Reishi Coffee Articles


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  • 8/14/2019 Reishi Coffee Articles


    Reishi Coffee Articles

    The Facts: Why Switching To Ganoderma Coffee Makes SenseGanoderma, or Red Reishi, Coffee might help to improve your health. Its biggest medical benefit is the

    way it strengthens your immune system. It can be considered a preventative medicine instead of a

    treatment for a certain disease.

    Switching from your regular caffeinated coffee to Ganoderma makes sense due to its ability to improve

    the function of the immune system. It is said to help the body adapt to many types of body stresses suc

    as trauma, sleep deprivation, temperature, exposure to toxins, psychological stress, infection, or

    radiation. It helps the organisms in the body return to a normal, balanced state after illness.

    Red Reishi or Ganoderma coffee, acts as regulator that fine-tunes our immune systems. Its main purpos

    is to detect pathogens such as bacteria and other viruses that attack the body.

    A compromised immune system can develop viruses, parasites, bacteria and fungi that cause disease.

    Repeated use of common antibiotics, anti-viral agents, and anti-fungal medications can cause microbes

    to develop a resistance to the medications. Consuming red Reishi can eliminate these problems and is

    gaining popularity among many as an adjunct to combating the disagreeable side effects of radiation an

    chemotherapy associated with cancer treatment.

    Red Reishi has exceptional anti-stress qualities that can help improve memory, reduce tension and

    sharpen your concentration. It is particularly helpful in the treatment of degenerative diseases, such as

    Alzheimers and dementia that affects the elderly.

    Ganoderma or Reishi has been around for many centuries. Originally consumed by emperors and royalty

    as the a miracle herb, many westerners have overlooked it until recently.

    Some of the many health benefits of Ganoderma are its antioxidant effects on the body, the positive

    effects on circulatory system and respiratory tract. It has been shown to lower high blood pressure,

    balance cholesterol levels and reduce the symptoms of bronchitis, asthma and other lung problems.

    Scientist have studied Ganoderma use as a treatment for cancer, insomnia, arthritis, and many other


    Used for years in Japan and China as a licensed medical treatment, Reishi is often used for its calming

    and sedative effects. Research among United States, UK, China and Japan prove the unparalleledbenefits of this miracle mushroom when used in healing and holist health.

    So what exactly is Ganoderma? Ganoderma Lucidum is the scientific name for a species of red mushroom

    cultivated and grown wild in Asia for thousands of years. The reishi mushroom has been expensive and

    hard to find in large quantities until recently. The Reishi mushroom only grows on one specific tree in

    Asia. Scientist are now cultivating the mushroom indoors. This mushroom has more than 200 active

    elements known to improve health.

  • 8/14/2019 Reishi Coffee Articles


    Some other benefits of using or drinking Ganoderma coffee are:

    1. Balances blood sugar levels and pancreatic functions.

    2. Protects against skin cell degeneration, improving skins texture and reducing appearance of aging

    3. Eliminates toxins accumulated in the body

    4. Increases metabolism

    5. Reduces fatigue

    6. Contains anti-oxidants that inhibit damaging free radicals

    7. Helps unclog arteries and supports liver function

    8. Boosts energy

    9. Improves the digestive system

    10. Relieves sinus congestion and other respiratory problems

    11. Rejuvenates body tissues and cells

    12. Boost all body functions

    13. Beautifies the skin by improving vitality

    14. Effectively aids in the healing of skin wounds, scrapes, psoriasis, mouth ulcers, external bleeding,

    bug bits and stings.

    Consuming Ganoderma coffee can help your body heal back to a balanced state while rejuvenating your

    skins youthful appearance. And there are no known side effects! No wonder the Chinese have regarded

    for hundreds of years as the miracle herb!

    Is Your Coffee Making You Feel Sick? There Is A Healthy Choice

    Coffee is so popular you'd think it must be the right thing to drink. But there are many health drawback

    to the normal coffee. It may be your morning pick-me-up and your midday pick-me-up, but normal coff

    can be a real put-down for your health.

