Season's Compliments The Holiday Spirit Our Wish to YouA Happy New Year Is the wish of this...


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Season's Compliments

To wish you the compliments of the season and a prosperous New Year without thanking you for the favors we have received at your hands during the past year would be only a partial ex­pression of our sentiments. May 1923 be the most successful year you have ever experienced is our sincere wish.

Gramer Hardware Co. Home of Good Goods

Happy New Year

While we highly value your patronage, we value still more the cordial relations that have^existed between us for the years past, and we thank you, and wish you a most prosperous 1923.


Chas. A. Klatt, Prop.

The Holiday Spirit

Is promoted by the expression of good- _ wishes for happiness and prosperity and it is these that we desire to make known to our friends and patrons in Princeton and vicinity, the community at large* This page is devoted to expressing our sincere wishes for a Happy and Pros­perous New Year*

The Business Houses

of Princeton

Happy New Year

Permit us at this time to ex­press to all our customers a sincere appreciation of the patronage extended during the year as well as the hope that our cordial relations may continue. Greetings for the New Year.


L. F. Jones, Prop.

We Thank You

That you may know our appre­ciation of your patronage during the past year, we take this op­portunity to extend to you greet­ings and best wishes for a Hap­py and Prosperous New Year.


May Prosperity Reign

In appreciation of your liberal patronage during the past year, we wish to express to you our hearty greetings and best wishes for the coming year. May the bright light of prosperity attend you unfailingly throughout a glad year.

Princeton Oil Co.

Good Wishes

Our heartiest good wishes go to you at the beginning of this New Year, and may it bring to you and yours greater success and happier days than you have ever known before. We sincerely thank you for the recognition given us the past year. May our good relations continue in the future. Sincerely,

Geo. C. Newton Hardware and Furniture

Good Wishes

To our many friends and cus­tomers we wish to extend the compliments of the season and to express our apprecia­tion of their good will.



Our Compliments

We wish to be remembered to the good people of Princeton and vicinity at this festal season of the year. May the joys and com­forts always increase and bring happiness and prosperity. May the New Year bring to you abun­dance of joy and a liberal share of financial success.

F. A. Carlberg JEWELER


We are glad to have this op­portunity to greet our many customers, and may the New Year bring to you all the joy and abundance of pros­perity possible. We wish to thank our friends as well for the good will shown us dur­ing 1922, and hope to merit future pleasant relations.


Meat Market

Yuletide Wishes

We take this opportunity to thank our friends and patrons for their favors the past year, and to wish each and every one the season's greetings. May 1923 bring to you and yours the best of cheer and prosperity.

Calvin Olson Meats—Hides—Furs

The True Measure

Not by the tape line nor the yard stick can the happiness of this holiday season be measured, but by the Good Will and friendship it brings to our lives. We trust yours is a happy one. We sin­cerely thank , our good friends for their past patronage and wish them a joyful, prosperous New Year.


Yuletide Greetings We trust that this holiday sea­son has been a gladsome one with you and may the coming New Year be one of prosperity and happiness. We appreciate greatly the liberal patronage and courteous treatment received at your hands since last we extend­ed the compliments of the season and hope the year has served you well. Wishing for you and yours a continuation of this most de­sirable condition and hoping that our excellent business associa­tions may continue in the future as in the past, we remain

Yours Respectfully,



We join with other Princeton business houses in extending the season's greetings. We thank our friends for the good will shown us and wish one and all an abundance of good cheer and success for 1923.


Oil Station

A Happy New Year

Is the wish of this company. May it be the most prosperous you ever experienced. To our customers we extend the sea­son's best wishes and thank them for their business extend­ed us during the year. We trust the good relations will so con­tinue,

Rudd Lumber Co. C. E4 WILLIAMS, Mgr.

Happy New Year

We wish to take this oppor­tunity to express our thanks |to our friends for their pat­ronage during the past year and extend our kindest wish­es for a Bright and Happy 1923.


J. F. Richiger, Prop.

Our Wish to You

The holiday spirit brings cheer and happiness to us all and we wish to express our sincere thanks for the continued evi­dence of good will extended to us, and to wish you all the fullest measure of happiness. May the New Year be one of abundance for you.

Ewing's Music Store Mrs. Annie M. Ewing, Prop.

Health and Happiness

The years have woven a close companionship between this company and its many friends. This cordial relation prompts us to wish you a new year of health, happiness and prosperity.

Caley Hardware Co. PRINCETON

Happy New Year

Not because it is an honored custom, but because of the sincerity of our appreciation, we take this opportunity to thank you for the part you have played in our business prosperity the past year, and wish you a most prosperous 1923.


C. S. Morton, Prop.

Thank You

With this opportunity we wish you good cheer and prosperity for 1923. We al­so wish to convey to our many friends thanks for your patronage in 1922.


Meat Market

Our Appreciation

With grateful appreciation of all the favors received by us from our customers and friends and for that priceless though intang­ible asset—your Good Will— which we prize beyond measure, we seek to merit your continued confidence and aim to serve you faithfully in the future. We ex­tend a wish for your prosperity during the coming year.

Hetrick & Henschel Battery Headquarters

May 1923 BeCherry

It is with sincere appreciation of the good will extended us during the past year that we wish to pass along the word of good cheer. With this opportunity we are happy to convey our thanks for your patronage and wish you the brightest New Year ever.

Rum River Lumber Co. E. E. WHITNEY, Mgr.

Our Wish

May your holidays be merry and the whole New Year be cheery, and may life hold out the biggest things for each one of our friends. Our ap­preciation we wish to convey and thank you for the 1922 patronage.



Our Compliments

May the loyal support of our many friends in the past be reflected in our best wishes for your success through the New Year.


Watch Repairing

Glad Tidings

At this joyous season our thoughts go out to thank you for your good will the past year—to wish you prosperity in your un­dertakings—peace for your pathway—friends for your fire­side and the Happiest New Year you ever had.

Odegard's Garage ODIN ODEGARD, Prop.

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