September 2015 forum



First United Methodist Church of Orange Newsletter

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Join the Celebration! September 13, 2015

BBQ Face Painting

Balloon Animals

First United Methodist Church of Orange

The Forum Volume 84 issue #9 September 2015

Join us on Rally Sunday as we bless helmets, sporting equipment, bike helmets and backpacks for the new school year.



THOUGHTS FROM THE PASTOR They came to John and said to him, “Rabbi, the one who was with you across the Jordan, to whom you testified, here he is baptizing, and all are going to him.” John answered, “No one can receive anything except what has been given from heaven. You yourselves are my witnesses that I said, ‘I am not the Messiah, but I have been sent ahead of him. ’ He who has the bride is the bridegroom. The friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly at the bridegroom’s voice. For this reason my joy has been fulfilled. He must increase, but I must decrease. Dear Friends,

We had boarded our flight in London, on the way home from Ghana, and most of the passengers had already stowed their luggage and found their seats. Suddenly a small child came tearing up the aisle, with his mother in hot pursuit. She caught him just before he went through the curtain into the first class cabin, and he let out a delightful squeal as she held him by the hands and walked him slowly back down the aisle. “This is a long flight for a little guy” I said as she walked by. “Are you heading home

or is this vacation?” “Oh, we’re on holiday!” She said in a perfect British accent. “We’re going to…Carlsbad is it?” “Yeah, Carlsbad. It’s really beautiful there.” “Yeah” She said. “He just can’t wait to see Legoland.”

Legoland. Not Disneyland - Legoland.

I grew up believing that all tourists flock to Southern California for 5 things: sunlight, beaches, palm trees, movie stars, and Disneyland. But not Legoland. Surely not Legoland! In my mind Legoland was only built a couple of years ago. And the little plastic blocks that inspired the park? They were called “Tinker Toys” and “Erector Sets” when I was child. When Legoland first opened I confess I’d only thought of it as a marketing trick for the toy-maker…a kind of “poor man’s Disneyland.” But now I’d just met an international traveler who is coming to California specifically to see Legoland. I know my grandkids love Legos, but even so I sat there in my airline seat feeling suddenly older, like some great ship was casting off its lines and I was still standing on the dock.

Life moves like that. One day you think you have your finger on the pulse of what’s happening, and the next minute half the world is going off in another direction. It happened that way for John the Baptist once. He had a thriving ministry, and people couldn’t wait to hear him preach every day. They crowded the banks of the Jordan and plunged in to the water to be baptized by him. Then Jesus showed up, and John saw in him the fulfillment of everything John had been trying to accomplish. Many others saw it too…some people even came to John and told him that most of his congregation had left him and they’d gone off to follow Jesus. John’s reply stands among the most faithful of all times: “The bride has found her bridegroom…he must increase and I must decrease.”

In a little over a month our congregation will be receiving the first draft report of the 2015 Vision Task Force. It will no doubt tell us, among other things, that our “Disneylands” are now “Legolands” and that half our world is going off to follow Jesus in ways that are unfamiliar to us. My prayer is that in considering our future together we’ll be able to embrace whatever Christ Jesus embraces and let go of our predetermined expectations. May God grant us the humility to say with John the Baptist “now [Jesus] must increase, and we must decrease.”

See you in Church!

Pastor Bill


The Forum

What if God were as big as he claimed to be?

What if he had all the riches and the wisdom and the knowledge? What if he was always working, never sleeping?

What if he could move mountains? What if he actually did have it all under control?

Then, how would you pray? How would you live?

Would your prayer life change?

"“The LORD is near to all them that call on him, to all that call on him in truth.”

Psalm 145:18


CALLING ALL VOLUNTEERS - NEED HANDS ON DECK Do you want to make a difference? Do you want to help the church grow in exciting new ways? Are you looking to get more involved? Are you creative? Do you love working with a team of people? Then we would love to have you on our team.

We are looking for 2 volunteers for our Sunday School children’s team (once every 6 weeks) We are looking for 2 volunteers for our Media/Worship Ministry Team (once every 6 weeks to help

put together and run slides and work with Pro Presenter) We are looking for 1 volunteer for our Social Media Team

Peter Joseph, Director of Faith Formation, will be more than happy to help equip and train you for these tasks. Please see him or email him if you are interested, or want more information.

LAY VISITATION TEAM Let us be the body of Christ in action to those in our congregation in need.

This is a last call for those interested in our lay visitation team. We need you to help be the hands and feet of Christ, and make hospital visitations, shut in visitations, and children’s hospital visitations.

Training with Pastor Karen and Peter Joseph begins on Wednesday, September 30th from 6:30 to 8:30 pm for 5 consecutive weeks.

Please see Peter or email him if you are at all interested.

