s IRONWOOD · a Happy, Healthy Holiday Season. The Holiday Season makes us think about what our...


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BBllaacckk SSoocckkss



H a p p y Ho l i d

a y s

Ironwood Pig SanctuaryPost Office Box 35490

Tucson, AZ 85740

November 2014

Dear Supporter,

Once again, as I have done for the last thirteen years, I want to wish each of you and your loved onesa Happy, Healthy Holiday Season. The Holiday Season makes us think about what our priorities are. Iknow that you make animals, especially our pigs one of your priorities since we get so many holidaynotes, cards, packages and donations during this very important time of year. We are truly humbledby your generosity. Your holiday contributions help us to make up for shortfalls during other times ofthe year and for that we are so grateful. You fill our holidays with the joy of knowing we cancontinue to give our pigs the most important gift of all, the gift of life. I hope this will be one of yourpriorities again this year.

I recently read a comment from someone responding to an online article about pot belly pigs andhaving them as companion animals. The comment was “...honestly this bleeding heart crap is tooexpensive of a luxury.” I do take pause at that comment and I wonder why a life is too expensive of aluxury but a smart phone or wide screen TV is not? To think that saving the life of a pig or anyanimal for that matter, is too expensive when billions are spent each holiday season on inanimateobjects makes one put things into perspective.

At Ironwood we don’t think the lives of our pigs are too expensive of a luxury. Their lives areimportant to us and we do all we can to provide a safe happy home for them once they have comethrough our gates. None of us can do all we want to do to help with so many causes, but we believeours is a worthy one. This in no way disparages the lives of any other living being in need ofassistance. We have chosen this road and we are grateful youhave come along with us.


Mary SchanzPresident & Co-Founder

PS: I hope you enjoy this issue about the tale of RunawayWilbur, Charlotte’s remarkable recovery, the answers to manyof your Questions and meeting our Boarding Pigs. We workhard to keep you with us on the many adventures here atIronwood. Happy Holidays and I’ll see you in 2015.


Mary With Georgia Who isRecovering From Surgery

n the last couple of issues ofour bi-monthly newsletters,Taryn and I have addressed

some of the questions that visitorson tours of the sanctuaryfrequently ask. In July’s issue Italked about why we spay ourfemale pigs. Taryn discussedneutering the males in theSeptember newsletter. In that oneI also dealt with what foods ourpigs eat and how much we use.

As we take people on toursthrough the various fields to meetour pigs, we always tell each pig’sname and give the backgroundstories on many of them asexamples of why these pigs have

ended up in a sanctuary. Wealways hear things like, “Doesevery pig out here have a name?”“How do you remember all thosenames?” “Where do you come upwith the names?” “How can youtell the pigs apart?” Yes, all of thenearly 600 pigs each have a name.Most have come from homeswhere they were pets and alreadyhad a name. Others were strays ordesert rescues and are named after

www.ironwoodpigs.org ironwoodpigs@yahoo.com


our parents, grandparents andother family members. Some ofthe pigs are characters from booksI’ve read. There have been quitea few musical pigs here…Waylon(Jennings), Willie (Nelson),Loretta (Lynn), B.B. King and hisband members, Elvis as well as allhis family members, Neil(Diamond), Squealy Dan (akaSteely Dan), etc. Some of thepigs are favorite students I hadwhen I was teaching elementaryschool, like Hondie and Duane.We just sort of pull names fromanywhere and everywhere. I evennamed one after my date to myhigh school senior prom….DannyRay!

One of the hardest jobs for newstaff members is learning who thepigs are and remembering theirnames. We start off teaching thenames of those pigs that get dailymedications. Some of the pigs areeasy to recognize and havevarious distinguishing marks orbehaviors that are memorable.Taryn wrote an article in ourMarch 2014 newsletter aboutthose that look alike and how wedetermine who is who. Many of

the pigs know their names andwill come when called. They arevery intelligent animals and canlearn their names just as a dog orcat will. As a side note, pigs arealso very independent andstubborn and will deliberatelyignore you calling their name if itsuits them at the moment! Eachpig is unique in its own way anddeserves to be recognized with aname.

