Should , Primary Education be paid more attention than...


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Discussion Started From – 30/01/2012

Discussion Started By -- Dr. Dhananjay Pandey , Lecturer

Govt. Multipurpose Hr. Sec. School Bilaspur C.G

Discussion Submitted on -- 10/03/2012

Should , Primary Education be paid more attention than

Higher Education ? Please Comment 1 month ago

( Nachi Muthu, shruti sharma and 5 others like this , 63 comments )

gurukulodisha The Best portal on Odisha education at

Bhubaneshwar Area, India Web portal at

gurukulodisha community • How strong you want to make the base when a big building to construct on


29 days ago• Like

Dhananjay Pandey , Govt. Multi. Hr.Sec.School Bilaspur C.G Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • This is a Genuine Question ?

I Would like to present some facts of primary Education

Recently a "NGO" published it's research paper which was taken in the field of " PRIMARY

EDUCATION " . The condition of the primary education as stated, is in the "critical condition"

Some important observation'S by this group are as follow's :-

1. Appoximately , 74% students studying in Govt. Sector and 50% students studying in Non


Govt. sector , of grade 3 , are unable to read the lesson of Grade ( Class ) 1.

2. About 50% of the students of class 3 ,are unable to recognize the numbers between 1 to


3. About 60% Students of class 3 ,are unable to perform "SUBTRACTION" operation

4. About 36% students of class 1, are unable to recognize alphabets and 49% are unable to

pronounce even a single correct word.

(These observation's are published in the local newspaper on 18.01.2012)

These observation's indicate " The critical condition " of this Education . Now the question

arises --1. what are the step's which should be taken to Improve it's condition ?

2. Can , A special trainning to the teacher's indulge in" Primary Education " will solve

the problem?

3. Will, it be appropriate to frame A " Primary Education COUNCIL" , Responsible for only

this type of Education? Like 2

28 days ago

Nachi Muthu Asst Professor at University Salem Area, India

Nachi Muthu • Sir, This comparison is wrong. Because, Age, Experience, Environment and Parental and

Grandma/ Grandpa, friends, Mass media, Electronic aids like this, lot of facilities are in Higher education

as self learning. But for Primary Education. Parent & Teacher only. If working parent and less finance

people lost their child's study vigrously. Like 1

27 days ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Nachi Sir ,

I am not comparing with the form's of Education .I have simply laid the data , facts , and the conclusion of

the research made by the NGO . If something is faulty in our system , Is,nt our duty to repair it ? Sir , You

will also agree with me, that Primary Education is the Foundation Stone of The Education ! . Really Sir ,

There are many data which prooves the consistency of above conclusion . And it needs to be repaired . I

mean only this ------

And , Again A lot of Thank's for your beautiful comment

27 days ago


Parimala Gk

Independent Education Management Professional Bengaluru Area, India

Parimala Gk • Primary education is a foundation for the further studies. Parents do play an important

role. More then teachers it is parents who must understand the value of education, not just academic but

overall development. If parents can kindle the curiosity to know, understand and question in their child

from the very young age then the child will do best in education. Listen to the child and answer when

questioned, explain where it is necessary makes a child bright. According to child education psychology

child's home environment has a great effect on child's learning capability in education Institution.

24 days ago

Nachi Muthu Asst Professor at University Salem Area, India

Nachi Muthu • If you want basement for anything, you need more concentration. With out knowing of

Black soil, Adventituous root system, Cotton seed and plant growth, one can't understand the different

types of clothes. So that we need to give more paid for attention towards Primary education. Thanks for

giving a chance to discuss Pandey sir. - Dr K Nachimuthu

23 days ago

Santosh Melashetty Assistant Professor at Karnataka Med

PG college BIDAR

Santosh Melashetty • give more importance to primary education

23 days ago

Charanjit Chutani Education Management Professional Gurgaon, India

Charanjit Chutani • Undoutedly Our present primary education system is weak and tumbling.

Managements and Policy Makers speak a lot on public platforms, but, in practice, much remains to be

done and executed. There is need to genuinely find the reasons for the failure of the Primary education

system: and them make efforts to train the teachers accordingly, and most importantly supervise the

execution at all levels meticulously: of course we have then to wait for the results for our efforts and then

again diagonose the strategies on which we failed and where, fix responsibilities and get set again to

execute the new strategies: In the whole process, mind it, that the teacher's effectiveness an d dedication is

of paramount necessity. His/Her preparedness, execution and evaluation regularly shall indeed bring out

the best in the pupils and consequentlyhelp develop the National assets: Power of the Education is


immense and potently powerful to achieve the national goals, the ATTENTION to be paid to primary

education can hardly be ever exagerated. Keep it up, please. Like 1

23 days ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Thank You Parimala ,

Your interpretation is logically correct.

Now , Let us move a step forward .

WhatYou have to say about the "labour Mother and Father" , child . They are busy in the arrangement of

bread and butter . In the Govt. Schools we used to see these categories are in a leading position . I have

seen educated( Infact Literate) parents mostly preffer a convent school for their ward . Problem is not for -

-- infact these categories . We find , suitable HE exist here . But we have to see about the children who are

labour 's Son . ----etc, etc ." HE is necessary , I agree , but not above all" . We have to make this sentence

true .

This is what I feel.

23 days ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Dr Nachi Sir ,

As usual , I appreciate your feelings .Being a researcher You can understand the importance of Research

work . Yes , Primary Education should be paid importance, but how ? Is , the present system capable of

making a healthy pillar of the foundation. If , not where the leukaemia lies ? These question should trouble

the gentleman who want to see the pillar of education strong enough to hold the weight of all Education.

Sir, I am awaiting eagerly for your suggestions in this regard .

23 days ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Dear Santosh ,

Agreed Like 1

23 days ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Dear Charanjit,

Thank you for your beautiful analysis . Yes , the standard of the trainning of the teacher's should be

improved .The most important thing you have discussed is about , FIXING the resposibilities . I totally


agree with you . To till date nobody has talked over this matter . No -one should be allowed to play with


23 days ago

Parimala Gk Independent Education Management Professional Bengaluru Area, India

Parimala Gk • When I mentioned about parents, I did not have educated parents as a focal point. I am

born and brought up in a highly educated family. But I had an opportunity to see the other side when I was

young. When I was in 10th standard, my father took up a job as a professor in MIT, Manipal. In Manipal

High School, most of the students were from nearby villages; in my class (English medium) a few were

from very poor background. They worked and attended the school regularly. The maid who worked in our

home was studying in 9th standard in kannada medium. I observed that in South Kannra they gave

importance to education and parents wanted their child to study for a better future. Being an Educator, I

encouraged helpers children to attend school and most of the time, I financed. At present my maid servant

daughter is studding in M.A. Kannda. It is parent’s ambition that their child should have a better life

makes the difference in child’s life. Parents are the God sent educators.

23 days ago•

kirpal singh Independent Education Management Professional Thanesar Area, India

kirpal singh • Simple answer - childhood depends on the environment. To which extent the parent may be

highly educated until and unless their children since the day of coming them in sense are not flourished by

the persons may be paid they could not raise to high extreme standard. The parent should be keep in mind

that their children should remain within the ambit of educators may be teachers, servants and also the


22 days ago

Charanjit Chutan Education Management Professional Gurgaon, India Charanjit Chutani • Mr Kirpal Singh can be faintly understood. He implicates parents, their financial

background, their ability to engage with their children and also the availability of time with them for their

children to play with them and develop social skills amongst them.Well, these factors of assistance from

partents are necessary and to a degree prevailing in the system.I cannot agree much with Mr Kirpal's

requirements from partents alone. Of course, parents have to play a role and actively participate in the

overall development of their Children, But it cannot be left to them alone. Family role is to some extent



But in the present day school system, the teachers are trying more to pass the buck on poor, uneducated

and helpless parents. Even on well to do parents or affluent families, their children are left to fend their

own resourses etc to keep their children upto date in the class as well as in his syllabus of studies. Is not it

the duty of the teachers and the school to perform this function. ALAS; HOME WORK AND EVEN




class/subject teacher: Parents are responsible for all financial support and ensuring their presence and an

active participation in the Parent-Teachers' meets. But for the academic growth and development of the

child rests squarely the RESPONSIBILITY OF THE teachers and the School.

Unfortunately, our schools- whether Govt.Schools OR private/public - aided or unaided, all are largely

failing in their respective duties and responsibilities on this VITAL front.

A dedicated, well prepared and committed teacher never ever fails. but though paradoxically, the weak

and fumbling system has surely FAILED AND FRUSTRATED, EVEN SUCH GOOD TEACHERS..

