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Sejarah Hukum Laut Dunia

Sebelum abad ke-20

Awal abad ke-20 – Perang Dunia II

Pasca Perang Dunia II

Menjelang UNCLOS III

Pengembangan UNCLOS III

Kapita Selekta Kebijakan Perikanan Tangkap - Dr. Darmawan, MAMA1

Hugo Grotius-1

Since navigation cannot harm any one accept the navigator himself, it is only just that no one either can or ought to be interdicted therefrom, lest nature, free in her own realm, and least hurtful to herself, be found impeding the liberty of navigation, and thus offending against the accepted precept and rule that all things are supposed to be permitted which are not found expressly forbidden.

The sea is one of those things which is not an article of merchandise, and which cannot become private property. Hence it follows, to speak strictly, that no part of the sea can be considered as the territory of any people whatsoever ….A nation can take possession of a river, as it is enclosed within their boundaries; with the sea, they cannot do so.

Kapita Selekta Kebijakan Perikanan Tangkap - Dr. Darmawan, MAMA2

Hugo Grotius-2

A ship sailing through the sea leaves behind it no more legal right than it does a track

It would appear that the sea also can be acquired by him who holds the lands on both sides, even though it may extend above as a bay, or above and below as a strait, provided that the part of the sea in question is not so large that, when compared with the lands on both sides, it does not seem apart from them (the law of war and peace)

Everyone admits that if a great many persons hunt on the land of fish in a river, the forest is easily exhausted of wild animals and the river of fish, but such a contingency is impossible in the case of the sea

The extent of the ocean is in fact so great that it suffices for any possible use on the part of all people, for drawing water, for fishing, for sailing

Kapita Selekta Kebijakan Perikanan Tangkap - Dr. Darmawan, MAMA 3

Wiiliam Welwod

An Abridgement of All Sea-Lawes 1613; if the uses of the sea should be limited in any way, it should be mainly in regard to fishing, since fisheries were exhaustible

Kapita Selekta Kebijakan Perikanan Tangkap - Dr. Darmawan, MAMA4

Sebelum abad 20-1

Lautan dikuasai Portugis – Spanyol

Hugo Grotius melontarkan “Mare Liberum”

Pembatasan penangkapan ikan dengan alasan kualitas, harga, dan alokasi tidak di enforce

Pembedaan antara perairan pantai “dalam pengawasan” negara pantai dengan laut lepas (high seas)

Konsep dominion dan jurisdiction “cannon shot rule”

Christian Wolff (1740) dan Vattel (1758) mengemukakan perikanan terbagi menjadi laut bebas dan laut terbatas sumberdaya habis/tidak

Konsep jurisdiksi pada perairan yang langsung berbatasan untuk alasan keamanan

Kapita Selekta Kebijakan Perikanan Tangkap - Dr. Darmawan, MAMA5

Sebelum Abad 20-2

Inggris dan Perancis mengadakan perjanjian “hal eksklusif perikanan” untuk wilayah yang berada dalam jarak 3 mil laut dari pantai masing-masing negara.

Abad 19 mulai timbul permasalahan pengaturan perikanan di satu wilayah dengan berbagai jenis/teknologi alat tangkap

Semakin banyak pendapat mengenai perlunya pengaturan lebih baik untuk perikanan yang berada di perairan tertutup dan pantai.

Timbul pemikiran bahwa “3-mil territorial sea” tidak lagi cukup untuk melindungi perikanan pantai. “fish do not respect the three mile or cannon shot limit”

“The farther the exclusive right to the littoral sea is extended, the more it may be possible to accomplish an organization for the rational exploitation of fisheries and for measures which tend to increase the number of fish” Rivier (1896)

Kapita Selekta Kebijakan Perikanan Tangkap - Dr. Darmawan, MAMA 6

Sebelum Abad 20-3

Perikanan semakin modern berkembangnya trawler, pemakaian es, mesin uap, bahan jaring

Transportasi (kereta api) ke wilayah pelabuhan semakin banyak

Teknologi pengangkutan ikan meningkat Bertram (1865) “the harvest of the sea” our free

unregulated fisheries are, in my humble opinion, a thorough mistake

Perjanjian pengelolaan sumberdaya diluar batas 3 mil laut

North Sea Fisheries Timbul tuntutan untuk mengumpulkan data statistik dan

studi ilmiah perikanan Spencer Baird 1872 US Commissioner for Fish and Fisheries

Bering Sea Fur Seal Moray Firth Dispute

Kapita Selekta Kebijakan Perikanan Tangkap - Dr. Darmawan, MAMA7

Awal Abad 20 – Perang Dunia 21

Kemungkinan bahwa sumberdaya laut tidak takterbatas

Meningkatnya konflik pemanfaatan Keterkaitan antara perikanan dengan landas

kontinen (continental shelf). Pertambangan bawah air Kabel komunikasi bawah air Polusi akibat penemuan mesin diesel, tanker, balas,

dll Tantangan terhadap doktrin “freedom of the seas” Berbagai konvensi perikanan. Perjanjian bilateral –