Another common question is,“How long do pigs live?” Whenpot bellied pigs were firstintroduced to the United States as

the latest “fad pet” back in the70s, it was reported that they liveto be 25 years old. Time andexperience have proved that to bewrong. The average life span isusually 12-16 years of age. We dohave several pigs in their upperteens with a few of those stilldoing quite well out in our largerfields. There have been a coupleof our pigs that were 21 years oldwhen we lost them and a fewothers that we think were aroundthat age but didn’t know for surebecause they were either strays orcame from another sanctuary

Questions People AskI

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without background records.

Breeders of pot bellied pigs arealways coming up with the latestand greatest fads….mini pigs,teacup pigs, micro-mini pigs. Allclaim their piggies will onlyweigh 40-50 pounds. Yes, thatwill be true if you don’t feed yourpig enough (which is what mostbreeders instruct people to do)and trust that all the inbreeding tokeep them small won’t causephysical problems down the linedue to genetic deformities. Inreality, if a pig is properly bredand fed a normal amount, you arebound to end up with an averagesize in the range of 120-150pounds. Pot bellied pigs havebeen mixed with other breedsover the years leading to somepigs weighing in at 200+ pounds.While touring the sanctuary youwill definitely see a difference inbody sizes, facial structure, leglength, etc. that are evidence of amixing of pig breeds. Pigs arevery dense, stout animals andwhen standing side by side with acomparable sized dog, you mayhave a dog weighing 55 poundsand a pig of the same height at140 pounds. In other words,regardless of what you hear frombreeders, pigs are not dainty little


www.ironwoodpigs.org ironwoodpigs@yahoo.com

creatures that you can carry in ashoulder tote like you would yourTeacup Poodle. They are rootin’,tootin,’ heavy set animals thatlove being outdoors where pigsnaturally belong.

Another occasional question Ihear that always makes me wantto giggle is, “How often do youbathe your pigs?” Well, withalmost 600 pigs living outside100% of the time rooting in thedirt and rolling in mud wallows,the answer is almost never. Therehave been rare circumstanceswhen we have found it necessaryto bathe a pig for medical reasons.Kaylee gets an occasional bathbecause of her skin condition.Christine had to soak in a tub afew times due to a severeinfection of the suture line afterher spay surgery. Jasper neededto be bathed with a medicalshampoo after suffering from

repeated episodes of Dippity PigSyndrome (weird name but a realailment). When Kelsey arrivedshe was constantly scratching andrubbing on everything fromrelentless itchiness all over. A fewbathes and brushing to soothe herskin was all she needed to relievethat. I know a lot of owners whohave one or two pigs at theirhomes will bathe their pigs on aregular basis, applying lotions and

perfume afterward. That isunderstandable and acceptable.But if you had 600 pigs….really,would you even want to think ofgiving them all a bathe? Evenonce? Yeah, I didn’t think so. Forthe most part, the pigs do a greatjob of keeping themselves clean.Their hair is stiff and coarse so it

doesn’t get matted or tangled likea cat’s or dog’s fur. Because ofthe high temperatures here duringthe Sonoran Desert summers,each year the pigs completelyshed their coats in a matter ofdays then start each fall with afresh clean coat of hair growingin.

We strive to make each of ourtours of the sanctuary aneducational experience for ourvisitors. For those of you thathave never had the opportunity tocome to Arizona to see our pigs, Ihope that this article has shedsome light on any questions youmay have had about pot belliedpigs. They are wonderful, lovinganimals each with their ownpersonality and deserving of thecare that we are able to providewith your help and support.


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you bring peanut butter please bring CREAMYONLY… it spreads so much quicker and easier whenmaking the “medicine sandwiches” for the pigs.Everyone can bring blankets (we never have enough),then if you would like to help out more, please choosefrom this list. (Those marked with “*” are items weneed and use the most.)