Dr. Dhanjaya Pandey, I dont know about you much nor about your background, but still wish you all the

best in your efforts and endeavours. Like 1

22 days ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Pramila,

Again ,Thank you for your comment.

I have not questioned your views towards the education of poor children.

Your effort which are still in progress may be in the terms of financial support or in any kind of support is

really praiseworthy.

My logic is simple-- HE is a factor------- for better result , but not above all .

Research in the central university (1983 , 02) and the latest research in the open university ( Ho--7) have

prooved this hypothesis .

yes I do agree that the further research may get the negative result .

22 days ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Dear Kripal .

I appretiate your feelings .

A lot of Thank's for your analyis

22 days ago


Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Dear Charanjit ,

I totally agree with you that the Teacher's are the key personalities as far as Primary Education is

concerned .

Dear , My daughter always find her, Teacher correct, when she compare's with me . The word of, the

Teacher, for her , is like word of the " GOD ".

I have taken this example to proove how and upto which extent "The Kids" have the faith upon their

Teacher .

Dear Charanjit again A Lot of Thank's for this wonderful analysis .

Infact , you have discussed about the ground reality .

22 days ago

The Best portal on Odisha education at

Bhubaneshwar Area, India Web portal at

gurukulodisha community • Dear Sir,

We all admit primary education is important. Still we all are debating over it to prove it's importance. My

question is' why govt has not yet admitted the fact, why our future generations are being left with the

mercy of half qualified eduactors? Schools with poor infrastructure and substandard food that is making

corrupt officials more healthy than our child. Don't you think we are making our root weak, with some

nonsence policy....

21 days ago•

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Dear Sir,

I Can understand Your Concern .

We are also the victims of such Nonsence Policy --- . Here in Chattisgarh the appointment of regular

teacher's , has stopped from 1996 onwards . A new Post by the appointment Authority of Panchayat ,has

been introduced With a new name Shikcha Karmi !,2,and 3 . Primary School are now taken by the

Shikcha Karmi 3 , completely .They are receiving Rs 8000 as their Renumeration .

Now my question is " Why all sorts of experiment are done with the education " . Is , this type of

arrangement will ever exist in other department . My answer will be "Negative "

In my opinion , This type of arrangement is continuing due to absence of Educationalist in the top post. If

Prof Yashpal heads , the system , the story of the present form of Education might,.......... have been



Dear Sir , Every one will agree that the root of any system should be strong enough to achieve the desire

result ,and education is not a exception of all . So , the statement for all is.......... Better Education , better

tomorrow. Now comes in existence ,the implementation authority . The Leukemia lies here ,

Now , The other aspect .... if the present system is like this only , What are the options left for us ? Can ,

we sit folding our hands and seeing just seeing the conditions like a spectator .? It is the time now to think

us over this issue . If we are not approaching properly , Who cares that our root is in the doldrums ?

Now Lastly Thank You for your inspiration

20 days ago

gurukulodisha The Best portal on Odisha education at

Bhubaneshwar Area, India Web portal at

gurukulodisha community • How far Quality education possible through Para techers? How far the

remuneration makes a person(Para teacher) dedicated towards the Job. In Odisha a para teacher earning

less than a laborer works in MNREGA. Like 1

20 days ago

kirpal singh Independent educational management System Thanesar Area, India

kirpal singh • Teaching should not be equated with the remuneration. The recruiters should judge the

family background of the teachers while making recruitment. As per scientific theory no doubt there is

attraction of male recruiters to recruit female - this type of excitement is more found in the male. One has

to provide teaching to kids and young chaps so this difference should be kept away. I am 67 - at one time

the younger had to request me for learning and now I requesting to the learners. So where the

remuneration came in to the way. I did meditation based on vedas - but there is ban for exhibition of that

science. If some who may be reading this comment in case he/she is in difficulty his/her curiosity would

be to meet me. So if a teacher get extreme knowledge the recruiters should try to keep him/her in proper

place. If sex is the knowledge to the kids then I have nothing to comment

Kirpal Singh

19 days ago


kirpal singh • Primary education and higher education have equivalency If the foundation of a building is

weak and more good material has been in the upper portion that building sooner or later is bound to

collapse. If foundation is made strong then there are chances of raising another building structure.

Actually both are inter-related to each other. Primary education is more important than higher education.

Foundation must be strong.

Sir/madam - you are asking comments. How I would be beneficial from comments - there is no mention.

Is anyone going to recruit me.

Kirpal Singh

19 days ago

Parag G Lecturer at SRPCE College Nagpur Area, India

Parag G. • In india,primary school numbers r less than what required.children from villages has to go 8-

10 kms tahsil place to acqure primary education.Govt and pvt NGOs should built at least 100000 primary

schools all over the fighter plane cost = 50 primary schools.does india needs so many fighter

planes at the cost of primary planes.Govt should answer? Like 1

19 days ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Kripal Sir

First all , Good Evening, Sir, and lot of thank for the information

Sir , If a recruiter builds his staff not on the basis of knowledge but on the basis of SEX and other criteria ,

I think he is not only doing injustice to his institution but also to his Country.

Sir , I totally disagree with this view .

Recruitment is done for Upliftment of the Company or the Institution not for paving a PATH for


Now about the renumeration .............

I am not talking about the interest , but talking "EDUCATION" as the carrier .

Attraction is only when, the renumeration is best in the industry .

Secondly , Job satisfaction is a must for the individual .

Then only he or she will give 100% for his institution.

19 days ago


Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Dear Parag Sir,

There is no answer for your logically based question .

Only, one can say that investing in a Defence of the country is equally important . Yes, it cannot be

ignored, also .

Education is also a investment

Sir , RMSA is trying to resolve this problem .

Let's hope for the best .

Lastly , SIR,Thank You for your comment

19 days ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Gurukulodisha Community

Dear Sir ,

I agree with your concern . Condition of CG is not much different from Orissa .

Pl, Share your ideas regarding solution of this problem . 19 days ago

Santosh Melashetty Assisstant Professior at Karnataka M.Ed P.G College Bidar Bidar, Karnataka, India

Santosh Melashetty • Give more attention to the primary Education.

19 days ago


kirpal singh Independent educational management System Thanesar Area, India

kirpal singh • Dear sir - To which extent our comments would be viable I do not know. I am explaining

my experience. I passed M.A.(English) in 1985. The Government Institution where I was in a good

position there was no pension - hence I had to search job. I went two three schools from name the

institutions seems to be good but the heads having the rein of schools either were saints or business type

people. One old person who was working there told me that at the time of retirement you were getting


Rs.20000/- but these institutions only pay in the range between Rs.two or three thousands per month - so

you (I) should not waste my time. The names of the schools does not matter but what they pay to the

teachers this needs consideration. I am not quoting exactly names which are mostly found Mellinium,

Greenfield, Himalayan etc. What is the use of name the institution in such fashionable way - when the

teachers are paid salary which even could not meet two square meal. Actually the Heads of the institutions

are not faulty - faulty are those who recognized such schools. A very big saint I do not want mention his

name is owner of very famous school and the name of the school is International Public School (this is not

exact). What criteria in education is being adopted needs consideration. On point out to me about sex - it is

natural but male are in advance. They try to hover on the female - this is Indian culture and everyone

should remain within the ambit of Indian culture. Everyone whether saints, businessmen are in equal race.

We have to provide education kids until and unless our own character is not clean what we can give to the

new generation. It is natural science based facts that the new generation are effected by our own activities.

If I have mentioned anything wrong I may be excused as it is not possible for to dance according to the

choice of the people who are found erring somewhere.

Thanks Like 1

Kirpal Singh

18 days ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Dear Santosh Sir ,

Yes , Attention Should be given , but how ? Is, it the work of Govt. alone ?

Thanks Sir

18 days ago


Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Kripal Sir ,

Exactly Sir , This is what I am trying to say .....

In the present sceneraio , If the renumeration is best in the Industry then only we can Survive. We have to

look after our family also .

Sir , You had a bitter experience .....I agree .

Getting Admission in a multibrand school or institution and paying "HandSome " Fees is not a guarantee

of Success. These multibrands care less for quality but cares more for their business.I have seen the data

of PSC of my State . Maximum selections are not from these schools .In order to meet the challenge by

these multibrands , Govt . institution should be strengthen. The Govt. teacher should take the

responsibility ortherwise in future , in the lack of strength The Govt will be forced to shut down their

institution and then the same experience the Govt. Teacher will receive as you have received now .

