter0Any WG model maytake items from Melee Weapons or Ranged Weapons lists:0Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice0Whole Unit may take:3Jump Pack0OK007Space marine Bike0OK00Any May Choose5Melta Bombs0Unit may Select Rhino, Razorback, Drop Pod, Stormwolf, Land Raider (Any) as a Dedicated TransportWolf Guard Terminators0.0033Base Cost (3-10 per unit 1 Automatically a Character)5165WSBSSTWIALdSvTerminator Armor444414293+Storm BolterPower WeaponATSKNFAcute SensesCounter AttackDeep StrikeAny WG model may replace sotrm bolter and power weapon with:15Thunderhammer and Storm Shield34515Pair of Wolf Claws230+13Melee, Shred, Specialist WeaponAny model may take items from Terminator Weapons List:00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement0For every 5 models in unit 1 may choose:10Replace SB with Heavy Flamer020Replace SB with Assault Cannon12025Cyclone Missile Launcher0Unit may Select Stormwolf or Land Raider (Any) as a Dedicated TransportGrey Hunters Pack0.0014Base Cost (5-10 per unit)10140WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor444414183+CCWBolt PistolF&K GrenadesBolterATSKNFAcute SensesCounter Attack2Any model may take a CCW1020One GH may replace Bolter/BP with the following:15Power Weapon025Power Fist1251 GH may take a Special Weapon, if 10 GH in unit a 2nd GH may take a Special Weapon15Plasma Gun1152472Rapid Fire, Gets Hot!15Plasma Gun1152472Rapid Fire, Gets Hot!0Special Weapon Choice0One GH may replace BP with:15Plasma Pistol115One GH per DETACHMENT may take:25Wolf Standard125One GH may be upgraded to:WSBSSTWIALdSv10Wolf Guard Pack Leader110444414293+WGPL may take items from Melee Wepaons and/or Ranged Weapons list:0Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice100Ranged Weapon Choice100Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice05WGPL may take Melta Bombs015WGPL may take Termie Armor w/ SB, PW0May take items on Terminator Weapons List:0Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement0May Select a Stormwolf Gunship, Drop Pod, Rhino or Razorback as a Dedicated TransportGrey Hunters Pack0.0014Base Cost (5-10 per unit)10140WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor444414183+CCWBolt PistolF&K GrenadesBolterATSKNFAcute SensesCounter Attack2Any model may take a CCW1020One GH may replace Bolter/BP with the following:15Power Weapon025Power Fist1251 GH may take a Special Weapon, if 10 GH in unit a 2nd GH may take a Special Weapon15Plasma Gun1152472Rapid Fire, Gets Hot!15Plasma Gun1152472Rapid Fire, Gets Hot!0Special Weapon Choice0One GH may replace BP with:15Plasma Pistol115One GH per DETACHMENT may take:25Wolf Standard125One GH may be upgraded to:WSBSSTWIALdSv10Wolf Guard Pack Leader110444414293+WGPL may take items from Melee Wepaons and/or Ranged Weapons list:0Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice100Ranged Weapon Choice100Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice05WGPL may take Melta Bombs015WGPL may take Termie Armor w/ SB, PW0May take items on Terminator Weapons List:0Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement0May Select a Stormwolf Gunship, Drop Pod, Rhino or Razorback as a Dedicated TransportGrey Hunters Pack0.0014Base Cost (5-10 per unit)10140WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor444414183+CCWBolt PistolF&K GrenadesBolterATSKNFAcute SensesCounter Attack2Any model may take a CCW1020One GH may replace Bolter/BP with the following:15Power Weapon025Power Fist1251 GH may take a Special Weapon, if 10 GH in unit a 2nd GH may take a Special Weapon15Plasma Gun1152472Rapid Fire, Gets Hot!15Plasma Gun1152472Rapid Fire, Gets Hot!0Special Weapon Choice0One GH may replace BP with:15Plasma Pistol115One GH per DETACHMENT may take:25Wolf Standard125One GH may be upgraded to:WSBSSTWIALdSv10Wolf Guard Pack Leader110444414293+WGPL may take items from Melee Wepaons and/or Ranged Weapons list:0Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice100Ranged Weapon Choice100Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice05WGPL may take Melta Bombs015WGPL may take Termie Armor w/ SB, PW0May take items on Terminator Weapons List:0Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement0May Select a Stormwolf Gunship, Drop Pod, Rhino or Razorback as a Dedicated TransportGrey Hunters Pack0.0014Base Cost (5-10 per unit)10140WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor444414183+CCWBolt PistolF&K GrenadesBolterATSKNFAcute SensesCounter Attack2Any model may take a CCW1020One GH may replace Bolter/BP with the following:15Power Weapon025Power Fist1251 GH may take a Special Weapon, if 10 GH in unit a 2nd GH may take a Special Weapon15Plasma Gun1152472Rapid Fire, Gets Hot!15Plasma Gun1152472Rapid Fire, Gets Hot!0Special Weapon Choice0One GH may replace BP with:15Plasma Pistol115One GH per DETACHMENT may take:25Wolf Standard125One GH may be upgraded to:WSBSSTWIALdSv10Wolf Guard Pack Leader110444414293+WGPL may take items from Melee Wepaons and/or Ranged Weapons list:0Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice100Ranged Weapon Choice100Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice05WGPL may take Melta Bombs015WGPL may take Termie Armor w/ SB, PW0May take items on Terminator Weapons List:0Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement0May Select a Stormwolf Gunship, Drop Pod, Rhino or Razorback as a Dedicated TransportGrey Hunters Pack0.0014Base Cost (5-10 per unit)10140WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor444414183+CCWBolt PistolF&K GrenadesBolterATSKNFAcute SensesCounter Attack2Any model may take a CCW1020One GH may replace Bolter/BP with the following:15Power Weapon025Power Fist1251 GH may take a Special Weapon, if 10 GH in unit a 2nd GH may take a Special Weapon15Plasma Gun1152472Rapid Fire, Gets Hot!15Plasma Gun1152472Rapid Fire, Gets Hot!0Special Weapon Choice0One GH may replace BP with:15Plasma Pistol115One GH per DETACHMENT may take:25Wolf Standard125One GH may be upgraded to:WSBSSTWIALdSv10Wolf Guard Pack Leader110444414293+WGPL may take items from Melee Wepaons and/or Ranged Weapons list:0Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice100Ranged Weapon Choice100Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice05WGPL