Kapita Selekta Kebijakan Perikanan Tangkap - Dr. Darmawan, MAMA 8

Awal Abad 20 – Perang Dunia 22

• Halibut Treaties

• Alaskan Salmon Fisheries

• Transportasi minyak – polusi

• Berkembangnya doktrin-doktrin asal ikan

menentukan batas pengelolaan laut

• Kebutuhan akan adanya dasar hukum

internasional untuk mengelola perikanan

secara luas

• Liga Bangsa Bangsa

Kapita Selekta Kebijakan Perikanan Tangkap - Dr. Darmawan, MAMA 9

Pasca PD-2

Truman declaration on the continental shelf (28th sept 1945)

International Law Commission (ILC) 1949

Claim/counterclaim process vs treaty

Santiago Declaration 1952 (Chili, Ekuador, Peru) zona 200 mil jurisdiksi dan kedaulatan

Kontrol negara pantai vs kontrol negara-negara pengeksploit peranan FAO, hak negara pantai sebagian diakui

Deklarasi Djuanda 13 Desember 1957 klaim negara kepulauan Perpu No. 4/1960 (18 Feb 1960) Ket. MPRS No XIX/MPRS/1966 Perpu tersebut dikukuhkan sebagai UU no. 4/1960

Kapita Selekta Kebijakan Perikanan Tangkap - Dr. Darmawan, MAMA 10

Menjelang UNCLOS-III1

UNCLOS-I (Geneva, Feb 24th – April 27th 1958):

- Konvensi tentang laut teritorial dan zona terusan (territorial sea and the contiguos zone)

- Konvensi tentang laut bebas

- Konvensi tentang perikanan dan konservasi sumberdaya hayati di laut bebas

- Konvensi tentang landas kontinen

- Optional protocol of signature concerning the compulsory settlement of disputes

- Indonesia first time launch idea on archipelagic country

Kapita Selekta Kebijakan Perikanan Tangkap - Dr. Darmawan, MAMA 11

Menjelang UNCLOS-III2

UNCLOS-II (Geneva, March 17th – April 26th


- Failed to fix the extent of the territorial sea and the matter of exclusive fishery zones

- Failed to achieve agreement on straits

Kapita Selekta Kebijakan Perikanan Tangkap - Dr. Darmawan, MAMA 12

Menjelang UNCLOS-III3

- United Kingdom vs Iceland Cod War

- Marine pollution

- Deep Seabed

- Creeping jurisdiction

- Emergence of EEZ

Kapita Selekta Kebijakan Perikanan Tangkap - Dr. Darmawan, MAMA


Development of UNCLOS-III1 First session 3-15 December 1973, New York – USA

Second session 20 June – 29 August 1974, Caracas – Venezuela

Third session 17 March – 9 May 1975, Geneva – Swiss

Fourth session 15 March – 7 May 1976, New York – USA

Fifth session 2 August – 17 Sept 1976, New York – USA

Sixth session 23 May – 15 July 1977, New York – USA

Seventh session 28 March – 19 May 1978, Geneva – Swiss

resumed seventh session 21 August – 15 Sept 1978, New York

Eight session 19 March – 27 April 1979, Geneva – Swiss

resumed eight session 19 July – 24 August 1979, New York – USA

Ninth session 3 March – 4 April 1980, New York – USA

resumed ninth session 28 July – 29 August 1980, Geneva – Swiss

Tenth session 9 March – 24 April 1981, New York – USA

resumed tenth session 3 – 28 August 1981, Geneva – Swiss

Eleventh session 8 March – 10 April 1982, New York – USA

resumed eleventh session 22 – 24 September 1982, New York - USA

Kapita Selekta Kebijakan Perikanan Tangkap - Dr. Darmawan, MAMA14

Development of UNCLOS-III2

10 December 1982 the Convention was opened to signature. 117 States and two other entities became signatories

60th ratification on November 16, 1993 (26th Indonesia, 3 Feb 1986)

Finally came into force on November 16, 1994

21 years after the first meeting of UNCLOS III and one year after ratification by the sixtieth state. The first sixty ratifications were almost all developing states.

A major feature of the convention included the definition of maritime zones- the territorial sea, the contiguous zone, the exclusive economic zone, the continental shelf, the high sea, the international sea-bed area and archipelagic waters.

The convention also made provision for the passage of ships, protection of the marine environment, freedom of scientific research, and exploitation of resources.

Kapita Selekta Kebijakan Perikanan Tangkap - Dr. Darmawan, MAMA15