Thank You Sir

18 days ago

Santosh Melashetty Assistant Professor at Karnataka Med

PG college BIDAR Karnataka

Santosh Melashetty • Government and non government agencies,social organisations.non governmental


16 days ago• Like

kirpal singh Independent educational management System Thanesar Area, India kirpal singh • Dear Dr Dhananjay Pandey - One should not run after money. These days everybody is

after the money and that is the degradation in the human is in increase day by day. I know Spanish

language - Dr. Pandey in case any institution is in contact with you kindly arrange to put a word if posible.

My requirement is paltry accommodation and paltry salary for survival Though I have administrative

experience of about 40 years of centre of higher learning i.e. Haryana Agricultural University,

Kurukshertra University and National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra.- but one should try for the

coming new young generation. Spanish is International language and you may be aware that now the

whole globe is one and in case anybody knows more languages, these would be more viable to him/her in

trade, business and .other organization. These days MBAs, MCAs and Technical institutions are in being

opened in abundance but no body bother about the future these candidates as such candidates are confined

only to English language. Hoping to hearing from your side. I gather this knowledge through my own


efforts and ascent from my relatives who have worked in Spain and also other friends who had gone to

Latin American countries. You may be aware that alphabets in this language are the same in English but

ascent is different.


Kirpal Singh Like 1

15 days ago

kirpal singh • In which direction Higher Education is going on this needs consideration. Candidates get

degrees with half-baked knowledge. The private inquisitions are cheating the candidates by providing self-

styled English knowledge this also prevails in technical education . Until and unless proper knowledge in

Higher education is not given there is apprehension that sooner or later there may be chaos for which there

would be no solution. Primary education and Higher education is now in the hands of money-minting

people. They are hoarding money to become richer as early as possible.

Until and unless proper control on these money minting people is made we should remain muke

spectators. Both primary education and higher education are being sold by adopting unfair means.


Kirpal Singh

15 days ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Kripal Sir ,

Namaskar .

This is a Truism SIR .

You have touched the nerve of "GROUND REALITY" emotionally .

Sir , Today 81% of the students are in Govt Sector and 19% students in Non Govt.Sector .... This is a

Statistics Provided by A NGO.

Secondly Regarding SPANISH ................. EVERY Individual Should look , upon the future of the

country . If a child get beneffited , every effort should be positively taken and I am of noexcuse . A lot of

thanks for having faith upon me .

15 days ago


shruti sharmaPrincipal at H.S.M. INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC SCHOOL,Panipat

New Delhi Area, India Principal at H.S.M. International Public School (Pathri)

shruti sharma • definitely Primary education is the base of a student so more attention should be given

15 days ago

kirpal singh Independent Education Management Professional Thanesar Area, India

kirpal singh • Dr Dhananjay Pandey - Dr.Sahib - was I wrong in suggesting Spanish. You may have find

homely mothers talking to their children in English language sidetracking the age of the child. I am giving

two example -I have worked in three Universities - example

1. A teacher was selected in Libya because he had learn that language (arbi) from his grandfather.

2. Two person got visa of a Latin American country. They had in their mind that English language would

serve the purpose. But when they found that Spanish language is the official language - then they started

wandering here and there. With great efforts they could contacted me - the time left was ten days. I

provided something which I could do and they paid rs.four thousand.

3. A person received a letter from Spain - On the letter it was mentioned "No Por favour". They confused -

they contacted me and I told him that no means regarding the work which you requested and por favour

means please. They paid me rs.five hundred.

My motive of mentioning of Spanish language is that it is official language 19 Latin American countries

and second official language of USA in addition to official and local language of Spain

Dr.Sahib I am retiree and type in haste so for grammatical and typing mistake I may be excused. My

purpose of conveying that if more languages of other countries are introduced in our education system that

would be more beneficial in trade,business and other sphere with other countries. If I am wrong I may be



Kirpal Singh Like 1

14 days ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Shruti Madam ,

First of all A LOT OF THANKS for participating in this discussion.

Infact, there is no doubt in any One's mind , that Primary Education

Should be given more attention .

But there is no discussion on " HOW "

Is , it the responsibility of GOVT alone or there is something for us to SHARE ?

What You will say about the Condition of TEACHER'S Trainning Including BEd and MEd Trainning . Is


it, relevant in the present scenerio ?

Is, there a effect in teaching , by the envolvement of para teacher's ?

14 days ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Kripal Singh Sir ,

Thank You Sir , for your experience , to share with us .

14 days ago

Aditi Datta Education Management Professional Bengaluru Area, India

Aditi Datta • This is an vey important issue. Without going for any staistics I feel that in general our

primary education needs attention from all stake holders. Recently I had the oppurtunity to visit a few

schools in and around Bangalore. While discussing with the teachers I found some common threads. I will

like to share it with all of you.

1. Language teaching-- this needs lot of attention. Our children are learning so many subjects that most of

them are not able to read and write properly. In urban areas, lack of reading habits etc shows lack of

comprehension skillls

2. Basic maths --- Children could be taught basic math skills first before introducing other higher ideas.

I found in many cases children are not able to sove math and science problems because of their anibility of

language comprehension.

Teachers move on from one topic to another because they have to complete the pescribed syylabus, in

many cases knowing very well that 50 % of the pupils needs remmediation for improving their

misconceptions for which they have no time.

So I feel their can be a change in policy--where we can teach the primary childeren to read and write a few

sentences of their own in any language be it their mother tongue or english. Teach them the basic math

operations. I think then only we can teach them all other subjects---- our primary children are burdened

with a vast syllabus starting from general knowledge to computer.

13 days ago


Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Aditi ,

Thank you for your comment and valuable experience to share with us .

About the language and the basic Maths , in primary education , Yes, the condition is not so good both in

Govt.Sector and in Non Govt. Sector . This is revealed in the open research conducted By a NGO "


Now , The responsibilities vest upon us .

You will agree with me that Every action should be taken for for remedial purpose ,both by Govt and us .

Now , About the policy , as you have mentioned needs consideration . Educating the kid's in their own

Mother Tounge is really the finest thing you have added in Your discussion .

What you have to say about the role of parents ?

Are You satisfied by the present Examination pattern , recuritment of the teacher's ,

Qualification's and above all the present trainning Pattern ?

11 days ago

Purnima Shetye Founder and Proprietor Educare Solutions

Pune, Maharashtra, India , Director Academics at Childology

Purnima Shetye • We are talking about primary education and its improvement ---- which is an absolute

necessity ------ but think about this our govt hasn't yet given recognition to the pre-primary education ---

the maximum development of the brain happen in the 1st 6 yrs of a persons life! and we have no norms no

stipulations, rules, regulation for this!!

there is a lot that needs to change in the Indian Educational Scenario and as mentioned Teacher Education

is one very important aspect. Teachers are only taught knowledge and not how to use it in the class. As is

with most of our education. today a teacher can get all the information on the net but what is required for

them to learn understanding that all children learn differently, empathaising with the children, we need to

make teaching - learning process an interesting one so the children will pay attention. bring a lot of Play

into learning, children's natural curiosity should be allowed to flourish, education should be full of

discovery and wonderment. where do our teachers get the chance to do all these in the classroom? Our

teacher education does not create classroom ready or child friendly teachers.

we definitely need to make big changes in teacher education, pre-primary and primary education. If this is

done with a short span of 10-15yrs we will have India that looks and thinks different --- many more

smiling faces will be seen!

Last but not the least --- being a teacher is like being a mother --- it is not a duty, not a job, it a calling!

11 days ago• Like 1


Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Purnima Shetye

Indeed, a emotional calling from you --

Your last line should be the inspiration for all teacher's .

I agree with you that teacher's should be equipped with latest educational TECHNOLOGY and "this"

needs proper trainning and guidence .If the teacher is not familiar with latest Educational Technology , it

is whose Fault ? Govt Or the teacher or the both or the society ?

Purnima , There is a statistics, which if not clear the picture, definately it will remove some dark patches --

In Science exhibition , If we take the teaching Event compt.( FOR TEACHER'S ONLY) You will be

surprised to know that in the past 5 years total number or participants has not excceded more than 3 per

year . yes I am talking of state level compt ,of CHATTISGARH State . Now , Can we say that it is a

healthy compt? So Govt. is not alone responsible always .

Secondly , if there is leukemia in the system and Govt. is not taking a good look over it , is it . our duty

then to sit with the folded arms ?

We have to be in search of some remedial process .

And lastly There should be demand from the society for the same .

Thank You for such a emotional and Inspirational comment .