may take Melta Bombs015WGPL may take Termie Armor w/ SB, PW0May take items on Terminator Weapons List:0Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement0May Select a Stormwolf Gunship, Drop Pod, Rhino or Razorback as a Dedicated TransportWolf Scouts Pack0.0014Base Cost (5-10 per unit)10140Scout Armor (Scouts Only)WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor (Pack Leader Only)444414184+Bolt PistolBoltgunF&K GrenadesATSKNFAcute SensesCounter AttackInfiltrateMove Through CoverScoutF&K GrenadesAll Wolf Scouts may take:2Camo Cloaks1020May Upgrade 1 Wolf Scout to:WSBSSTWIALdSv10Wolf Guard Pack Leader110444414293+WGPL May take items from Melee Weapons List0Melee Weapon Choice100Melee Weapon Choice0 WGPL May take items from Ranged Weapons List0Ranged Weapon Choice100Ranged Weapon Choice0WGPL May Take:5Melta Bombs0Any model may replace Boltgun with:0CCW 00Assault Shotgun1Sniper Rifle0One Wolf Scout take either Special Weapon or Heavy Weapon:0Special Weapon Choice00Heavy Weapon Choice00Heavy Weapon Choice0Up to TWO Wolf Scouts may replace boltguns with:15Plasma Pistol23015Power Weapon0Blood Claws Pack0.0012Base Cost (5-15 per unit)0WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor334414183+ChainswordBolt PistolF&K GrenadesRageATSKNFAcute SensesCounter AttackOne BC may replace BP with one of the following:15Plasma Pistol0One BC may replace Chainsword with one of the following:15Power Weapon025Power Fist01 BC may take a Special Weapon, if 15 BC in unit a 2nd BC may take a Special Weapon15Plasma Gun02472Rapid Fire, Gets Hot!15Plasma Gun02472Rapid Fire, Gets Hot!One BC may be upgraded to:WSBSSTWIALdSv10Wolf Guard Pack Leader0444414293+WGPL may take items from Melee Wepaons and/or Ranged Weapons list:0Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice05WGPL may take Melta Bombs015WGPL may take Termie Armor w/ SB, PW0May take items on Terminator Weapons List:0Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement0May Select a Stormwolf Gunship, Drop Pod, Rhino or Razorback as a Dedicated TransportBlood Claws Pack0.0012Base Cost (5-15 per unit)0WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor334414183+ChainswordBolt PistolF&K GrenadesRageATSKNFAcute SensesCounter AttackOne BC may replace BP with one of the following:15Plasma Pistol0One BC may replace Chainsword with one of the following:15Power Weapon025Power Fist01 BC may take a Special Weapon, if 15 BC in unit a 2nd BC may take a Special Weapon15Plasma Gun02472Rapid Fire, Gets Hot!15Plasma Gun02472Rapid Fire, Gets Hot!One BC may be upgraded to:WSBSSTWIALdSv10Wolf Guard Pack Leader0444414293+WGPL may take items from Melee Wepaons and/or Ranged Weapons list:0Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice05WGPL may take Melta Bombs015WGPL may take Termie Armor w/ SB, PW0May take items on Terminator Weapons List:0Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement0May Select a Stormwolf Gunship, Drop Pod, Rhino or Razorback as a Dedicated TransportBlood Claws Pack0.0012Base Cost (5-15 per unit)0WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor334414183+ChainswordBolt PistolF&K GrenadesRageATSKNFAcute SensesCounter AttackOne BC may replace BP with one of the following:15Plasma Pistol0One BC may replace Chainsword with one of the following:15Power Weapon025Power Fist01 BC may take a Special Weapon, if 15 BC in unit a 2nd BC may take a Special Weapon15Plasma Gun02472Rapid Fire, Gets Hot!15Plasma Gun02472Rapid Fire, Gets Hot!One BC may be upgraded to:WSBSSTWIALdSv10Wolf Guard Pack Leader0444414293+WGPL may take items from Melee Wepaons and/or Ranged Weapons list:0Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice05WGPL may take Melta Bombs015WGPL may take Termie Armor w/ SB, PW0May take items on Terminator Weapons List:0Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement0May Select a Stormwolf Gunship, Drop Pod, Rhino or Razorback as a Dedicated TransportSwiftclaw Biker Pack0.0020Base Cost (3-10 per unit)0WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor334514183+Bolt PistolF&K GrenadesSpace marine BikeRage (Swiftclaws only)ATSKNFAcute SensesCounter Attack0Any model may exchange BP for Chainsword01 Swiftclaw Biker may take one item from Melee Weapons List0Melee Weapon Choice035Add a Single HB Swiftclaw Attack Bike0WSBSSTWIALdSvAttack Bike may upgrade HB to:334524283+10Multi Melta0WSBSSTWIALdSv10Upgrade 1 Biker to a Wolf Guard Bike Leader0444514293+Wolf guard Bike Leader may take Melee or Ranged weapons:0Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice0Wolf Guard Bike Leader may Take:5Melta Bombs0Swiftclaw Biker Pack0.0020Base Cost (3-10 per unit)0WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor334514183+Bolt PistolF&K GrenadesSpace marine BikeRage (Swiftclaws only)ATSKNFAcute SensesCounter Attack0Any model may exchange BP for Chainsword01 Swiftclaw Biker may take one item from Melee Weapons List0Melee Weapon Choice035Add a Single HB Swiftclaw Attack Bike0WSBSSTWIALdSvAttack Bike may upgrade HB to:334524283+10Multi Melta0WSBSSTWIALdSv10Upgrade 1 Biker to a Wolf Guard Bike Leader0444514293+Wolf guard Bike Leader may take Melee or Ranged weapons:0Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice0Wolf Guard Bike Leader may Take:5Melta Bombs0Swiftclaw Biker Pack0.0020Base Cost (3-10 per unit)0WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor334514183+Bolt PistolF&K GrenadesSpace marine BikeRage (Swiftclaws only)ATSKNFAcute SensesCounter Attack0Any model may exchange BP for Chainsword01 Swiftclaw Biker may take one item from Melee Weapons List0Melee Weapon Choice035Add a Single HB Swiftclaw Attack Bike0WSBSSTWIALdSvAttack Bike may upgrade HB to:334524283+10Multi Melta0WSBSSTWIALdSv10Upgrade 1 Biker to a Wolf Guard Bike Leader0444514293+Wolf guard Bike Leader may take Melee or Ranged weapons:0Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice0Wolf Guard Bike Leader may Take:5Melta Bombs0Sklyclaw Assault Pack0.0015Base Cost (5-10 per unit)0WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor334414183+ChainswordBolt PistolF&K GrenadesJump PackRage (Skyclaws only)ATSKNFAcute SensesCounter AttackUp to 2 Skyclaws may replace BP with one of:5Flamer010Meltagun015Plasma