Shockingly Painful A Case Presentation Group 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso, Mejia, Ong...


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Shockingly PainfulA Case Presentation

Group 7:Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso, Mejia, Ong

December 22, 2010Medicine Clerkship Rotation

The Medical City

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

General Data

CFG58 years oldFemaleFilipinoRoman CatholicFrom Pasig CityInformants: Patient and sister (good reliability)

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Chief Complaint:Abdominal pain

Morning PTA Abdominal pain Post-prandial Epigastric 30 minute duration Crampy, 6/10 pain scale No relief with Itopride (Ganaton) No aggravating factors Radiates to the back Intermittent

No associated:Fever, Nausea, Vomiting, Bowel movement changes


Afternoon PTA

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Chief Complaint:Abdominal pain

Morning PTA Abdominal pain


Afternoon PTA Abdominal pain Increased intensity Epigastric 30 minute duration Crampy, 6/10 pain scale No relief with Itopride (Ganaton) No aggravating factors Radiates to the back Intermittent

Associated chills and undocumented fever

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Chief Complaint:Abdominal pain

ER Consult

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

•No weight gain or weight loss. Easy fatiguability

•No headache, seizures, blurring of vision, ear problems

•No dyspnea, cough, colds

•No palpitations, chest pain

•No nausea, vomiting

•No dysuria, frequency

Pertinent Review of Systems

• (+) Generalized weakness

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Past Medical History

Hypertension Stage II

20 years

On Losartan + Hydrochlorothiazide


No recent consults

Unrecalled last exacerbation

No maintenance medications

Erythromycin allergy (rashes)

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Past Medical History

s/p Laparoscopic cholecystectomy with subsequent development of stricture, s/p biliary stent placement (2005)

s/p Biliary stent replacement (2007)

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Family History

• Hypertension

• Asthma

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

• Divorced

• Smoker (20 pack years)

• Occasional alcoholic drinks

• Usual diet: meat, fatty food, soda

• Occupation: Businesswoman/student

Personal-Social History

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Physical Examination

Vital Signs






Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Physical Examination

Vital Signs






Ht: 152 cm, Weight 68 kg, BMI: 29.4 (overweight)

BP: 150 / 70Temp: 39.5oC

HR: 88RR: 21

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Physical Examination

Vital Signs









Not in respiratory distress

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Physical Examination

Vital Signs






Icteric sclerae

Pink palpebral conjunctiva

Neck veins not distended


Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Physical Examination

Vital Signs






Symmetric chest expansion

No retractions

Clear breath sounds

Adynamic precordium

Normal S1 and S2

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Physical Examination

Vital Signs







5 bowel sounds per minute (normoactive)


No masses

Epigastric and right upper quadrant tenderness

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Physical Examination

Vital Signs






Full and equal pulses

Normal skin color

Good skin turgor

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Salient Features

58 year old female

Acute abdominal pain (epigastric)

Accompanied by chills and fever

History of cholecystectomy with biliary stent placement and replacement (2005 and 2007)

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Admitting Impression

Acid Peptic Disease

r/o failed biliary stent

r/o viral hepatitis

r/o beginning pancreatitis

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Differential Diagnoses

Cholecystitis and biliary colic

Diverticular disease



Liver abscess

Acute appendicitis

Perforated peptic ulcer

Ascending cholangitis✓✓

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Hepatitis✓Salient Features +/- Hepatitis

58 year old, female + Mortality: < 5 y/o and > 50 y/o

Abdominal pain and tenderness (epigastric) radiating to the back

+Epigastric or RUQ pain with

radiation to back

Accompanied by chills and fever + Accompanied by fever

Acute onset + Acute onset

Icetric sclerae and not jaundiced - Jaundice

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Pancreatitis✓Salient Features +/- Pancreatitis

58 year old, female + African-American; 35-64 y/o

Abdominal pain and tenderness (epigastric) radiating to the back

+Epigastric or RUQ pain with

radiation to back

Accompanied by chills and fever + Accompanied by fever

History of cholecystectomy with biliary stent insertion and replacement (2005 and 2007)