**BLANKETS*Peanut Butter, CREAMY*Fig Newton Cookies (or equivalent brand)Animal CrackersChildren’s Multivitamin (NO IRON) Mineral OilFlaxseed CapsulesEnsure (VANILLA ONLY)Vitamin E Gelcaps 400 IUTriple Antibiotic OintmentVitamin B ComplexBenefiber Powder - Unflavored (Not Metamucil)

The above items are things we are in need of now aswell as blankets, blankets, blankets! (I know I keeprepeating blankets, but….) We love you all,appreciate your support and hope to see you atIronwood’s Open House. Mark November 8th onyour calendar!

www.ironwoodpigs.org ironwoodpigs@yahoo.com


OPEN HOUSEThis year’s Open House promises to be another funfilled day! It’s going to be on Saturday, November8th from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. You are all welcometo attend and don’t hesitate to bring your friends and

family along! We will have snacks and drinksavailable. There is no admission fee. You can have atour of the Sanctuary, visit with pigs, purchase shirts,hats and knickknacks then relax at the Visitor Center.We will have a raffle drawing for a handmade pigquilt and jewelry. It is always a great time, so comeon out and enjoy the day with us and the pigs. Welove sharing our pigs and the sanctuary with you!

You should receive an invitation with a map in themail. If you don’t, please call Ben at 520-631-6015 oremail us at ironwoodpigs@yahoo.com for directions. Below is a list of things we need at the sanctuary. If

Saturday, November 8th From 11:00AM to 3:00PM

Shopping On Amazon.com is EasyShopping on Smile.Amazon.com is identical to Amazon.com except that for all your normal shoppingincluding our wish list items, Ironwood Pig Sanctuary receives a 0.5% donation from Amazon. It is a supereasy way to give to the sanctuary, especially if you want to give something extra for the holidays. We havenumerous items on our Wish List already picked out so you’ll know you are donating exactly what we need.The list is updated frequently so it’s always current.

Here’s how it works: On Amazon’s Home page, click on “Wish List” in the top right corner and go to “Finda Wish List” then enter Ironwood Pig. You may choose items from our list and click on “Add to Cart” foreach. When you have completed your selections, go to “Cart” and check out. The items you choose will beshipped directly to us. How easy is that! Thank you for all of your support.


www.ironwoodpigs.org ironwoodpigs@yahoo.com

n July Mary received aphone call from a womanwho said she had a pig,

Charlotte who had just had babiesand that she wasn’t doing well.She said that her teats were hardand that she did not have anymilk.    She added that Charlottewas also unable to walk.Charlotte had just had 14 babies, 9died pretty quickly mostly frombeing laid on.  The woman neededhelp with getting Charlottesomewhere for medical attentionand with how to take care of theremaining piglets.  Mary agreedto help with getting Charlotte toour vet and instructed her how tocare of the babies.

Ben and Julian went to pick upCharlotte and then took her toAdobe Vet Center.  Once Dr.Staten saw Charlotte, it was clearthat Charlotte had severemastitis.  It would have beenhelpful for the doctors to sedateCharlotte and get a better look ather infection. However, thewoman who had Charlotte wasnot available to give permissionfor anything to be done, so themost Dr. Staten could do wasdiagnose her and tell us what

medications to put her on, whichwould be a lot.

The woman agreed to let us takeCharlotte to Ironwood in order totreat her. When Charlotte arrivedat the sanctuary after her vet visitshe could hardly walk, just as thewoman had said.  Her mammaryline was huge and hard and shehad a fever.  She was super sweetright off the bat and lovedattention.  We started by givingher some pain meds and heavyantibiotics.  We also gave hersubcutaneous fluids per the vet totry to keep things flushingthrough her system.  She put upwith the subcutaneous fluids for afew days.

Charlotte was put on two differentantibiotics and an anti-inflammatory. She was on theantibiotics three times a day atfirst then she was changed tohaving them twice a day. Gettingher to take so many pills did prove

to be tricky. It worked out that wewould stuff them in melon oropen the capsules into a soft foodfor her. This grew to be herfavorite time of the day of course.We were also instructed tomassage Charlotte’s stomach.She was getting dry spots on herstomach, so we would alsomassage a cream onto her.