Gun015Plasma Pistol0One Skyclaw may replace Chainsword with one of:15Power Weapon025Power Fist0Upgrade 1 Skyclaw to a:WSBSSTWIALdSv10Wolf Guard Sky Leader0444414293+WG SkyLeader may take Melee Weapons or Ranged Weapons0Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice0Sklyclaw Assault Pack0.0015Base Cost (5-10 per unit)0WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor334414183+ChainswordBolt PistolF&K GrenadesJump PackRage (Skyclaws only)ATSKNFAcute SensesCounter AttackUp to 2 Skyclaws may replace BP with one of:5Flamer010Meltagun015Plasma Gun015Plasma Pistol0One Skyclaw may replace Chainsword with one of:15Power Weapon025Power Fist0Upgrade 1 Skyclaw to a:WSBSSTWIALdSv10Wolf Guard Sky Leader0444414293+WG SkyLeader may take Melee Weapons or Ranged Weapons0Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice0Sklyclaw Assault Pack0.0015Base Cost (5-10 per unit)0WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor334414183+ChainswordBolt PistolF&K GrenadesJump PackRage (Skyclaws only)ATSKNFAcute SensesCounter AttackUp to 2 Skyclaws may replace BP with one of:5Flamer010Meltagun015Plasma Gun015Plasma Pistol0One Skyclaw may replace Chainsword with one of:15Power Weapon025Power Fist0Upgrade 1 Skyclaw to a:WSBSSTWIALdSv10Wolf Guard Sky Leader0444414293+WG SkyLeader may take Melee Weapons or Ranged Weapons0Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice0Long Fang Pack0.00WSBSSTWIALdSv15Base Cost (1-5 per unit)575444414193+15Long Fang Ancient (1 per unit)115444414293+Power ArmorChainswordBolt PistolF&K GrenadesSplit FireATSKNFAcute SensesCounter AttackLF Ancient Take one item from Special Weapons List::15Plasma Gun02472Rapid Fire, Gets Hot!LF Ancient may replace Chainsowrd &/or BP with one:15Plasma Pistol or Power Weapon025Power Fist0The Leader may Take:5Melta Bombs0Any LF may take ont item from Heavy Weapons List:0Heavy Weapon Choice00Heavy Weapon Choice00Heavy Weapon Choice00Heavy Weapon Choice00Heavy Weapon Choice0One LF may be upgraded to:WSBSSTWIALdSv10Wolf Guard Pack Leader0444414293+WGPL may take items from Melee Wepaons and/or Ranged Weapons list:0Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice05WGPL may take Melta Bombs015WGPL may take Termie Armor w/ SB, PW0May take items on Terminator Weapons List:0Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement0May Select a Drop Pod, Rhino or Razorback as a Dedicated TransportLong Fang Pack0.00WSBSSTWIALdSv15Base Cost (1-5 per unit)575444414193+15Long Fang Ancient (1 per unit)115444414293+Power ArmorChainswordBolt PistolF&K GrenadesSplit FireATSKNFAcute SensesCounter AttackLF Ancient Take one item from Special Weapons List::15Plasma Gun02472Rapid Fire, Gets Hot!LF Ancient may replace Chainsowrd &/or BP with one:15Plasma Pistol or Power Weapon025Power Fist0The Leader may Take:5Melta Bombs0Any LF may take ont item from Heavy Weapons List:0Heavy Weapon Choice00Heavy Weapon Choice00Heavy Weapon Choice00Heavy Weapon Choice00Heavy Weapon Choice0One LF may be upgraded to:WSBSSTWIALdSv10Wolf Guard Pack Leader0444414293+WGPL may take items from Melee Wepaons and/or Ranged Weapons list:0Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice05WGPL may take Melta Bombs015WGPL may take Termie Armor w/ SB, PW0May take items on Terminator Weapons List:0Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement0May Select a Drop Pod, Rhino or Razorback as a Dedicated Transport

FORMATION - Kingsguard Stormforce0.001Logan Grimnar1Wolf Guard Terminators1Land Raider (any type)1Stormfang GunshipRESTRICTIONS:Logan Grimnar must be equipped with Stormrider.The Wolf Guard Terminator unit must include 5 models and must take the Formations Land Raider as a Dedicated Transport.COMMAND BENEFITS:First Among EqualsAll Wolf Guard Battle Leaders, Wolf Guard Pack Leaders, Wolf Guard Terminator Leaders and Thunderwolf Cavalry Pack Leaders that are part of a Detachment or Formation presented in this book have the Preferred Enemy (characters) special rule when fighting in a challenge. KingsguardThe following models have +1 WS on their profile:- Wolf Guard- Wolf Guard Pack Leader- Wolf Guard Terminator- Wolf Guard Terminator Leader- Thunderwolf Cavalry- Thunderwolf Cavalry Pack LeaderSagabornCharacters that are part of a Detachment or Formation presented in this book must always issue and accept a challenge whenever possible. If you have several models in a combat with a special rule to this effect, you can choose which model issues or accepts the challenge.First Into the FrayOn any turn that they disembark from this Formations Land Raider, the Wolf Guard Terminator unit has the Furious Charge special rule, and can reroll failed charges.Wrath of the StormfangAs long as Logan Grimnar is alive, the controlling player can choose whether to pass or fail any Reserve Rolls for this Formations Stormfang Gunship.Logan Grimnar, the Great Wolf0.00250Base Cost1250WSBSSTWIALdSvATSKNF6544355102+Acute SensesCounter AttackEternal WarriorIndependent CharacterStubbornTRAIT: Saga of MajestyTerminator ArmourThe Axe MorkaiStorm bolterThe Belt of RussMay Ride:70Stormrider (Chariot, Open Topped)170BSFASARAHP31212123Wolf Guard Terminators0.0033Base Cost (3-10 per unit 1 Automatically a Character)5165WSBSSTWIALdSvTerminator Armor444414293+Storm BolterPower WeaponATSKNFAcute SensesCounter AttackDeep StrikeAny WG model may replace sotrm bolter and power weapon with:15Thunderhammer and Storm Shield34515Pair of Wolf Claws230Any model may take items from Terminator Weapons List:00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement0For every 5 models in unit 1 may choose:10Replace SB with Heavy Flamer020Replace SB with ssault Cannon12025Cyclone Missile Launcher0Unit may Select Stormwolf or Land Raider (Any) as a Dedicated TransportLand Raider Godhammer Pattern0.00250Base Cost0BSFASARAHPVehicle (Tank)41414144T-L Heavy Bolter2x T-L LascannonsSmoke LaunchersSearchlightTransport Capacity - 10Power of the Machine SpiritAssault VehicleMay take any of the following:0Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice10Land Raider Crusader0.00250Base Cost00BSFASARAHPVehicle (Tank)41414144T-L Assault Cannon2x Hurrincane BoltersFrag Assault LauncherSmoke LaunchersSearchlightTransport Capacity - 16Power of the Machine SpiritAssault VehicleMay take any of the following:0Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice10Land Raider Redeemer0.00240Base Cost00BSFASARAHPVehicle (Tank)41414144T-L Assault Cannon2x Flamestorm CannonsFrag Assault LauncherSmoke LaunchersSearchlightTransport Capacity - 12Power of the Machine SpiritAssault VehicleMay take any of the following:0Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice10Stormfang Gunship0.00220Base Cost1220BSFASARAHPVehicle (Flyer, Hover, Transport)41212123Helfrost Destructor2x T-L Heavy Bolters2x Stormstrike MissilesCeramite PlatingPower of the Machine SpiritTransport Capacity :6Fire Points: NoneAccess Points: 1 at rear of hullReplace both T-L Heavy Bolters with 1 of following:0Skyhammer Missile Launcher0202x T-L Multi-meltas120May replace 2x Stormstrike Missiles with:15T-L Lascannon0

