Rev. Msgr. V. Paul Fitzmaurice, Pastor June 21, 2020 › wp-content › uploads › 2020 › ... ·...


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Rev. Msgr. V. Paul Fitzmaurice, Pastor

June 21, 2020

A Parish of the Diocese of Greensburg

Church Office ...................... 724-863-2626 724-863-2630 FAX: 724-863-1057 E-mail: Website:

Office Hours: ....... 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Monday - Friday

Sunday Masses: ……………….Saturday Vigil: 4:30 p.m. Sunday, 9:00 am. and 11:15am

Weekday, 7:30 a.m., Saturday Morning 8:00 am

Holy Day Masses: As listed in the Bulletin.

Sacrament of Penance: Saturday 1:00 p.m., or by appointment.

Marti DiToppa, Parish Secretary…………....724-863-2626

Mary Blythe, Director of Faith Formation ................ 724-864-5393

Susan Cheplic, Regional Youth Minister….724-863-2626

Karen Kustra, Director of Music Ministries.. 724-863-8687

Cynthia Milchick, Director of R.C.I.A.

Sandy Monier MA Sp. Dir., Director of Pastoral Ministry 724-863-9621

Christine Coletti, Admin. Assistant/Financial Secretary

Kristen Brown, Faith Formation Admin. Assistant

Queen of Angels Catholic School…………..724-978-0144

One Main Street, North Huntingdon, PA 15642 E-mail address: Website:

Louise Daniels, Director of Joyful Noise Choir

St. Vincent de Paul…………………..724-691-3711

Baptisms: A baptism preparation session is required prior to having your baby baptized. Baptisms are by appointment. The standard time for baptisms is 12:30 p.m. Sunday.

Marriage: Please call the church office one year in advance. Marriage preparation classes are required. The standard wedding time is 2:00 p.m. Saturday.

Sponsor Certificates for Baptism and Confirmation: Anyone needing a sponsor certificate must be registered in the parish for at least 6 months, have all of their Sacraments (if married, be a Catholic Marriage), attend Mass regularly and support the Church.

“A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust”

Land line. No text please

FROM THE PASTOR: With today, the 12

th Sunday in

Ordinary Time, we resume the count of the Sundays which conclude

with the 34th Sunday - better known as Christ the King - and the end of the liturgical year.

The use of the word, “ordinary” in this context comes from the Latin verb “ordinare” which means to order, arrange, or set in order. So we should not think of its common usage in English in which it usually means typical, nothing distinguishable, routine, or bland.

The Church chose this prosaic term to describe over half the liturgical year that is dedicated to exploring more fully the mystery of Christ Jesus beyond the Advent/Christmas and Lent/ Easter cycles. Perhaps we should call it an extra-ordinary time!

Wrapping Up DLA 2020

NFL football games are often won or lost in the 4th

quarter. The winner of the horse or car race may not be determined until the final lap. We are almost at the finish line with DLA. We

reached our diocesan target and will receive $11,555 that will be directed to helping fund new AC/HV units for Resurrection hall. There is still time to make your contributions. All gifts come back to us. Check out to contribute.

Every Baby Is Beautiful

Two years ago, I had a profound experience while visiting the National Museum of African American History. I was reminded of the ways Black Americans were denied the right to equal protection and due process, treated as property and dehumanized because of the color of our skin. The museum memorialized the

many ways Black Americans have been unjustly targeted and killed for centuries.

While they showcased examples of the progress Black Americans have made, an ache remains in my heart because of the denial of equal protection and due process to another class of people – the baby in the womb. The sacrifices my ancestors

suffered to achieve the freedom and civil rights I enjoy today are not able to protect future generations from a decision made just 8 years before my birth. The Roe v Wade decision rendered 60,000,000 lives unworthy of legal protection and has led to the deaths of over 20 million Black babies since 1973. (One in Three)

The dark history of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger’s philosophy on Eugenics and population control was documented by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’ concurring opinion in Box v. Planned Parenthood in Indiana and Kentucky. Today, an increasing number of Black Americans recognize this eugenic and population control philosophy that is having a genocidal impact.