Within a couple of daysCharlotte’s mammary glandsstarted expanding. Soon a weakspot opened releasing a largeamount of pus. We wereinstructed by our vet to flush thisarea well and not to open up anyother areas. We were also told tosoak Charlotte’s stomach in adiluted betadine bath. We wereable to do this using a swimmingpool. Charlotte was great aboutletting us flush her wounds andkeep her clean. We kept her in ourcooled barn with sheeted floors tokeep her off of the dirt.

Charlotte needed to go to the vetto begin the process of debridingher now draining wounds. Dr.Page spent two hours debridingthe necrotic tissue and removing

Charlotte’s Remarkable RecoveryI

Healed and EnjoyingHer Wallow

After First Surgery

After Second Surgery


www.ironwoodpigs.org ironwoodpigs@yahoo.com

two mammary glands. Surgicalpacking was inserted into one ofthe large openings. Charlottearrived back home with largeopen areas that we would need toclean often. We were told she hadgangrene mastitis which is a lifethreatening condition and shecould quickly become septic anddie rapidly. The idea behind thepacking was to keep a moistmaterial in the wound so thingswould stay clean and moist. Wewere able to change the packingas needed to keep it fresh. Again,Charlotte was amazing with herattitude during these procedures.

After a few days Charlotte neededto go back to the vet since therewas more necrotic tissue to beremoved. On this visit Dr. Pageremoved three pounds of necrotictissue and put in threedrains.   Charlotte returned to thesanctuary with large open sectionsand drains. We needed to keepher extremely clean, flushing theholes and drain sites often. Thiswas normally easy to do unlessCharlotte was in heat. In that caseit was nearly impossible to doanything to her as she had otherthings on her mind.

There was a lot of additionalnecrotic tissue that would need tocome off for Charlotte’s woundsto heal. We sloughed some offwith dry wash clothes and usedsilverdeen cream to soften the restso that it would come off. It waseasy to see the progress madewith this. Dr. Staten was soon atthe sanctuary and was able torecheck Charlotte. She waspleased with how she looked andtold us to keep checking the onemammary gland that was stilllarge. If it got harder or hot, thenwe would need to start antibioticsagain.

Meanwhile we received wordfrom Charlotte’s previous homethat the rest of the babies had diedas they were not properly caredfor.  We had a woman who waswilling to care for them, but whenshe went to pick them up she wasinformed that they had died.Charlotte’s previous owner stillhad the boar though, whom wewere trying to get to complete therescue and ensure that no morebreeding would take place there.We made arrangements for that.

Wilbur, the boar soon to be knownas Zeke, turned out to be a younghog. This is a farm pig that growsvery large. We typically only takein pot-bellied pigs, but we neededto resolve this situation. Donnaand Bryan picked Zeke up andbrought him back to the sanctuary.We made a large pen for him andgave him extra time to exercise inthe yard. Of course he enjoystalking to all of the pigs andshowing off. He has also beenenjoying being brushed and

getting belly rubs.

We had Dr. Staten come out toneuter Zeke. To ourdisappointment the drugs actuallymade Zeke hyper rather thansedating him and we were unableto get him anesthetized forsurgery. This procedure wasrescheduled and his neuter hasnow been completed. In the

meantime Zeke is growing andseems healthy. We have arrangeda permanent home at a Californiasanctuary for him where he couldbe with other hogs.

Charlotte has continued to healwell and fast. We can noticechanges daily. Her strength in herarms and legs is extremely betterthan it was. All of the open siteson her stomach have healed. Herlast infected mammary gland hasnow been removed. Charlotte ishappy to finally be able to play inthe mud. She has a lot of energyand is still extremely affectionate.She does miss her medicationtimes but still gets special treatsevery now and then. After all, shewas one of the best patients andhas made it through a very seriousinfection.



SStteell llaa

My dad left me at his friend’s

house then disappeared. My 2

friends and I were rooting up the

tortoises’ homes there and weren’t

really wanted, so here am I.

www.ironwoodpigs.org ironwoodpigs@yahoo.com

HHuurraatt iioo

I am the only black piggy in Charlotte’sBoys. I’d love to tell you of myadventures of moving out and becomingpart of a big herd.

