Renewable Energy Project Grades 7 and 8 · 2019-12-11 · • Explore the advantages of renewable...


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Renewable Energy Project

Grades 7 and 8

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Introduction: The 17 Sustainable Development Goals — also known as the SDGs or the Global Goals —came into effect on January 1, 2016 following an historic United Nations Summit in September 2015. 193 governments from around the world agreed to implement the Goals within their own countries in order to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Over the next fifteen years, with these new Goals that universally apply to all, countries will mobilize efforts to end all forms of poverty, fight inequalities and tackle climate change, while ensuring that no one is left behind. These new, interconnected goals build on the successes of the Millennium Development Goals, or MDGs, while also identifying new priority areas such as climate change, economic inequality, innovation, sustainable consumption, peace and justice, among others. This project was developed based an inquiry and research approach; where learners are stimulated with questions and information about a particular issue to construct new knowledge and understanding. In this approach, educators become facilitators of learning, with students empowered to become self-directed as they explore each issue individually and collectively. The project is intended to help learners understand the context and key stakeholders of a given goal(s), while inviting them to include their own understanding through reflective prompts. Prompting students to investigate issues that are new or challenging to them will help them develop a relationship between themselves and the issues. Taking time to understand learner experiences and awareness through discussions and collaborative action will ensure this process remains learner centric.

Learning Outcomes Students will: • Understand the framework of the Global Goals for Sustainable Development • Know the Global Goals are a set of goals that were set by countries of the United Nations to try and alleviate world poverty. • Understand what renewable energy is and how it compares to non-renewable energy • Explore the advantages of renewable energy • Develop innovative solutions for renewable energy • Analyse and reduce energy use in your home. • Present and interpret data in tables and charts • Understand that energy is vital for a fair quality of life for all people, everywhere. • Understand the link between energy and poverty reduction. • Feel empowered to play a part in reducing world poverty.

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Introducing the Global Goals In September 2015, all 193 members of the United Nations adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or ‘Global Goals’ as they are commonly known. This “Agenda for 2030” is comprised of 17 Goals to drive development over the next 15 years by collectively ending extreme poverty, tackling climate change, and fighting inequalities. This was a historic agreement, paving the way for a better and more sustainable future for all. Each Goal, ranging from areas such as eliminating poverty (Goal 1) to reducing inequalities (Goal 10) to climate action (Goal 13), offers clear and measurable targets for countries and citizens to respond to the call to action to meet the Goals by the year 2030. Follow the link below to better understand the Global Goals: In the boxes below, write your understandings of each word:

Sustainable Development


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The Renewable Energy Project

The Earth’s resources are being depleted faster than they can be replenished. In fact, humanity uses the equivalent of 1.6 planets to provide the resources that are used and to absorb waste, which means it now takes the Earth one year and six months to regenerate what is used in a year. The time for adopting and promoting more sustainable ways of living that are in harmony with nature is now. One way to do this is through the energy sources that are used around the world. The development of renewable and alternative energy is one of the next pillars of the U.A.E.’s economic diversification strategy. As such, it will help the country realize the vision of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the U.A.E. Armed forces, to have the U.A.E. “celebrate” the export of its last barrel of oil. In the next sections, you will be completing an investigation about renewable energy from different aspects. Each section is related to a certain subject. Read the questions carefully and attempt answering all questions.

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Science and English: Choose a renewable energy source from the list below. Then design a research paper that aims at analyzing and examining the energy source. Suggest innovative actions or solutions that could contribute to more use of the renewable energy sources in your community, city, country, region and/or the world. Geothermal Tidal/ Ocean Energy Bio-mass Solar Wind Hydropower Use the Engineering Design and the questions below to help guide you in your research and understanding of the energy source. A- Define and Delimit the Problem: Clearly define the problem that your region is facing because of the use of the non-renewable resources. B- Design a procedure to find a solution: Propose 3 potential solutions and plan a study to meet specified objectives; Assign weights to the criteria you want for your solution and make a decision matrix to evaluate each potential solution then choose the highest rated solution. Define the criteria and constraints of your solution. What is your chosen renewable energy source? What are the main uses of this energy source? Where do we harness/find the energy source in the United Arab Emirates? What are the main benefits of using this type of energy? What are the main negatives or limitations of this type of energy? (Things about the energy source that make it difficult to use) C- Make a Model: When your final solution has been chosen, make a model, such as a drawing, a simulation, a conceptual map, etc. to show how it works. How does it work? Provide examples and written explanations and diagrams/pictures. Explain and describe the Energy Conversions in how your energy system works?

