Relay Rally Script PPHS 2015


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Relay Rally Script PPHS 2015

Audience enters, have slide show running of who we relay for, happy music playing, luminaries lit at the front of the room

Opening Speech (Four Speakers):

1. Hey! Anyone else here sick of winter? Forget about it! I’m thinking spring. I’m thinking, a warm spring Friday night.

2. Oh, yeah! Say, a Friday in May, 7 o’clock at night... midterms are done, and we’re ready for a fun all-nighter, with our best friends ... twelve hours.

3. An all-nighter. Yes, an all-nighter, with hundreds of your best friends, and you don’t have to go home!

4. Twelve hours you will never forget. For the rest of your life.

1. Twelve hours that will change your memories of high school. That will change you. Forever.

2. A night of celebration, right at your own school. We’re going to call it Relay For Life.

3. A night of live bands, and movies.

4. A night of sports, video games, live theatre, karaoke and…Oh, did I mention…food?

1. And while we’re at it, a chance to make a statement everyone in this community will understand.

2. That we have spirit. Heart. And we can make a difference.

3. The Relay For Life. Our school’s Relay For Life. The best Relay For Life ever!

4. A Relay For Life? Whose life?

1. Mine. Yours. Our community’s. For everyone whose life has been affected by cancer.

2. Twelve hours to honour those who have beaten the disease, and those who’ve lost the battle.

3. Twelve hours to raise funds for cancer research and community services for people living with cancer. To beat the disease that affects so many people in our community. And we’ll have a great time doing it.

4. In Canada, 159,900 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed with a variety of different cancers this year- breast, skin, lung, bone, the list goes on.

1. Fortunately, because of advances made through cancer research, 59% fewer cancer patients will die this year compared to with 1 in 3 in the 1960s. Cancer can be beaten. It is being beaten. But the fight is not over.

2. Today, 82% of children with Cancer survive, an increase of 11% over the last 15 years. However, because of the aggressive treatment they receive, many child, adolescent and young adult cancer survivors face lifelong physical, neurodevelopment, behavioural, and reproductive issues amongst others. Some of us could be facing cancer before we get out of our teens.

3. Clinical trials help to find new methods for diagnosing, treating, managing and preventing cancer. In 2010, we invested $5.1 million nationally in clinical trials, enabling 1,621 cancer patients to be enrolled in clinical trials across Canada. Of this number, 766 were patients from Ontario.

4. When you came in this morning, some of you were given a coloured piece of paper. If you have one, please stand up.

1. Look around you. Out of 800 here, we probably have over 300 people standing up. The Canadian Cancer Society says “two in five Canadians will be directly affected by cancer in their lives. Some will have the disease; others will watch as their loved ones struggle to survive.”

2. Look around you. This is the number of people in the room who will be facing cancer, one way or another, in their lives. It could strike their friends. Their family. Themselves. (now talking to those still seated) Are we going to let them fight on their own?

3. When loved ones battle cancer, you battle it with them. You pray they find enough

courage to hear that little voice at the end of each day say…

4. Try again tomorrow.

1. Try again tomorrow.

2. Try again tomorrow.

3. The Canadian Cancer Society does more than fund cancer research. It provides support groups, counseling and educational materials. The Canadian Cancer Society knows cancer can be beaten, but it needs us, so it can keep making a difference. Helping people in our community. People we know. People like us. On August 4, 2011, the Society’s Cancer Information Service, celebrated helping one million Canadians answer their cancer-related questions.

4. Many different Relay For Life events are held each year all across Canada. Some are run by communities, some are run by universities, and some are run strictly by high school students. The Relay For Life. This will be OUR event. We organize it; we run it. We raise the money. Twelve hours of fun and friends as we raise funds to fight cancer. It will be unforgettable.

1. Last year, Ontario high school Relay events raised over _____ ($2.4 million in 2011). Isn’t that amazing?

Dim lights

Speaker: We are going to try something out now, we are going to turn down the lights and we ask you to get your phone flashlights ready. If your answer is yes to any of the following questions, please turn on your flashlight and point it at the back of the room.

Turn off/dim lights more/sad music playing quietly

Speaker: If you have a sibling who has been affected by cancer please turn on your flashlight. If you have a parent or guardian who has been affected by cancer please turn on your lights. If you have a friend or family member please turn on your light. If you want help us win the fight against cancer please turn on your light. Thank you and please be seated.

Lights on

Speaker: My name is _________ and I am the Event Chair for this year’s Relay For Life. Together, with the rest of our terrific organizing committee, we will be putting together an incredible event that will make a difference. Take a look at where the money will be going…

Video of where money goes, lights dim

Speaker: Our event will be held on _______ from, 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. and we want everyone involved! There are a couple of important things to note...Relay For Life is a school event, held on school property. No smoking, no drinking and all school rules apply. It is also a lock-in event so once you enter you can’t leave until the event is over.

Speaker: More importantly it is 12 hours of our school coming together for a great cause!

Chairs speak and introduce themselves

Entertainment & Activities: Relay For Life is 12 hours of fun! We’re going to have some great activities to keep you going all night such as…(list of the event’s activities, i.e. karaoke, movies, etc.)

Survivors: If you know someone who has faced cancer, celebrate their courage by inviting them to be part of the Survivors’ Victory Lap, the first lap of Relay For Life come pick up a Survivor Registration Form from the student council office!

Luminaries: As you can see here (point to luminaries), luminaries are special candles placed in bags that have a message and are purchased in honour or in memory of someone who has faced cancer. These candles will light the night as we walk the track, reminding us of all those affected by this disease. You can purchase luminaries for $5 at the Relay For Life table during lunch time.

Volunteers: Need volunteer hours? We need volunteers! Sign up to be an event volunteer! Available positions and details will be posted on the office bulletin board.

Teams: This is where we want everyone involved! Put together a team of friends to join us in the fight against cancer! Each team must have 1 person on the track at all times but can also participate in all of the great activities and entertainment going on throughout the night!

Each participant pays a $10 registration fee and aims to raise $100. Here’s how to get registered and raise $100 dollars or more.

Speaker: We now ask you to listen

Guest speaker

(5-7 minutes)

Closing Speech:

Speaker: Cancer is a disease that affects us all. Who do you relay for?

Someone is in audience with a microphone and about 5 people, who are sitting close to each other, say who they relay for, we have asked these people before rally to speak

Video showing how fun relay is

Speaker: I hope that you will join us and be part of the best event our school has ever had!

Speaker: We are going to do a relay cheer now; this side of the gym will say Relay when I point to you. Lets practice that, when I point to you I want you all to yell relay, point and they yell, do it again if its weak. Now the middle of the room say `For` when I point to you, and the left side of the room say `Life` when I point to you. Let’s try it!

Do cheer up to 5 times, give more instructions if needed

Speaker: That was awesome everyone. We can help the Canadian Cancer Society beat cancer! Be a part of this year’s Relay For Life! Come to the Relay For Life table during lunch to get involved and pick up some forms on your way out! Thank you!

Exciting music playing as people exit, information sheets at all doors being handed out
