Debbie Rosas (c) 2017 TRANSFORMATION AGENDA MONTH 0 - AWAKENING GETTING READY FOR YOUR FIRST GROUP MEETING The intent of Month 0 is to prepare for the course and your first group meeting. the Awakening Project course officially begins on March 8th, 2017. Plan to have your first group meeting in April. For most meetings, plan 2-3 hours to be together. New course materials will be posted on debbierosas.com on the 8th of each month. Once the material is posted to the month, you have access to that month and all prior months’ materials. FORMING 0R JOINING A GROUP While the course can be enjoyed by individuals or in groups, we recommend finding friends to join you. To connect with other participants please click here (AWAKENING GROUP) to join the Awakening the Feminine Spirit Facebook group. PREPARATION Read the Month 0 Course Book. Watch Debbie’s visionary video and listen to her guided meditations. Complete your Feminine Spirit Symbol. You will use your symbol to introduce yourself to the other members of your group.

TRANSFORMATION AGENDA - Beauty, Wisdom, Awakening€¦ · sacred, divine evolution of wisdom. Fearless birth explorer of past, present, and future my highest work is to bestow peace

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Page 1: TRANSFORMATION AGENDA - Beauty, Wisdom, Awakening€¦ · sacred, divine evolution of wisdom. Fearless birth explorer of past, present, and future my highest work is to bestow peace

Debbie Rosas (c) 2017



The intent of Month 0 is to prepare for the course and your first group meeting. the

Awakening Project course officially begins on March 8th, 2017. Plan to have your first

group meeting in April. For most meetings, plan 2-3 hours to be together. New course

materials will be posted on debbierosas.com on the 8th of each month. Once the

material is posted to the month, you have access to that month and all prior months’



While the course can be enjoyed by individuals or in groups, we

recommend finding friends to join you. To connect with other

participants please click here (AWAKENING GROUP) to join the

Awakening the Feminine Spirit Facebook group.


Read the Month 0 Course Book.

Watch Debbie’s visionary video and listen to her guided


Complete your Feminine Spirit Symbol. You will use your

symbol to introduce yourself to the other members of your


Page 2: TRANSFORMATION AGENDA - Beauty, Wisdom, Awakening€¦ · sacred, divine evolution of wisdom. Fearless birth explorer of past, present, and future my highest work is to bestow peace

Debbie Rosas (c) 2017


Practice Grounding and Centering


Fill your Feminine Symbol Shape with your first Awakening writing

assignment questions


• Create Your Feminine Symbol

• Begin work on your Sacred Altar of the Universe



Page 3: TRANSFORMATION AGENDA - Beauty, Wisdom, Awakening€¦ · sacred, divine evolution of wisdom. Fearless birth explorer of past, present, and future my highest work is to bestow peace

Debbie Rosas (c) 2017

Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down and focus your attention on your breath.

Slowly breathing in and out and slowing down, relaxing your body, relaxing your

mind, relaxing your emotions, relaxing your spirit and becoming calm.


Your mind open, your body relaxed, your emotions neutral.

Your spirit waiting to receive.

Eyes closed, sense your connection to the earth under and around you.

Through your body.

Atoms, molecules, cells, tissues every organ in the organism, the you, alive and

supported by the universe moving freely not fixed by space or time.

Sense riding on your breath the awakening of new life in you.

And breathe.

And listen.

Receive with your body, mind, emotions and spirit, and awaken.

Imagine sitting in the center of all centers.

You held in this container, this womb, and this sacred circle this monad.

Center of all centers.

Surrounded by white light and comforted by love.

You are safe.

Imagine now, a new face, a new voice, a new image of humanity brought forth

through the vision of an awakened new feminine spirit.

A new voice.

A new image of humanity in women and men.

Now imagine a light turned on in you.

Awakening and illuminating the feminine spirit within you.

Awakening the sacred fire in you.

Sense this energy turning, turning, redefining what is and can be.

Life lived freely.