10 days ago

Founder and Proprietor Educare Solutions

Pune, Maharashtra, India , Director Academics at Childology

Purnima Shetye • I completely agree with you. Yes, the proactive attitude cannot be seen in either the

Govt or the educators! in my opinion that is largely because it is so easy to blame someone else and say

what can i do :) we find that the drawing room policy changers are many but no one wants to exert any

efforts to do their bit. well i am sure glad to know, via this discussion that there are many who are quietly

going about there work of changing whatever they can in their area ---- then there is hope! :) someday we

will see that change coming from the Govt too --- once that happens it will be on a fast track!!!

10 days ago•


Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Thank you Purnima ,

I am also hopeful that we will, also see the change ....... Some day ... . Actually We Indian's are very

Hopeful you know,and I think this is our actual strength .

9 days ago

Sripani K Educational consultant Hyderabad Area, India

Sripani K • in reply to Dr.Dhanunjay pandey, initially i would like to appreciate in coming out with an

important topic on primary education. i would like to share few experiences of mine, in most of the private

schools the teachers are not trained with a proper teaching methodology to deal with the children below 8

years, the reason we have identified is the selection of the teachers by the school managements, and when

asked this question the managements were very upset with the parent behavior, a parent is not ready to

spend more than Rs.100 PM on their children, the same parent spends Rs.65000/- Per year to the child in

intermediate and further graduation courses, it is not to blame the parents but i strongly feel that parents

should be given major awareness campaign about the early child hood education. whereas as per the sarva

siksha abhiyan schools run by the state governments with the financial help from the central governments-

for example Andhra pradesh every year allocates 11% of the total budget in K12 education alone, all this

money is routed to the politicians as this is the only segment left for them for scams now a days, the

schools which are run by the central governments are very well maintained and they are the best schools

in India, every parent looks for an admission in Kendriya vidyalaya or Jawahar navodya but never look for

an admission in state board run schools. there is no proper monitoring system in state boards run schools,

the state board syllabus of Andhra pradesh has been designed some where 30 years back and still our

students study the same syllabus when compared to CBSE and ICSE. so let us hope and keep fingers

crossed for the betterment of younger generation of India Like 1

9 days ago•

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Sripani ,

A very serious issue raised by you . Now , I can feel the heat of the discussion .

Sripani , What I feel about the education system, infact about the primary education, is that its basis vest

upon Four pillars --- Child himself , Teacher , Guardian and the policy maker i.e Government . If the

strength of any of these four pillar goes down , it is sure to collapse . in this context , the role of the

guardian or the parents cannot be ignored . If he thinks that real education begin's from Higher secondary

or from graduate courses , he is spoiling the future of his child and thereafter the country .


Now , About the comparision of state Govt. Schools and the Kendriya Vidyalaya or Navodaya Vidalaya

.... Yes the condition of Kendriya Vidyalaya as comparision is better .

My one of the dearest friend , Professor in IASE .. Dr Sanjay Ayede , stated the fact about the upliftment

of Govt. Schools in DELHI REGION . According to him ... Govt. Schools in DELHI region is now

becoming the first choise for maximum of the parents . This shifting of change is not due to honest work

of all official's and worker's or the teacher's of one day but a continuous effort from the last 5 Years and

the maximum credit goes to A lady IAS officer, Madam Reena .

Now my question ..... If there is a change in the health of Govt. Schools in Delhi then Why not it is

applicable to other region .. Actually it is all about the will power -----and the strong Demand from the

Society .

Lastly , many many Thanks for raising such a serious issue .

9 days ago

Charanjit Chutani Education Management Professional Gurgaon, India

Charanjit Chutani • I totally agree with Shripani and and Purnima. They have expressed effectively the

importance of the parents and society: Yet to expect quick changes in governance of the Government

Schools, their sincere execkution of the central/state policies of school education will bring fruits, if the

officers on the helm exert themselves more, do proper supervision , inspection and also ensure appropriate

evaluation of teaching and the learning process at school level: exert presser on Principal to do his job

fearlessly unbiased regularly and put the teachers under his charge to teach regularly after due preparation:

If this much is ensured, I assure you that you will see a lot of improvement in the School shape up, results

and bring happiness to children, parents and to school, and lastly add to the improvement in the image of

the school, and the Government itself.

Hope it finds favour with the concerned group.

charanjitchutani. , 9 days ago•

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Charanjit Sir ,

Nobody will disagree with you, Sir . If the excution of the operational part is upto mark , then definately

there will be a better result .


It's all about Give and take ........

First of all , the official should attach themselves emotionally with the ground staff ( Teacher's , Principal

and the staff ) . Emotionally , in the sense , all his dues should be cleared in a time span , Should talk

personally for the positivity of the performance and indulge himself in the joy and sorrow's of the

employee .

Now , the Administration comes into existence - -- - Strictly , Norm's should be followed . Result oriented

teacher's or the principal or the staff should be encouraged . encouragement does'nt mean's

MONETARIAL benefit's only , A word of Appretiation is enough to boost the moral . Time killer's ,

dishonest in the work should be firmly dealt including the demotion or the termination from the service .

Officer's should not proove themselves as only " ORDER ISSUING AUTHORITY " In the present

scenario only " This " is happening .

Dear Sir , I am confident , if these are included in the " DAILY HAPPENING EVENT"

condition's is bound to improve .

8 days ago

Purnima Shetye Founder and Proprietor Educare Solutions

Pune, Maharashtra, India , Director Academics at Childology

Purnima Shetye • From my experience --- having taught in many schools at all levels and having spoken

to many Principals over the years --- however most of them have been from Pune and Mumbai only --- i

feel many of the Principals are looking for change and betterment but it is the management that proves to

be a problem. as i see it many a times the issue is how do you view education? is it a business through

which you are giving education or is it by giving education you are doing business. if it is business first

then the the focus will always be monitory gains. But if it is education first then the focus will be

development of the children. We need people with focus on good sound education and the money will

follow. but if we have people with focus on money then good sound education will be very difficult

proposition! Like 2

8 days ago•

kirpal singh Independent Education Management Professional Thanesar Area, India

kirpal singh • Dr. Dhananjay Pandey - Respected Dr.sahib - in which era you are living. During Anna

Hazare Ansan you might have listen Mr.Om Puri. Whatever he had said is correct. These schools are run

by corrupt type politicians, corrupt type saints and others. Can we bring reformation on the Internet. Let


them enjoy with the female sex


.Kirpal Singh

7 days ago•

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Purnima Madam ,

You have logically presented the fact , I beleive . Now the time has come to answer these questions ---

1- Education is for business , or business is for Education ?

2- Coaching classes are " Knowledge building centres or Economy building Centres ?

Thank You Madam, for listening and presenting it, What You Heart say's , without any Hesitation .

7 days ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Kirpal Singh Sir ,

Good Evening Sir . How are You ?

I respect Your Experience and Feeling's . There should be no discussion on the feeling's and emotion's .

Your boldness , I would say , is only for the improvement of the system and I like it .

7 days ago

mahesh kumar joshi principal at vishveshwariah education trust , Gulbarga, Karnataka, India

mahesh kumar joshi • I am sorry figures don't match with the reality.

7 days ago•


Kabir Kumar Mustafi Co-Chair Education Empowers India Foundation

New Delhi Area, India , Co-Chair at Ed Empowers India Foundation; member Prospect Grp

Kabir Kumar Mustafi • There is nothing that can truly substitute early learning.

There is also little that early learning cannot include.

It is an irony that we tend to replace our own experience and perception with learned and erudite theories.

Education is one of our least duplicitous discoveries - you can only be fraudulent up to a point.

Because the inarguables are clear - What is good? Why is it good? For whom is it good? How can it be

made to prevail? How can it be made indelible?


7 days ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Mahesh kumar joshi '

Sir , This is only the latest data available to us and these data were front page new's heading of all the

leading Newspaper's . All these data are uploaded in the NGO Website , With a Heading ASAR 2011 .

There is " No " denial or comment about this report either from State Government or any other agencies to

till date . Yes , I agree with you that these finding's are shocking for us . If , there is any fresh data

available to us which indicates the reverse position or the improvement in condition , Really it should be

Welcomed . In the non availiablity of recent data , I am forced to accept it .

Secondly , We should not emphasize ourself in the game of Data ,Sir . If there is slight weakness also in

the system , there should be remedial action , for it .

Thank You Sir --


6 days ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Kabir Sir ,

First of all Thank You for your beautiful Analysis .


I respect your experience and feeling's over this issue .

