Review 4 government nov2012




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Review 4 Government CCA

What are the Foundations of the US democratic System of government?

Magna Carta English Bill of Rights Virginia House of Burgesses

What was a major weakness of AOC’s?

Could not tax No executive Weak, weak, Weak because they

didn’t want their to be another King. States Government Strong –

National Government Weak

What is the significant of Northwest Ordinance

One good thing from AOC’s Outlined an orderly way for new

states to join the Union and immediately be equal to other states.

What was the Great Compromise?

Agreement between large and small states; there would be a bicameral legislature. House of Representatives would be based on population; Senate will be an equal number.

Why was there a need for the Great Compromise?

Little states did not want to be bullied or ignored by states with large populations. Large states wanted their people to all be able to have a say as well.

What is a bicameral legislature?

A legislature made of two houses.

Why did the authors of the US Constitution include a system of checks and balances?

The framers wanted to make sure no part of the government (or branch) became too powerful. They were afraid of tyrants.

Which statement illustrates the system of checks and balances at work?

The President can make appointments, but Congress has to approve them.

The Congress passes laws, but the President can veto them and the judicial branch can declare them unconstitutional.

What was the purpose of Constitutional principles like separation of powers and federalism

Limit the powers of the government

What was the purpose of Separation of Powers?

give each branch a specific job which limits that branch’s powers

What constitutional principle is best illustrated by the Preamble to the Constitution?


unalienable rights?

rights that a government cannot take away without due process of law

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is in the Declaration of Independence

How does the amendment process work?

There are two steps. 1. the proposal by the Congress or by the states and then ratification by the states.

Why did the framers include a process for amending the Constitution?

To make sure that the Constitution would be living document that could grow with the country.

Grievance Where and how it was addressed in the Constitution

No taxation without representation All taxes had to be approved by both Houses of Congress.

The King refused colonists permission to petition

First Amendment: the right to assemble peaceably

The King allowed the militia to enter homes and seize our property

4th Amendment to the United States Constitution limits the government’s ability to

The King has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws . . . till his Assent [approval] should be obtained.

Congress can override a Presidential veto

For transporting us beyond seas to be tried for pretended offenses . . .

Sixth Amendment rights to a fair and speedy trial by jury of peers

For quartering soldiers in our homes

The Third Amendment

ho were the main leaders of the Anti-Federalists?

Patrick Henry, George Mason

Who were the main leaders of the Federalists

James Madison and Alexander Hamilton

What was the purpose of the newspaper articles called the Federalists Papers

To convince people to support the ratification of the Constitution

What was the main criticism of the Anti-federalists regarding the governing power

That the central or federal government had too much power and that the rights of the people were not protected

What kind of government did the Federalists support

A strong central [national] or federal government.

What is the purpose of the first 9 amendments in the Bill of Rights

To protect the rights of individual American citizens

Why was the Constitution amended to include the Bill of Rights

To get the support of the Anti-Federalist in order to ratify the Constitution

Why did the Founding Fathers protect freedom of the press in the Bill of Rights

They believed these were necessary so the government would stay honest and move to the will of the people

Why did the Founding Fathers protect freedom of the press in the Bill of Rights

They believed these were necessary so the government would stay honest and move to the will of the people

What would be a violation of freedom of speech and freedom of the press, which are protected by the First Amendment?

Congress passing a law that says a person or organization can not say or print something that is an opinion or the truth

Virginia House of Burgesses opened

Mayflower Compact

Declaration of Independence

Articles of Confederation

Shay’s Rebellion