a. What is the starting energy form? b. What energy forms does it convert to? c. What forms of energy are lost or are unused in the energy conversion?

What are the environmental impacts of your energy source? What are the economic impacts of your energy source? Why should we, as a society, use this type of Energy Source instead of others? What makes this energy source better? D- Develop a Prototype: Using common household and classroom items develop a prototype of a design that shows your solution. You may use items such as papers, PVC tubing, cardboard, tape and any other items you may need. Note: a prototype does not need to be a replica of the final product. It should be able to demonstrate how the design will work, but it does not need to function completely. E- Optimize the Design: After building your prototype, review your design and identify areas where the design could be improved. Review the criteria and constraints again to ensure your design is solving the problem.

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Mathematics: 1. The ecological footprint measures how fast we consume resources and generate waste. Complete each of the categories for a typical day in your home. Add the points in each category to obtain a subtotal and transfer each subtotal to the summary chart. Use the grand total to calculate your ecological footprint.

Question Answers/Points My Score Points I

could save

Water Usage

My shower (or bath) on a typical day is:

No shower / no bath (0) Short shower 3-4 time a week (25) Short shower once a day (50) Long shower once a day (70) More than one shower per day (90)

I flush the toilet: Every time I use it (40) Sometimes (20)

When I brush my teeth: I let the water run. (40) I don’t let the water run (0)

We use water-saving toilets Yes (-20) No (0)

We use low-flow showerheads Yes (-20) No (0)

Water Usage Subtotal:

Food Usage

On a typical day, I eat:

Meat more than once per day (600) Meat once per day (400) Meat a couple times a week (300) Vegetarian (200) Vegan (150)

All my food is grown locally or is organic

Yes (-20) No (0)

I compost my fruit/vegetable scraps and peels.

Yes (-10) No (0)

Most of my food is processed. Yes (20) No (-20)

Little of my food has packaging. Yes (-20) No (0)

On a typical day, I waste:

None of my food (0) One-fourth of my food (25) One-third of my food (50) Half of my food (100)

Food Usage Subtotal:

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Transportation Usage

On a typical day, I travel by:

Foot or bike (0) Public transit / school bus (30) Private vehicle; carpool (100) Private vehicle; 1 person (200)

Our vehicle's fuel efficiency is

More than 30 miles/gallon (-50) 24 - 30 miles/gallon (50) 17 - 23 miles/gallon (100) Less than 17 miles/gallon (200)

The time I spend in vehicles on a typical day is:

No time (0) Less than half an hour (40) Half an hour to 1 hour (100) More than 1 hour (200)

How big is the car in which I travel on a typical day?

No car (-20) Small (50) Medium (100) Large (SUV) (200)

Number of cars in our driveway

No car (-20) Less than 1 car per driver (0) One car per driver (50) More than 1 car per driver (100) More than 2 cars per driver (200)

Number of flights I take per year 0 (0) 1-2 (50) More than 2 (100)

Transportation Usage Subtotal:

Shelter Usage

My house is:

Single house on large lot (50) Single house on small lot (city) (0) Townhouse/ attached house (0) Apartment (-50)

Divide number of rooms in the home (no baths) by the number of people living at home.

1 room per person or less (-50) 1-2 rooms per person (0) 2-3 rooms per person (100) more than 3 rooms per person (200)

We own a second, or vacation home that is often empty.

Yes (200) No (0)

Shelter Usage Subtotal:

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Energy Usage

In cold months, our house temperature is:

Under 15℃ (-20) 15℃ to 18℃ (50) 19℃ to 22℃ (100) 22℃ or more (150)

We dry clothes outdoors or on an indoor rack.