Many of us are tired of the targeting. 78% of Planned Parenthood’s surgical facilities are located in Black and Latino neighborhoods. Black women such as Cree Erwin, Lakisha Wilson, and Tonya Reaves have lost their lives at the hands of an abortion industry that offers substandard medical care as increasingly women are leaving abortion centers by ambulance.

Taking the lives of our children through abortion doesn’t empower or strengthen our communities. Abortion has left behind countless wounded women and men as it silenced millions of children who otherwise would have had a voice and lived out the purpose for their life.

The preceding is testimony from black pro-life advocate Christina Bennett to the House Judiciary, Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, on June 4, 2019 about the issue of abortion in America.

1 June 21, 2020

TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Sing to the Lord, praise the Lord, for He has

JUNE 21, 2020 rescued the life of the poor. Jeremiah 20:13

T H O U G H T S O N G I V I N G :

“Everyone who acknowledges me before others, I will acknowledge before my heavenly Father.” (1 Corinthians 10:17)

Would others know that you are Catholic by the way you act and speak? Do you share your Catholic faith with others? Do you defend your Catholic faith when the situation arises or do you remain silent? Do you pray in public before meals? Pray for the strength and courage to be a joyful witness of our Catholic faith when the opportunity presents itself. Let us become the radiant light and bold witness that we are called to be!

Readings for the Week

SUN: Jer 20:10-13; Ps 69:8-10, 14, 17, 33-35; Rom 5:12-15; Mt 10:26-33 MON: 2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18; Ps 60:3-5, 12-13; Mt 7:1-5 TUE: 2 Kgs 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36; Ps 48:2-4, 10-11; Mt 7:6, 12-14 WED: VigiDay: Is 49:1-6; Ps 139:1-3, 13-15; Acts 13:22- 26; Lk 1:57-66, 80 THU: 2 Kgs 24:8-17; Ps 79:1b-5, 8-9; Mt 7:21-29 FRI: 2 Kgs 25:1-12; Ps 137:1-6; Mt 8:1-4 SAT: Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19; Ps 74:1b-7, 20-21; Mt 8:5-17 SUN: 2 Kgs 4:8-11, 14-16a; Ps 89:2-3, 16-19; Rom 6:3-4, 8-11; Mt 10:37-42


6/20 SAT: 4:30pm † COLAGRANDE & GRECO FAMILY The Wtorkiewicz Family

6/21 SUN: 9:00am † JERRY KNESS - Family

11:15am † POVIRK FAMILY - Family

6/22 MON: 7:30am † MIKE NOVAK - Larry & Sharen



6/25 THU: 7:30am STANLEY KOLOSKY - Helen Petrosky

6/26 FRI: 7:30am PEOPLE OF ST. AGNES

6/27 SAT: 8:00am † MIKE WILLIAMS - Tina


6/28 SUN: 9:00am † DAVID KUNKEL - Family

11:15am † JACK & CLARA SHULTZ - Cecelia Page & Family

St. Agnes Parish 2

Stewardship of Treasure - June 13 / 14

Actual Online Giving Budgeted Variance

Offertory $9,162.25 $5,058.99 $13,949.73 $271.51

Children’s Env. $1.00 $9.00

Year to Date $455,907.25 $214,379.99 $697,486.50 -$27,199.26

PRAYER CORNER - In your charity, please pray for those members of our parish family who need our prayers, especially:

Mike Bal las, Ruth Ann Chomas, Al lan Cook, J im Ferrant i , Ronnie Findley, John Gombos, Donna Grubbs, Tim Hamilton, Colby Horvath, Ethel Lesnicky, Frank L e s n i c k y , S r . , L e e L e w a n d , N a t e L e w a n d , David Mach ek , Karen Mulvay , Bet ty Musser , Ch ery l Roney , Tom Sa l sg iv er , Franc i s S imko , W e n d y V i n c e n t , S g t . D o u g V i t a l e a n d Lana Wisniewski .

Parish Update:

Parishioners and Friends: While we are delighted to have the church reopened for Sunday Masses, we are required to maintain 25% capacity. In order to avoid turning anyone away, we have developed a system for registering for Mass much like booking concert, sports, or theater tickets. Each week, registration will be available at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday for the Masses for the next weekend There is no charge for Mass of course and you will not be asked for credit card information but the system will ask for your email and address. There is no need to print the ticket or have it on your phone; your registration is all that is needed.

