Service Provider Super User Training. 2 BRITE Finance Super User Have fun and enjoy the...


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Service ProviderService ProviderSuper User TrainingSuper User Training

2BRITE Finance Super User

Have fun and enjoy the opportunities we have to contribute to SBBC’s future success!

Please turn off or silence cell phones and pagers

Please do not read or send email messages during class time

Respect those speaking and asking questions by keeping side discussions to a minimum

Please do not interrupt the person speaking We will start, break, and end on time All unanswered questions will be placed in

the “Parking Lot” and answers will be distributed later

Welcome and Ground RulesWelcome and Ground Rules

3BRITE Finance Super User


Before we get started ...

4BRITE Finance Super User



ExercisesExercisesBRITE BRITE

Classroom MaterialsClassroom Materials

(Let Me)(Let Me)

(Tell Me)(Tell Me)

(Show Me)(Show Me)

5BRITE Finance Super User

At the end of this course, you should be able to:

Enter and display Manual Allocation

Enter and display Direct Activity Allocation

Upload allocation spreadsheets

Display and drill down on CO documents

Display Activity Type Report

Course ObjectivesCourse Objectives

6BRITE Finance Super User

SAP Basic Navigation and Fundamentals:SAP Basic Navigation and Fundamentals:Getting Into SAPGetting Into SAP

7BRITE Finance Super User


What is BRITE?

Broward Innovative Tool for Education, will streamline Broward’s business systems

It provides staff with access and real-time data in the latest version of the SAP software.

BRITE brings one business system to Broward Schools. BRITE is a project of the Enterprise Resource Planning

Department, ERP.

8BRITE Finance Super User

Click this button to

Access the BRITE Portal


For end users, SAP will now be accessed through the web. On Windows-based computers, you will access SAP in Internet

Explorer. There will be a button to access SAP on the ERP Department web


9BRITE Finance Super User

Logging Into the BRITE PortalLogging Into the BRITE Portal

User Login ID

Entry format = P00012345

• 8 digits starting with the letter p

• Personnel Number 12345

• If personnel number is less than

8 characters, then add leading zero(s)

Password (first time users only)

Entry format= JA021956

• MM = first 2 letters of birth month (JA)

• DD = 2-digit birth day (02)

• YYYY = 4-digit year of birth (1956)

10BRITE Finance Super User

Initial Password SelectionInitial Password Selection

You will click here to change your password

11BRITE Finance Super User

Portal AssistancePortal Assistance

Select “Get Support” to

Request a New Password

If you have trouble logging into the Portal, select “Get Support”.

12BRITE Finance Super User

BRITE Portal ScreenBRITE Portal Screen

Single sign on access to systems you need to do your work, including SAP (that means one password!)

Tabs in the Portal screen will be customized based on the user’s role All users will have access to the Home and Employee Self Service

(ESS) tabs

13BRITE Finance Super User

SAP Access via the BRITE PortalSAP Access via the BRITE Portal

You will select this tab

14BRITE Finance Super User

Icons to rememberIcons to remember

15BRITE Finance Super User

Business AreasBusiness Areas

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Business Area & Hierarchy Business Area & Hierarchy

17BRITE Finance Super User

Business Areas - SchoolsBusiness Areas - Schools

18BRITE Finance Super User

CO Master DataCO Master Data

19BRITE Finance Super User

Cost Center StructureCost Center Structure

20BRITE Finance Super User

Internal Order StructureInternal Order Structure

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Activity Types StructureActivity Types Structure

22BRITE Finance Super User

Secondary Cost Element StructureSecondary Cost Element Structure

23BRITE Finance Super User

Secondary Cost Elements – Svc. ProvidersSecondary Cost Elements – Svc. Providers

CE Description Debit Credit99102001 Printing Services 53950000 43482101

99105006 Telecommunications WO 53510000 53510000

99106001 PD-Inst. Material 55210000 43490840

99106002 PD-Audio Visual 56220000 43490840

99501001 Print Graphics 53950000 43490843

99501002 Cables, Ends, Splitters 56420000 43490848

99501003 Inside Inst & Wiring >$1000 56820000 43490845

99501004 Outside Inst & Wiring >$1000 56730000 43490845

99501005 Inst & Wiring <$1000 56810000 43490845

99501006 Station Management 56220000 43490842

99501007 Production over $1000 56210000 43490846

99501008 Production under $1000 56220000 43490846

24BRITE Finance Super User

Manual AllocationsManual Allocations

25BRITE Finance Super User

KB15N – Enter Manual AllocationsKB15N – Enter Manual Allocations

Perform this procedure for either (a) Inter-Departmental Billing (one Sender to one Receiver).

26BRITE Finance Super User

KB16N – Display Manual AllocationsKB16N – Display Manual Allocations

Perform this procedure when you want to view a Manual Cost allocation document that was posted in CO using the transaction KB15N.

27BRITE Finance Super User


Scenario: Enter Manual AllocationTransaction Code: KB15NCost Element: Printing ServiceAmount: $35.00 (Business Cards #5)Sending CC: Printing Svcs.Fund: 7910Func Area: 7760000000000000Rec Cost Center: Elementary School (write it down)Fund: 1000Functional Area: 7301000000000000


Workstation 1: Elm CCtr________________ Doc #____________________

Workstation 2: Elm CCtr________________ Doc #____________________

Workstation 3: Elm CCtr________________ Doc #____________________

Workstation 4: Elm CCtr________________ Doc #____________________

Workstation _: Elm CCtr________________ Doc #____________________

Doc #______________

28BRITE Finance Super User

KB17N – Reverse Manual AllocationsKB17N – Reverse Manual Allocations

Use this procedure to reverse a manual cost allocation (posted using transaction KB15N), for example, if that posting was done in error.

