September 2013



Brunswick United Lodge No. 924: Monthly Summons - September 2013

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Brunswick United Lodge No 924Brunswick United Lodge No 924Brunswick United Lodge No 924Brunswick United Lodge No 924 Consecrated 27 July 2002 - An Accredited Lodge


You are summoned/invited to attend the next regular meeting of the Lodge at the Masonic Centre, 6-8 Davies Street, Brunswick on

Tuesday 17th of September 2013 At 7.00 PM*

(*Note earlier Tyling Time)

WBro Graeme J D Hay Worshipful Master

32 Boreham Street Sunshine VIC 3020 Mobile Number 0413 781 237

Work for the Meeting 1. Minutes and Correspondence 2. Treasurer's Report 3. Lodge Resolutions 4. Invest Officers absent from the 16 July Installation 5. Ballot - Mr Gurpal Singh and Mr Michael Rowe 6. General Business 7. Admit and Welcome Visitors (Approx 7.45 pm) 8. Conduct 3rd Degree Ceremony - Bro Colin Kirwan 9. First Rising

� GL Correspondence � Presentation of 70 year Jewel - Bro Rupert Knox � Presentation of 60 year Jewel- WBro Len Glazner

10. Second Rising: � Reports

Lodge Mobile Phone Number 0449 095 278

(activated from 6pm on Rehearsal and Meeting Nights)

Secretary WBro Nick LeRay-Meyer AM � 9386 6961 or 0408 383 182 �


Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Brunswick United Lodge Tuesday 20th August 2013.


The Lodge was opened in a Regular manner by the Worshipful Master, WBro Graeme J D Hay at 7.30 pm MINUTES

• The minutes of the last regular meeting held on 16th July 2013, having been printed and circulated were taken as read and confirmed.



• Referee responses Mr Michael Rowe

• Various Emails concerning fees and members administration

• Notice Papers from District Lodges Outward:

• Notice Papers (Email and Surface mail) to 94 members plus District Secretaries, Coordinator and Inspector of Workings

• Registered letters to five members re possible exclusion action

• Letter to Grand Lodge re 70 Year Service Jewel for Bro Rupert Knox

• Various Emails concerning fees and members administration.

• Lodge Meeting Reports to GL covering July 12 to July 13

• Master and Wardens report to GL It was Moved by VWBro Morris and Seconded by WBro Ramadge that the correspondence as read be received. CARRIED


The Treasurer, WBro Beckett, reported that there was a balance in the General Account of $19,883.61 with accounts totalling $458.22 plus catering to be passed for payment. It was Moved by Bro Ratzeburg and Seconded by WBro Rich that the Treasurer's report be received and the accounts as read be passed for payment. CARRIED


The Secretary announced that pursuant to Rule 235 the following Brethren are to be automatically excluded, being in arrears for three years:

• Bro Georges Fares, MM, Member No 325403 ($635)

• Bro Bashir T Haifa, MM, Member No 326920 ($585) The Secretary gave Notice of Motion that at the September Meeting of the Lodge he would move that:

• Pursuant to Rule 235, the Lodge Resolve that a member be subject to automatic exclusion if in arrears of two consecutive years of subscription as at the start of the next Fiscal Year (1Jul - 30 Jun)

• The Perpetual Immediate Past Master Jewel be worn by the officer appointed to that Office where there is no one by right filling that Office.


The following visitors were received and welcomed:

• 5 Past Masters

• 1 Master Mason CEREMONIAL

The Lodge was opened in the 2nd Degree and Bro Dylan Elliott, the candidate to be raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason, correctly answered the questions to prove his proficiency in the 2nd Degree. and subsequently retired to be prepared for the 3rd Degree ceremony. The Lodge was opened in the 3rd Degree, prepared and in due ceremony Bro Dylan Elliott was admitted and raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason. The Lodge was closed in due form and work resumed in the 1st Degree. 1st TIME OF RISING

The Grand Lodge Bulletin 118 was read by the Secretary. 2nd TIME OF RISING

• 2nd Schedules.