Something better.

Liberty and choice.

Freedom unleashed.

Love for all expressed.

Differences honored.

And breathe.



Page 4: TRANSFORMATION AGENDA - Beauty, Wisdom, Awakening€¦ · sacred, divine evolution of wisdom. Fearless birth explorer of past, present, and future my highest work is to bestow peace

Debbie Rosas (c) 2017

And in this sacred circle.

And in this light, this new vision, recognize peace as the norm.


Awakening you and awakening humanity.

Awakening a global unity.

Opportunity for all.

No longer he or she.

But a universal we.

The me, the you, the I, the we… equal as one.

Unique and separate, yet so deeply connected.


Do you hear the rumble?

The body-mind, emotions, and spirit of humanity awakening in you?

Do you hear the calling of God-Goddess all that is calling us all to awaken?

Now in this sacred circle, imagine your consciousness with binoculars, seeing a new


Your heart sensing new meaning.

Hearing a new message.

And now imagine that this vision, this new message is to be shared through you,

through your unique voice and expression.

Through your awakenings.

And now see yourself rise from the center of this circle.

And what you see before you is an illuminated path.

This is a not-knowing, safe path.

This is a no feet needed path.

This is a path that calls you to step and to recognize you are being held.

And that no matter how many times you’ve come, you are being asked to step and

step again.

Imagine now there are no edges… just open space.

That the center of all centers goes with you.

You are the center.

The one, connected to the many.


Page 5: TRANSFORMATION AGENDA - Beauty, Wisdom, Awakening€¦ · sacred, divine evolution of wisdom. Fearless birth explorer of past, present, and future my highest work is to bestow peace

Debbie Rosas (c) 2017

Now imagine yourself not only stepping, but jumping and leaping on this path.

Dissolving any line or boundary created by ignorance, or discrimination or hate.

These lines dissolve.

And what is left is the power to awaken good and better.

Inner forces birthing in you

The way for human rights and peace to lead the way.

Breathe with me now.

And smell this momentary idea of awakening the new feminine spirit.

And see yourself continuing to walk on this path of openness,

transformation and change.

Where your thinking falls into new depths of understanding.

Where wisdom is brought to life through your transformation and awakening.

Where your spirit, human spirit, merges with ancient and infant.


Exhale now and descend into the power of sight and insight.

Imagine You.

A part of you.

Your feminine spirit taking her place in this time.

Giving her voice, unleashing her power.

And see yourself now, free-falling into a new story.

A part of a new culture of awakened human beings.

Awaking the sleeping beauty a new feminine spirit in man and in women.




Stay as long as you’d like,

in this beautiful place of awakened relaxed body-mind, emotion and spirit.

When you feel ready let your fingers and toes and body begin to move.

Deepen your breath.


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Debbie Rosas (c) 2017

Relax your jaw.

Let your palms be faced up and focus your attention on

your breath.

Breathing slowly in and slowly out, several times.

Sense your connection to the earth underneath you, and

rest and relax.

Sense your body relaxed.

Your mind, relaxed.

Your emotions, relaxed.

And your spirit, relaxed.

You are connected to all that is.

One with the universe.

Breathe deeply and listen.

I am the voice of the feminine spirit speaking a most

magical universal life-force message.

Magician, mapmaker, visionary, transformer, guide.

I take you inside the topography of the inner world of

sacred, divine evolution of wisdom.

Fearless birth explorer of past, present, and future my

highest work is to bestow peace and harmony in you,

in humanity, for your world, for your future world.

Breathe deeply and take me in, sense me, I am here.

I am a voice.

I hold the key to unlocking unprecedented human


My path is the soul path.

My vision, a new and awakened humanity, awakened by

the sleeping giant of the feminine spirit.

A soul visionary, I translate feelings, thoughts, pictures,

sensations into mystical reverent experiences that

have the power to transform what is, into better.


Hear me speak.

I am in you.