I’m one of Charlotte’s Boys andwas born deaf. I get along just finethough and have learned to keepan eye on my brothers so I can keepup with them.

RRii lleeyyI was the runt of Charlotte’slitter, but look at me now!I’m a big boy, as big as all mybrothers and still growing like aweed.

Charlotte’s five boys whom you can read about inpast newsletters and some recent arrivals at Ironwood

are just a few of the piggies looking for a sponsor.Your monthly donation of $30 to sponsor a pig will

cover your pig’s basic needs and their share ofsanctuary expenses. In exchange you will get a letter

and photos of your pigalong with an update and

new pictures during theyear. Please join our

family of sponsors and helpsupport our pigs!

Remember, a sponsorshipmakes a great holiday


DDoonnnnaa && WWyyaatt tt

I am one of Charlotte’s Boys bornhere at the sanctuary. I’mgrowing up fast and ready for asponsor now.

www.ironwoodpigs.org ironwoodpigs@yahoo.com


I was adopted from Ironwood

several years ago, but my

mom got ill and was no

longer able to take care of

me and my friend Clyde.

Unlike our namesakes, Bonnieand I have never robbed anyoneto support ourselves. We’regoing the honest route and askingfor your help!

I am the only black piggy in Charlotte’sBoys. I’d love to tell you of myadventures of moving out and becomingpart of a big herd.

I’m one of Charlotte’s Boys andwas born deaf. I get along just finethough and have learned to keepan eye on my brothers so I can keepup with them.


JJaannggooI’m part of Charlotte’s litter and

the spokes-pig for my brothers. I

will talk your ear off if you give

me the chance! And do I have

some stories to tell!



his is a remarkable storyabout how social mediaplays a huge part in our

lives and how Wilbur got backhome on a hot July morningwithin a few hours of his escape.

It all fell into place for Wilbur thatday. After feeding him at 6:15amthat morning, as she has done fornearly ten years, Susy noticedwhen she was driving by his penat 9:00am he was NOT in his pen!She said she must haveaccidentally not latched the gatethat morning.

In the fall of 2004 Susy and Russhad driven to Payson to pickCharlotte and Wilbur up for usand took them home. They werebeing fostered for Ironwood by alady in Payson awaiting a home,which happily they had nowfound. Charlotte passed away afew years ago from severearthritis. Wilbur is now 15 yearsold which makes his tale evenmore surprising.

On the morning of July 26th whenit was hot and muggy after amonsoon rain the night before, wegot a call from a Sheriff in OroValley not far from ouroffice/home in Tucson. He saidthey had been called about a straypig and could we come get it. Bensaid he and Julian would head outimmediately for the hour driveand the Sheriff would wait for

them to arrive. In the meantimeSusy had called her neighbors andhe was not there, so they all

started out to look for him. Shespoke with her son who said “OhMom, don’t even look out by theroad (La Cholla) since Wilburwould never go near a road orcars.” At that time Susy was

slogging through mud and brushin her bathing suit, tee shirt andflip flops since she was on herway to her swimming class whenshe discovered Wilbur was gone.Of course one of her flip flopsbroke and at that EXACT momentshe got a text from a friend on theEAST side of town. It was now10:18am and she had beenlooking for over an hour. Herfriend happened to be on

FACEBOOK and saw a post witha picture of Wilbur and thelocation at Overton and LaCholla. The post had come fromhis friend who lives inMICHIGAN who knew he livedin Tucson. He sent it on to Susybecause he knew she lived on theNorthwest side and that she hadpigs.

Susy’s neighbor picked her upafter receiving the text from herfriend and they began to look forhim in their SUV, not knowing theexact location. In the meantimeBen and Julian had alreadyarrived and had Wilbur loadedready to head for Ironwood, whenSusy arrived. To everyone’sdisbelief Wilbur had travelednearly a mile, crossed a two lanebridge then crossed the road andhad found a puddle from themonsoon rains the night beforenear “The Bluffs”, a largedevelopment on the northwestside of the road. Ben and Julianfollowed Susy home to deliverWilbur safely back to his home of10 years.