- for the 3rd time - Mr Gurpal Singh

- for the 2nd time - Mr Michael Rowe

• Reports

- Panel Member. The Assistant District Coordinator Preston/Brunswick, VWBro Heazlewod PGIW, reported; � that there would be a Lodge Education Officers meeting at

the Preston Centre on Monday 16th September, any other PM who wished to be involved with or contribute to the MAP would be welcome (advice of attendance to the District Education Officer, WBro Jim Tulk, would be appreciated)

� that the ABC would be screening a Compass program on Freemasonry on Sunday 25th August .

- Almoner. The Almoner, WBro Arnold Sharpe, who had recovered from his bout of influenza, advised that: � WBro Bill Butler has recovered well and was in fact

attending the meeting � VWBro Peter Jones improvement has enabled him to also

attend the meeting � WBro Bruce Hocking has back problems. � WBro Ray D'Amato is in rehabilitation after major surgery � RWBro Ron de Lisle has been hospitalized - details yet to

be confirmed - Social Secretary. VWBro Colin Scharp noted that the Social

Function - "Christmas in July" - held on 21st July at the Yarra Valley Country Club was well attended and enjoyed. Invited all members to attend the next meeting of the Social Club, to be held on Tuesday 27th August, at which the main focus will be determining the recipients of available community support funds raised at the Sausage Sizzles

- P&GPC. WBro Rich advised that the next meeting of the P&GPC would be held on

- Lodge of Instruction. WBro Groves advised that the next meeting of the Centenary Lodge of Instruction would be held at the Brunswick Centre on Thursday 22nd July.

� Stewards. The Stewards and those assisting were retired from the Lodge.

3rd TIME OF RISING. There being no further business the Lodge was closed in Peace, Love and Harmony at 9.55 pm

Signature ………………………………….…………………………………….. WBro Graeme J D Hay

Worshipful Master

Tuesday 17th September 2013.





1. The meeting was opened by the Chairman at 7.30 pm and those present were welcomed by the Worshipful Master, WBro Graeme JD Hay.


2. Graeme Hay WM Mike Rich Chairman Nick LeRay-Meyer Secretary Bill Wilkinson PM Rep and Auditor Don Wilkin PM Rep and Auditor Bob Found Chairman Membership Committee Colin Scharp Social Committee Neill Pratt Representing the Chairman Finance

Committee Ron de Lisle Observer & Member of Grand Lodge

Promotion/Conferral sub-committee APOLOGIES

3. Garry Beckett Chairman Finance Committee Philip Scharp Chairman Standards, Ceremonial and

Education Knut Ratzeburg SW and MM Rep Peter Sackett MM Rep Kevin Duckett Chairman Grand Lodge

Promotion/Conferral sub-committee


4. The Minutes of the meeting held on 21st June 2013 having been printed and circulated were taken as read and adopted. Moved: Bob Found Seconded: Don Wilkin CARRIED


5. The Secretary to advise VWBro K Stewart that his letter concerning the health of WBro R D'Amato PJGD had been passed to the Membership Committee for consideration.


6. Letters and Emails from the Secretary re payment of dues Email following advice of the passing in Tasmania of Francis Clarke Advise re cost of postage ($48) for Notice papers Correspondence be received. Moved: Bill Wilkinson Seconded: Bob Found CARRIED


7. Finance.

• In the absence interstate of the Treasurer, Neill Pratt provided a brief summary of the financial situation and the Secretary advised that Letters of "Notice to Exclude" had been forwarded to six members.

• A request for consideration of a member to be categorised a "Concession Member" was passed to the Chairman of the Membership Committee for action.

• Following general discussion on the Lodge financial situation, there was much discussion as to the need for the Committee to be provided with a better understanding of the Lodge financial matters. For example, was the 4% of annual interest being reinvested apply to all accounts or just that from which the interest is earned? The discussion concluded with a motion that the Treasurer be requested to provide a briefing at the next P&GPC meeting addressing: - active accounts - restrictions re use of funds generated by each account

- reinvestment policy - any aspect that the Treasurer feels will be useful to the

Committee members understanding of the Lodge's financial situation, constraints and funds use.

Moved: Graeme Hay Seconded: Bob Found CARRIED

8. Standards, Ceremonial and Education. In the absence interstate of the Chairman, no report was tabled.

9. Membership Committee

• Bob Found mentioned that he would like to see more Lodge members attending Lodge of Instruction; not only to learn floor and office procedures but also to practice/rehearse charges.