I am a portal where divinity and flesh meet, where

embodied in flesh, I live, I wait, I wait patiently, I wait.

Exhale now and slip into my patience.

For within the sound of silence you will hear me more


I make it possible for your every act and life experience

to connect you deeply to your spirit, your feminine

spirit’s resonance star.

Smile with me into the starry-starry night you like being.

And know that life will be brightened when your feminine

spirit is unleashed.

You will find her resting in the belly of the she-he-we


Sitting patiently in Zazen.

The we transforming what is into what is destined to be,




A tone, a song, we - a vibration and resonance that rattles

the tongue of human truth.

Truth waiting. Patience. Waiting.

I have been waiting for you, for her, for him, for us—to


I seek in humanity the purest, most evocative expression

of woman and man, free to be.

He. She. We.

In my arms all people are welcome and set free to be.

He. She. We. Listen.

Seek and ye shall find me.


Walk with me.


Accompany me.

Rest assured my power my voice is in you.



Page 7: TRANSFORMATION AGENDA - Beauty, Wisdom, Awakening€¦ · sacred, divine evolution of wisdom. Fearless birth explorer of past, present, and future my highest work is to bestow peace

Debbie Rosas (c) 2017

And know you have been called in this time to alter and

transform the human destiny.

I say, “Do good, make good, feel good, and be good.”

I say, “Sing with me the song of love. Sense your body

uncontrollably vibrating yes, yes, yes… I will awaken.”

Sense me voice playing the strings of your feminine spirit,

her heart aligning you with the symphony of the


Whose song is of peace and harmony; oneness.

Let me voice light the way.

Reach out your hand and take me in.

Let me take you and step into my oneness, into right

alignment where peace resides.

Slip into my body-world where the lovers, Shakti and Shiva

sing the praises of global unity, peace, and universal


I give you choice: chaos or peace.

You choose.

You decide.

Slow down.

Look around.

Look in.

Look up.

Look out.

Look down.

Be conscious of your choices.

Walk with me as within my hands and heart I hold no

judgment, there is no projection, criticism or hate.

I care with me the universal codes of light.


Sense me in you and around you my voice, and feel me

move you.

I am there.

The rumble, the rustle.

Let me stimulate, motivate and express in you the essence,

the pure essence of male, female, god, goddess,

peaceful warriors, lovers, sacred beings.

We see through me, look through the eyes of the divine




I am you.

You are me.

Open the curious seeker in you.

Surrender and walk the path of the unknown. Now.

And let me to guide you in to becoming better.

Breathe deeply.

Feel me now as I sit next to you, in you, around you.

Shine your light and set me free as the voice and vision of

a new feminine spirit expressed through you.

Divine, you know the way.

I see you exquisite luminescent being. It’s in your hands.

Humanity - the planet are in your hands.

Will you take hold?

Will you embrace the life and life force in you?

Will you ignite the secret codes of unity and peace?

I ask you — listen, again, again, and again.

Let me stir you out of the deep sleep of unconsciousness.

Let my gentle hand awaken your body and soul.

Allow the seductress in me to awaken a new feminine spirit

in you.

In me. In she. In he. Evolving we.

Initiator, walk now with me, no hesitation allowed.

There is an entrance into new that you can step through,

through this door of birthing new into the world of

wondrous discovery.

Step through and say “yes!”

And once through that doorway know that I am yours

to fall in love with, to become wise with, to become

with divinity, a unity, a global unity transforming,

transcending, trans-living form into pure light and

love, an expression of your very essence.


Page 8: TRANSFORMATION AGENDA - Beauty, Wisdom, Awakening€¦ · sacred, divine evolution of wisdom. Fearless birth explorer of past, present, and future my highest work is to bestow peace

Debbie Rosas (c) 2017

Dive into your story, and awaken in you, energies and


Voices of the chakras one through seven, colorful

passionate personalities, perfectly designed to

connect you to life force itself.