The booking/registration site is: Going forward the site will be linked from our parish web site and Facebook.

We are working on an alternate method to accommodate overflow in Resurrection Hall but may not have this ready for the first few weeks. Stay tuned for updates.

Msgr. Paul's recorded Mass will be available for anyone who still needs to "attend" Mass virtually.

Monday, June 22 7:15pm - 9:00pm - Knights of Columbus, Res. Hall, Room 303/305.

Wednesday, June 24 8:30am - 10:00am - Legion of Mary, Res. Hall, Room 303/305 7:00pm - 9:00pm - Cantor Practice, Church

Thursday, June 25 8:00am - 7:00pm - Adoration, Church

Saturday, June 27 8:30am - 10:00am - That Man is You, Res. Hall, Room 303/305 8:00pm - 10:30pm -REV 316 Outdoor Movie Night, Parking Lot

Ministry Schedule for June 27 / 28

June 27, 4:30 pm June 28, 9:00 am June 28, 11:15 am

Lector Tracey

Czajkowski Carol

Lieberum Rose Fraley

Extra-ordinary Minister

Rachel Stickle

Judy Kunes

Diane McMaster

SHARE YOUR STORY - From our COVID-19 experiences, we've had trials and tribulations, but we've also had the chance to

strengthen bonds with family and friends, and Jesus! Please visit our blog by going to the parish web site,, and clicking on the slider with the "COVID-19 book" shown here. Read what others have contributed and don't forget that this is your story too. Please share your story!


3 June 21, 2020

CLEARANCES - We are asking all volunteers to take some time to provide us with updated clearances and trainings. Our 5-year anniversary is upon us, which means many clearances have expired. For a complete list of requirements and instructions or to become a new volunteer, visit - click on the Clearance slider. Please turn in each certificate and/or clearance result to the St. Agnes office as you obtain it. If you have any questions or if you need to set up a time to use a computer at St. Agnes or make an appointment for direct assistance, please call the office at 724-863-2626. Thank you for your service and efforts to ensure our children's safety. Your cooperation and generous donation of your time and talents enable our parish to continue to serve the needs of our people and community!

CONGRATULATIONS - to St. Agnes parishioners, Bill Wilson and Bob Stauffer, who were ordained into the

Diaconate for the Diocese of Greensburg on June 20, 2020. Bill was assigned for training at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, N. Huntingdon, and Bob who has been in training here at St. Agnes! Bill and Bob along with three other men, Mike Dargay, Craig Gilbert, and Steve LoCascio will be ordained by Bishop Malesic at Blessed Sacrament Cathedral. Due to Covid-19, the ordination was not be open to the public but will be live streamed on the Diocese of Greensburg website. Please pray for these men and their families as they accept the call for service to the Lord.

REMEMBERING YOUR LOVED ONES - If you missed the opportunity to honor your deceased loved one, here’s another chance! We plan to add more brass

plates to the Memorial Plaque in the Divine Mercy Chapel. Order forms can be emailed to you or you can pick one up in the Church office during normal business hours. 13th OF THE MONTH CLUB - Every 13th day of the Month, we gather as a community to say the rosary. JOIN US and pray for PEACE in our country and world as Our Blessed Mother promised at Fatima. See future bulletins for more information.

HELP WANTED - Part- Time Maintenance/Custodian at St. Agnes Church, N. Huntingdon. Hourly. Experienced in cleaning facilities and general maintenance, including electrical and

plumbing. Ability to lift 50 pounds. To apply, please submit resume to or drop off at the parish office Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Although it’s been several months since our last

face to face encounters, we are still united by our

motives and good will expressed as Catholic

Christians. We are still the heart and soul of our

families and friends even though we are wearing

masks and are social distancing. We are

continually under the protection and guidance of

our Blessed Mother.

Know that our prayers and good works at this time,

especially, are recognized and answered by our

Heavenly Father.

It was the great Pope Pius IX who said “Give me

truly Christian Mothers and I will renew the face of

the earth.” Prayerfully and by example, we can

and will bring about this renewal. As we move

ahead in this time of uncertainty, let’s become

even stronger in our faith and increase our

devotion to the Blessed Mother by praying the

Rosary daily. By prayer and example, we can

bring this faith to the world!

We will keep you posted concerning future meetings

and activities. With God’s help, we will resume our

public meetings in the near future.