So follow this remarkable tale andall who played an important partto get Runaway Wilbur safelyback home. First of all it hadrained the night before so Wilburwas able to make his way to amud wallow which was soimportant on a hot July day inTucson. The Sheriff, who wasrather amused by the whole thing,told Susy that Wilbur had

www.ironwoodpigs.org ironwoodpigs@yahoo.com


Runaway WilburFacebook Saves The Day


followed a woman over the bridgeand that some bicyclists had luredhim with some grapes to safetythen the Sheriff had been called.The Sheriff knew to callIronwood, which he didimmediately. I am not sure, butknowing pigs, I would say oncesafely across the road Wilburfound the wallow on his own.One of those good Samaritans hadtaken a picture of him and put iton Facebook from his/her smartphone. The person in Michigansaw it and sent the post to Susy’sfriend on the East side of Tucsonand Susy’s friend texted her onthe outside chance it was her pig.And he was! A happy ending anda remarkable story to brighten theholiday season. Once again GoodPeople do Good Things!



www.ironwoodpigs.org ironwoodpigs@yahoo.com

Hoof & Tusk TrimmingPig owners in the Tucson, Phoenix and

surrounding areas can contact Donna Thomasonfor pot-bellied pig tusk and hoof trimming. Donna

is an experienced trimmer living on site atIronwood. Donna provides house calls for pig and

goat trims. Please call 520-780-8832 or e-mail hoofandtusk@yahoo.com

to set up an appointment.

GIFT CARDSWalgreen’sHome DepotLowes



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MISCELLANEOUS ITEMSPostage Stamps (Forever, 49, 34, 2 cents) Other

denominations can also be usedUsed Blankets are always welcomeChildren’s Multivitamin - NO IRONFig Newtons - Generic OK - Not individually wrappedPeanut Butter - Creamy OnlyEnsure or Equivalent, Vanilla OnlyAnimal CrackersVitamin E Capsules, 400 IUVitamin B ComplexTriple Antibiotic OintmentAcid Reducer, Ranitidine 150mg

WalmartAmazonOffice Depot

DiscoverMasterCardOffice Max


**We have a wish list on Smile.Amazon.com. Seepage 5 for details.

WWii llbbuurr ’’ss 33//44 MMii llee TTrr iipp

ig boarding….not asexciting as snowboardingbut it can be fun. When

people go out of town onvacation, on business or for otherreasons there are usually plenty ofplaces to choose from as to wherethey can leave their cats and dogs

or perhaps have a petsitter come to their home. Butwhat if you have a pig? Youwouldn’t want to leave your pig ina kennel with barking dogs forneighbors. And most pet sitters

are not familiar with pigs or howto handle them. Ironwood is theanswer for people in our area. Wehave had several pigs boardingwith us this summer. It’s greatbecause we’re not only able tohelp people have a safe place toleave their pig, but it’s another


www.ironwoodpigs.org ironwoodpigs@yahoo.com

Pig Boardingway to provide some income forthe sanctuary.

Some pigs stay with us while theirparents go on vacation. Zap washere for a month while KevinBacon stayed only a couple ofweeks. Rover is a repeatcustomer usually boarding with usfor just a few days each time.Other piggies end up staying longterm. Dexter comes every yearfor the whole summer. This yearhe went back home with a newfriend! His parents adoptedKelsey to be his companion pig.That was exciting!

Snausy has been here for a fewmonths and will remain with us

indefinitely. His family is in theprocess of finding a new homethat can accommodate him andhopefully a new companion pig.

Toby and Max are boarding herefor the same reason. Their familyhas had two house deals fallthrough at the last minute, so theirstay keeps getting extended.

Fanny is another pig who hasbeen with us because her parents

were dealing with a job transferand moving across the country.She ended up being with us for

eleven months. We all gotattached to her during that time.Fanny would greet Monica at thegate when she came to work everymorning and perform her “sit”trick for a few animal crackers.We all got used to seeing Fannyout and about first thing everyday. Now that she has flown toher new home in Mississippi, weall miss her waiting at the bottom



TToobbyy && MMaaxx


KKeevviinn BBaaccoonn


Donation Drop Offs in Phoenix and TucsonWinter is coming and we need blankets! We are always in short supply so anyblankets are appreciated. For supporters in the Phoenix and Tucson areas, youcan save shipping charges by dropping off blankets and wish list donations atthe locations below.