FORMATION - Brethren of the Fell-Handed0.001Bjorn the Fell-Handed2DreadnoughtsRESTRICTIONSAll Dreads must be upgraded to Venerable DreadsCOMMAND BENEFITSAdamantium Will+1 to DtW rollsSagabornCharacters that are part of a Detachment or Formation presented in this book must always issue and accept a challenge whenever possible. If you have several models in a combat with a special rule to this effect, you can choose which model issues or accepts the challenge.Blessing of RussAs long as a dreadnought in this formation is within 6" of Bjorn they have a 5++Warriors of LegendWhilst Bjorn is alive, all units in this formation may re-roll all failed to hit rolls in close combatBjorn the Fell Handed1.0220220Base Cost1220WSBSSFASARAIAHPAssault Cannon667131210344Trueclaw w/ Heavy FlamerS10 AP2 Melee Master Crafted, ShredSmoke LaunchersTRAIT: Saga of MajestyVenerableAncient TacticianWard of the PrimarchReplace Assault Cannon with:0Plasma Cannon00Helfrost Cannon10246/83/1Heavy 1, Blast, Helfrost/Heavy 1 Helfrost5T-L Lascannon0May take Drop Pod as Dedicated TransportDreadnought1.015095Base Cost195WSBSSFASARAIAHPMulti Melta446121210423Dreadnought Power Fist w/ Storm Bolter5Smoke Launchers0SearchlightVenerable (Venerable Dreads only)May Take Items from Dreadnought Weapons List:20Helfrost Cannon1200Dreadnought Weapon Choice0Replace Power Fist with one of the following:5Great Wolf Claw w/ built in Storm Bolter00x22Melee , Shred, Specialist Weapon010Missile Launcher015T-L Autocannon0Replace Built in Storm Bolter with:10Heavy Flamer010Extra Armor110Upgrade to:WSBSSFASARAIAHP25Venerable Dreadnought125556121210423A Vene Dread may replace Multi Melta and Powerfist with:25Fenrisian Great Axe and Blizzard Shield0May Select a Drop Pod as a Dedicated TransportDreadnought1.015095Base Cost195WSBSSFASARAIAHPMulti Melta446121210423Dreadnought Power Fist w/ Storm Bolter5Smoke Launchers0SearchlightVenerable (Venerable Dreads only)May Take Items from Dreadnought Weapons List:20Helfrost Cannon1200Dreadnought Weapon Choice0Replace Power Fist with one of the following:5Great Wolf Claw w/ built in Storm Bolter00x22Melee , Shred, Specialist Weapon010Missile Launcher015T-L Autocannon0Replace Built in Storm Bolter with:10Heavy Flamer010Extra Armor110Upgrade to:WSBSSFASARAIAHP25Venerable Dreadnought125556121210423A Vene Dread may replace Multi Melta and Powerfist with:25Fenrisian Great Axe and Blizzard Shield0May Select a Drop Pod as a Dedicated Transport

FORMATION - Wolf Guard Void Claws0.001Wolf Guard TerminatorsRESTRICTIONSAll models in this formation must be equipped with a pair of Wolf ClawsThe squad of Terminators must include at least 5 modelsCOMMAND BENEFITSFirst Among EqualsAll Wolf Guard Battle Leaders, Wolf Guard Pack Leaders, Wolf Guard Terminator Leaders and Thunderwolf Cavalry Pack Leaders that are part of a Detachment or Formation presented in this book have the Preferred Enemy (characters) special rule when fighting in a challenge. KingsguardThe following models have +1 WS on their profile:- Wolf Guard- Wolf Guard Pack Leader- Wolf Guard Terminator- Wolf Guard Terminator Leader- Thunderwolf Cavalry- Thunderwolf Cavalry Pack LeaderSagabornCharacters that are part of a Detachment or Formation presented in this book must always issue and accept a challenge whenever possible. If you have several models in a combat with a special rule to this effect, you can choose which model issues or accepts the challenge.Coordinated AssaultAs long as at least one model from this Formation is still alive and on the table, the controlling player can re-roll any Reserve Rolls.If Needs mustWhen units from this Formation arrive by Deep Strike, you can re-roll the scatter dice if you wish.Spearhead StrikeAll units from this Formation begin the game in Reserves, and must arrive by Deep Strike in their controlling players first turn.Wolf Guard Terminators1.053033Base Cost (5 minimum 1 Automatically a Character)10330WSBSSTWIALdSvTerminator Armor444414293+Storm BolterPower WeaponATSKNFAcute SensesCounter AttackDeep StrikeAll WG models must replace sotrm bolter and power weapon with:15Pair of Wolf Claws10150For every 5 models in unit 1 may choose:10Replace SB with Heavy Flamer020Replace SB with Assault Cannon0025Cyclone Missile Launcher250Unit may Select Stormwolf or Land Raider (Any) as a Dedicated Transport

FORMATION - Grimnar's War Council0.001Ulrik the Slayer1Njal Stormcaller1Rune Priest1Iron PriestRESTICTIONSBefore deployment the controlling player must decide whther or not to field this as 1 unit or a number of separate Ics (See Conclave of War special rule below)COMMAND BENEFITSFearlessFirst Among EqualsAll Wolf Guard Battle Leaders, Wolf Guard Pack Leaders, Wolf Guard Terminator Leaders and Thunderwolf Cavalry Pack Leaders that are part of a Detachment or Formation presented in this book have the Preferred Enemy (characters) special rule when fighting in a challenge. SagabornCharacters that are part of a Detachment or Formation presented in this book must always issue and accept a challenge whenever possible. If you have several models in a combat with a special rule to this effect, you can choose which model issues or accepts the challenge.Conclave of WarIf deployed as a single unit, all of the models in this Formation lose the Independent Character special rule, though they remain characters. Furthermore, no