With God’s Blessings & Love,

The Christian Mother’s Board


A letter to all Christian Mothers:

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION - We have a tradition at St. Agnes of praying for the families of our First Holy Communion group each year. Please stop by the Church Office Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. and pick up a

"Chalice Ornament" with a child's name and pray for their family. First Communion will be Saturday, July 11, 2020 at 11:00 AM. Thank you for your prayerful support!

AROUND the area AROUND the Area

St. Agnes Parish 4

Queen of Angels Catholic School Registration

Are you looking for a Pre-Kindergarten class for your 2-3-4-5 year old? Queen of Angels Catholic School is now accepting registration for the 2020-2021 school year. Pre-Kindergarten programs include: 2 Yr. Toddler Time: 1 hour/week (with parent);

3 Yr. Pre-K: 2 Days/week; 4 Yr. Pre-K: 3 Days/week; 4 Yr. 5 Days/week, 4 Yr. Pre-K “Express” Class 5 afternoons/week and Pre-K "Zoom" Class (5 by Jan 1) 5 mornings/week. Half-day and full-day kindergarten options are available. Grades1 - 8 are also available. Our school offers a wonderfully warm, faith-based environment staffed with dedicated and highly qualified faculty who educate the whole child. High expectations and high support help to develop each child’s unique gifts. Parents like the extended family created by the school community and the personal attention each child receives. We invite parents to be an active part of the home/school team. Call the school office at 724-978-0144 or check out our website . Come and discover more about Queen of Angels where all the pieces come together.



Outdoor Movie Night - sponsored by REV316, (a young adult Catholic group striving for virtue through community and friendship) Saturday, June 27, 2020, from 8:00 p.m. - 10:30 pm. in Resurrection Hall’s

parking lot. Join REV316 as we host our first drive-in movie night! Watch our featured movie, Mom's Night Out, from your car. We will be taking the proper precautions to ensure your safety during this pandemic (masks, social distancing, etc). Come with your favorite snack, a bubbly beverage, and a lawn chair (or car) as we celebrate our first in-person event of the summer! For more information on REV316, visit our website at


Pastoral Council

Audrey Glick, Gina Kmetz, Michele Moenssens, Andrew Paul,

John Reilly, Diane Rhodes, Barbara Rinefierd, Jeff Steinmetz, Ray Takacs, Nancy Wetzler

Finance Council

Robert Bilinsky, Ann Lusardi, Pat McKeegan, Michael Shedlock, Dale Stein

Traveling? For an easy way to locate Mass

during your travels, call 1-858-207-6277 or visit Serving more than 60 million Catholics who live

and travel in the U.S.

Chicken Dinner - They’re back ! The Stewartsville Lions Club invite you to their take-out Chicken Bar-B-Q dinner, Sunday, June 28, at 11:00 a.m. (until the dinners are sold out) in the parking lot of Holiday Travel, N. Huntingdon. Dinners are still only $8.00 which includes 1/2 chicken, apple sauce, dinner roll, dessert and beverage. Please stay in your car. Orders will be taken and brought to you. All are welcome!

Pathways Registration - Registration is open for Pathways, which is the diocese’s commitment to adult faith formation and nurturing mature discipleship. There are 12 evening sessions, three workshops and a closing retreat. Pathways is tentatively scheduled for Tuesdays from 6:30-9 p.m. at St. John the Baptist Parish, Scottdale. To register, call the Office of Faith, Family and Discipleship at 724-552-2598. Financial assistance is available from the Francis Fund. For information or to apply for a scholarship, call 724-837-0901, ext. 1249. The schedule is tentative, pending restrictions on gatherings that might be in place in September.

Greensburg Central Catholic Virtual Open House - Learn more about Greensburg Central Catholic Junior-Senior High School by joining a Virtual Open House where you can meet administrators, faculty and staff; learn about the school’s college-prep curriculum; see how Catholic identity is at the center of the school’s mission; and get a taste of some of the many extracurricular and athletic offerings. Visit and complete the short registration form, and the Virtual Open House link will be sent to you immediately.

Queen of Angels Catholic school

Visit our Website ** Toddler 2 through Grade 8 **

One Main Street

North Huntingdon, PA 15642 724 978-0144