Always (-50) Sometimes (20) Never (60)

We use an energy-efficient refrigerator.

Yes (-50) No (50)

We have a second refrigerator/ freezer.

Yes (100) No (0)

We use 5 or more compact fluorescent light bulbs.

Yes (-50) No (100)

I turn off lights, computer, and television when they're not in use.

Yes (0) No (50)

To cool off, I use:

Air conditioning: car (50) Air conditioning: home (100) Electric fan (-10) Nothing (-50)

My clothes washer is a: Top load (100) Front load (50) Laundromat (25)

Energy Usage Subtotal:

Clothing Usage

I change my outfit every day and put it in the laundry.

Yes (80) No (0)

I am wearing clothes that have been mended or fixed.

Yes (-20) No (0)

One-fourth (or more) of my clothes are handmade or second-hand.

Yes (-20) No (0)

Most of my clothes are purchased new each year.

Yes (200) No (0)

I give the local thrift store clothes that I no longer wear.

Yes (-50) No (100)

I never wear____ % of the clothes in my closet.

Less than 25% (25) 50% (50) 75% (75) More than 75% (100)

I buy every year new pairs of shoes.

0-1 (0) 2 to 3 (20) 4 to 6 (60) 7 or more (90)

Clothing Usage Subtotal:

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Stuff I Usage

All my garbage from today could fit into a:

Shoebox (20) Small garbage can (60) Kitchen garbage can (200) No garbage created today! (-50)

I recycle all my paper, cans, glass and plastic.

Yes (-100) No (0)

I reuse items rather than throw them out.

Yes (-20) No (0)

I repair items rather than throw them out

Yes (-20) No (0)

I avoid disposable items as often as possible.

Yes (-50) No (60)

I use rechargeable batteries whenever I can.

Yes (-30) No (0)

In my home we have __ number of Electronics? (Computer, TV, Stereo, VCR, DVD, X box, Game boy, etc.)

0-5 (25) 5-10 (75) 10-15 (100) More than 15 (200)

How much equipment is needed for typical activities?

None (0) Very little (20) Some (60) A lot (80)

Stuff I Usage Subtotal:

Transfer your subtotals from each section and add them together to obtain the grand total. Calculate the percentage of each section contribution to your grand total.

Section Total Percentage

Water Usage

Food Usage

Transportation Usage

Shelter Usage

Energy Usage

Clothing Usage

Stuff I Use

Grand Total

Grand Total _______ ÷ 350 = ________ Earths. If everyone lived like I do, we would need the above number of Earths to sustain the people of the world.

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2. Represent the percentages of each section contribution to your grand total as bar graphs and pie chart.

3. Use the last column on the chart: Look at your answers. Are there things that you could do to save points? Mark down the points you could save. How many “planets” (350 points each) could you save with your lifestyle changes?

Bar Graph Pie Chart Tr







ff I









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English and Social Studies: 3 billion people around the world do not have access to clean cooking. Clean Cooking facilities are considered safer, more efficient and more environmentally sustainable than the traditional facilities that make use of solid biomass (such as a three-stone fire). This refers primarily to improved solid biomass cookstoves, biogas systems, liquefied petroleum gas stoves, ethanol and solar stoves. In a well structure essay discuss the following three questions: 1. Which Global Goal do you think clean cooking refers to? 2. Identify the Global Goals that are facilitated by having access to clean cooking and fuel. 3. Discuss why you think clean cooking is getting less political attention than access to electricity? 4. Identify the main processes that differentiate an improved cook stove from an advanced cook stove. 5. Identify the main obstacles to using modern cook stoves and fuels in poor rural areas. 6. Explain why achieving access to clean modern cooking and fuel is dependent on locally available energy sources, family income as well as local traditions, habits and beliefs. Provide images of different examples of traditional and modern cooking facilities. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

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Project Rubrics



The response provides all aspects of a complete interpretation and/or a correct solution. The response thoroughly addresses the points relevant to the concept or task. It provides strong evidence that information, reasoning, and conclusions have a definite logical relationship. It is clearly focused and organized, showing relevance to the concept, task, or solution process.