Independent Characters can join this unit with the exception of Logan Grimnar (unless he is mounted on Stormrider) and Arjac Rockfist. However, the Formations Fearless special rule is replaced with the Zealot special rule for as long as Logan Grimnar remains with the unit.Wise CouncilMay reroll the dice to see who goes first, and adds 2 to the Sieve Initiative rollNjal Stormcaller, Lord of Tempests0.00180Base Cost1180WSBSSTWIALdSvRunic Armor5444243102+Staff of the Stormcaller (S+2, AP4, Concussive, Force, Wyrdbane)Wyrdbane: Grants AW and can reroll 1failed DtW per turnNightwing (24" S3 AP- Assault d6)Bolt PistolF&K GrenadesTRAIT: Saga of MajestyPsychic HoodATSKNFAcute SensesCounter AttackIndependent CharacterMaster Psyker ML=3Lord Of Tempests (reroll failed attempt to manifest Tempestas powers)May replace Runic Armor with:0Terminator Armor10Ulrik the Slayer0.00145Base Cost1145WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor6544253103+Plasma PistolF&K GrenadesCrozius Arcanum (power Maul)Wolf AmuletHealing BalmsRELIC: Wolf Helm of Russ (All SWF units within 12" are Stubborn)Independent CharacterAcute SensesCounter AttackFearlessSlayer's Oath (all SW Faction units within 6" gain Preferred Enemy)TRAIT: Saga of the BeastslayerRune Priest0.0060Base Cost160WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor5444242103+Runic WeaponBolt PistolFrag and Krak GrenadesATSKNFIndependent CharacterAcute SensesCounter-AttackPsyker ML=1 (Select two Powers)Replace BP &/or ccw with25Upgrade to Master of Runes ML=212510Psychic Hood11025Runic Armor (replaces Power Armor)125May take items from Melee Weapons List0Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice0May take items from Ranged Weapons List0Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice0May take items from Special Issue Wargear List0Special Issue Choice00Special Issue Choice00Special Issue Choice0May take Items from either Relics List0Relic Choice000Relic Choice000Relic Choice00Relic Choice00Relic Choice00Relic Choice0May replace Power Armor BP, ChSw, F&K Grnds with:25Terminator Armor SB, and PW00A Rune Priest in Terminator armor may take 1 of the following:10Combi Weapon05Storm Bolter0Iron Priest0.0055Base Cost155WSBSSTWIALdSvRunic Armor 444414282+Servo-ArmBolter or Bolt PistolThunderhammerF&K GrenadesATSKNFAcute SensesCounter AttackIndependent CharacterBattlesmithIn each of your Shooting phases, instead of firing his weapons, an IronPriest can choose to repair a single friendly vehicle that he is in base contact with or embarked upon. To repair a vehicle, roll a D6 and add +1 for each Servitor with a servoarm in his unit. If the result is a 5 or more, you may either restore a Hull Point lost earlier in the battle, or repair a Weapon Destroyed or Immobilised result suffered earlier in the battle; this is effective immediately.The Iron Priest may be accompanied by:WSBSSTWIALdSv15Cyberwolves (0-4)0444414282+10Thrall Servitors (0-5) w/ Servo Arm330333313184+The Iron Priest may ride:50Thunderwolf Mount0Up to 2 Servitors may replace Servo Arm with:5Heavy Bolter010Multi Melta020Plasma Cannon0The Iron Priest may take Special Issue Wargear items:0Special Issue Choice00Special Issue Choice00Special Issue Choice0

FORMATION - Arjac's Shield Brothers0.001Arjac Rockfist1Wolf Guard Terminators1Land Raider CrusaderRESTRICTIONSAll models in this Formations unit of Wolf Guard Terminators must be equipped with thunder hammers and storm shields.Arjac Rockfist must be deployed with this unitMust take the Formations Land Raider Crusader as a Dedicated Transport.COMMAND BENEFITSFirst Among EqualsAll Wolf Guard Battle Leaders, Wolf Guard Pack Leaders, Wolf Guard Terminator Leaders and Thunderwolf Cavalry Pack Leaders that are part of a Detachment or Formation presented in this book have the Preferred Enemy (characters) special rule when fighting in a challenge. KingsguardThe following models have +1 WS on their profile:- Wolf Guard- Wolf Guard Pack Leader- Wolf Guard Terminator- Wolf Guard Terminator Leader- Thunderwolf Cavalry- Thunderwolf Cavalry Pack LeaderSagabornCharacters that are part of a Detachment or Formation presented in this book must always issue and accept a challenge whenever possible. If you have several models in a combat with a special rule to this effect, you can choose which model issues or accepts the challenge.Hammer of WrathProtect the King!If Logan Grimnar is alive the unit is Fearless, if he is slain the unit gain ZealotShield WallAny model in this Formation that is in base contact with at least one other model from this Formation has +1 Toughness. Each time a model from this Formation passes an invulnerable save against a close combat attack on the roll of a 6, the unit that made the attack suffers an immediate hit resolved at Strength 8 AP2, using Random Allocation. This hit has the Concussive special rule.Arjac Rockfist, Anvil of Fenris0.00115Base Cost1115Independent CharacterWSBSSTWIALdSvAcute Senses555424392+ATSKNFCounter AttackFoehammerAnvil ShieldTerminator ArmorAnvil of FenrisGrimnar's ChampionStubbornWolf Guard Terminators0.0033Base Cost (3-10 per unit 1 Automatically a Character)5165WSBSSTWIALdSvTerminator Armor444414293+Storm BolterPower WeaponATSKNFAcute SensesCounter AttackDeep StrikeAll WG models must replace sotrm bolter and power weapon with:15Thunderhammer and Storm Shield575For every 5 models in unit 1 may choose:25Cyclone Missile Launcher0Unit may Select Stormwolf or Land Raider (Any) as a Dedicated TransportLand Raider Crusader0.00250Base Cost00BSFASARAHPVehicle (Tank)41414144T-L Assault Cannon2x Hurrincane BoltersFrag Assault LauncherSmoke LaunchersSearchlightTransport Capacity - 16Power of the Machine SpiritAssault VehicleMay take any of the following:0Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice10