There are two locations in both Phoenix and Tucson. Please note that no monetary donations can be accepted.All other material donations are very welcome and much appreciated. Don’t forget blankets since we arealways in short supply for the winter.

For the Phoenix area you can drop donations off at Carolyn’s in East Mesa, AZ near Superstition Springs Mall.Give her a call at 480-981-8069 for directions. Also Susan’s in North Phoenix near E Union Hills Dr and NCave Creek Road. Give her a call at 602-493-2524 for directions.

For the Tucson area there are two drop off points. One on the northwest side in the vicinity of Oracle Roadand Hardy. Call 520-631-6015 for directions. Also Sherry’s in southeast Tucson near Swan Road and 22ndStreet. Call her at 520-622-6304 for directions.

Thank you for all your support!

Ironwood CalendarOur Ironwood 2015 Calendar will be ready soon. It is full of wonderful picturesof our pigs. Each month will bring a smile to your face and remind you of allthe sweet faces you are helping bring smiles to. Calendars are $17 each whichincludes shipping.

If you would like to purchase one, you can either pick one up at our Open Houseon November 8th or order one through us by using our PayPal donate button onour web site at www.ironwoodpigs.org and indicate you want a calendar. Youcan also send a check or give us your credit card number in the envelope we sendwith your newsletter.

www.ironwoodpigs.org ironwoodpigs@yahoo.com


of the steps of the Visitor Centerhoping for a back rub or anotheranimal cracker.

FFaannnnyy && MMoonniiccaa

For some of our boarders, it istheir first experience of beingaround other adult pigs. There isalways a lot of “chatting” throughthe fencing as they get to knowone another. For Zap who is anindoor/outdoor pig, it was her firsttime to sleep outdoors eventhough she was using a shelter.Her dad said that the first nightback home, Zap wouldn’t come inthe house and ended up spendingthe night sleeping in the flower

bed. It didn’t take her longthough to remember the comfortsof home and get back inside thehouse with her special blankie!We always enjoy having pigscome to board with us and watchthem interact with other pigs, rootin the mud or just explore theyard. There are always newexperiences and new smellswaiting here for them.



www.ironwoodpigs.org ironwoodpigs@yahoo.com

ver the past fewyears we havetaken nearly 75

pigs from a rescue inApache Junction, AZ,completing the task westarted back in 2002when Black Socksarrived as a baby withhis four brothers, onesister and 13 adults.Two little boys who

came to be known as White Socks and Black Socks,were adopted in May of 2002. Their sister was alsoadopted and Huey, Dewey and Louie remained withus. Sadly Dewey developed a urinary stone that tookhis life, but Huey and Louie have been with us allthese years.

Black Socks and White Socks were returned toIronwood in August of 2004. They were not reunitedwith their other brothers since the bond had beenbroken but instead were introduced into our NorthField where they have remained for the past tenyears. White Socks has become very arthritic overthe years and has been put into a smaller area withinour North Field where it would not be necessary forhim to walk so much. Black Socks is still healthyand active. Black Socks has found his favoriteshelter and various friends join him from time totime. He is one of those who is happy by himself aswell as with others. They all seem to like him and henever seems to fuss with anyone. ---Mary



BBBBllllaaaacccckkkk SSSSoooocccckkkkssss



H a p p y Ho l i d

a y s


satellite facility in Maricopa saw an ad for them whereshe buys her feed in March of 2013. She and her sonpicked them up for us. The home and property werebeautiful, but Izzy and Moe, about 6 to 8 months oldat that time, were living in a tiny dirty pen. They aregrowing up to be big boys in our North Field.

Titan and Zeus came from a breeder in Texas. Theirfamily here in AZ adopted two other pigs from us andwhen they divorced we not only got Gwen and Herbieback but also got Titan and Zeus. Titan and Zeus wereadopted in December of 2009 and returned to us inJanuary of 2013. So these boys have been around, butthey have been lucky to stay together and now thatthey are back at Ironwood they will remain here withus and always be together.