• Bob Found proposed that a letter "advertising" the Centenary Lodge of Instruction be sent to all Craft Lodges meeting at Brunswick North Centre. Following some discussion it was agreed that there were advantages if the letter came from the Board of Management rather than the Lodge. The Secretary agreed to undertake that action.

Moved: Don Wilkin Seconded: Colin Scharp that the Report be received. CARRIED

10. Social Committee

• Colin Scharp advised that at the recent Social Club AGM the following were re-elected: - President Mrs Yvonne Scharp - Secretary VWBro Colin Scharp PGIW - Treasurer VWBro Bob Found PGIW The Chairman expressed the appreciation of the P&GPC members for the time and effort given by these three to the Social Club/Committee.

• In discussing possible social activities Colin reiterated that anyone with an idea for a social function should make it known to the Social Committee; who are willing to organise it!

Moved: Neill Pratt Seconded: Don Wilkin that the Report be received.


11. Charity and Community Support Committee. The Chairman, Nick LeRay-Meyer reported that:

• Cheques have been presented to: - Heart Throb (by WBro Terry Ramadge) - Berry Street Foundation (by VWBro Colin Scharp) - The Homes (by our Ambassador WBro Graeme Hay, his

wife Claire and WBro Mike Rich)

• Arrangements in hand for presentation of cheques to - Humour Foundation (By VWBro Bob Found and WBro Nick

LeRay-Meyer) - Lentara Uniting Care (By VWBro Bob Found and WBro

Nick LeRay-Meyer)

• The current ND Masters Group (The Jubilees) has recommended to the District Coordinator that "The Cottages by The Sea" be the District Charity project for 2014. Each of the District Lodges will be asked to contribute to this charity (a sum of at least $500 is proposed). So the Lodge should consider this when determining its nominees for 2014.

• Other Charities being considered (from both the Lodge and the Social Club funds) are: - Riding for the Disabled - FIDA - Bill Butler's group supporting Xavier (special suit) - Variety (bicycles for children at Christmas) - Big Brother and Sister

• Sausage Sizzles. A small dedicated team (although volunteers are always welcome) continue to conduct sausage sizzles at Bunnings Coburg on Fridays (three every two months). A Sunday event is programmed for August 25th and Nick will be looking for other Lodge members to volunteer for this particular event. Future events are: - Friday 9th August - Sunday 25th August - Friday 6th September - Friday 27th September

Moved: Bob Found Seconded: Graeme Hay that the Report be Received CARRIED


12. Accreditation Renewal. The meeting discussed the general requirements for the Lodge to achieve re-accreditation (due 2014) and noted the following:

• a succession plan for at least the next three years needs to be formulated without undue delay.

• the SWOT analysis needs to be reviewed and updated (Secretary to action)

• all Lodge Officers to have a current Ritual and the Book of Lodge Workings.

13. Raffle. Presently, the tickets are prepared by the Secretary - who also

purchases appropriate prizes - and sold by placing the tickets in baskets on each Festive Board table. Colin Scharp then conducts the "draw". Following some instances where the tickets sold/money collected did not balance, Colin Scharp advised that the Social Committee felt there was a need for some assistance to Colin in conducting the raffle held at the Festive Board. Volunteers will be sought initially via the Newsletter.

14. Lodge Audio. It is expected that the Centre Board of Management will

agree to the purchase of the Lapel Microphone system and install it permanently in Lodge Room No 1. The Centre Secretary will arrange for the audio system in the main Banquet room to be repaired.

15. Lodge Room No 2. Completion of the renovations to Lodge Room No 2

(upstairs) is close at hand. This Lodge Room will become the primary rehearsal room for the new Lodges taking up interim tenancy at the Brunswick Centre.

16. Lodge Notice Paper. Some members have reported difficulty in

downloading the Notice Paper and printing it in "book form". The Secretary advised that the Notice Paper is formatted such that it requires pages to be printed back to back (2-sided) to produce the "book form" he will investigate a more simple system!


17. The next meeting of the P&GPC will be held at the Brunswick Centre on Monday 30th September, starting 7.30pm.


18. There being no further business the Chairman thanked those who had attended and then closed the meeting - in peace and harmony - at 9.30pm.