Peter Joseph, Director of Faith Formation Email: ~ Cell: 714-473-8086 ~ Office: 714-532-6363 x203



“THE GOD SQUAD” Youth Fellowship for 6th – 12th grades

September 6 Street Fair Weekend - No Youth Group!

September 13 Rally Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Youth Group at 5:30 p.m. in the Youth Cellar


2015 Sierra Service Project Mission Trip Navajo Nation, Arizona

CONFIRMATION Confirmation in the United Methodist Church is a time of intentional preparation, it gives teens and tweens the opportunity to reflect on the most basic tenants of our faith and gives them a safe environment to ask questions and grapple with the divine truths and mysteries proclaimed by the church of Jesus Christ. Confirmation helps youth to investigate the depths of the faith and helps them begin to understand what it means to become a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ, and to make their first public profession of faith. During this time young person “make firm” what has gone before: God’s prevenient grace, baptism, the teaching and witness of parents and other persons of faith, the teachings and life together in the church, the student’s own growing faith. We believe that confirmation is a significant step in the journey of their faith walk.

Please see Peter Joseph, Director of Faith Formation, ASAP if you have a child in 6th grade thru 12th grade (graduating senior) that is interested in Confirmation. We are looking to start this up every 4th Sunday of the month, beginning in October.

We are looking for adult mentors for Confirmation. Please see Peter if you are interested in being a part of this rewarding experience.


The Forum


UMW FALL CALENDAR Sept. 11 UMW Luncheon meeting, 11:30am

Sept. 22 Ruth Circle 7:30pm – Mission Study hosted by Betsy Ross Miale

Oct. 6 Tea at Two Fellowship, Fireside Room, 2:00pm

Oct. 8 UMW Luncheon, 11:30am

Oct. 27 Ruth Circle 7:30pm – Book Review hosted by Kay Johnstone

Nov. 1 Tea at Two Fellowship, Fireside Room, 2:00pm

Nov. 5 CRANBERRY TEA, 11:30am

TBA All-Church Shoebox Ministry

Dec. 10 UMW Luncheon 11:30am – Orange High School Choral Group and Installation of Officers

RUMMAGE SALE UPDATE Our net proceeds for the rummage sale are approximately $8,050. Once again, thanks to all who made the sale such a huge success. Nancy Teigen reports that we had 58 volunteers helping with the sale, including 5 grandchildren and some Boy Scouts who stopped by to help and earn points for a community service badge. THANKS TO EVERYONE.

UMW LUNCHEON MEETING We will kick off the fall season with our luncheon meeting on September 11th, 11:30am in Messenger Hall. Our guest speaker is Rev. Dr. Mary Walton, founder of Interval House and currently serving as Sr. Management Adviser to Interval House and its intercultural and interfaith projects. Dr. Walton’s focus is on the complex domestic violence issues affecting diverse communities of faith, color, and culture.

As this is our first general meeting since April, it will be a delightful time of fellowship, and also give us an opportunity to update our pledge giving, if necessary, as well as visit the opportunity table. We look forward to seeing and talking with everyone.

UMW READING PROGRAM Shaundell Lentz, our Reading Program Coordinator, would like to remind everyone to visit the reading cart and pick up some fall reading. We have until the end of November to read books that will count toward the total that our UMW Unit has read this year. We always do well, because most of us enjoy reading and staying up-to-date our current issues. The book cart will be available for your review at the luncheon meeting and also on Sunday morning in the courtyard.

RUTH CIRCLE Ruth Circle will meet Tuesday, September 22nd at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Betsy Miale (1524 Canyon Lake, Santa Ana). The program will be a Mission U Report given by Sylvia Coussa, who will share her experience at the 2015 Mission U held in July at Biola University. Anyone interested is welcome to this Fellowship and may call Marlene Cook, 714-633-2991, for information and/or transportation.



NEWCOMER’S FELLOWSHIP We're back! Newcomers Fellowship is excited to kick off the fall with our next gathering on Saturday, September 26th at 6pm in Messenger Hall! Newcomers Fellowship is a ministry for those new to the FUMCO Congregation in the last two years. We meet the 4th Saturday of the month for dinner, to meet others, and learn more about the ministries of FUMCO. We hope you will join us for dinner and a presentation, hosted by the Choir, and for what is sure to be a musical evening!


WAYFARERS – 2015 Theme: Making A Difference

It is time for First United Methodist Church of Orange’s annual Wayfarers’ Retreat.

Please consider participating in an exciting weekend of spiritual growth and commitment.

Goals of the program include: To provide a time and place to seek out the Lord and establish a life-long relationship with Him. To provide a time to be away from the hassles of everyday life to relax and enjoy seeing and feeling God’s handiwork – in nature, in the scriptures, and in the faces and voices of others. To provide a time to focus on and make a personal commitment to God in an area of your life that you would like to explore and grow in during the next year.