29BRITE Finance Super User


Scenario: Reverse a Manual Allocation

Transaction Code: KB17N

Document: From Previous Exercise


Reverse document number created in earlier exercise.

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Direct Activity AllocationsDirect Activity Allocations

31BRITE Finance Super User

KB21N – Enter Direct Activity AllocationsKB21N – Enter Direct Activity Allocations

Perform this transaction to post costs to Receivers (other Cost Centers or WBS elements) broken down by activity types and their implied standard cost/rate.

32BRITE Finance Super User

KB23N – Display Direct Activity AllocationsKB23N – Display Direct Activity Allocations

Perform this procedure when you want to view a Direct Activity allocation document that was posted in CO using the transaction KB21N.

33BRITE Finance Super User


Scenario: Enter Direct Activity AllocationTransaction Code: KB21NQuantity: 10Sending CC: BECONActivity Type: BZ0005Fund: 1020Func Area: 6200000000000000Rec Cost Center: Elementary School (write it down)Fund: 1000Functional Area: 6301000000000000


Workstation 1: BZ0001 - CCtr________________ Doc #____________________

Workstation 2: BZ0002 - CCtr________________ Doc #____________________

Workstation 3: BZ0003 - CCtr________________ Doc #____________________

Workstation 4: BZ0004 - CCtr________________ Doc #____________________

Workstation _: BZ000_ - CCtr________________ Doc #____________________

Doc #______________

34BRITE Finance Super User

KB24N – Reverse Direct Activity AllocationsKB24N – Reverse Direct Activity Allocations

Perform this procedure when you have erroneously posted an activity allocation using transaction code KB21N. This transaction will allow you to reverse that posting.

35BRITE Finance Super User


Scenario: Reverse Direct Activity Allocation

Transaction Code: KB21N

Document: From Previous Exercise


Reverse document number created in earlier exercise.

36BRITE Finance Super User

Activity Type ReportActivity Type Report

37BRITE Finance Super User

KSBT – AT Price ReportKSBT – AT Price Report

Generate this report to obtain a report on “activity prices” or “standard costs” pertaining to selected Cost Center(s) and “rate” activity types.

38BRITE Finance Super User

KSBT – AT Price ReportKSBT – AT Price Report

39BRITE Finance Super User


Scenario: Activity Type Price Report

Transaction Code: KSBT

Activity Types: BA0001 to BZ9999

Version: 0

Fiscal Year: 2008

Periods: 1 to 12


Execute the Activity Type Price Report

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Activity Type GroupActivity Type Group

41BRITE Finance Super User

KLH3 – Display Activity Type GroupKLH3 – Display Activity Type Group

Perform this procedure when the individual Activity Types comprising a specific group(s) are to be analyzed.

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Scenario: Display Activity Type GroupTransaction Code: KLH3Group: BECONActivity Type: BB0011Allocation Cost elem: _________________


Display Activity Type Group and Drill Down:

BC0006 – Allocation Cost elem _________________BA0017 – Allocation Cost elem _________________BD0036 – Allocation Cost elem _________________

43BRITE Finance Super User

File UploadFile Upload

44BRITE Finance Super User

ZCCC_Cost_Activity – Manual AllocationZCCC_Cost_Activity – Manual Allocation

Use this procedure to execute a Manual cost allocation or a Manual activity allocation using an Excel spreadsheet for upload.

45BRITE Finance Super User

ZCCC_Cost_Activity – Manual AllocationZCCC_Cost_Activity – Manual Allocation

Error Handling

Error Free

Posted Doc

46BRITE Finance Super User


Scenario: File Upload


Description: Diana’s File Upload


1) Upload the file in test mode2) Correct file3) Upload the file in test mode4) Upload the file in production mode5) Document #_______________

47BRITE Finance Super User

Cost Center ReportCost Center Report

48BRITE Finance Super User

KSB1 Cost Centers: Actual Line ItemsKSB1 Cost Centers: Actual Line Items

Perform this procedure when you wish to report on costs and revenues by cost center(s), a range of cost centers, or a cost center group together with cost element(s), a range of cost elements, or a cost element group.

49BRITE Finance Super User

KSB1 Cost Centers: Actual Line ItemsKSB1 Cost Centers: Actual Line Items

50BRITE Finance Super User


Scenario: Cost Center Line Items

Transaction Code: KSB1

Cost Center: 1 to 9999999999

Cost Element: 99102001 (Printing Svcs.)

Posting Date: 11/1/07 to 11/30/07


Execute report for the following cost elements:1) 991020012) 995010013) 99106001

51BRITE Finance Super User

Cost Center Line ItemsCost Center Line Items

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S_ALR_87013611 Cost Centers: Actual/…S_ALR_87013611 Cost Centers: Actual/…

Perform this procedure when you wish to view transactions on a single Cost Center, Cost Center Group, or a range of Cost Centers.

53BRITE Finance Super User


Scenario: Execute Cost Center ReportTransaction Code: S_ALR_87013611Fiscal Year: 2008Period: 5Version: 0


Execute report for the following cost centers:1) 13200972502) 22100970403) The cost centers you charged against in earlier


54BRITE Finance Super User

Filing GuidelinesFiling Guidelines

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These basic filing guidelines are being provided to all Service Providers, who as of December 3rd, 2007, will begin entering their orders directly into SAP.

1. Each order entered into SAP will generate a document number (multiple orders will also generate one document number if bundled for data entry)

2. The document number must be written on the applicable order(s)

3. Completed orders, along with document a number, must be filed numerically by document number in ascending order

4. Filing must be maintained separate by fiscal year

5. The Service Provider must maintain, at minimum, its files from the current and previous year on premises

6. For warehousing files and for guidelines on destruction of records, follow instructions as provided by Records Retention at 321-3150

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