WBro Mike Rich WBro N LeRay-Meyer AM Chairman Secretary

The Masters Chair

Our first night was a great night with a full team of Officers in attendance. The work for the night was to raise Bro Dylan Elliott to the degree of a Master Mason, and I am led to believe that he was suitably impressed by the ceremony. A downer was the absence of visiting Masters on the road, however there was an Installation at another Lodge on the night and I have been assured that it will not happen again. This means that even though they missed out on Dylan’s third degree they will be able to see another 3rd Degree in September. Thanks again to all the Officers who put in an enormous amount of studying for the ceremony it will only get better with each ceremony. At the time of writing several members of the Lodge have this day attended the Funeral service for Kevin Watson and all who knew him would remember him as Sonny, and our condolences were conveyed to Dawn his widow This is all for now KEEP WELL

Graeme 29/8/2013


Next Meeting: Monday 30th September @ 7.30 pm

CENTENARY LODGE OF INSTRUCTION, No 142. Meets on the fourth Thursday of the month at 7.30 P.M. Next meeting 26th September Second Degree All Lodge officers and those assigned to deliver or learning charges are strongly recommended to attend.

NORTHERN DISTRICT CO-ORDINATOR. WBro Peter Harris PGStdB 8390 9102 � 83909102 �

Asst District Coordinator (Preston/Brunswick) VWBro David Heazlewood PGIW

�0403029832 �

ALMONER. If you know of a brother in need, ill or ailing please call WBro Arnold Sharpe. � 9744 2664


REHEARSAL. Tuesday 10th September at 7.30 pm

WORK ALLOCATION - Tuesday 17th September at 7.00 pm Obligation: WBro Graeme Hay WM Retrospect: RWBro Jack Lewis PJGW Raising: VWBro Bob Found PGIW Ecclesiastes: Bro Peter Sackett Chaplain Badge: Bro Knut Ratzeburg Senior Warden Secrets: VWBro Neill Pratt PGIW Extension: WBro Don Wilkin PGStdB IPM Traditional History: WBro Darryl Glasson Working Tools: Bro Knut Ratzeburg Senior Warden Charge After Raising: WBro Terry Ramadge VSL & Pamphlet: Bro Peter Sackett Chaplain

NEXT LODGE MEETING. Tuesday 15th October 2013 Double 1st Degree - Mr Gurpal Singh and Mr Michael Rowe

CHARGES. The DC, VWBro Philip Scharp PGIW, would be pleased to hear from any Brother wishing to learn and deliver charges for one, two or all three degrees. For MMs unable to take office, learning charges is a great way to contribute as well as develop your public speaking prowess!

Lodge Fees

Are you financial for 2012-2013? If not, you are considered un-financial as from 30th June!

Not sure (can't find the receipt?)!!! - Contact the Secretary to

ascertain your Lodge financial status.

The fees for 2013-2014 (including GL Dues, GST, Homes $5 donation) and due from 1st July 2013 are:

Member: $235.00 Concession Member: $175.00

TTTThe Brunswick United Lodge No 924 he Brunswick United Lodge No 924 he Brunswick United Lodge No 924 he Brunswick United Lodge No 924


Edition No 122 - Tuesday 17th September 2013

Prepared by RWBro W N (Bill) Wilkinson PJGW - 93865709

"Hello my friends", Just some more information to keep all up with the gossip/happenings in your Lodge! Tuesday the 20th August Bro Dylan Elliott was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason in a ceremony which must have made a lasting impression - giving plenty of food for thought. The South was just superb! Great winter tucker for a very cold night - delicious soup followed by roast beef with vegies or salad (both for some!) from a "please yourself" buffet style. Thank you Kevin and Marie Sloan - you do us proud. My thoughts for the dedicated small group of members who work tirelessly for the good of Freemasonry in our community and for our Lodge in particular. Your Lodge has a membership of over 80 brethren yet it is the same 12-15 members who attend/work on the various committees - all of which are open for all members to attend. These brethren and their ladies don't ask for your accolades - just your support with your attendance and therefore your participation. I have been prompted to write in response to a poor attendance (less than 25% of our membership) at our new Worshipful Master's first working night - a Third Degree! Worshipful Brother Graeme Hay and Claire work hard to ensure an enjoyable evening for all. The weather was not great - we could all make excuses but maybe we may just ponder a while and ask/answer