-History of recent surgery or

invasive procedure

Acute onset + Acute onset

Icetric sclerae and not jaundiced - Jaundice

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Peptic Ulcer Disease✓Salient Features +/- Peptic Ulcer Disease

58 year old, female + Tends to occur later in life

Abdominal pain and tenderness (epigastric) radiating to the back + Epigastric pain

Accompanied by chills and fever +/- Not usually associated with chills and fever

History of cholecystectomy with biliary stent insertion and replacement (2005 and 2007)

- Not significant

Acute onset - Recurrent unless perforation occus

Icetric sclerae and not jaundiced +/- Usually normal PE findings

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Ascending cholangitis✓Salient Features +/- Ascending cholangitis

58 year old, female + No age or sex prediliction

Abdominal pain and tenderness (epigastric) radiating to the back + Presents as abdominal pain

Accompanied by chills and fever + Patient was febrile

History of cholecystectomy with biliary stent insertion and replacement (2005 and 2007)

+ Associated with biliary tract manipulation

Acute onset + Acute onset

Icetric sclerae and not jaundiced +/- Presents with jaunice

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Diagnostic PlanLaboratory test Rationale

CBC with differential count

Baseline values; determine presence of infection , anemia, etc.

Electrolyte panel with renal function

Assess metabolic state and kidney function

Liver function testDetermine possible liver pathology(e.g. hepatitis)

Prothrombin time/ activated partial thromboplastin time

Coagulapthies (e.g. DIC, cirrhosis)

Lipase Usually elevated in pancreatitis

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Diagnostic Plan

Laboratory test Rationale

UrinalysisBaseline values; determine presence of infection , glucose, protein, etc.

Culture and sensitivity for blood, bile, stent

Determine foci of infection and resistance profiles

Chest x-ray Baseline study

Ultrasound Visualization of the biliary tree

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Hospital Day 1: Floors to ICU

AM: Stable at the floorsDecreased responsivenessRestlessness

FebrileBP: 160/90→90/60HR: 100sRR: 40sO2 saturation: 97%→88%

+ Alar flaring, + Ronchi and ralesOccasional wheezingDistended abdomen; soft, non-tenderNormal rate, regular rhythmDistinct S1No edemaFull and equal pulsesFlushed skinSigns of jaundice








Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Definition of termsSepticemia

• Presence of microbes or their toxins in blood

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Definition of termsSIRS

• Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome

•2 or more of the following:


< 36oC > 24 breaths/min

> 90 beats/min

> 12000/L< 4000/L


Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Definition of termsSepsis

• 2 or more of SIRS components with a proven or suspected microbial etiology


< 36oC

> 24 breaths/min

> 90 beats/min > 12000/L

< 4000/LWBC

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Definition of termsSeptic shock

• SIRS + hypotension


< 36oC

> 24 breaths/min

> 90 beats/min

> 12000/L

< 4000/LWBC

BP: < 90 systolic< 40 mmHg less

than patient’s normal

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Definition of termsAscending Colangitis

• Charcot’s Triad:

• Right upper quadrant pain, Fever, Jaundice



Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Biliary obstruction Host antibacterial defenses

Immune dysfunction




bacteria bacteria







bacteria bacteriabacteria


Acute Cholangitis


Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Duodenum Portal venous blood

Biliary Tree

Hepatic Ducts

bacteria bacteria

Acute Cholangitis


Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong



Lipoteichoic acid

DNA fimbriae

Host binding protein

CD 14




TLR chemokinesCytokines


Septic Shock


Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong



Inc. Blood flow

Enhance vessel permeability

Recruit neutrophils

Elicit pain





Septic Shock

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Septic Shock

• Control Mechanisms

•Prevent inflammation within organs distant from infection site

•Work of anti-inflammatory molecules

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Septic Shock

• Organ dysfunction and shock

• Prevalence of anti-inflammatory molecules

• Blood leukocytes often HYPOresponsive to agonists such as LPS

• - Increases risk of mortality


Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

• Vascular injury

• Endothelial injury

Leukokcyte-derived mediators

Platelet-leukocyte-fibrin thrombi

Vascular injury

TNFa Vascular endothelial cells cytokinesProcoagulant

moleculesNitric oxidePAF


Septic Shock

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Hospital Day 1: Floors to ICU

