Progressivism · Roosevelt’s Accomplishments Main strengths of progressivism came in areas of...


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Some states had

progressive governors

Robert “Battling Bob”

LaFollette from


Progressive Presidents

Teddy Roosevelt

Became president after

McKinley assassinated

by Leon Czolgosz


Nation’s first forrester,

Gifford Pinchot

Roosevelt’s Accomplishments Main strengths of progressivism came in areas of


Got Newlands Reclamation Act passed in 1902 for irrigation projects

in the West

Set aside millions of acres under Forest Reserve Act including 85

million acres in Alaska

Created 5 new National Parks such as Crater Lake in Oregon and

Mesa Verde in Colorado

Created the first National Monument, Devil’s Tower in Wyoming

51 wildlife sanctuaries created

William Howard Taft

Hand-picked by TR as his


fired Gifford Pinchot

only American to have

served as both president of

the US and Chief Justice

of the Supreme Court

Stuck in White House


Had large tub installed


“busted” 90 trusts

Payne-Aldrich tariff outraged progressives

Taft’s appointee, Ballinger, removes 1 million acres of land from protection

Teddy & Taft had falling out & in election of 1912, Teddy ran against Taft on Bull Moose Party

Wilson won when TR split Republican vote

Woodrow Wilson Progressive record mainly in


Departments of Labor and of


Federal Reserve Act (1913)

Federal Trade Commission

Act passed in 1914

Clayton Anti-Trust Act (1914)

farms&unions omitted

Keating-Owen Child Labor

Act (1916)

Federal worker’s comp law

9 hour workday for fed

employees & 8 hr for RR

Woodrow Wilson Progressive record mainly in business

Departments of Labor and of


Federal Reserve Act (1913)

Federal Trade Commission Act

passed in 1914

Clayton Anti-Trust Act (1914)

farms&unions omitted

Keating-Owen Child Labor Act


Federal worker’s comp law

9 hour workday for fed employees & 8

hr for RR

16th amendment-income tax

17th amendment-dir. elect. senators

18th amendment-prohibition

19th amendment-women’s suffrage

Wilson’s Failures

Abandons promises

made to NAACP

Opposed federal anti-

lynching law

Segregated federal gov

Appointed southerners



Progressives tried to spread themselves too thin over

too many areas of concern. This confused workers

and supporters. But progressives succeeded in

several areas, especially political reforms and

business reforms. They failed in areas like civil

rights soundly and all-too-often attempted to force

upon a multi-cultural society values of the white

middle class.