Hear my voice and move about in flesh and bone inhabit

the vessel of a divine body, mind, emotions and a

unique spirit, and move about the map to evolve

yourself and humanity.

Rise up through me, through the soles of your feet.

There is a reservoir of wisdom waiting. Surrender into my

higher consciousness, for I call.

I am the voice of the awakened feminine spirit calling you.

In me, I promise you will connect to the power and

elegance of the horse, the vision and flight of the

eagle, the strength and intelligence of the elephant.

And the perfect harmonious balance of male and female.

Painter extraordinaire… you are the Matisse and Picasso.

Awaken me in you and you become the fizz, the froth, the

bubbles of a great life force.

Go ahead and play tug of war with “I should” and “I

shouldn’t” but find your way.

Sense my push to “go” and my pull to “stop” and find your


Unchained, unleashed, free to be, find your way.

Stretch your wingspan, heavenly, immortal ancient being,

and find your way.

You are light as a feather, nothing can weigh you down,

truth will help you find your way.

Unleashing what is inside you will help you find your way.

Speak my tongue, my language and share the message of

light and love.


Am I near? Am I here? Yes.

Look. Smell. Listen. Touch and taste me.

You will see and hear me expressed in human sanity and


Never fear.

No need to worry.

Just step and hurl your love, loving force into the cosmos,

it is time.

The laughter and cry of the wild in me has spoken.

Think with your heart.

Sense the voice of truth in your gut.

Feel the touch of pleasure on your body.

And choose this moment to awaken.

Stand in the truth of your new feminine spirit, unleashed,


Every choice coming from the burning fires of love, of

better, of right.

Walk with me into cellular peace.

I am the sacred muse, the sacred sage, the one who walks

with God, Goddess, all that is.

I am the peaceful warrior, the emperor and empress.

I am the essence of life force vibrating flowering

humankind into perfection, better.

Partner with me.

For my partner is anyone who seeks to remember.

Dance with me.

For my partner is anyone who desires to dance with the

divine and sacred.

My light fluid filled tentacles of love see and call.

Lovers emerge I say, man and woman.

All thought, all religions, all beliefs, lovers emerge and

fearlessly say, “yes” to united.

Take your place beautiful human being, woman, man, take

your place now and step into the future.

The one built by the hands of those brave and courageous

enough to awaken a new voice and vision of the

feminine spirit.

Those brave and courageous enough to listen and hear


With each breath now, inhale and exhale. Sense your

massive wings of wisdom, power and grace.

Timeless transcendence dissolving all violence,

dissonance, hate, separation and judgment. I invite



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Debbie Rosas (c) 2017

Will you come?

Will you walk with?

Will you awaken?

Slowly begin to breathe a little more deeply. Wiggling your

fingertips and toes. Stretch your fingers, your arms,

your legs. Moving your body and know that you are


You are in the center of all centers and connected to

the great chain of being where the bounteous gifts

of love and light flow into you, in all people – man,

woman, mother, father, sister brother child lover friend

husband healer magician mapmaker, you are with

each breath now anoint your heart, your mind, your

body, your spirit.

And when you feel ready, let your eyes open slowly.

And gaze momentarily into your hands.

And ask, “What can I do with these hands, this heart this

body and mind, to awaken my feminine spirit?”

And when you’re ready, allow your eyes to slowly look up

and around.

Look and see through the eyes of the divine, the beauty

and the grace that surround you.

See the sacred.

The sacred of you.

The soul of crystal light, a being a flint and tinder.

You I have called upon to activate the cosmic key of the

voice of the feminine spirits sacred fires. The light is


The sacred river between us all is flowing.



When you are ready and in your own way, exhale deeply

several times and bring yourself into a standing. And

since the eruption of wakefulness of awakened, rub

your palms together. And now shake your arms and

legs and in stillness now with your palms touching, the

knuckles of your thumbs resting in your heart center,

breathe deeply again and sense the healing flame the

sacred fires of new, of your awakened new feminine


The voice of her in you.