FORMATION - Wolf Guard Thunderstrike0.001Wolf Guard Terminators1Wold Guard1Drop PodRESTRICTIONSWolf Guard must include 10 modelsDrop Pod must be used as WG Dedicated TransportCOMMAND BENEFITSFirst Among EqualsAll Wolf Guard Battle Leaders, Wolf Guard Pack Leaders, Wolf Guard Terminator Leaders and Thunderwolf Cavalry Pack Leaders that are part of a Detachment or Formation presented in this book have the Preferred Enemy (characters) special rule when fighting in a challenge. KingsguardThe following models have +1 WS on their profile:- Wolf Guard- Wolf Guard Pack Leader- Wolf Guard Terminator- Wolf Guard Terminator Leader- Thunderwolf Cavalry- Thunderwolf Cavalry Pack LeaderSagabornCharacters that are part of a Detachment or Formation presented in this book must always issue and accept a challenge whenever possible. If you have several models in a combat with a special rule to this effect, you can choose which model issues or accepts the challenge.Explosive ArrivalDuring the turn in which they arrive from Reserves, the ranged weapons of all Infantry Weapons from this Formation have Twin-Linked Special RuleThunderstrikeWhen rolling for Reserves make a single roll to see when this Formation arrives, on a successful roll all units in this Formation will arrive, These units must Deep Strike.Wolf Guard 0.0018Base Cost (5-10 per unit 1 Automatically a Character)10180WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor444414293+ChainswordBolt PistolF&K GrenadesATSKNFAcute SensesCounter AttackAny WG model may replace BP & chainsword with:0Bolter00Any WG model maytake items from Melee Weapons or Ranged Weapons lists:25Power Fist250x22Melee, Unwieldy, Specialist Weapon20Frost Sword120+13Melee30Pair of Wolf Claws130+13Melee, Shred, Specialist Weapon0Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice010Combi Flamer11024/Template4/45/5RF/Assault 1, Ignores Cover10Combi Melta0024/124/85/1RF/Assault 1, Melta10Combi Plasma0024/244/75/2RF/RF, Gets Hot!15Plasma Pistol001272Pistol, Gets Hot!0Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice0Whole Unit may take:3Jump PackOK007Space marine BikeOK00Any May Choose5Melta Bombs0Unit may Select Rhino, Razorback, Drop Pod, Stormwolf, Land Raider (Any) as a Dedicated TransportWolf Guard Terminators0.0033Base Cost (3-10 per unit 1 Automatically a Character)10330WSBSSTWIALdSvTerminator Armor444414293+Storm BolterPower WeaponATSKNFAcute SensesCounter AttackDeep StrikeAny WG model may replace sotrm bolter and power weapon with:15Thunderhammer and Storm Shield34515Pair of Wolf Claws230Any model may take items from Terminator Weapons List:00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement05Frost Axe15+22Melee, Unwieldy015Chainfist115x22Melee, Armourbane, Specialist Weapon, Unwieldy010Power Fist110x22Melee, Unwieldy, Specialist Weapon00Storm Shield10--Confers 3++ on Wielder00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement0For every 5 models in unit 1 may choose:10Replace SB with Heavy Flamer0020Replace SB with ssault Cannon12025Cyclone Missile Launcher125Unit may Select Stormwolf or Land Raider (Any) as a Dedicated TransportDrop Pod0.0035Base Cost135BSFASARAHPVehicle (Open Topped)41212123Storm BolterInertial Guidance SystemImmobileDrop Pod AssaultTransport Capacity - 10 models or 1 Dreadnought10Locator BeaconReplace Storm Bolter with:15Deathwind Missile Launcher0

FORMATION - Champions of Fenris0.001Kingsguard Stormforce1Brethren of the Fell-Handed1Wolf Guard Void Claws1Grimnars War Council1Arjacs Shieldbrothers1Wolf Guard ThunderstrikeRESTRICTIONSThe units in this Formation must adhere to all of the restrictions detailed in each of the corresponding Formation datasheets.COMMAND BENEFITSFearFearlessGreat WolfAs long as Logan Grimnar is alive, all non-vehicle models in this Formation re-roll failed To Hit rolls in close combat.Iron High PriestAs long as the Iron Priest is alive, all vehicle models in this Formation have the It Will Not Die special rule.Rune High PriestAs long as Njal Stormcaller is alive, all models in this Formation have the Adamantium Will special rule.Wolf High PriestAs long as Ulrik the Slayer is alive, all models in this Formation have the Preferred Enemy special rule.FORMATION - Kingsguard Stormforce0.001Logan Grimnar1Wolf Guard Terminators1Land Raider (any type)1Stormfang GunshipRESTRICTIONS:Logan Grimnar must be equipped with Stormrider.The Wolf Guard Terminator unit must include 5 models and must take the Formations Land Raider as a Dedicated Transport.COMMAND BENEFITS:First Among EqualsAll Wolf Guard Battle Leaders, Wolf Guard Pack Leaders, Wolf Guard Terminator Leaders and Thunderwolf Cavalry Pack Leaders that are part of a Detachment or Formation presented in this book have the Preferred Enemy (characters) special rule when fighting in a challenge. KingsguardThe following models have +1 WS on their profile:- Wolf Guard- Wolf Guard Pack Leader- Wolf Guard Terminator- Wolf Guard Terminator Leader- Thunderwolf Cavalry- Thunderwolf Cavalry Pack LeaderSagabornCharacters that are part of a Detachment or Formation presented in this book must always issue and accept a challenge whenever possible. If you have several models in a combat with a special rule to this effect, you can choose which model issues or accepts the challenge.First Into the FrayOn any turn that they disembark from this Formations Land Raider, the Wolf Guard Terminator unit has the Furious Charge special rule, and can reroll failed charges.Wrath of the StormfangAs long as Logan Grimnar is alive, the controlling player can choose whether to pass or fail any Reserve Rolls for this Formations Stormfang Gunship.Logan Grimnar, the Great Wolf0.00250Base Cost1250WSBSSTWIALdSvATSKNF6544355102+Acute SensesCounter AttackEternal WarriorIndependent CharacterStubbornTRAIT: Saga of MajestyTerminator ArmourThe Axe MorkaiStorm bolterThe Belt of RussMay Ride:70Stormrider (Chariot, Open Topped)170BSFASARAHP31212123Wolf Guard Terminators0.0033Base Cost (3-10 per unit 1 Automatically a Character)5165WSBSSTWIALdSvTerminator Armor444414293+Storm BolterPower WeaponATSKNFAcute SensesCounter AttackDeep StrikeAny WG model may replace sotrm bolter and power weapon with:15Thunderhammer and Storm Shield34515Pair of Wolf Claws230Any model may take items from Terminator Weapons List:00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Storm Bolter Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement00Terminator Weapon Choice, Power Weapon Replacement0For every 5 models in unit 1 may choose:10Replace SB with Heavy Flamer020Replace SB with ssault Cannon12025Cyclone Missile Launcher0Unit may Select Stormwolf or Land Raider (Any) as a