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 Totally Integrated Automation
SI#ATIC S7-300 in the system $amily
Upper and mid performance range
S7-300 - the universal, small control system or versatile a!!lications in automation en"ineerin"
 The ne S7-300 compact C!"s
A strong team 3 basic types)
*ith di+erent memory sies and per$ormances
312C: . /byte
- I&%s
- %nboard inter$aces
- !rocess $unctions
Dimensions and design
Statements ' " ( " ! "
(oadin" memory p)ug*in !%"*%MB p)ug*in !%"*%MB p)ug*in !%"*%MB
)nstruction runtime min ($ ,s min ( ,s min ( ,s
Alarm res!onse time &(( ,s %(( ,s %(( ,s
Bit memories ($% $(%& $(%&
*imers / counters $& - $& $'! - $'! $'! - $'!
o o di"ital channels $!! ((( (((
Integral I&%s - summary
6very digital input can be used as an alarm input
Analog inputs can also be used as digital inputs
 Additional input $or resistance measurement
umer o D)s ( $% ! $%
umer o A)s *-* % + 0 *-* % + 0
umer o A+s *-* $ *-* $
Integral digital I&%s
C#rrent range *** (' 3
In$#t dela% (-('-#-' ms ***
/es /es
Integral analog I&%s
Current 90mA: 0&1;;0mA
90mA: 0&1;;0mA
esol#tion bits<sign bits<sign
ilter 0/ 56 selectable ---
In$#t dela% = ms ---
lectrical isolation fro" bac,$lane b#s
yes yes
Summary o$ process $unctions
5um.er of c6anne)s $ # %
(reuency measurem;
/es /es /es
Positioning no no ais
Control * PI1 PI1
Integral counters
* @ecording o$ pulse and incremental encoder signals DC 18B
* (orard&reverse ith re$erence values hich can be changed during operation
* 0 - .0 4> depending on C!"B
9ario#s o$erating "odes $ossible
* Single counting e;g; lling, dosingB
* !eriodic counting e;g; recording o$ angleB
* Counting ith gate control e;g; length measurementB
re#enc% "eas#re"ent
!*# outputs

P#lse o#t$#ts on all co"$act CP8s
* Direct control o$ valves, actuators, sitchgear, heaters etc; DC 1 8& 0;= AB
* !eriod and pulse&pause ratio can be changed during operation
* ;= 4> sitching $reuency, up to 1 outputs depending on C!"B
O$ti"#" "e"or% re#ire"ents and r#nti"e
?o additional programming reuirements since $unction is component o$ operating system
!arameters delay, acceleration etc;B can be changed $or each travel
8arious operating modes selectable) absolute or relative positioning, inching etc;
!repared $unctionality can be lin4ed into application program using standard bloc4s

Summary o$ communications
de!ice and OPs
Co""#nication 'it( #$ to > OPs si"#ltaneo#sl% 0de$ending on t%$e
of CP86 &erial onboard interface
Data exc(ange e.g. 'it( de!ices fro" ot(er !endors
ast< c%clic data exc(ange
ig( data sec#rit%
A&D BD/AS, Slide 14S7-300 Compact
%n every C!") multipoint inter$ace #!I
Data echange) 27;= 4bit&s
"p to 3 bus stations, up to active connections per C!"
Communications $unctions)
* Elobal data communications ithout programming input
* S7 basic communication up to 7. byte
* S7 communication only serverB
!oint-to-point inter$ace @S1&12=B Connection o$ non-system components
CPU ##C*$ PtP - #%C*$ PtP
Transmission p6/sics8
* @S 1&12= F;7B
* Transmission rate) up to G; & 32;1 4bit&s hal$ duple&$ull dupleB
*eighing systems, controllers
%pto electronics S7-300
C!" 33C- D!, 31C- D!, integral !@%(IH"S-D!
8ersatile use) master or slave $unction
Data echange at #bit&s
"p to 3 D! stations to master inter$ace
#a; distance 3 4m using (%
Communications $unctions)
* !@%(IH"S-D!
P R O C E S S F I E L D B U S  
SI#ATIC #icro #emory Card #any $unctions - small $ormat
Can .e used in ever/ S7*#(( compact CPU
:unctions as program memor/; non*vo)ati)e and
resistant to overa)) reset< transporta.)e for simp)e
program updating
comp)ete pro=ect on t6e MMC
 3ccess to t6e MMC during >U5 mode of CPU
* 5oad data into C!" recipeB
* *rite data onto ##C archiveB
MMC .uffers /our data in t6e main memor/ in
event of power fai)ure
MMC is re#ired to o$erate t(e co"$act CP8s
 The universal, small control system ith emphasis on production engineering
 Totally Integrated Automation ith