some questions honestly about what you could do to improve our participation: Do you attend: • Social Club Meetings? Or do you just belong? • Social Activities? Or do you just belong? • Rehearsals of ceremonial? Or do you just belong? • Lodge meetings regularly? Or do you just belong? • Lodge of Instruction? or do you just belong? • any of the Committees necessary to keep the your Lodge

functioning? Or do you just belong Do you participate in communities activities in support of your Lodge? Or do you just belong? If your honest answer is "Yes" to four or more of these questions - we need you desperately - you are most welcome!!! Please don't just belong!! Participate! The pleasure you gain will far outweigh the little inconveniences. Thank you Brethren What the Dicky Bird Said. Our World/Australian/Victorian Champion of the game of "Trugo", Bro Peter Sackett. has repeated his fine form for the 2nd time by hitting the perfect score of 24 in a competition match. Congratulations Peter. Everybody loves a champion!!! Garry and Marion Beckett back from caravaning up North - looking very tanned and healthy. Bill and Val Schoof are celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary. Congratulations to you both on achieving such a major milestone. May there be many more! Those in need of tender Loving Care Bruce and Lorna Hocking - possibly moving to retirement care

Ray D'Amato - continues rehabilitation John Beeson - continues to fight on Charlie Maule - appears to be settling to nursing home care Ron de Lisle - a spell in hospital but on the mend. Mike Rich - unwell and awaiting test results. Not able to drive for a while! May the GAOTU grant a full and speedy recovery to all. Happy Masonic Birthday Rupert Knox (70) - our senior Steward, Allenby Crewther (68), Graham Scholes (59), Richard Lake (34), Kevin Sloan (33), William Bowden (14) and Brent Hammond (2). A couple of Bradman-like scores there Brethren and both regular attendees. Congratulations to you both! May you all continue to enjoy your Masonic journey. Happy Birthday Brian Hocking (86), Francis Clarke (85), Ron de Lisle (83), Kevin Duckett (80), Colin Scharp (79), John Hammer (78) Bill Groves (74), Bill Starling (68) and Alan Brown (58).. May the GAOU bless each of you with good health and happiness for your future. Welcome Back Bill Butler - looking well after quadruple by-pass Daryl Glasson - persevering with rehab for his knee Peter Jones - delighted to tell all he has put on weight and we are delighted to hear it Peter! Maurice Hooper - looking well as is Graham Scholes.

Faces I have Missed - of regular or semi-regular attendees Allen Crewther, Kevin Duckett, Alan Fairfax, Bob Found (Installation team duties), Sid Gladman, Len Glazner, Brent Hammond, Allen Hansford, Alex Hess, Laurentius Rath, Sam Sala, Tom Sporton and Bashir Younes. If your absence be through illness or age-related problems - eg driving at night etc - please let the Almoner know as we may be able to assist. Philosophy

Never take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night!!!!!! Facts You may Not Know!

• It takes glass one million years to decompose, which means it never wears out and can be recycled an infinite number of times

• gold is the only metal that doesn't rust, even if it buried in the ground for thousands of years

• your tongue is the only muscle in your body that is attached at only one end

• if you stop getting thirsty, you need to drink more water; when a human body is dehydrated its thirst mechanism shuts off!

• each year 2,000,000 smokers either quit smoking or die of tobacco-related diseases

• zero is the only number that cannot be represented by Roman numerals

• drinking water after eating reduces the acid in your mouth by 61 percent • peanut oil is used for cooking in submarines because it doesn't smoke

unless it's heated above 450° • the roar that we hear when we place a seashell next to our ear is not

the ocean, but rather the sound of blood surging through the veins in the ear

• the banana cannot reproduce itself; it can be propagated only by the hand of man

• in ancient Greece, tossing an apple to a girl was a traditional proposal of marriage; catching it meant she accepted

• a comet's tail always points away from the sun • the Swine Flu vaccine in 1976 caused more death and illness than the

disease it was meant to prevent • the University of Alaska campus spans four time zones • the song Auld Lang Syne is sung at the stroke of midnight in almost

every English-speaking country in the world to bring in the New Year

Social Club Meeting The next meeting of the Lodge's Social Club will be held at the Brunswick Centre on Tuesday 24th September. All Brethren and their partners are most welcome - let's make this a great social year for Graeme and Claire! Social Happenings At the Social Club meeting on Tuesday 27th August, the following functions were confirmed:

• Saturday 26th October

- A "Family Day" at 59 Fernside Avenue, Briar Hill - starts 12.00 - BYO meat and drinks - salads and sweets provided - Come along and see what Graeme and Claire Hay have up

their sleeves!!!!!! • Friday 29th November

- Eltham Little Theatre - $22.50 per head - BYO food and drink - Bookings to Yvonne and Colin (0412148865) As Soon As

Possible - if not sooner!!!! • Tuesday 10th December - Christmas Night

Charity Happenings

Sausage Sizzles Despite my plea for assistance, only two Lodge members answered the call to help conduct the "Sausage Sizzle" at Bunnings Coburg on Sunday 25th August; at which we raised $1,740. Reluctantly, I had to call on the

team that conducts the monthly event when the aim was to give them a well-earned rest. Most disappointing! During June, July and August the Lodge and the Social Club have together distributed some $20,000 to various charities and community groups. Some $6,000 of the total was contributed by the Grand Lodge Public Charitable Foundation after it accepted our submissions to supplement three of our donations. Further donations will be made by the Social Club from funds raised at the "sausage sizzles" this year. Whether we continue to raise funds through this means next year is yet to be decided; especially as allocation of event days is quite competitive and it seems unreasonable for just a few members to bear the load!


VWBro Bob Found with his new friends - "Doctor Noodle" (left) and "Doctor Doctor" - after the recent presentation of $4,000 and a plaque to the Humour Foundation at the Royal Melbourne Children's Hospital in recognition of their contribution to the well-being of the children being treated at the Hospital.

Have You Heard? A Queensland farmer drove to a neighbour's farm house in his Holden ute and knocked at the door. A boy, about 9, opened the door. "Is your Dad or Mum home?" the farmer asked. "No, they went into town" answered the boy. "How about your brother Howard, is he here?" "No, he went with Mum and Dad". The farmer stood there for a few minutes shifting from one foot to the other and mumbling to himself. The boy said"I know where the tools are if you want to borrow one, or I can give Dad a message". "Well", said the farmer, "I really want to talk to your Dad - it's about your brother getting my Susie pregnant". The boy thought for a moment. "You'll have to talk to Dad about that. I know he charges $500 for the bull and $60 for the pig but I don't know what he charges for Howard!!!". The Pastor asked if anyone in the congregation would like to express praise for answered prayers. Susie stood and walked to the rostrum. She said "I have a praise! Two months ago my husband Phil had a terrible bicycle wreck and his scrotum was completely crushed. The pain was excruciating and the doctors didn't know if they could help him." You could hear rthe muffled gasp from the men in the congregation as they imagined the pain that poor Phil must have experienced. "Phil was unable to hold me or the children" she went "and every move caused him terrible pain - we prayed as the doctors performed a delicate operation and it turned out they were able to piece together the crushed remnants of Phil's scrotum and wrap wire around it to hold it in place". Again, the men in the congregation cringed and squirmed uncomfortably as they imagined the horrible surgery performed on Phil. "Now", she announced in a quivering voice, "thank the Lord, Phil is out of the hospital and the doctors say that with time his scrotum should recover completely". All the men sighed with unified relief. A man stood up and walked slowly to the podium.

He said "I'm Phil". The entire congreation held its breath. "I just want to tell my wife the word is STERNUM!!!". The Call For Cameras Continues

Brother Peter Sackett is happy to announce that he’s been successful in getting a couple of neglected film cameras working again. Do you have an old camera that you're not using any longer? Brother Sackett is looking for film cameras of all types-- 35mm, 120mm, 4x5, Polaroid, etc. He'd be delighted to see what sort of equipment you've had stored away, collecting dust in this digital age. Please call him at 0459 317 532, email him at, or bring your cameras to the Brunswick Masonic Centre. If still operable, your cameras will be cherished and put to good use! And, depending on the type and model, he may be able to offer you some compensation for the adoption.

Pete advised

"I've made some progress with the program, and I thought it would be nice to let the Brethren know some of their cameras are functioning again. I'm very excited about my next roll; I dropped it off at Vanbar Imaging this afternoon. It was shot with a Finetta 88 which has no light meter and no way to dial in the ASA/ISO of the film. I don't think that camera had taken a picture for about 45 years, but I hope I got it working again."