I am in the opinion that Education is a serious issue related to the individual and it should be dealt with "

PIOUSNESS " . There should be no room or it should be not taken as the field of all sorts of Nonsence

Research .

6 days ago

Kabir Kumar Mustafi Co-Chair Education Empowers India Foundation

New Delhi Area, India , Co-Chair at Ed Empowers India Foundation; member Prospect Grp

Kabir Kumar Mustafi • Thank you for your kind words Doctor Sahib.

Thank you also for the reminding us about that oft abused word.

Piousness is what it indeed should be all about. Not in holier than thou or self-righteous terms but as in

respect - from elders to those younger first, so that the return may be simple and easy for those still


Somehow, somewhere we allowed "Sroddha" to slip away and "krodh" to fill the breach.

Somehow, somewhere we each have to take responsibility.

Accept it for times gone. And amend it for times to come.

Very scary, very hard.

But perhaps that is what makes the profession what it is. Despite the horror stories and despite the silence

of success. -- kabir mustafi Like 1

5 days ago•

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey lecturer Govt Multipurpose Hr sec School at Govt Sector , Bilaspur, Chattisgarh, India

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Kabir Sir ,

Good Evening Sir ,

Indeed a beautiful Analysis ----

A lot of Thank's for your lovely feeling and for Your Positivity , Sir

That is what I really meant it . Elementary education is the base , and all the obstacle in the path should be

removed . This is not the work of a individual alone , every one should join the hand together for , fruitful

outcome .

5 days ago


Purnima Shetye Founder and Proprietor Educare Solutions

Pune, Maharashtra, India , Director Academics at Childology

Purnima Shetye • "Piousness is what it indeed should be all about. Not in holier than thou or self-

righteous terms but as in respect - from elders to those younger first, so that the return may be simple and

easy for those still learning."

Beautifully said Kabir Mustafi, and oh so very true!

4 days ago

Dr Gangesh Farrrukhabad assistant teacher at Basic education officer farrukhabad

Farrukhabad, Uttar Pradesh, India assistant teacher at Basi education officer farrukhabad

Dr Gangesh Farrrukhabad • yes actually it is the basic and if child get proper knowledge he mayget


2 days ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Dr Gangesh Farrrukhabad ,

Thank You Sir , for your Comment

1 days ago



GROUP – TEACHER’S Trainning And Education

Discussion Started From – 30/01/2012

Discussion Started By -- Dr. Dhananjay Pandey , Lecturer

Govt. Multipurpose Hr. Sec. School Bilaspur C.G

Discussion Submitted on -- 10/03/2012

( Gulbahor Hamdamova, Bindu Satheesh and 2 others like this 62 comments )

Sree Vijji Principal at Kenbridge School Qatar

Principal at Kenbridge School - Everonn Schools Limited

Sree Vijji • According to me we need to shift the focus towards developing basic primary skills of

recognising numbers and alphabet.

1 month ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Agreed Vijji ....

1 month ago

Victoria Pira de Quinonez Assitant Principal en Colegio Interamericano Guatemala

Victoria Pira de Quinonez • Definetely. I have found college students who still struggle with basic

organizing skills. Like 2

1 month ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Thank You Victoria ,

This is a truism .

What I feel Victoria , The" Primary Education " is the base of all" Education" , and if base is "Out of

Order " then we cannot expect, better result from other forms of "Education" also.

29 days ago


Dr. Dana Stuckey Education and Training SME at BobWorks Consulting Greater New York City Area

Dr. Dana Stuckey • primary grades need to use effective practices for that particular populations areas of


29 days ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Agreed , Dr Dana ..

But . How ?

Is, It the duty of Government alone ?

What Should be our Practises ?

28 days ago

Isatou Ndow Head of School at Gambia college Gambia

Isatou Ndow • More attention and focus need to be given to primary education, because that is the

foundation. Governments need to increase the budgets of basic education and more initiatives and

programs put in place for the teachers to support them in their work. Like 2

28 days ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Exactly , this is what , I am talking about .

Government should pay attention to the foundation of education .But -- Is it, the work of Government

alone ? What should be our contribution -- regarding this ? This is not a collective responsibility of both --

-We and the Government ?

A lot of Thank's for you lovely Comment , ISATOU Madam

28 days ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • A lot of Thanks to all, for this discusion

17 days ago


Nicki Johnston Teacher Education Instructor at Mecosta Osceola ISD Greater Grand Rapids, Michigan Area

Nicki Johnston • A agree with all. I teach high school students and many of them cannot spell or do basic

math. I would really like them to have some critical thinking skills. I think we are missing one factor: the

family and their responsibility.

16 days ago• Like

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Yes Nicki . We are also facing the same problem .

Regarding Family and their ............ . Yes , for litterate family we can say .

15 days ago

Vinette Percy Principal Lecturer at St Joseph's Teachers' College Jamaica

Vinette Percy • Vinette Percy

If education does not begin at the lower level then there will be no need for higher level. It scaffold the

higher levels. It makes the job of those who teach in the higher levels easier

Primary education is the foundation it is the base from where to build a solid education. The focus should

be on primary. Many children do not learn much more than what they did in primary school. In fact many

students drop out of school after primary education.

Even though they might be attend high school they are learning very little. A sound primary edu. will

suffice many students.

14 days ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • First of all A LOT OF THANKS,Vinette , for participating in this discussion.

Infact, there is no doubt in any One's mind , that Primary Education

Should be given more attention .

But there is no discussion on " HOW "

Is , it the responsibility of GOVT alone or there is something for us to SHARE ?

What You will say about the Condition of TEACHER'S Trainning Including BEd and MEd Trainning . Is


it, relevant in the present scenerio ?

Is, there a effect in teaching , by the envolvement of para teacher's ?

Are you satisfied With the present condition's of primary Education?

14 days ago

Morella Joseph Programme Manager at CARICOM Secretariat Saint Lucia

Morella Joseph • I strongly believe that more attention should be given to Primary Education. The

foundation for quality education and academically successful students should be laid at that level.

Children who have received good quality primary education move seamlessly into secondary education

and later tertiary and higher education. The reverse is also true. This has serious implications for teacher

training, availability of resources, budgeting and curriculum development. Like 1

13 days ago

Gulbahor Hamdamova Student at Mont Rose London, Greater London, United Kingdom

Gulbahor Hamdamova • First of all Government should increase budget for the primary education, as it

is a foundation stage of children and it should be strong. Also there should be after school classes for those

pupil who are below the average level. Like 1

12 days ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Morella Joseph

You have Discussed about the Ground Reality .

Thank You for your Comment .

12 days ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Gulbahor Hamdamova ,

Serious Attention should be paid on your suggestion .

As per, school classes ................... below the average level , What should be the criteria for evaluation ?

Are You satisfied with the present examination pattern ?.

A lot of Thank's for your valuable suggestion . 12 days ago


Audrey BeaumontEducational Consultant - Higher Education and Schools - Manchester Northwest Region Lostock Junction, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom

Artist-Designer in Contemporary Stained Glass at L'Ecole de Vitrail et Creation

Audrey Beaumont • Hello everyone

This has always been an interesting personal issue for debate. I have taught across all key stages 1-4 and

also in ITE in the UK. I started teaching in secondary and gradually moved 'downwards' all the way to key

stage 1. I found I could challenge my advanced level groups of students on a parallel intellectual level, but

the more i moved downwards into primary education, then I really had to start thinking about the diverse

teaching and learning methodologies to effectively engage these young people to ensure learning of the

core and foundation subject skills. I had to start thinking to teach in a far more interconnected way.

There exists still the 'babysitting' misconception of teaching younger children, demonstrating the lack of

insight amongst those who think that real education starts at secondary level. I recall a teacher at a

previous school who had been promoted to Deputy Headteacher. At the same time she changed teaching

her year 5 class to year 2 class. One of the parents of the children asked her rather confusedly, 'But I

thought you had been promoted to Deputy Headteacher?' I think this just about sums it up. Like 1

10 days ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Audrey Beaumont,

A lot of Thank's for our Inspirational comment .

your Love for primary education is something special and I " SALUATE " for it .

Actually, I have not seen a single person , who has moved willingly , from secondary level to primary

level . I will take You as a example , here in INDIA .

Yes , Teaching primary level is always a " GREAT CHALLENGE " and the teacher should be equipped

by the latest "( Educational) TECHNOLOGY " for effective Teaching .