When? September 26th & 27th Where? Camp Arbolado (in the mountains above Redlands, near Big Bear) How much? $110.00 per person. Camperships are available.

Please note: a donation has been made to the Wayfarer account that allows for 10 first-time attendees to attend at no cost.

The Wayfarer staff would like to challenge you to take this opportunity for growth and fellowship. The retreat is open to youth (8th grade and up), young adults, and the young-at-heart!

If you have any questions, or would like to register for this year’s camp, please visit our table in the courtyard on Sunday mornings, or contact the church office.

FAMILY ADVENT WREATH & CHRISTMAS CRAFT WORKSHOP Save the Date . . . Sunday November 22nd

Join together with our FUMCO Family in the opportunity to create an advent wreath to have at home during this special season. Create some memories for yourself or with your children with Christmas workshop craft projects for all ages. We will be gathering directly after church for wreath making, with crafts into the afternoon. Our youth will be offering food and snacks, so don’t worry about lunch. Put this on your calendar now as this is such a busy time. Exact times and additional information to come.


The Forum


HAND BELL CHOIRS “Praise the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary . . . Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the hart and lyre, . . .’ and praise him with bells, loud ringing bells! Participation in a Hand Bell or Hand Chime choir offers an opportunity to make this Psalm 150 come alive for you. Listed here is the information for adults and children to be a part of this unique form of participation in the praise and worship of our Lord, Jesus Christ. The Spectrum Bell Choir will begin rehearsals on Sunday, September 20th. Rehearsals are every Sunday, except the 1st Sunday, of each month following the morning worship service. This choir plays several times a year in worship services for the special seasons of the church year. This choir is always open to auditioning new members who have played in a bell choir, or have a good foundation in reading music. If you would like to be a part of this dynamic group, please contact the director, Sylvia Coussa, at 714-667-7813 or

CHILDREN’S HAND CHIME CHOIR The Children’s Hand Chime Choir is a unique musical opportunity for children in grades 3-6. It is open not only to our FUMCO children, bugt top all children in our local area that would like to be a part of this choir. The hand chime is a musical instrument similar to the hand bells. Children will learn the basics of reading music, rhythm patterns and the art of hand chime ringing. Rehearsals will begin Thursday, Sep-tember 10th, from 6:15 to 7:15 p.m., in the downstairs music room. This choir will participate in certain Sunday morning worship services and other church activities. For further information, contact the direc-tor, Sylvia Coussa, at 714-667-7813 or

SANCTUARY & SKYWORD CHOIRS If you are an adult or high school student who would like to make a joyful noise unto the Lord and have a great time doing it, then consider joining the Sanctuary or SkyWord Gospel Choir . . . or both! SkyWord Choir sings in Worship one Sunday each month while Sanctuary Choir sings on all the other Sundays. If you are a musical person, you will love this! No auditions required, just show up and sing! Both groups begin rehearsals on Thursday, September 10th. SkyWord rehearses from 6:15 to 7:15 p.m in the Sanctuary choir loft, while the Sanctuary choir rehearses from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. If you have questions, just see Mike Short, choir director, or any choir member. We would love to have you join us!

A GREAT BIG THANK YOU! Thank you to all the Summer Choir participants. Your help was truly appreciated. We would love to have you join us again this fall for regular choir. As the old song goes "All God's Creatures Got a Place in the Choir". We welcome newcomers. No auditions - just come and sing with us. Stay tuned for information about our upcoming Fall Preview and luncheon for our fall music program.



LUNCHBAGS FOR THE HOMELESS Thanks to your generous donations our lunch bag program is doing great! In fact, the word has gotten out and we are serving more people than ever. Of course that means we need more food donations than ever! Items needed to fill the bags include: Vienna sausage, Beanie Weenie, granola bars, box juice drinks, individual applesauce or fruit cups, small boxes of raisins, cheese & crackers, peanut butter & crackers or any other item that would fit nicely into a sack lunch. All donations, large and small, are greatly appreciated. Please place your donated items in the specially marked collection bins in the Narthex on Sunday mornings or bring to the office during the week.

“When did we ever see you hungry and feed you . . . whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me - you did it to me” - Matthew 25:38-40


FAMILY PROMISE Mark your calendars for the weeks of September 13th and September 20th when we will again be hosting Family Promise. Yes, it’s 2 weeks this time! Since we didn’t host in July we will be doing 2 weeks back to back. Family Promise is a transitional program that helps families achieve housing stability by providing short term shelter, meals, case management and hospitality. Plan to share some FUMCO hospitality with these families. Joyce Claussen will be taking food and meal sign-ups in the courtyard on Sunday mornings starting on August 23rd or you can call her at (714) 633-4934 or Jackie Hanson (after September 6th) at (714) 633-1203.