Page 10: TRANSFORMATION AGENDA - Beauty, Wisdom, Awakening€¦ · sacred, divine evolution of wisdom. Fearless birth explorer of past, present, and future my highest work is to bestow peace

Debbie Rosas (c) 2017


Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.

Focus your attention now on your breath.

Inhale and exhale slowly.



Relax your body.

Let your lower jaw release.

Your palms face up, sense the joints in your fingers and

wrists, elbows, your shoulders, your spine, your hips,

knees, ankles and feet.


With the next inhale and outbreath.

Imagine tissues softening and melting away from the bone.

More space in and around you.

More space to dream, to sense, to allow, to emerge, to

listen, to sense and to feel, to heal and to become, to


Slow down.

Slow down.

And hear my voice – awaken, awaken.

Breathe deeply.

I am everywhere.

A part of the canvas of the universe unfolding in this time.

A voice of color and shape and sound.

Invincible, a cosmic voice, calling up on all creatures to


To moon walk, sun walk and cloud walk with me for better,

for best.

Invincible to the naked eye. You can feel me.

Every time you receive a blast of inspiration. Courage.

Freedom to be to express to protect and nurture. To

love, to be compassionate , humble, caring, accepting,


Every time you remember there is a better way.

Every time you remember love is the only way.

And every time you feel me and sense me, and hear me,

calling you to wake up, know that you are awakening,



My voice, my message, a dance, a signature to change and


Transform the heart and mind of humanity.

You’ll find my voice riding on your breath.

On the sound of “ahhhh”

Sound with me now… “ahhhh”


You can sense me near. A tug. Between yes and no.

You can see me dancing on the tops of the tree branches

of your thoughts, guiding you to reach higher, to think


To dream higher into the light.

You can see me as the wind under the wings caressing the


Between the wag of a dog’s tail.

Within the folds of unconditional love, and shared

messages of life, forgiveness, acceptance, forever and


This is my love.

This is the awakening forever and ever.

Shall we dance?

Shall you sing and voice with me your truth, your voice

your message?

Like a swirling dust bunny I move at lightning speed,

dancing across the floor of the universe and across

your heart.

And with each step I release the most powerful invisible

tornado whose vortex is pulling you into being


And in my center you are held in a funnel cloud of the

feminine spirit life force.

Breathe her in, feel her, let her awaken you.

Let her voice release what is no longer of service to you

highest potential.

Page 11: TRANSFORMATION AGENDA - Beauty, Wisdom, Awakening€¦ · sacred, divine evolution of wisdom. Fearless birth explorer of past, present, and future my highest work is to bestow peace

Debbie Rosas (c) 2017Debbie Rosas (c) 2017

Let her voice release what could be.

Let her tap into your very ore.

Your life’s purpose, and know that her voice is waiting on

the edge of every “what i?” though.

What if?

Breathe deeply and feel her heat. A solar system of


Exhale longer an deeper and fall into her rebirth and

renewal of something better.

Awaken what is in your heart.

And in the heart of humanity, newly awakened. Not a he,

not a she but a we.

Don’t think.






There is a womb of creation that you are apart of that you

are lined with.

It is a sacred relationship of the individual “I” awakening

within the collective of the “we” – “She” is birthing a


Give her room inside of you.

Create space for her to wait and awaken within you new

thoughts, new feelings and freedom.

Deeper love and compassion and listen.

Sense your silent rumble and powerful voice feel her

gentle tender power and welcome her into the temple

of your body and life.

Call to her sweetly, for she is listening.

Wait for her and when you see her, feel her, hear her, ask

her to come, and come again and come again, and

invite her to stay.

Ask her to come to you through written word, through

your art, through movement, dance, music and to

come to you in states of awakened dreaming, and

welcome her.

Invite her. Hold her and thank her for being a part of you.

The perfect balance, feminine to masculine.

The equality of energies that create human life.

And give yourself time to settle in with her.