10 days ago

Audrey BeaumontEducational Consultant - Higher Education and Schools - Manchester Northwest Region Lostock Junction, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom

Artist-Designer in Contemporary Stained Glass at L'Ecole de Vitrail et Creation

Audrey Beaumont • It is a matter of how teaching and learning is perceived by educators and politicians

who create policy and practice with respect to curriculum change. The collective mindset cannot and


should not be expected to change overnight. Such thinking needs to be evolutionary in its development,

otherwise conflict amongst smaller groups and individuals will arise. So perhaps you are in some position

to drive such change Dr Dhananjay with other like-minded professionals.I agree with you, that technology

is an important aspect of education because of its powerul influence on learning. Yet at the same time, let's

not all be dragged into this tsunami of technological, 'must have, must do' and allow children time to

explore their learning in a more naturalistic way. It is important that our children should be literate,

numerate and computerate, but at the same time allow them to develop an insight of the deeper and

equally relevant aspects of life that will ensure they become well integrated and effective caring citizens

of their community. It is all too common to see personal progress in terms of academic success and all it

brings at the expense of marginalising those areas of learning which are of equal importance and which

can potentially contribute to the wider wealth and well-being of a community.


I had the most wonderful opportunity to work in India with teachers in Bhimtal and Ladakh a few years

ago. Like 1

9 days ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Beaumont Madam ,

We Indian's are very hopeful for positivity , and that is our actual strength . I have crossed my fingure for

the betterment of younger generation .

Madam , It's not , politician responsible for the present situation . Actually , there is no strong demand

from the educator's and the Society and I am confident that Only Educator's will pave the path for the

better position of this system . Yes , I agree with you that we should not expect the change occuring

overnight . The most important fact is that-- The work should begin . Now, We cannot loose our time . For

me , You are like a "INSPIRATION " .

Madam , We are in a remote tribal area . We cannot afford expensive AID . For us Technology means "

Minimum Requirement for effective teaching " . We are not demanding smart board and ............. other's .

We are in the era of Blackboard , chalk and duster . Minimum requirement means ------ as " GEOBOARD

--- which is capable of introducing Multiplication , Division operations for Primary section's , algebra ,

airthmetic , Geometry , Mensuration for post primary and Higher section's and progression's for Grade 11

--- as LCD projector's to enable our student's to learn through PLAYWAY method and effectively -- etc

etc . We are quite confident that we will not get trapped in the wave of TSUNAMI , that is , expensive

technology. The main theme should be " Effective TEACHING " and I strongly believe too that all

measures should be taken to achieve our Goal .

Again , A lot of Thank's for your positivity ,sharing to all . Like 1

8 days ago


Audrey BeaumontEducational Consultant - Higher Education and Schools - Manchester Northwest Region Lostock Junction, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom

Artist-Designer in Contemporary Stained Glass at L'Ecole de Vitrail et Creation

Audrey Beaumont • In some ways then, teachers in India are in an advantageous position, as over here in

the UK politics drives the education agenda and not always for the better. This means that your goal to

become effective teachers can be realised through a joint ownership leadership and management approach.

All heads together, so to speak. One strategy we use here in the UK is to create clustergroups of schools

and those teachers interested in curriculum development come together to discuss teaching and learning

methodology. They share and take away with them good practice and trial it in their own schools.Perhaps

somthing along these lines is what may be needed in your region of India. Without the core and essential

resources, makes teaching more difficult and time consuming and calls on the creativity and problem-

solving ability of the individual. The disadvantages of this rather random approach is that not all teachers

can construct a T & L syllabus or scheme of work which 1) is hierachical in nature 2( effective for the

pupils and 3) which teaches the concepts consistently. It sounds to me that your main resource is your

teachers and if they can be managed effectively, then you should be well on your way towards

transformational change - good luck. Like 1

8 days ago

David Danio Jr Teacher, Financial Consultant, Athletic Coach, and Agricultural Technician Philippines

David Danio Jr. • Yes, absolutely. You must prepare a good foundation to absorb the succeeding

requirements for him to be equipped for better service.

8 days ago• Like

Bindu Satheesh Partner, AMBINBEES,The core of high minded learning India

Bindu Satheesh • I really agree with Sree Viji and Victoria.

Now a days children in Higher Classes find it very difficult to maintain a good systematic study habit and

peer group interaction.

My sincere suggesstion is to add life skill education right from the primary level, so that as they grow up

they can easily merge with peer group.

Another point is teacher should have a passion to teach.I believe that teaching is an art, if a teacher knows

how to handle his/her class effectively , she/ he can surely win the hearts of her/his students. To a certain

extend this can surely influence them in their love towards the subject.


Teacher can categorize students in three groups - Looker, Listner & Moover.

The lesson plan should be made for these three groups.

8 days ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • David Danio Jr. sir ,

Thank you for your comment

I fully agree with You

7 days ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Beaumont Madam ,

Here also the politician's try to influence the system but we rely more on educator's ( Not All ) and the

Juridiciary of India .

A example is enough to proove, how the politician's try to corrupt the System ---

Our's is a newly born state and you will be surprised to know that More than 100 Private universities were

given recognization and maximum of these universities were a single room university . Thank's to Prof.

Yashpal and Supreme court of india for their timely intervention .

So , We are also the victim of corrupt Politic's but by the grace of God and Good people we everytime

come out with flying colour's.

Regarding , "creation of cluster groups of schools" , it is a good idea to follow . Any Feeling's or the idea

or the object which is piousness in nature , is bound to achieve it's goal inspite of difficulty .

Thank You Madam for your valuable Advice , and looking forward for the same in future also . Your

suggestion will be a asset for us Like 1

7 days ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Bindu Satheesh Madam ,

It's not the teacher, always responsible for any misdeed . Actually ,the system depends upon four factor's -

--Child Himself , Teacher , Parents and the Management . If there is failure in any part , the system is sure


to collapse . Now , What is happening here , The parent's (maximum ) believes that actual Education

start's from Secondary Stage and in this process they ignore the justification of Primary Education . There

are few parent's only, who understand's the value of primary Education . This have to be corrected . Can ,

You recall a single incidence where Education is a Primary issue for any types of election ? Today there

was the headline of Newspaper that "The Minister of AP changed the centre of a Exam because that very

site suited him, for his Son's wedding Reception . What does it indicate ? So , There should be strong

message from the society also .

Secondly , about the Management -- Education is for business or business is for the education ? If

businees leads, then the management will look for Monetary assistance in each and every step . Today ,

Education is a business not the " knowledge development centre " . This is a question , which have to be

answered .

Yes, teaching is an Art . I fully agree with you .Winning the Heart of the student will certainly justify his

or her deed toward's his or her profession . Any obstacle should be seriously viewed in this regard .

Thank You Madam For your beautiful Analysis .

7 days ago

Mahamouda Salouhou,PhD Director of the European Center for Leadership & Entrepreneurship

Education Lille Area, France Mahamouda Salouhou, PhD. • The elementary school is really critical for the development of the young

adult. Teachers should be put in the center of the educational system, they should be given all the mean to

adjust the teaching based on the students population. Strongly agree with Dr. Dhananjay we are all

responsible and should work hands in hands. It is really easy to blame the teachers, however looking for

who is responsible or who should we blame will not help a lot, teachers are part of a network composed of

different stakeholders, by working together and addressing the problems with objectivity, there is more

chances to get something good and better for every one.

7 days ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Mahamouda Salouhou,

That is what I really meant it . Elementary education is the base , and all the obstacle in the path should be

removed . This is not the work of a individual alone , every one should join the hand together for , fruitful

outcome .

Thank You Sir For your positivity .

7 days ago


Allan Lingambe Principal Education Standards Officer at Ministry of Education of Zambia Zambia

Allan Lingambe • The research findings highlighted, are not unique to India. I think they are true of

Zambia as well. Primary Education should indeed receive more attention without nglecting Higher

Education, in terms of human, financial and materila resources. This is the stage when we mould the

individual's values, attitudes, skills, abilities and mental faculties. We need real instructional leaders to

lead primary schools.

5 days ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Allan Lingambe Sir ,

Thank you Sir for your kind word's .

Yes , I strongly agree with you ........ " We need real instructional leaders to lead primary schools."

Sir , I feel that there is no fault in the policy making --- Every one will agree for a sound system . But

there is something ........ wrong is the implementation wing of the System . This is to be checked out for a

meaningful remedy .

Secondly , A professional , should be at the top of the system . A professor , or a teacher or a reputed

personality of the concern field should lead the way . They know well about the weakness or the strong

point of this system instead of a personality who had attained the proficiency in the other field .

Thank You Sir for your Inspirational word's .