2015 QUILT GUILD REPORT The Quilting gals outdid their selves again this year. We made a total of 49 guilts! We have some new members this year which really gave us the extra hands needed to finish so many quilts. We have donated to the following organizations: Eli House (home for abused moms and their children), Canyon Acres (a ranch for troubled children) and WISE (offers transitional housing to homeless single women who are striving to gain their independence). We also donated a quilt to the Cranberry Tea and our Mother/Daughter/Friend Luncheon. Our Quilting Guild celebrated this banner year in August with a breakfast at Marie Callenders Restaurant. We all agree that we feel very blessed to be able to have such a warm and loving fellowship together while making our quilts for others to enjoy. Every person who receives our quilt is allowed to take it with them when they finish their program and move on. We know our Quilt Ministry is serving a very special place in our community. We are always welcoming new members. There is no need to have quilting experience. Our quilts are hand tied so if you can tie a knot or thread a needle you are very qualified. We provide on the job training. It is a plus if you can use the sewing machine but not a requirement for being a quilter. The quilt room is upstairs over the chapel. We quilt from 9am to 11am every Monday. The starting date will be September 14th. Any questions regarding our quilting activities, just give me a call. Quilt Chairman, Nancy Teigen :-) 714-637-5631


The Forum

SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYS 5 Dick Allen Mark Fawver Matthew Nelson 7 Simon Gohil 8 Don Glenn 13 Cathy Seelig Sharon Tipping 14 Betty Dietlin Ken Mendoza 15 Nick Rogers 18 Bob Finn 20 Denise Carroll Maxine Nelson 22 Patty Peterson 23 Kay Rogers 26 Wayne Wilson


PRAYER & PRAISE REQUESTS The Martinez family is asking prayers for the

pregnancy of their oldest daughter who has had complications. Please pray for a healthy pregnancy throughout the duration and a healthy, happy baby..

Prayers for Lee Westenhofer, a good friend of Bob & Cindy Wilson, and one of the founders of The Music Room who is in very serious condition at UCLA Medical Center.

Debbie George is asking for prayers for Gordon Evans who has bone cancer and has been placed on hospiceMona Ward is asking for prayers for Patricia Barron who has been placed on in-home hospice care.

Prayers for our shut-ins, the homeless, the hungry, the sick, the lonely, the unemployed, our military so far from home and all the others not mentioned, but known in our hearts.

3 Richard & Beverly Helmick 6 Charles & Katie Schroeder Janice Self & Carolyn Geraldi 9 Deron & Jacquie Tidball 10 Chip & Susan Dckerson 11 Jerry & Dorothy Schaper 30 Steve & Jane Carmichael


Nancy Bjorkland, Diane Brown, Ken Brown, Jay Farrell, Bonnie Goodrich, Shirley Katz, Cybil Low, Mary McKenerick, Jackie McCracken, Meg Murray, Carol Nameth, Jim Salling, Jerry Schaper, Charles Schroeder, Shirley Somers, Freida Stevens, Patricia Stone, Rita Suthers, Florence Towers, Karla Turner, Nena Williams, Betty Wisely


UPCOMING DATES FOR TOWN HALL MEETINGS Wednesday, October 21st at 7:00 p.m.

Sunday, October 25th at 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 27th at 7:00 p.m.



Outreach Ministries of First UMC, Orange

FAMILY PROMISE Casey Crosbie, Exec. Dir. 714-353-0428

FUNCO Parent operated child-care Becky Billingsly, Coordinator 714-944-7156

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Orange Co. Central 714-556-4555 Meets Monday and Friday evenings in room 205

NARANON Meets Thursday evenings in room 205

161 South Orange St. Orange, CA 92866

Phone: 714-532-6363 Fax: 714-532-5496

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Sunday Morning Schedule 8:30 a.m. ......... Choir Rehearsal 9:00 a.m. .. Adult Sunday School 10:00 a.m. ..... Coffee/Fellowship 10:30 a.m. .................... Worship

Sunday School for ages 4-6th grade following the

Word for Children.

United Methodist Youth Sunday Fellowship

5:30 - 7:00 p.m. 2nd & 4th Sundays

Office Staff Telephone Extensions: Dial 532-6363 and extension: Pastor 206 Rev. Bill Johnson

Administration 204 Karen Mendoza, Office Manager 216 Carol Rathbun, Communications Secretary

Programs 203 Peter Joseph, Director of Faith Formation

Mike Short - Director of Music Sylvia Coussa - Bell Choir Director Joe Schubert - Organist

The deadline for the October edition of

The Forum

will be September 21st

Please continue to pray for our
