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MODULE 5 –VIDEO 2 Sacred Ancient Wisdom eCourse

Order of the Magi

The Order of the Magi The Wisdom of Cycles

•  26,000 years ago in Atlantis (Lemuria)

•  Continued through Ancient Egypt

•  Mayan

•  Ancient Greece (Pythagorus)

•  Italy (Fibonacci)

•  Study Laws of Creation � Nature, Cosmos

•  Astrologers, Mystics,

•  Preservation of Wisdom

•  Symbol � Ace of Spades

•  Three wise men (are said to be from the Order of the Magi)

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The Order of the Magi The Wisdom of Cycles � Playing Cards

•  52 cards in the deck and 52 weeks in the year.

•  4 Suits and 4 seasons.

•  13 cards in each suit and 13 weeks in each of the seasons.

•  12 Court Cards (jacks, queens, kings) and 12 months.

•  When added together (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13 = 91) x 4 = 364.

•  Add the Joker as 1, and the total is 365 = Solar year.

•  This oracle is actually the matrix of time.

•  Astrology, Numerology etc�

•  Numbers encode wisdoms ancient cultures, mystic orders & mystery schools. •  Sacred Symbols - Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds & Spades - lie the keys to man’s

origin, destiny, and journey through time.

The Order of the Magi The Wisdom of Cycles � Playing Cards

•  Hearts represent people, family, home, beauty children, youth, and childhood. They represent our passion and they teach us of love. When our hearts awaken we know compassion and we live in gratitude.

•  Diamonds represent values, money, and action. They teach us of higher values. “You are to become a creator, not a competitor. You are going to get what you want, but in such a way that when you get it, every other person whom you affect will have more than he has now.” The Science of Getting Rich (1901)

•  Clubs represent the realm of the mind, and all things having to do with it; such as learning, education, teaching, communication, research, and sharing. They teach us the importance of knowledge ~ the awakened mind cultivates understanding, and knows the power of focus.

•  Spades represent labor, health, and wisdom and they teach us diligence and wisdom through determination and self-mastery. The Spade suit synthesizes the energies of the Hearts, Clubs, and Diamonds, in order to bring forth wisdom through all endeavors. Spades represent work, labor, spirituality, and wisdom. They also govern health.

Together the suits reveal the ways to the higher paths of living; Through learning compassion and understanding, right values & the art of creative manifestation, and ultimately the attainment of self-mastery.

The Order of the Magi The Wisdom of Cycles � Playing Cards

•  Our Birth Card - 13 card Life Path which speaks of who we are, what our gifts and challenges are, and how best to realize our true nature while walking the path of our destiny and expressing the wisdom we embody.

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Modern deck formats

Tarot •  The tarot - first known as trionfi and later as tarocchi, tarock

•  Used from the mid-15th century in various parts of Europe

•  Used to play games such as Italian tarocchini and French tarot.

•  In the late 18th century, it began to be used for divination

L’Archeometre – Saint Yves D’Alveydre (1910)

•  Elements •  Colour •  Music •  Sacred Tones •  Hebrew •  Kabbalah •  All Regions •  Astrology •  Astronomy •  Sacred Geometry

Archeometre originates from Greek and means "the measure of the principle". 'Archeometre' is it the measurement of the 'Archee' (Universal Cosmic Force) in Hermetics

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Ace of Spades 33

Sacrum •  The SACRAM forms from five unfused vertebrae at birth

•  Fuse together between aprox 16–18 years old

•  By 33-34 years, fuses into one bone that looks just like a spade.

Etymology - Spade

Old Frisian spada literally "sword, spade," from Latin spatha "broad, flat weapon or tool," from Greek spathe "broad blade"

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Sacrum ��Primodial Cells

33 Bones of Spine •  33 Master Number = Master Healer

•  3+3=6 Heart / LOVE

•  Michael = 33 (Solar Plexus � 3rd)

•  Mexico, Hawaii, Teacher, Priest = 33

•  Shealla-Dreaming = 66 (33 above, 33 below)

•  Butterfly

•  Freemasonry

•  33 turns complete sequence DNA

•  Tree of Life – 22 paths + 11 Sephiroth

•  Ancient Caduceus symbol of Hermes/Mercury/Thoth,

Ancient Caduceus Rod of Asclepius

Greek god Asclepius - associated with healing and medicine.

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Song Lines

•  Mapping System of the Earth - 13,000 years ago.

•  Connection of Sacred Sites � Grid

•  Sacred Geometry

Hugh Newman � Earth Grid

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Crop Circles

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Nazca Lines

Nazca Lines Nazca Desert � Southern Peru

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They were created by two cultures – •  Paracas people (1000 BC) •  Nazca people (800 BC � 500 AD)

Nazca Lines Nazca Desert � Southern Peru

Hugh Newman � Earth Grid

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MODULE 5 –VIDEO 2 Sacred Ancient Wisdom eCourse
