Richard Screnci. Many methods implemented by high school/college coaches are outdated. Old methods...


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Training Athletics More Functionally

Richard Screnci


Many methods implemented by high school/college coaches are outdated.

Old methods focus on certain areas and not others.

Old methods are the cause of injuries and musculoskeletal inefficiencies.

New Methods

Increase functionality and specificity. Prepare athletes better for the rigors

of sport. Training this way decreases chance

for injury and muscle imbalances.



Machine that helps increase vertical jump and first step quickness- vital for any sport.

Vertical jump important part of all sports including basketball, soccer, etc.

This machine develops vertical jump, which increases strength along the kinetic chain.

Allows training while decreasing pounding of joints and mental exhaustion.


Used by professional and collegiate teams.

Philadelphia 76ers, Miami Heat, Duke University, and the University of North Carolina among those who use system.

Shows credibility of system.




Vertimax website Pricing is available for those short on

funds, standard machine is 1795$. Works with cables the connect to a

harness. Perform different motions like

jumping, pushing, pulling, horizontal/diagonal abduction and adduction, flexion, extension of all types of muscles.


Postural Assessment

Shows muscle imbalances. According to sport shows if

appropriate muscles working efficiently.

Hints to which body parts may be prone to injury.

Shows which body parts need more training.


3D imaging to assess posture. Easy, provides visual evidence, allows for

full body assessment in one image. From website: “A web based postural

assessment system that detects postural deviations and automatically prescribes the correct Mirror Image® exercises. The system generates a report with the patient's postural images and displacement data along with the correct exercise prescription and logbook.”



Lets the client move during assessment, mimics movement during sport.

Allows for a more accurate assessment.

Provides more detailed data when compared to flexibility assessments.

Works in conjunction with a software system and stores information easily on a computer.

497$, relatively inexpensive.

Lower Extremity Training

Form and technique, if incorrect, often compromise these body parts.

Developing athletes need to keep knees, hips, and ankles injury free.

Standard weight training techniques are not always safe and many athlete’s bodies are not ready to handle the stresses.

Keiser Air3000

Keiser Equipment

Company that makes power training equipment with air as the resistance.

Handles on machines allow athlete to increase or decrease air pressure.

Safer environment, can train functionally, and encourages good form.

Keiser Air3000

Trains lower extremity and upper core- essential muscles for any athlete.

Base of many sports is leg and core power.

Allows training in a closed chain, discourages bad form.

No barbells required- no additional back or low back pain.

Keiser Air3000

Can train on the sagital and frontal planes.

Can train hip flexors, extensors, abductors, adductors, hamstrings, quads, glutes, and calves in variety of ways.

Squatting is a key exercise for all sports, but usually done with poor form.

Price- 3250$

Keiser Air3000

NFL Tight End Vernon Davis

Tractor Tires

Squatting and lifting them mimics actions during many sports.

Allows training of legs, arms, and core.

New way of training incorporates cardiovascular and muscular endurance.

Tractor Tires

New fad in the exercise industry. Helps with functionality. Equipment is cheap and affordable,

with minimal upkeep. Can be used outside in any weather

or on any terrain. Price- varies with size, anywhere

from 60 to 300$

Tractor Tires

Tractor Tires

Mimic daily activities. Allows athletes to train in variety of

ways. Can train large groups at same time.

Thick Rope Training

Another daily motion that provides practicality.

Requires generating strength from legs, hips, core, and arms.

Used by many professional and collegiate teams.

Incorporates cardiovascular and endurance strength.

Rope Training

Rope Training

Can change position of legs, body, or arms to shift focus of the exercise.

Concentric and Eccentric contractions following each other provides functionality.

Cardiovascular aspect more similar to sporting activities.

Rope Training

Can train more than 1 more at a time.

Trains core and legs, vital for all levels of athletes.

Little to no upkeep, inexpensive. Price-260$


Machines that train functionality. Software/systems that evaluate

functionality and assessment. Show what techniques need to be

taught and which muscles need to be trained.