AM: Stable at the floorsDecreased responsivenessRestlessness

FebrileBP: 160/90→90/60HR: 100sRR: 40sO2 saturation: 97%→88%

+ Alar flaring, + Ronchi, ralesOccasional wheezingDistended abdomen; soft, non-tenderNormal rate, regular rhythmDistinct S1No edemaFull and equal pulsesFlushed skinSigns of jaundice








Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong


• Severe septic shock secondary to ascending cholangitis

• secondary to biliary duct stricture s/p stent replacement (2007)

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong


• Intubation

• Transfer to ICU

• Stat ERCP

• Antibiotics (Pip-Tazo) → Linezolid and imipinem

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

ERCP• Endoscopic Retrograde


• Diagnosis and treatment of benign malignant pancreaticobiliary diseases

Indications Benefits

• Gallstones trapped in main bile duct• Blockage of bile duct• Jaundice• Undiagnosed persistent, recurrent upper

abdominal pain• Unexplained loss of appetite and weight

loss• Cancer of the bile ducts or pancreas• Pancreatitis

• Diagnostic and therapeutic technique (e.g. gallstones, blockage)

• Shorter hospital stay

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong


• Duodenoscope• Fiber-optic duodenoscope• Videoscope

“ERCP”. Jackson Siegelbaum. Gastroenterology.(

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

AntibioticsLinezolid and Imipenem

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong


CBC Urinalysis

ABG Liver Function Tests

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong


CBCHemoglobin = 132 g/dlHematocrit = 0.37Platelets = 224WBC = 14.5Neutrophils = 0.93Lymphocyte - 0.06Monocyte = 0.01

UrinalysisColor: Dark YellowSp. gravity: 1.015+ Erythrocytes, urobilinogen, bilirubin

ABGpH = 7.352pCO2 = 26.4pO2 = 63.1HCO3 = 15.7BE = -7.1O2 sat. = 91.73

Liver Function TestsHepatitis tests: non-reactiveSGOT: 542.7 U/L ↑SGPT: 636.8 U/L ↑Alk. Phos: 137.1 U/L ↑Total Bilirubin: 6.17 mg/dL ↑Direct Bilirubin: 4.02 mg/dL ↑Indirect Bilirubin: 2.15 mg/dL ↑

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

ABG Interpretation• pH: Acidotic

• HCO3: below normal, metabolic acidosis

• pCO2: below normal, respiratory alkalosis

ABGpH = 7.352pCO2 = 26.4pO2 = 63.1HCO3 = 15.7BE = -7.1O2 sat. = 91.73

Acceptable ranges:

pH: 7.35-7.45pCO2: 35-45HCO3: 22-26BE: +2 to -2

Metabolic acidosis with concomitant respiratory alkalosis

Oxygenation: adequate

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong


CBCHemoglobin = 132 g/dlHematocrit = 0.37Platelets = 224WBC = 14.5Neutrophils = 0.93Lymphocyte - 0.06Monocyte = 0.01

UrinalysisColor: Dark YellowSp. gravity: 1.015+ Erythrocytes, urobilinogen, bilirubin

ABGpH = 7.352pCO2 = 26.4pO2 = 63.1HCO3 = 15.7BE = -7.1O2 sat. = 91.73

Liver Function TestsHepatitis tests: non-reactiveSGOT: 542.7 U/L ↑SGPT: 636.8 U/L ↑Alk. Phos: 137.1 U/L ↑Total Bilirubin: 6.17 mg/dL ↑Direct Bilirubin: 4.02 mg/dL ↑Indirect Bilirubin: 2.15 mg/dL ↑

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Liver Function Interpretation

• Inflammation or damage to hepatocytes

• Usually due to biliary obstruction in the occurrence of abdominal pain

• Elevated alkaline phosphatase cholestasis

Liver Function TestsHepatitis tests: non-reactiveSGOT: 542.7 U/L ↑SGPT: 636.8 U/L ↑Alk. Phos: 137.1 U/L ↑Total Bilirubin: 6.17 mg/dL ↑Direct Bilirubin: 4.02 mg/dL ↑Indirect Bilirubin: 2.15 mg/dL ↑