To let her voice become apart of your voice. Breathe her

into your blood, flesh and bone. And sense her light in

you and washing over you.

You are an awakened feminine spirit awakening again,

reawakening, remembering, she is in you.

She is apart of you.

When you are ready, begin to wiggle your fingers and toes

and stretch your body.

Make sound… using the vowel sounds to sound and

bringing the voice, your voice into this moment.

If you’ve been lying down, slowly sit up, and in your own

way and in your own time let your body move and

bring you into standing.

And once upright, shake your arms and hands, feet and

legs, shake your whole body.

And when you’re ready, just pause for a moment and place

your palms together.

The knuckles of your thumbs resting at your heart center.

And listen.

Listen to the voice of the feminine spirit awakening in you.


Page 12: TRANSFORMATION AGENDA - Beauty, Wisdom, Awakening€¦ · sacred, divine evolution of wisdom. Fearless birth explorer of past, present, and future my highest work is to bestow peace

Debbie Rosas (c) 2017Debbie Rosas (c) 2017

Relax your body.

Take a few deep breathes in, as if smelling the moment and

exhale, lengthening your exhale.

Feel free to make sound as you exhale.

Let your palms be faced up and relax your lower jaw.

Anything that feels restrictive – shoes, a belt… loosen


Feel free to take your shoes off and relax.

Relax you body, your mind… relaxed.

Emotions are neutral.

Your spirit waiting, waiting to listen.

Something about us caught our spirits.

Her, him, us.

Then and now, we have been waiting to meet.

Reminded of joy, memories, memories of before the last

time, the first time.

Now, then, again and again.

Shall we?

Shall we do it?

Shall we attempt again?

Cohabitate together, bound in love and in light.

Shall we stand, side-by-side, equal yet uniquely different.

Shall we? Shall we dance this dance of life, lifetimes and

come again, and come again.

No matter how many times, shall we come again?

Breathe deeply and sense this moment of again.

Shall we live together?

Breathing, feeling, loving, awakening.

Emerged as new.

A new feminine spirit.

Shall we become equal, sensing those parts of us,

masculine and feminine.

Shall we dance into the dark? Into the light?

Out, out of what was, into what can be needs to be.

Do you dare? Can you imagine?

Me, you, us, we, him, her – define, following in the

footsteps of divine purpose.

A life of love, happiness, joy.

No hate, no war.

Do you dare? Can you imagine? Can you feel it?

This thing called eternal peace, oneness.

Gather with me and dream the dream in this moment.

Gather with me and ride up on the currents of divine love

and purpose.

Gather with me and commit. Take your place, beautiful

man and beautiful women.

Step into the vision of a new future.

Lets rewrite the history and breathe, relax, and sense

yourself held in the arms of masculine and feminine

expanded consciousness.

A wisdom that soars high about old doubt and fear.

There is no more time.

With you palms up, breathe in deeply and imagine your

massive wings at your back, widening, reaching out

into space.

And see white light in the center of your chest.

Sense timeless wisdom at the heart of equality pulsing and

beating, shimmering, shimmering and shining a light

over violence, dissonance, prejudice and hate.

And with each in and out breath, sense yourself emerging,

waking, free from judgment, free, free from past


And sense yourself consumed now by new a humanity

filled with the spirit of a new renewed awakened

feminine spirit.

Pure gold, pure heart, soft and warm, the she calling and

inviting you in to rest, to wait, to listen, to feel, to heal.

Now imagine out of your hands, her hands – and imagine

out of your heart, her heart.

Hands and heart, sacred tools from which light and love



And let in the sensation of play, masculine joy, inspiration,

stimulation to the great chain of being.

The he, with the bounteous gifts to complement the


To move and support the feminine, and in your minds,


Page 13: TRANSFORMATION AGENDA - Beauty, Wisdom, Awakening€¦ · sacred, divine evolution of wisdom. Fearless birth explorer of past, present, and future my highest work is to bestow peace

Debbie Rosas (c) 2017Debbie Rosas (c) 2017


I see the hands of the feminine and masculine,

connected, moving together in the vast ocean of

together, with accompanying each other.