Dedicated TransportLand Raider Godhammer Pattern0.00250Base Cost0BSFASARAHPVehicle (Tank)41414144T-L Heavy Bolter2x T-L LascannonsSmoke LaunchersSearchlightTransport Capacity - 10Power of the Machine SpiritAssault VehicleMay take any of the following:0Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice10Land Raider Crusader0.00250Base Cost00BSFASARAHPVehicle (Tank)41414144T-L Assault Cannon2x Hurrincane BoltersFrag Assault LauncherSmoke LaunchersSearchlightTransport Capacity - 16Power of the Machine SpiritAssault VehicleMay take any of the following:0Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice10Land Raider Redeemer0.00240Base Cost00BSFASARAHPVehicle (Tank)41414144T-L Assault Cannon2x Flamestorm CannonsFrag Assault LauncherSmoke LaunchersSearchlightTransport Capacity - 12Power of the Machine SpiritAssault VehicleMay take any of the following:0Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice10Stormfang Gunship0.00220Base Cost1220BSFASARAHPVehicle (Flyer, Hover, Transport)41212123Helfrost Destructor2x T-L Heavy Bolters2x Stormstrike MissilesCeramite PlatingPower of the Machine SpiritTransport Capacity :6Fire Points: NoneAccess Points: 1 at rear of hullReplace both T-L Heavy Bolters with 1 of following:0Skyhammer Missile Launcher0202x T-L Multi-meltas120May replace 2x Stormstrike Missiles with:15T-L Lascannon0

FORMATION - Brethren of the Fell-Handed0.001Bjorn the Fell-Handed2DreadnoughtsRESTRICTIONSAll Dreads must be upgraded to Venerable DreadsCOMMAND BENEFITSAdamantium Will+1 to DtW rollsSagabornCharacters that are part of a Detachment or Formation presented in this book must always issue and accept a challenge whenever possible. If you have several models in a combat with a special rule to this effect, you can choose which model issues or accepts the challenge.Blessing of RussAs long as a dreadnought in this formation is within 6" of Bjorn they have a 5++Warriors of LegendWhilst Bjorn is alive, all units in this formation may re-roll all failed to hit rolls in close combatBjorn the Fell Handed0.00220Base Cost1220WSBSSFASARAIAHPAssault Cannon667131210344Trueclaw w/ Heavy FlamerS10 AP2 Melee Master Crafted, ShredSmoke LaunchersTRAIT: Saga of MajestyVenerableAncient TacticianWard of the PrimarchReplace Assault Cannon with:0Plasma Cannon00Helfrost Cannon10246/83/1Heavy 1, Blast, Helfrost/Heavy 1 Helfrost5T-L Lascannon0May take Drop Pod as Dedicated TransportDreadnought0.0095Base Cost2190WSBSSFASARAIAHPMulti Melta446121210423Dreadnought Power Fist w/ Storm Bolter5Smoke Launchers0SearchlightVenerable (Venerable Dreads only)May Take Items from Dreadnought Weapons List:20Helfrost Cannon2400Dreadnought Weapon Choice0Replace Power Fist with one of the following:5Great Wolf Claw w/ built in Storm Bolter00x22Melee , Shred, Specialist Weapon010Missile Launcher015T-L Autocannon0Replace Built in Storm Bolter with:10Heavy Flamer010Extra Armor220Upgrade to:WSBSSFASARAIAHP25Venerable Dreadnought250556121210423A Vene Dread may replace Multi Melta and Powerfist with:25Fenrisian Great Axe and Blizzard Shield0May Select a Drop Pod as a Dedicated TransportDreadnought0.0095Base Cost2190WSBSSFASARAIAHPMulti Melta446121210423Dreadnought Power Fist w/ Storm Bolter5Smoke Launchers0SearchlightVenerable (Venerable Dreads only)May Take Items from Dreadnought Weapons List:20Helfrost Cannon2400Dreadnought Weapon Choice0Replace Power Fist with one of the following:5Great Wolf Claw w/ built in Storm Bolter00x22Melee , Shred, Specialist Weapon010Missile Launcher015T-L Autocannon0Replace Built in Storm Bolter with:10Heavy Flamer010Extra Armor220Upgrade to:WSBSSFASARAIAHP25Venerable Dreadnought250556121210423A Vene Dread may replace Multi Melta and Powerfist with:25Fenrisian Great Axe and Blizzard Shield0May Select a Drop Pod as a Dedicated Transport

FORMATION - Wolf Guard Void Claws0.001Wolf Guard TerminatorsRESTRICTIONSAll models in this formation must be equipped with a pair of Wolf ClawsThe squad of Terminators must inclde 5 modelsCOMMAND BENEFITSFirst Among EqualsAll Wolf Guard Battle Leaders, Wolf Guard Pack Leaders, Wolf Guard Terminator Leaders and Thunderwolf Cavalry Pack Leaders that are part of a Detachment or Formation presented in this book have the Preferred Enemy (characters) special rule when fighting in a challenge. KingsguardThe following models have +1 WS on their profile:- Wolf Guard- Wolf Guard Pack Leader- Wolf Guard Terminator- Wolf Guard Terminator Leader- Thunderwolf Cavalry- Thunderwolf Cavalry Pack LeaderSagabornCharacters that are part of a Detachment or Formation presented in this book must always issue and accept a challenge whenever possible. If you have several models in a combat with a special rule to this effect, you can choose which model issues or accepts the challenge.Coordinated AssaultAs long as at least one model from this Formation is still alive and on the table, the controlling player can re-roll any Reserve Rolls.If Needs mustWhen units from this Formation arrive by Deep Strike, you can re-roll the scatter dice if you wish.Spearhead StrikeAll units from this Formation begin the game in Reserves, and must arrive by Deep Strike in their controlling players first turn.Wolf Guard Terminators1.026033Base Cost (5 minimum 1 Automatically a Character)5165WSBSSTWIALdSvTerminator Armor444414293+Storm BolterPower WeaponATSKNFAcute SensesCounter AttackDeep StrikeAll WG models must replace sotrm bolter and power weapon with:15Pair of Wolf Claws575For every 5 models in unit 1 may choose:10Replace SB with Heavy Flamer020Replace SB with ssault Cannon12025Cyclone Missile Launcher0Unit may Select Stormwolf or Land Raider (Any) as a Dedicated Transport

