Restraining Order (Trent Duffey, Assistant Principal, Lyman Gilmore School, Grass Valley California



We, the Paradiso family allege that on May 11, 2016, the assistant principal of Lyman Gilmore, Mr. Trent Duffey, committed the criminal acts of kidnapping and false imprisonment as is defined by sections 207, 210, 236, 236.1 (a), 278, 278.5. (a), and 280 of the California state penal code. Trent Duffey was aided in his scheme by one Lori Collins Delhez. Lori Collins Delhez is a mandated reporter guilty of violating section 280, 11165.2, and 11165.5 of the California state penal code. This is because Lori Collins Delhiz did not report what we see as criminal and unconstitutional acts; acts in which she not only witnessed, but also took part in with the Assistant Principal of Lyman Gilmore School, Mr.Trent Duffey. We filed a restraining order in court, and it was granted in part until later this month (June 2016), when we will return to court to seek out a permanent "stay-away-order" against Mr. Trent Duffey

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