Sexual Assault Awareness Information Education · Celebration · Awareness · Inclusion


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Sexual Assault Awareness Information Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion Slide 2 Did you know Every 2 minutes, someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted. Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion Slide 3 Did you know Girls ages 16-19 are four times more likely to be victims of sexual assault. Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion Slide 4 Did you know About 75% of all victimizations were not reported to police, when they were offended by a current or former husband or boyfriend. Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion Slide 5 Did you know In 2010, victims ages 12 or older experienced a total of 188,380 rapes or sexual assaults. Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion Slide 6 Did you know An average 8% of sexual assaults each year involve the use of a weapon. Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion Slide 7 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion Nearly 1 in 5or 22 millionwomen in the United States have been raped in their lifetimes. Slide 8 Did you know 18.8% of black women have been sexually assaulted. Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion Slide 9 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion 3% of boys grades 5-8 and 5% of boys in grades 9-12 said they had been sexually abused. Slide 10 Did you know Victims of sexual assault are 13 times more likely to abuse alcohol. Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion Slide 11 Did you know Victims of sexual assault are 26 times more likely to abuse drugs. Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion Slide 12 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion Victims of sexual assault are 4 times more likely to contemplate suicide. Slide 13 Did you know 38% of rapists are a friend or acquaintance to the victim. Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion Slide 14 Did you know About 1 in 7 girls will be sexually abused before they turn 18. Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion Slide 15 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion About 1 in 25 boys will be sexually abused before they turn 18. Slide 16 Did you know Approximately 1 in 5 female high school students report being physically and/or sexually abused by a dating partner. Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion Slide 17 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion 28% of sexual abusers are an intimate person to the victim. Slide 18 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion 6.8% of Asian Pacific Islander women have been sexually assaulted. Slide 19 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion About 3% of American men --or 1 in 33have experienced an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime. Slide 20 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion 15% of sexual assault and rape victims are under age 12. Slide 21 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion 80% of sexual assault and rape victims are under age 30. Slide 22 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion 7% of girls in grades 5-8 and 12% of girls in grades 9-12 said they had been sexually abused. Slide 23 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion Children living in foster care are 10 times more likely to be sexually abused than children that live with both biological parents. Slide 24 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion Children who live with a single parent that has a live-in partner are 20 times more likely to be victims of child sexual abuse than children living with both biological parents. Slide 25 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion 34.1% of American Indian/Alaskan women have been sexually assaulted. Slide 26 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion 17.7% of white women have been sexually assaulted. Slide 27 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion Victims of sexual assault are 3 times more likely to suffer from depression Slide 28 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion 73% of sexual assaults were perpetrated by a non-stranger. Slide 29 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion There is an average of 237,868 victims (age 12 or older) of rape and sexual assault each year. Slide 30 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion Approximately 2/3 of assaults are committed by someone known to the victim. Slide 31 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion Victims of sexual assault are 6 times more likely to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder. Slide 32 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion 1 in 12 of rape/sexual assault incidents takes place in a parking garage. Slide 33 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion About 1 in 10 children will be sexually abused before their 18 th birthday. Slide 34 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion Between 20% and 25% of women will experience a completed and/or attempted rape during their college career. Slide 35 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion 29% of sexual assault and rape victims are age 12-17. Slide 36 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion 17.6% of all women have been sexually assaulted. Slide 37 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion Girls ages 16-19 are 4 times more likely than the general population to be victims of rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault. Slide 38 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion 4 in 10 of rape/sexual assault incidents take place at the victim's home. Slide 39 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion 2 in 10 of rape/sexual assault incidents take place at the home of a friend, neighbor, or relative. Slide 40 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion 12-34 are the highest risk years for sexual assault and rape victims. Slide 41 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion Over 63,000 cases of child sexual abuse were reported in 2010. Slide 42 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion While there is risk for children of all ages, children are most vulnerable to abuse between the ages of seven and thirteen. Slide 43 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion Males who have been sexually abused are more likely to violently victimize others. Slide 44 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion 44% of sexual assault and rape victims are under age 18. Slide 45 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion In 2010, 25% of the females victims of rape/sexual assault were victimized by strangers. Slide 46 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion 1 in 3 sexual assaults, the perpetrator was intoxicated-30% with alcohol, 4% with drugs. Slide 47 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion 22% of imprisoned rapists report that they are married. Slide 48 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion More than 50% of all rape/sexual assault incidents were reported by victims to have occurred within 1 mile of their home or at their home. Slide 49 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion 90% of young women involved in prostitution were sexually abused as children. Slide 50 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion Perpetrators put substances in drinks in crimes of sexual assault. Slide 51 Did you know Education Celebration Awareness Inclusion Sexual assault is the most under-reported violent crime in the U.S.