5 days ago

patricia bissessar Principal at Ministry of Education Trinidad and Tobago

patricia bissessar • Being an administrator in a rural school it is my belief that primary education is the

bedrock of the education system and as such priority should be placed on ensuring that students exiting the

primary education system be equipped with necessary knowledge base , skills and competencies to

function and cope effectively with secondary education. Teaching at the primary school level is now

extremely challenging , given the fact that teachers of today now are faced with the challenge of getting

students interested in learning. Not enough focus is being given to primary education by governmental

agencies to support primary school teachers in their efforts to ensure that no child left behind in the

system. Like 1

4 days ago


Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Patricia Bissessar

Yes , Strongly Agree with You ....

I believe ( I may be wrong or right , I don't know ) Teacher's Taking the Primary Classes should be

equally placed with the other's, if not placed at the top of the system . What exist's today , Teacher's taking

primary classes are in the lowest stair of the system . According to me , Somewhat ........ there should be

the change in this procedure .

Secondly , Seminar's should be arranged frequently with appropriate number's , to make aware of , about

the Educational technology ,so that the learning should be at the choice of learner's .

Thank You ------ for your valuable thought's.

3 days ago

Sue Petrie Independent Education Management Professional Portsmouth, United Kingdom

Sue Petrie • I believe that the success of Primary Education to a large extent starts within the

Nursery/Childcare sector where children are being short changed. I have visited many settings and note

that children are not well socialised. Frequently they do not respond when spoken to and even more

frequently they initiated conversations with adults who are either to busy or too disinterested to become

involved with their charges. Communication is not well taught in the NVQ at all levels and individuals

working with children do not seem to understand or are not able (because of their own experiences) to

hold a proactive two way conversation with children.

Children are brought into education far too early. There is now a stereotyped approach to the curriculum

which has destroyed the child initiated activity. It has taken spontaneous play out of the experience of very

young children. In the past children were free to express themselves and learn from each other as well as

their families and the extended family. Like 1

3 days ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Sue Petrie ,

Indeed ..... A beautiful Experience to share with us .


Madam , You are with the ground reality and I like it .

It is upon the educator's to think about the remedial action for it .

Now , in the present scenario , what I feel , parent's are also envolved , in snatching the childhood from

their kid's .

Yes , curriculum should be in a way to enable the learning at the choice of learner's .

A lot of Thank 's for a beautiful experience to share with us .

3 days ago

Manraj kaur Namdhari Professional School Teacher Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India

Manraj kaur Namdhari • I totally agree to all the above comments .For any building to be's

important that it's foundation should also be strong.I somewhere feel that only increasing the budget of

primary education will not help unless we,the teachers are fully devoted to our work and sincere to our

duties.Teaching is a noble profession and should be looked and taken up in that way only.whereas,it is not

the case today. Teachers want to rush through the syllabus today,save time.





Finally .I would like to say that raising salaries of primary teachers would definitely help but more than

that is the inner awakening of the teachers...........

2 days ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Manraj kaur Madam,

A lot of Thank's for your experience's to share with us .

I differ slightly from you , Madam ...

For the present situation ( As the data indicate's ) , Only Teacher's are responsible for it ? Society ,

Management and other part of the System are on the right Track , Is'nt it ?

Madam , Mahamouda Salouhou Sir , is definately correct when he says "we are all responsible and should

work hands in hands. It is really easy to blame the teachers.....


teachers are part of a network composed of different stakeholders ........" .

Patricia bissessar , is correct ..... " Not enough focus is being given to primary education by governmental

agencies to support primary school teachers ........."

These words will not be a NEWS in any way , but if there is certain lapse on the part of the teacher , What

so ever Compulsion may be , We find this as a leading NEWS everywhere .

I am not Supporting the MISDEED of any teacher , It should be seriouslly taken by all agencies

responsible for it , but at the same time attention should be paid, in removing all obstacle in the path .

Teacher should not be treated as a " TARGET " Alone .

In my opinion , For better result's we all had to join the hand's together . Like 1

2 days ago

Galebone M. Matshitse Education Officer at Teacher Training and Development Botswana

Galebone M. Matshitse • Primary education should be given more attention for no one goes to secondary

without it. it lays the foundation and at this stage pupils do not know who they are and should be assisted

to realise their potential so that they focus as they grow up

1 day ago

sarala mangarai A P State Council of Higher Education, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India

sarala mangarai • Primary Education should be given importance as of Higher Education becoz primary

education is the basic where children learn from the root .

If the base is good every thing will go on well

1 day ago

akaribo john coodinator at doone mothers club Ghana

akaribo john • i think that it is important for the primary education to have more attntion than to senior

high , this because the child needs to know to have a very good fundation of what she or he want to do the

the feture . if you can not read well at teh primary level you will find it dificult to understand the high

level education

1 day ago


Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Galebone M. Matshitse ,

You have rightly pointed that " no one goes to secondary without ........ "

Thank You for your Analysis

1 day ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Akaribo john ,

By , this discussion , it is quiet clear that all educator's , are in a view to strengthen " PRIMARY


Thank You Sir for Your Comment.

1 day ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Sarala Mangarai ,

Strongly agree with you ,

All the educator's are of the same View , Madam .

Now , The Question is " HOW " .

Yes , There is not much discussion on this question .

1 day ago


hazem farouk vice principal at Ma'arif for Education and Training Saudi Arabia

hazem farouk • How can we solve this problem? I think that we should use the well qualified teacher to teach this

level.specialy in maths and language

1 day ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Hazem farouk Sir ,

"Qualified" word need's somewhat justification ,Sir . Is , it used as a synonym of " Educational

Qualification "

If Yes , Quality of teacher matter's , but what I think , Stress should be layed much more on the " trainning

programme " .Sir , A through out meritorius student perhaps the Gold medalist , if asked to face Primary

kids , I am perhap's ............... certain , he will face difficulty .

So , " Trainning Programme "is equally important to " Acedemic Record " .

Thank You Sir for your Suggestion

Sue Petrie Independent Education Management Professional Portsmouth, United Kingdom

Sue Petrie • There are many reasons why politicians fail to take early education seriously. I can only

speak of the UK but generally the issues are low status, poor pay and lack of professional recognition.

Childcare is still seen as women's work and so there are few men in childcare or Primary Education and

those that are present are either owner/managers or head teachers. Inevitably men tend to go where the

money is ie Secondary Education or Higher Education. There is very little prospect of promotion in the

Primary Sector or for that matter in Further Education. Secondary Schools do not recognise the role that

Primary schools play in the children's education. Too often they criticise the primary sector 'that may be

what you did then but it's time to grow up now'

Primary records are not valued and many children move into the secondary sector with the teacher

knowing very little about the children in their charge. So much for the seamless robe.

Of course, chidren do not have the vote and so for the reasons above and subtle mores about children's

education in the early years politicians tend to go where the votes are. Like 2

1 day ago


Jerome Palaoag Program & Training Director at Flex Impact Security & Training Services Inc. FISTS Philippines

Executive Training Director at Flex Impact Security & Training Services Inc. FISTS

Jerome Palaoag • I believe all three levels should be given due consideration because each level has its

own priority concerns. The concerns should be properly supported by governmental or private policies so

that the necessary infrastructures and learning materials are properly provided if these requirements are

not met then for sure there will be problems in results. The point is are the needed supports to achieve said

priority concerns in place?

1 day ago

Mokshedul Hamid Joint Director, Training (PRL) at Rural Development Academy, Bogra Bangladesh

Mokshedul Hamid • After the II WW in Japan as we see they financed Primary Education at first and

then simultaneously go for the higher level. Even now a day whenever we badly need highly qualified

manpower, we should 'invest' the large portion of our education budget (say nearly 60%) in PRIMARY

EDUCATION. At the same time there should be a monitoring system to watch it regularly.

1 day ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Sue Petrie Madam ,

Indeed a ............ Beautiful Analysis .

Thank You for debating ..... and perhaps , what I can Say.... , raising a serious issue .

Yes , The issue of --- low status, poor pay and lack of professional recognition--

and -----Schools do not recognise the role that Primary schools play in the children's

education .......... exist here also . This is a serious question , and the educator's

with the help of Government should try to find a solution of it . Unless and until

Primary Education is not given recognization , the true form of Education is

impossible to attain . What I think in this regard ---- A seperate Autonomous

institution with the recognization of the Government should come into the existence

which will be responsible for Only Primary Education I.e Framing the Rules , Service


Condition's of the teacher , basic infrastructure ........... . and it should be headed by

personality working in the field of Education Only .