FORMATION - Grimnar's War Council0.001Ulrik the Slayer1Njal Stormcaller1Rune Priest1Iron PriestRESTICTIONSBefore deployment the controlling player must decide whther or not to field this as 1 unit or a number of separate Ics (See Conclave of War special rule below)COMMAND BENEFITSFearlessFirst Among EqualsAll Wolf Guard Battle Leaders, Wolf Guard Pack Leaders, Wolf Guard Terminator Leaders and Thunderwolf Cavalry Pack Leaders that are part of a Detachment or Formation presented in this book have the Preferred Enemy (characters) special rule when fighting in a challenge. SagabornCharacters that are part of a Detachment or Formation presented in this book must always issue and accept a challenge whenever possible. If you have several models in a combat with a special rule to this effect, you can choose which model issues or accepts the challenge.Conclave of WarIf deployed as a single unit, all of the models in this Formation lose the Independent Character special rule, though they remain characters. Furthermore, no Independent Characters can join this unit with the exception of Logan Grimnar (unless he is mounted on Stormrider) and Arjac Rockfist. However, the Formations Fearless special rule is replaced with the Zealot special rule for as long as Logan Grimnar remains with the unit.Wise CouncilMay reroll the dice to see who goes first, and adds 2 to the Sieve Initiative rollNjal Stormcaller, Lord of Tempests0.00180Base Cost1180WSBSSTWIALdSvRunic Armor5444243102+Staff of the Stormcaller (S+2, AP4, Concussive, Force, Wyrdbane)Wyrdbane: Grants AW and can reroll 1failed DtW per turnNightwing (24" S3 AP- Assault d6)Bolt PistolF&K GrenadesTRAIT: Saga of MajestyPsychic HoodATSKNFAcute SensesCounter AttackIndependent CharacterMaster Psyker ML=3Lord Of Tempests (reroll failed attempt to manifest Tempestas powers)May replace Runic Armor with:0Terminator Armor10Ulrik the Slayer0.00145Base Cost1145WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor6544253103+Plasma PistolF&K GrenadesCrozius Arcanum (power Maul)Wolf AmuletHealing BalmsRELIC: Wolf Helm of Russ (All SWF units within 12" are Stubborn)Independent CharacterAcute SensesCounter AttackFearlessSlayer's Oath (all SW Faction units within 6" gain Preferred Enemy)TRAIT: Saga of the BeastslayerRune Priest0.0060Base Cost160WSBSSTWIALdSvPower Armor5444242103+Runic WeaponBolt PistolFrag and Krak GrenadesATSKNFIndependent CharacterAcute SensesCounter-AttackPsyker ML=1 (Select two Powers)Replace BP &/or ccw with25Upgrade to Master of Runes ML=212510Psychic Hood11025Runic Armor (replaces Power Armor)125May take items from Melee Weapons List0Melee Weapon Choice00Melee Weapon Choice0May take items from Ranged Weapons List0Ranged Weapon Choice00Ranged Weapon Choice0May take items from Special Issue Wargear List0Special Issue Choice00Special Issue Choice00Special Issue Choice0May take Items from either Relics List0Relic Choice000Relic Choice000Relic Choice00Relic Choice00Relic Choice00Relic Choice0May replace Power Armor BP, ChSw, F&K Grnds with:25Terminator Armor SB, and PW00A Rune Priest in Terminator armor may take 1 of the following:10Combi Weapon05Storm Bolter0Iron Priest0.0055Base Cost155WSBSSTWIALdSvRunic Armor 444414282+Servo-ArmBolter or Bolt PistolThunderhammerF&K GrenadesATSKNFAcute SensesCounter AttackIndependent CharacterBattlesmithIn each of your Shooting phases, instead of firing his weapons, an IronPriest can choose to repair a single friendly vehicle that he is in base contact with or embarked upon. To repair a vehicle, roll a D6 and add +1 for each Servitor with a servoarm in his unit. If the result is a 5 or more, you may either restore a Hull Point lost earlier in the battle, or repair a Weapon Destroyed or Immobilised result suffered earlier in the battle; this is effective immediately.The Iron Priest may be accompanied by:WSBSSTWIALdSv15Cyberwolves (0-4)0444414282+10Thrall Servitors (0-5) w/ Servo Arm330333313184+The Iron Priest may ride:50Thunderwolf Mount0Up to 2 Servitors may replace Servo Arm with:5Heavy Bolter010Multi Melta020Plasma Cannon0The Iron Priest may take Special Issue Wargear items:0Special Issue Choice00Special Issue Choice00Special Issue Choice0

FORMATION - Arjac's Shield Brothers0.001Arjac Rockfist1Wolf Guard Terminators1Land Raider CrusaderRESTRICTIONSAll models in this Formations unit of Wolf Guard Terminators must be equipped with thunder hammers and storm shields.Arjac Rockfist must be deployed with this unitMust take the Formations Land Raider Crusader as a Dedicated Transport.COMMAND BENEFITSFirst Among EqualsAll Wolf Guard Battle Leaders, Wolf Guard Pack Leaders, Wolf Guard Terminator Leaders and Thunderwolf Cavalry Pack Leaders that are part of a Detachment or Formation presented in this book have the Preferred Enemy (characters) special rule when fighting in a challenge. KingsguardThe following models have +1 WS on their profile:- Wolf Guard- Wolf Guard Pack Leader- Wolf Guard Terminator- Wolf Guard Terminator Leader- Thunderwolf Cavalry- Thunderwolf Cavalry Pack LeaderSagabornCharacters that are part of a Detachment or Formation presented in this book must always issue and accept a challenge whenever possible. If you have several models in a combat with a special rule to this effect, you can choose which model issues or accepts the challenge.Hammer of WrathProtect the King!If Logan Grimnar is alive the unit is Fearless, if he is slain the unit gain ZealotShield WallAny model in this Formation that is in base contact with at least one other model from this Formation has +1 Toughness. Each time a model from this Formation passes an invulnerable save against a close combat attack on the roll of a 6, the unit that made the attack suffers an immediate hit resolved at Strength 8 AP2, using Random Allocation. This hit has the Concussive special rule.Arjac Rockfist, Anvil of Fenris0.00115Base Cost1115Independent CharacterWSBSSTWIALdSvAcute Senses555424392+ATSKNFCounter AttackFoehammerAnvil ShieldTerminator ArmorAnvil of FenrisGrimnar's ChampionStubbornWolf Guard Terminators0.0033Base Cost (3-10 per unit 1 Automatically a Character)5165WSBSSTWIALdSvTerminator Armor444414293+Storm BolterPower WeaponATSKNFAcute SensesCounter AttackDeep StrikeAll WG models must replace sotrm bolter and power weapon with:15Thunderhammer and Storm Shield575For every 5 models in unit 1 may choose:25Cyclone Missile Launcher0Unit may Select Stormwolf or Land Raider (Any) as a Dedicated TransportLand Raider Crusader0.00250Base Cost00BSFASARAHPVehicle (Tank)41414144T-L Assault Cannon2x Hurrincane BoltersFrag Assault LauncherSmoke LaunchersSearchlightTransport Capacity - 16Power of the Machine SpiritAssault VehicleMay take any of the following:0Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice100Vehicle Equipment Choice10