Scientific Article Expected Questions -May_June 2015




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Hithadhoo/ Addu

Topic: Scientific Article Unit -5 (for question.No 7 only)

General terms:GMC: General medical councilTUE: Therapeutic Use ExemptionNSAIDs: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugsA certificate issued by the doctor for regular usage of banned drugs with acceptable dosage levels by.WADA: World Anti-Doping Agency.Decongestants (specific drugs): congestion relievers. Inner lining of the nose swell leads to Nose blocking / stuffed up/ wheezing inhalation or exhalation / difficulty in breathing through nose. Whenallergiesmake your nose stuffed up, anantihistaminegenerally don't help. But a decongestant might. Here's howdecongestantswork:Allergiesmake the lining of your nose swell.Decongestantsshrink swollenbloodvessels and tissues. That relieves the congestion. But decongestants cant help withsneezingoritching. Decongestants come in pills, liquids, nose drops, and nasal sprays. Many are available without a prescription. Common decongestants include: VicksSinex(oxymetazoline) is a commonly used by all around the world. Afrin, Dristan, VicksSinex(oxymetazoline) SudafedPE,SuphedrinPE (phenylephrine)Silfedrine, Sudafed, Suphedrin (pseudoephedrine)Haematocrit: the ratio of the volume of red blood cells to the total volume of blood. an instrument for measuring the ratio of the volume of red blood cells to the total volume of blood, typically by centrifugation.Cardiac hypertrophy:- Developing of larger ventricle cavities and thicker ventricle walls by the trained athletes. And the heart in them larger than that of a non-athlete. This is also can be done by using banned drugs. An abnormal enlargement of the heart muscle, often associated with increased afterload. It frequently accompanies long-standing hypertension and congestive heart failure.Autologous transfusion: Exogenous testosterone:Endogenous testosterone:Peroxisomes: small, membrane-enclosed organelles that contain enzymes involved in a variety of metabolic reactions, including several aspects of energy metabolism. peroxisomes are morphologically similar to lysosomes at least 50 different enzymes are present in peroxisomes.

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1. Why do athletes and sports people use drugs?2. Why drugs are banned in the sports?3. What do you mean by doping and what are the different ways of doping?4. Elite athletes and al the professional sportspeople are routinely tested. Explain (Para 5)5. Explain how anabolic steroids work to enhance the performance. (para 6)6. Draw a flow chart to mechanism of protein based drugs to enhance the performance. (para 6)7. Explain how the beta-blockers would favour to shooting event? (para 7)8. What do you mean by decongestants? And explain how they give relief in case of decongestion.9. What are the consequences faced by the doctor one who colluded with sports men and women in administering any banned drug?(para 9)10. Why WADA do strictly monitored or scrutinized all the participants in the Olympics and other official events? (para 11)11. Diuretics (like probenecid) are used for dehydration. Explain how this drug will helpful to (a) Weightlifters, Judo, Boxers,(b) Jockey(para 15)12. What kind of listed drug in the article would bring haematocrit enhancement? What are the effects and the affects such drugs? (para 19) 13. What do you mean by haematocrit? (para 19)14. Comment on the Reliability of this article Less reliabilitybecause . No reference books are included Limited websites are included No data analysis / tables, graphs, pictures/images related to COPD No specific year regarding the release of this article No research scholars names and contacts to communicate Whether this article / COPD covering the whole worlds population or specific white people / UK is a doubtful. No journals are included.

Department of Science and technology A2 Biology- Scientific article (Unit -5 for Question. No- 7 only) April 2015 2 of 2