Secondly , as per envolvement of ladies in preprimary or primary Education is

concerned , I think ................... it should be taken in a positive Way . Madam , This

is a true fact that ladies are more passionate than Men i.e in terms of irritation,

anger etc .and the way of handling , the kids ( Primary , Preprimary ), justifyies

the above fact .

Madam , education is a right, for all , and if any one is deprived of it due to

unavailability of right to vote , then this right should be provided to the kids ---------------

( Why Not )

Again a lot of thanks for raising a serious issue

19 hours ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Jerome Palaoag Sir,

Absolutely right , Sir . Strongly , Agree with You .

yes ,The " concern's " should be addressed properly by every one for a better future .

Thank You Sir .

18 hours ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Mokshedul Hamid Sir ,

Sir , Our Expenditure in Education is only 4.9 % of GDP ( india 4.1 % ,Bangladesh 2.4% Approximately)

. Sir , Firstly it should be increased (i.e minimum of 3 - 4% ) .

Many countries spend 2 to 2.5 % more in secondary education or higher education in comparision to

primary Education .I will be extremely happy , if atleast these % goes down to atleast .5 or 1% . The flow

of economy by this process towards primary education should be utilized for developing basic

infrastructure in this area .

Any "plan" which is not properly monitered is sure to find it's way in the doldrums .

I agree with you sir in this regard .

Thank You sir , for your suggestion's 2 Hour’s ago


Syama Sreenivasan Ph.D student at Bharathiar University Cochin Area ,

India IELTS tutor at Manjoorans Group

Syama Sreenivasan • I honestly agree that primary education be given due importance and all the more I

strongly believe that pre-primary education be given even more importance. These days schooling actually

begins early at perhaps at the age of 2 or 3. Along with changes in the teaching strategies to suit the

advanced and scientific world, the basic qualification of the teachers handling them should also be so as to

meet the requirements. Not only this but the teachers should be trained to go down to the youngsters,

know about their developmental level and teach accordingly, be a friend and moreover be a mother to


9 hours ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Syama Sreenivasan ,

Absolutely correct , Sir . What is happening in maximum states of India , State Govt. has completed or is

in the process of appointing para teacher's for their school .

in some of the states these teacher's are paid less than the people working in MNREGA

Yes , there may be compulsion from the Govt. point of view , but will be, appropriate for them to devotee

fully in their profession ? it will be UNFAIR , to search in them , the quality as mentioned by you . It's all

about give and take ,Sir

Thank you sir for your Analysis

29 minutes ago

Gabi Comanac instructor baze de date Oracle la Colegiul National "Dimitrie Cantemir" Onesti Bacau County, Romania instructor baze de date Oracle at Colegiul National "Dimitrie Cantemir" Ones

Gabi Comanac • The" Primary Education " is very important. In the traditonal Romanian family, parents

or grandparents help children learn the basics. But now no longer does this...The consequences are seen in

all levels brings(I'm a high-school teacher). I think that both family and society will have to assume new

responsibilities.Good luck all :) Like 1

29 minutes ago


Galebone M. Matshitse Education Officer at Teacher Training and Development Botswana

Galebone M. Matshitse • I agrree,professional recognition is a vital issue in the development of Primary

Education. Like 1

29 minutes ago

Sue Petrie Independent Education Management Professional Portsmouth, United Kingdom

Sue Petrie • Syama, although supporting the notion of the importance of early years and primary

education does not make clear what she means by 'schooling' starting at the age of 2-3. Not the place to

get into semantics but I believe that schooling/learning and training start at birth. This idea then supports

the importance of the role of socialisation played by the family and the child's early significant others. In

UK many babies are put into daytime childcare at a few months old and it is here that I believe many of

the problems of poor communication and people skills start. There are many excellent childcarers and

child care settings but we have failed to mimic the role of parents and the wider family in these settings. I

also wish to reinforce the need for childcare to be carried out by men as well as women. In UK very few

men enter into early years childcare for many reasons including fear about the reasons why men want to

look after children. Like 1

29 minutes ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Gabi Comanac

As per need of the society , Government frames the law or get into the action .

So , there should be pressure from the society , then only Govt. will react . At the

same time Educator's should also take the responsibility honestly , for the sucess of

the system.

I respect your feeling in this regard .

Thank You

20 minutes ago


Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Galebone M. Matshitse ,

At present , professional recognition is a must for the success , of the system .

Without this , if not impossible , it would be difficult for the dignitories working here , to achieve the

desired result .

Thank you for Your Analysis

20 minutes ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Sue Petrie Madam ,

In Indian society , today also , there exists the system of "United FAMILY" , in which almost 3 or in some

cases more than 3 generation reside together in a single roof .

Here childcare is not the work of Women alone , men are equally involved in it , as per the responsibilities

, fixed by the head of the family .

I have deep faith on your views regarding " role of socialisation played ...... "

Thank You Madam .

20 minutes ago

Dr. Dhananjay Pandey • Dear friend's ( ALL ) ,

Thank You all , for your responses and to linkedin ( IEforum+ Teacher's Trainning ) for providing the

platform. I would like to present some of the statistic's , orginated due to this discussion .

1. Total number of comment's = 63 + 62 = 125

( IEforum+ Teacher's Trainning )

2. No. Of Countries participated = 17 ( Actually Countries had not formerly participated directly , friend's discussing this issue are the citizen's ) 3 No. of States of India participated = 11


4. % of friend's are with the statement = 99% ( Approx)

5. Factor's Resposible for the downfall of primary education As per this discussion ----

a. Teacher's responsible for the same = 13%

b. Parent's responsible for it = 18%

c. Society responsible for it = 17%

d. Teacher's trainning = 19%

e. lack of proper supervision = 10%

f. Government Policy = 17%

g. lack of Budget = 23%

( Proper Infrastructure + Salary )

h Unqualified Teacher's = 2%

In addition to these some of the factor's were also the part of the discussion but

there number's were extremely low –

a. Fixing the responsibilities from top to bottom

b. lack of professional Approach

c. Primary education should be in the mother Tounge of the kids

6 . Procedure adopted for determining the %

1. I have not included my view's in this discussion .

2. Factor's were noted , occured in this discussion and with the help of tally marks

for each discussion weightage were alloted .

3. Error -- 10% Approx .( In full statistic’s )

4. Period of Discussion -- 30 / 01/ 2012 --- till date ( Roughly 40 days )

Dear friend's , With due respect , I seek your permission, to present this data to

the authority concern ( IASE , DEO ,BEO etc ) , indulge in primary education,


A close friend of mine had questioned my intension or motto for this discussion .

As per this discussion is concerned , nothing was personal to me . My only

motto or the intention was to bring in light " the obstacles" and to present it to the

dignified authorities . Whether , the problem get's diagnose or not , I believe in God .

A lot of Thank's to all for this discussion


Audrey BeaumontEducational Consultant - Higher Education and Schools - Manchester Northwest Region Lostock Junction, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom

Artist-Designer in Contemporary Stained Glass at L'Ecole de Vitrail et Creation

Audrey Beaumont • Dear Dhananjay

These fasciniating statistics provide invaluable evidence of the perceptions of members on how they

regard primary education. Also , what an excellent idea to do this at the end of the period of discussion as

this information can be used constuctively in any future argument to support the development of primary

education. You might also like to develop these statisitics further, by using , a

free site which provides the survey studture for you to elicit such responses in a quick and efficient way to

substantiate conclusively your argument.

Best wishes,



Should , Primary Education be paid more attention

than Higher Education ? Please Comment .

PERIOD -- 30/01/2012 to 10 /03/201 (125 Comments)

Participating Countrie’s -

India , Saudi Arabia , Quatar , Phillipine’s,

Gambia , Ghana , Trinad & Tobacco , Saint

Lucia , Jamaica , Zambia , Gambia ,United

States , United kingdom , France ,Botswana.

Participating State’s from India

Andhra Pradesh , Chattisgarh , Delhi , Hariyana ,

Karnataka , Madhya Pradesh , Maharashtra , Orissa ,



Participating Countrie’s

India , Saudi Arabia , Quatar , Phillipine’s, Gambia,

Romania , Ghana, Trinad & Tobacco , Saint Lucia,

Guatemala, Jamaica , Zambia , Bangladesh ,United

States , United kingdom , France , Botswana.

Participating State’s from India

Andhra Pradesh , Chattisgarh , Delhi ,

Haryana , Karnataka ,Kerela , Madhya Pradesh,

Maharashtra , Orissa ,TamilNadu ,UP