The response provides the essential elements of an interpretation and/or a solution. It addresses the points relevant to the concept or task. It provides ample evidence that information, reasoning, and conclusions have a logical relationship. It is focused and organized, showing relevance to the concept, task, or solution process.


The response provides a partial interpretation and/or solution. It somewhat addresses the points relevant to the concept or task. It provides some evidence that information, reasoning, and conclusions have a relationship. It is relevant to the concept and/or task, but there are gaps in focus and organization.


The response provides an unclear, inaccurate interpretation and/or solution. It fails to address or omits significant aspects of the concept or task. It provides unrelated or unclear evidence that information, reasoning, and conclusions have a relationship. There is little evidence of focus or organization relevant to the concept, task, and/or solution process.

0 The response does not meet the criteria required to earn one point. The student may have written on a different topic or written "I don't know."

Engineering Design


The criteria and constraints anticipate the trade-offs. (i.e. cost, safety, ethical, aesthetics), address the audience. (who is the product intended for) and considers scientific principles. (i.e. understands the energy flow if developing a new design) Establishes multiple criteria while evaluating competing design solutions for optimal design. Uses a systematic process for evaluating different designs. (i.e. table or checklist) Uses basic statistical techniques of data and error analysis. (averaging, graphs) Uses models to test designs. Identifies the best characteristics of each design. Combines characteristics of each design. Continues to evaluate


Criteria and constraints address the intended goals Missing one of the following: trade-offs, scientific principles Evaluate competing design solutions based on established criteria. One or more of the criteria is not used or data is analyzed with errors. Improves the design based on results from evaluation. Makes no attempt to re-evaluate

2 Attempts to define criteria, but the criteria do not match well with the goals Attempts to evaluate competing design solutions, but based on subjective thoughts Attempts to improve the design but it is very loosely based on the evaluative process.

0-1 Absent or no evidence of criteria used. Evaluation of competing design solutions is absent-or no evidence used Improving the design; no changes were made, or the changes were not based on any criteria.

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Mathematics 4 3 2 1

Problem Solving

•An efficient strategy is chosen and progress towards a solution is evaluated. •Adjustments in strategy, if necessary, are made along the way, and/or alternative strategies are considered. •Evidence of analyzing the situation in mathematical terms and extending prior knowledge is present.

•A correct strategy is chosen based on the mathematical situation in the task. •Planning or monitoring of strategy is evident. •Evidence of solidifying prior knowledge and applying it to the problem-solving situation is present.

•A partially correct strategy is chosen, or a correct strategy for only solving part of the task is chosen. •Evidence of drawing on some relevant previous knowledge is present, showing some relevant engagement in the task.

•No strategy is chosen, or a strategy is chosen that will not lead to a solution. •Little or no evidence of engagement in the task is present.

Reasoning and Proof

•Deductive arguments are used to justify decisions and may result in formal proofs. •Evidence is used to justify, and support decisions made, and conclusions reached.

•Arguments are constructed with adequate mathematical basis. •A systematic approach and/or justification of correct reasoning is present.

•Arguments are made with some mathematical basis. •Some correct reasoning or justification for reasoning is present.

•Arguments are made with no mathematical basis. •No correct reasoning nor justification for reasoning is present.

Communication •Formal math language and symbolic notation is used to consolidate math thinking and to communicate ideas. At least one of the math terms or symbolic notations is beyond grade level

•Formal math language is used to share and clarify ideas. At least two formal math terms or symbolic notations are evident, in any combination.

•An attempt is made to use formal math language. One formal math term or symbolic notation is evident.

•No formal mathematical terms or symbolic notations are evident.

Representation •An appropriate mathematical representation(s) is constructed to analyze relationships, extend thinking and clarify or interpret phenomenon.

•An appropriate and accurate mathematical representation is constructed and refined to solve problems or portray solutions.

•An attempt is made to construct a mathematical representation to record and communicate problem solving but is not accurate.

•No attempt is made to construct a mathematical representation.