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong


ECG Chest X-ray

Cardiac Enzymes Cultures

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong



Normal sinus rhythmLeftward axisLeft atrial enlargementNon-specific ST-T wave changesNo significant changes from 11/27/2010

Chest X-ray

Subsegmental atelectasis, rightCardiomegalyAtheromatous aortaThoracic spondylosis and dextroscoliosis

Cardiac Enzymes

Troponin T = 0.57 ng/mlCK Total = 306.3 U/L ↑CK MB = 23.44 U/L CK MM = 282.9 U/L ↑


Stent and bloodBileStent

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong


Serum Electrolytes Other tests

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong


Serum Electrolytes

Sodium = 139 meq/LPotassium= 3.3 meq/L


Amylase = 126 U/L ↑Lipase = 96.56 U/L ↑Lactate = 50.52 mg/dL ↑Creatinine = 0.64 mg/dL ↑NGAL = 225.2 ng/mL ↑

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Enzymes: Amylase, Lipase

• Slightly elevated amylase and lipase levels

• Not definitive for pancreatitis (requiring three-fold increase)

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Neutrophil Gelatinase-associated Lipocalin (NGAL)

• Biomarker for acute ischemic renal injury

• Expressed by neutrophils and other epithelia (e.g. renal proximal tubules)

• Measured in urine or serum

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Physical ExaminationHospital Day 1

• CNS: GCS 11, sedation with Midazolam

• CVS:

•BP: 75/40 to 150/70, tachycardic → hypotensive episodes

•On dopamine and/or norepinephrine drip

•(+) Trop T, elevated CK enzymes, anterior wall ischemia on ECG

•Given Enoxaparin (Clexane), 0.6 ml every 12 hours

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong


• Anticoagulant

• Binds to anti-thrombin III and accelerates activity, inhibiting thrombin and Factor Xa (low molecular weight heparin)

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Physical ExaminationHospital Day 1

• Respiratory:

•Oxygen saturation = 98%

•+ Ronchi bilaterally

•+ Rales on the right base



•On Linezolid and Imipenem

• Unremarkable GI, GU and Endocrine findings

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Acute Respiratory Failure

• Syndrome of failure in one or both gas exchange functions (oxygenation and/or carbon dioxide elimination)

• PaO2 < 60mmHg (type 1) or PaCO2 > 50mmHg (type 2)

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong


• Acute respiratory failure secondary to septic shock secondary to ascending cholangitis s/p ERCP

• Hypertension

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong


• Close monitoring

• Maintain hemodynamic stability

• Administration of Linezolid and Imipenem

• Mechanical ventilation

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Hospital Day 3: ICU

CNS: GCS 11 (E4VtM6) with episodes of agitationon Midazolam 5 ml/hr

Hemoglobin = 83 g/dLHematocrit = 0.25Platelets = 119WBC = 15.4

•Serum Creatinine = 1.68 (↑ from 0.6)







Bands = 0.02Neutrophils = 0.85Lymphoctes = 0.08Monocytes = 0.04Eosinophil = 0.01 Hypochromic


Stent and blood: Klebsiella pneumoniae

Bile: Heavy growth of Escherichia coli

Stent: Proteus mirabilis

*All organisms sensitive to Ceftriaxone and ampicillin

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

AntibioticsCeftriaxone and Ampicillin

• Culture guided antibiotics

• Mechanism of action...

• Coverage...

• For Mimi

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Acute Kidney Injury

• Broad spectrum of sublethal injury to tubular and other renal cells

• Occurs in 1% to 25% of ICU patients

• Cause ICU of mortality (Hoise et al.)

