Sermon and Devotional Guide - Week Four


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  • 7/29/2019 Sermon and Devotional Guide - Week Four


    CONNECTING (Consider & Share)

    1. Quietly reflect on the word "freedom" for one minute. Share with the group any images, feelings,emotions, or inspirations that flashed through your mind during that exercise.

    2. Apply that mindset to the personal financial realm. Imagine for a minute what it would be like to be totallyfree from debt. Share.

    GROWING (Discuss and Learn)

    Read 1 Timothy 6:6-10; Philippians 4:11-13 (NIV); Proverbs 6:1-11 (NIV)

    3. When considering what it might take to becomefinancially free, how important is the concept ofcontentment in the conversation? What does contentment look like in our day and age? How well are youdoing? Take a moment to share your thoughts, your struggles, and your victories with regard to "beingcontent in all circumstances".

    4. Dave Ramsey refers to debt temptation as CHEETAH! (based loosely on Proverbs 6:5 - we are the gazelle,and the cheetah is the hunter). How does our modern-day view of the following CHEETAH! words andconcepts effect our thoughts about debt? "vacation" "weekend" "retirement" "family time" "escape" funbasic transportation entertainment down time - Discuss and consider reframing these words in light of

    scripture, contentment, and financial responsibility (or the Ramsey-ism: Act Your Wage).

    5. It is often said, The Church just wants my money. To be fair, there are those that send this message loudand clear (which is very unfortunate). How do we, as a Richwoods community, 1) fight the temptation tothink this way, and 2) turn the focus onto what God is calling each of us to be - generous givers of all hehas entrusted to us [homes, possessions, time, finances, passions, talents, hearts, and lives...everything]?

    SERVING (Apply and Take Action) (break into groups of 3 or 4 people)

    6. How does the concept of giving (to others, the church, etc...) help us grow in the areas offinancialcontentment and responsibility? Discuss ideas among the group on how you might exercise your"muscles" in the grace of giving to others.

    7. Going back to the idea offinancial freedom, what specific step(s) can you take in your families to freeyourselves up financially? How might you then use your freedom to serve others and glorify God?

    8. Pray specifically for one another in these areas and commit to continued prayer until you meet again.

    Dont forget to consider subgrouping!

    (groups of 3-4 people)

    move forward ::a sermon discussion guide

  • 7/29/2019 Sermon and Devotional Guide - Week Four


    move forward ::a daily devotional guide

    be sure to check out this weeks video!

    Sunday, March 10 - Philippians 4:10-12

    As you read and re-read these verses, take some time to think about how reliant we are as a society on external stimulus.

    It seems we are driven one direction, then pulled another, and then run yet a third direction all in search of something

    that will make us feel better about our situation. We are terrible at just be-ing. What does it mean, for you personally, to

    be truly content no matter what is going on around you? Spend some time meditating on Gods message and ask him to

    renew your mind in this area - to teach you how to be in a good place no matter what. As you end your time, read this

    passage and pray through its influence could help you in the area of contentment: 1 Timothy 6:6-10

    Monday, March 11 - Proverbs 22:7

    Have an honest conversation with God about your debts. Consider how much time and effort go into servicing a

    payment to someone else. Spend time pondering the possibility offinancial freedom, and challenge yourself to redirect

    those resources for Kingdom-honoring purposes. How might those debts be keeping you 1) in bondage, and 2) under

    unnecessary levels offinancial stress? What, if anything, might God be calling you to do about it?

    Tuesday, March 12 - Proverbs 21:20

    God isnt against us having resources at our disposal - scripture is filled with accounts of the blessings of the wise. In this

    case, those blessings include stores ofchoice food and oil (emphasis added). However, he gives strong admonishment

    regarding how we manage the resources he has chosen to bless us with. What practical behaviors are encouraged in this

    verse? And conversely, what behavior is painted in a very poor light? How do these behaviors relate to us in 2013? Take a

    look at Luke 16:10. Pray about how these verses might impact yourfi

    nancial behaviors moving forward.

    Wednesday, March 13 - Proverbs 6:6-11

    Wisdom must pervade our financial house. Earning and spending must be kept in check and in balance. But sometimes,

    we can get a case of the lazies. Its the opposite of being a workaholic - we think the world owes us down time or a

    particular lifestyle beyond what we can afford. What does this passage have to say to that mentality? Do you struggle

    with the lazies or unhealthy work motivations in your life - working only for the weekend or driven by that next vacation?

    How might God be nudging you to, Go to the ant...? Pray for honest assessment and insight.

    Thursday, March 14 - Genesis 1:27

    God created us in his own image. Take an extended amount of time today to consider the gracious generosity of God. He

    gave us life, breath, joy, peace, forgiveness, hope...his one and only Son - this and so much more. It is in his nature to give.

    Likewise, it is in ours. How is God calling you to grow in the grace of giving of yourself - to be more generous to others?

    Friday, March 15 - Psalm 24:1

    In light of this scripture, meditate for a moment on what it means to be a steward - one that manages the property of

    another. We are stewards of all that God has given us. It is not our own. Does this reality help you in financial matters?

    Does it frustrate you? Do you challenge it? Ask God to reveal the truth in these matters to you.

    Saturday, March 16 - Malachi 3:6-12

    God doesnt ask us to test him very often. But in the arena of generosity, hes basically calling us out - saying to us, You

    cannot out give me! This passage specifically deals with the tithe, but the concept goes well beyond that. God has so

    much in store for us if we would only learn to trust him, learn his ways, and act in accordance to his will. Pray that he

    might reveal himself to you as you seek his face during the GO Initiative and beyond. How might you test him in this...?