Otis and Danny Ray have been with us most of theirlives, since April 2002. Their whole family, dadBaldwin, mom Elizabeth, sister Betsy and otherbrother Elliott all still live at Ironwood. The wholefamily was running loose and looking for food at afarmer’s hay barn. We were lucky to catch all of themand bring them to Ironwood so many years ago.

Wyatt and Doc were born at Ironwood January 1st2008. Their mom, Bernadette arrived on December30th 2007. Quite a New Year’s Day present when shegave birth two days later. Wyatt and Doc were two ofher babies who were adopted in April of 2008. Butfinancial hardship and foreclosure forced their returnto us in September of 2011 along with their olderfriend Amy. ---Mary


IRONWOOD PIG SANCTUARYPOST OFFICE BOX 35490TUCSON, AZ 85740-5490520-631-6015ironwoodpigs@yahoo.comwww.ironwoodpigs.orgwww.facebook.com/IronwoodPigSanctuary





Return Service RequestedPublished at the above address regularly.


WWWWyyyyaaaatttt tttt &&&& DDDDoooocccc

IIIIzzzzzzzzyyyy &&&& MMMMooooeeee

OOOOtttt iiiissss &&&& DDDDaaaannnnnnnnyyyy RRRRaaaayyyy

ZZZZeeeeuuuussss &&&& TTTTiiii ttttaaaannnn

Front and Back Covers

ach twosome pictured here are brothers. Somewere born here and others came to Ironwoodvery soon after the sanctuary opened and have

lived here with the rest of their family all these years.Two sets of brothers were adopted from us andreturned to Ironwood years later. We are just happythey have all been able to remain with each otherthroughout their lives.

Izzy and Moe are the youngest. Donna S. who has our


MISSION STATEMENTThe Ironwood Pig Sanctuary is dedicated to eliminating the suffering of pot-bellied pigs by

promoting spaying and neutering, assisting owners and other sanctuaries, and providing apermanent home in a safe, nurturing environment for those that are abandoned, abused,

neglected, or unwanted.

* Ironwood Pig Sanctuary is accredited by the American Sanctuary Association.* The Ironwood Pig Sanctuary is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and

your donations are tax deductible.


www.ironwoodpigs.org ironwoodpigs@yahoo.com

Credit Card DonationsYou can make secure One-Time or

Multiple Monthly Sponsor orSustainer donations to the Sanctuary

with PayPal (No PayPal accountrequired) using your credit card bygoing to the SUPPORT page of ourweb site at www.ironwoodpigs.org.

Remember the Sanctuary In Your WillThe Ironwood Pig Sanctuary has been therecipient of bequests from many generoussupporters. These donors felt that they neededtheir assets during their lifetimes but decided tolink themselves with the ongoing life of theSanctuary by making bequests through theirestate plans.

The Mary C Schanz Foundation is doing business as (dba) Ironwood Pig Sanctuary. For yourWill please use both names (although it is okay if you’ve already used only the Ironwood PigSanctuary name), the post office address from the back cover and this tax identification numberfor the Foundation: 86-0999483. Your support makes it possible for us to give a loving hometo the almost 600 Pot-Bellied Pigs in our care and is very much appreciated.

Employer Matching GiftYou can easily make your donation to theIronwood Pig Sanctuary go even further ifyou work for or are retired from aMatching Gift company. Many employerswill match and sometimes double theiremployees’ or retirees’ charitablecontributions.


IRONWOOD PIG SANCTUARYPOST OFFICE BOX 35490TUCSON, AZ 85740-5490520-631-6015ironwoodpigs@yahoo.comwww.ironwoodpigs.orgwww.facebook.com/IronwoodPigSanctuary





Return Service RequestedPublished at the above address regularly.


WWyyaatt tt && DDoocc

IIzzzzyy && MMooee

OOtt iiss && DDaannnnyy RRaayy

ZZeeuuss && TTii ttaann