Walking, side by side with respect, honor, and love, and


In this union of masculine and feminine, you find the

mother, child, friend, lover, father, husband, wife,

healer and cosmic magician.

Which each exhale allow your perceptions of what is

feminine , what is masculine to explode and expand

into a “we”, a we of potential.

Renewed, a new perception.

Sense yourself standing naked in divine truth preserved in

the now in this time, for you, me, we.

Bathed in dark and in light. Drenched by the sun.

Sense the better, the we, we, we are here as sacred healers

anointing human kind with a feminine spirit that lives

within your body, and inside all living things.

Her knowledge, ancient, wise, is eternally yours.

His knowledge, ancient, wise, is eternally yours.

Her hands, his hands are yours to heal and do good.

To touch and share the electricity of love, yours to use


Their wisdom, right alignment, elegantly intertwined with

the magnetism of matter blending logic and mystery.

Breathe deeply and sense this infusion of life-force,

masculine and feminine energies in you. Energies that

move heaven and earth. Humanity.

And look through her eyes and you will see a new vision of


Look, will you look?

Will you look again and see?

Do you see the beauty and peace waiting? Waiting to be


Compassionately nurtured… shared with all people?

Can you fill your thoughts with divine inspiration and have

the courage to turn your life into a prayer?

Awakening your feminine spirit.

Will you do something for men and women? Boys and


Doing something to creating new vision, a new meaning of

the feminine.

Listen, feel her.

She is sitting next to you. She is in you, around you.

She is love.


The power to heal, body mind, heart, spirit and soul of


She has returned to him, he sees her.

His receptivity is spinning… spinning her into his touch.

She is spinning him into her touch, creating sacramental

intimacy, masculine and feminine.

Healing man, woman, child, mother, father, lover.

Bodhi mandala, enter, enter her temple.

She is waiting, waiting for you, for me, for humanity to

remember; to remember the fertile soil of love that

initiates a soul’s journey back.

Erupt with a deep breath now into the wakefulness of

shared living – her and him.

Awaken through consciousness, through light, through

love and touch.

Create safety, compassion and care.

Sense union, sense power, sense grace.

Be present.

See her, see him.

Receive their gifts.

Heal unkind beliefs; awaken a loving man and a loving

woman and dream, dream-weaver.

Be the magician, the witness and with this deep next

breath, ignite the healing flames and renew the sacred

fire of the feminine and masculine.

The serpent’s dance has begun.

The movement, breath, life, their dance, her dance in your


Breathe and allow new images and thoughts and feelings

to playfully dance across the terrain of a future


Do not be afraid to enter deep into the sanctuary as an

awakened feminine spirit.

She has consciously summoned you, me, we. Now.

Page 14: TRANSFORMATION AGENDA - Beauty, Wisdom, Awakening€¦ · sacred, divine evolution of wisdom. Fearless birth explorer of past, present, and future my highest work is to bestow peace

Debbie Rosas (c) 2017Debbie Rosas (c) 2017


Soul of crystal light, being of flint and tinder, you are called

upon in this moment to activate a cosmic key.

Igniting your feminine spirit; Her sacred fire.

You are called upon in this time to awaken, to heal man

and woman.

The light is quickening.

The sacred river between man, woman, child, god-

goddess, all that is, is rebirthing.

Rebirthing the spine of creation.

The movement of the feminine is awakening, new,


Witness her love, her light… her magic of pure divine

alignment with him.

Exhale deeply and begin to wiggle your fingertips and toes.

Move your shoulders, stretch your fingers, stretch your

whole body and begin to become aware of back here

now, fully present and conscious and awake.

But awakened in a new profound way through your

feminine spirit.

Masculine spirit.

New, renewed, awakened to a new voice brought forth by

your feminine spirit.

Thank You.