Social Studies

4 Persuasive and insightful analysis; fortifies position by demonstrating broader issue at hand

3 Insightful analysis; fortifies position by demonstrating understanding of issue at hand

2 Some insightful analysis; attempts to fortify position through demonstrating some understanding of issues at hand

1 Shows little analysis; little demonstration of issues at hand

0 Shows no analysis; no demonstration of issues at hand

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English 4 3 2 1

Focus/ Claim

CCSS -W: 1a 4

•Insightfully addresses all aspects of the prompt •Introduces precise claim in a sophisticated thesis statement.

•Competently addresses all aspects of the prompt •Introduces reasonable claim in a clear thesis statement

•Superficially addresses all aspects of the prompt •Introduces superficial claim in a thesis statement

•Partially addresses aspects of the prompt •Introduces superficial or flawed claim in a weak thesis statement

Organization/ Structure

CCSS – W: 1a 1c 1e 4

•Skillfully orients reader to topic in introduction •Thoroughly develops claim(s) with relevant body paragraphs •Creates seamless cohesion through skillful use of transition/linking words, phrases, and clauses within and between paragraphs •Includes purposeful and logical progression of ideas from beginning to end •Provides a meaningful and reflective conclusion which follows from and supports claim(s)

•Orients reader to topic in introduction •Develops claim(s) with relevant body paragraphs •Creates strong cohesion through transition/linking words, phrases, and clauses within and between paragraphs •Includes logical progression of ideas from beginning to end •Provides a conclusion that follows from and supports claim(s)

•Superficially orients reader to topic in introduction •Superficially develops claim(s) with body paragraphs •Creates some cohesion through basic transition/linking words, phrases, and/or clauses within or between paragraphs •Includes adequate progression of ideas from beginning to end •Provides a conclusion which repetitively or partially supports claim(s)

•Inadequately orients reader to topic in introduction •Inadequately develops claim(s) with minimal body paragraphs •Uses limited and/or ineffective transition/linking words, phrases, or clauses •Includes illogical progression of ideas from beginning to end •Provides an inadequate and/or off-topic conclusion


CCSS -W: 1b 9

•Provides comprehensive and credible evidence that supports the claim(s) •Effectively integrates the evidence from source(s)

•Provides thorough and credible evidence that supports the claim(s) •Competently integrates the evidence from source(s)

•Provides adequate and/or mostly credible that supports the claim(s) •Inconsistently integrates the evidence from source(s)

•Provides insufficient evidence from source(s) that may lack credibility •Ineffectively integrates the evidence from source(s)


CCSS-W: 1b 9

•Shows insightful understanding of topic or text •Uses persuasive and valid reasoning to connect evidence with claim(s) •Convincingly refutes specific counterclaim(s)

•Shows competent understanding of topic or text •Uses valid reasoning to connect evidence with claim(s) •Competently refutes specific counterclaim(s)

•Shows superficial understanding of topic or text •Uses some valid reasoning to connect evidence with claim(s) •Minimally refutes specific counterclaim(s)

•Shows limited and/or flawed understanding of topic or text •Uses limited, simplistic and/or flawed reasoning to connect evidence with claim(s) •Acknowledges alternate or opposing claim(s)

Language CCSS – L: 1 23

•Uses purposeful and varied sentence structure •Contains minimal to no errors in conventions (grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization) •Strategically uses academic language and domain-specific vocabulary appropriate for the audience and purpose

•Uses correct and varied sentence structure •Contains few, minor errors in conventions •Competently uses academic language and domain-specific vocabulary appropriate for the audience and purpose

•Uses mostly correct and some varied sentence structure •Contains some errors in conventions which may cause confusion •Superficially uses academic language and domain-specific vocabulary appropriate for the audience and purpose

•Uses limited and/or repetitive sentence structure •Contains numerous errors in conventions which cause confusion •Inadequately uses academic language and domain-specific vocabulary appropriate for the audience and purpose

Format CCSS – W: 8

• (If applicable) Student avoided plagiarism and correctly followed a standard citation method with:

•Few to no minor errors •Several minor errors •Multiple errors