RIFLE F 26.3% mortality

RIFLE I 11.4% mortality

RIFLE R 8.8% mortality

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Acute Kidney Injury – Rifle Criteria

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong


• Deficiency in red blood cells, hemoglobin, or in total volume

• Gastrointestinal bleeds: manifest as melena, hematochezia, hematemesis

• Most common etiologies: ulcers (31-59%), varices (7-20%), Mallory-Weiss tears (4-8%)

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong


• Acute Respiratory Failure secondary to Septic shock secondary to ascending cholangitis s/p ERCP

• Acute kidney injury

• Anemia probably secondary to upper GI bleed

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong


• Close monitoring

• For blood transfusion

• Ulcer prophylaxis

• Potassium correction

• For step-down antibiotics - Ceftriaxone and ampicillin (culture guided)

• Possible mechanical ventilation weaning (extubation on hospital day 6)

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Hospital course• Day 4: creatinine at 0.67

• Day 5: extubated, well-tolerated

• Day 6: transfer to the floors

• Day 11: discharged

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Principles of ManagementSeptic Shock

• Close monitoring (vital signs, I/O)

• Hemodynamic support with IV fluids and vasopressors

• Identify underlying cause for sepsis

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Principles of ManagementAscending Cholangitis

• ABC assessment

• IV fluid resuscitation with crystalloids (e.g. plain NSS)

• Parenteral antibiotics

• Biliary decompression (severe cases)

• Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL) for choleliths

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Acute Cholangitis

Mild Severe

ICUMonitor with reassessment


Improvement No improvement

Elective ERCPwith definitive therapy (if not previously done)

Percutaneous drainage


Elective ERCPwith definitive therapy

of bile duct stoneswithin 24-48 hrs

No improvement


Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Ascending CholangitisPrognosis

• Depends on the following:

•Early recognition and treatment of cholangitis

•Response to therapy

•Underlying medical conditions of the patient

• Mortality rate: 5-10% (higher in patients who require emergency decompression or surgery)

• Good response to antibiotics = good prognosis

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Ascending CholangitisComplications

• Liver failure, hepatic abscess, microabscess

• Acute renal failure

• Bactermia, sepsis (gram-negative)

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Septic ShockPrognosis

• Depends on the following:

•Severity of illness



• Response to antibiotics

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Septic ShockComplications

• Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)

• Renal dysfunction

• Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)

• Mesenteric ischemia

• Myocardial ischemia and dysfunction

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Preventable gallstones?


5 million Filipinos with gallstones


5.4 Filipinos estimated to have gallstones

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Risk Factors




Sedentary lifestyle


Weight cycling


Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Risk Factors

More trans fat

> 36 inches

15/1000 smokers

Sedentary lifestyle

2x risk for cholecystectomy

Increased risk

Gut. 2006 May; 55(5): 708-14

High glycemic indexArch Intern Med. 2005 May 9;165(9):1011-5

Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Mar;87(3):627-37

Increased riskAm J Epidemiol. 2009 Jan 15;169(2):153-60

Increased riskAnn Intern Med. 1998 Mar 15;128(6):417-25.

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong


Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Role of Practitioners

Stop trans fat useStop trans fat use


Surveillance of harmful dietary substances

Surveillance of harmful dietary substances

Education at the school levelEducation at the school level

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Healthcare Availability

Php 488,000

12 days

Php 44,000 / day


Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

How many Filipinos can afford the same


50%30%10%5%?Fewer than that!

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong


Php 206,000Php 176,000



Php 30,000Savings:

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong


16 years to pay

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong

Average income

Number of families

Average income per


Average expenditure per bracket

P250,000 and above 3,264,000 471,000 361,000

P100,000 – P249,999 6,271,000 157,000 143,000P60,000 – P99,999 4,122,000 79,000 77,000P40,000 – P59,000 2,355,000 50,000 52,000P40,000 and below 1,392,000 30,000 33,000

Total families: 17,403,000 (2006)

Grandrounds: Shockingly PainfulGroup 7: Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso,

Mejia, Ong


Php 488,000 to 454,400 Php 488,000 to 454,400

Hospital discount: Php 33,600Hospital discount: Php 33,600

Government/Public Tertiary hospitalGovernment/Public Tertiary hospital

1/3 of private costs: Php 162,000 1/3 of private costs: Php 162,000

The PhilHealth Member would pay only Php 128,400The PhilHealth Member would pay only Php 128,400

Case B

Private Tertiary HospitalPrivate Tertiary Hospital

Shockingly PainfulA Case Presentation

Group 7:Asuncion, Dalman, Doromal, Dy, Generoso, Mejia, Ong

December 22, 2010Medicine Clerkship Rotation

The Medical City