    Obviously not everyone feels that way. After all, coffee is the most popular drink worldwide with 1.4billion cups consumed every day. Four out of five Americans drink it, consuming more than 400 million

    cups a day. In Canada it is the most popular hot beverage.

    But the list of health problems associated with coffee is a real wake-up call itself.

    Some of the problems that the caffeine in coffee causes are preventable and in fact urgent to prevent.

    For example, caffeine increases your heart rate, elevates your blood pressure, and can contribute to th

    development of heart disease.

    Anxiety and irritability are also associated with too much caffeine intake.

    The high acid content of most coffees can lead to gastrointestinal problems because coffee increases th

    secretion of hydrochloric acid leading to an increased risk for ulcers. Coffee, including decaf, reduces

    the pressure on the valve between the oesophagus and the stomach so that the highly acidic contents o

    the stomach pass up to the oesophagus leading to heartburn and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. Wit

    America's high consumption of coffee, its no wonder the best selling over-the-counter drugs are the so-

    called antacids.

    Besides its direct effect on the human body, there is also the issue of the use of chemicals and pesticide

    on the coffee beans (as well as on other food crops). Pesticides and chemicals used in agriculture conta

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    a myriad of chemicals - most of which are have not been studied thoroughly enough to understand or

    contemplate their long-term effects on the human body.

    So, am I telling you to give up coffee? NOT exactly. Rather, I want you to know that there is an

    alternative to the normal coffee, the normal coffee that plays such a part in your decreasing health,

    even as it purports to elevate your mood and energy.

    The alternative I'm talking about is a real coffee (not a coffee substitute) grown and processed

    organically without the use of chemicals, pesticides, hormones or artificial fertilizers. It's a coffee that

    actually helps to remove toxins from your body, and with every cup you drink, you can feel better and

    realize increasing health benefits.

    And, in fact, this particular coffee tastes good.

    This new healthy coffee has been known to increase oxygen to your brain, help balance your weight, an

    boost your overall health. The secret ingredient is an extract from the Reishi mushroom known as

    Ganoderma Lucidum. Its literal root is the term Reishie Senshi, of ancient Asian origin, meaning,

    "goodness of health, life and eternal youth."

    Unlike your average coffee bean, which is one of the most heavily pesticide sprayed crops, these coffee

    beans are grown and processed organically without the use of any chemicals or pesticides. This healthy

    coffee will help remove toxins from your body and boost your immune system. With every cup that you

    drink you can feel revived, rejuvenated and experience increased health benefits.

    As for taste, this coffee is known to be delicious. In fact, not only health reasons, but pure and simple

    taste is one reason that many people are switching to Ganoderma.

    Health issues, however, are a very important reason that more and more people are switching to

    Ganoderma. Its essential ingredient, Reishi mushrooms, has been used as an immune stimulant for both

    HIV or cancer patients and has even been found to improve immune response in advance-stage cancer

    victims. These mushrooms have also been used to help the healing of lungs for people with asthma and

    lung disorders. The ancient Asian civilizations began using Reishi mushrooms centuries ago and still used

    today for hypertension, liver disorders and arthritis.

    As it's low in caffeine, it won't have negative affect on sleep patterns either.

    So, it seems that coffee connoisseurs, or just the normal everyday drinker like me, can have a real coff

    (not a substitute) that can help improve our lifestyle and health.

    Just imagine a coffee that can boost your immune system, increase your circulation and just make you

    feel better. I've found that since switching to Ganoderma healthy coffee, I can have as much or moreenjoyment of my daily cups of coffee, and have no more worries about negative physical or psychologic


    Now that's something to drink to!

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    Can Death Be Delayed or Ageing Reversed?

    This same question has driven mankind and filed the annals of history.

    As recorded in the oldest Chinese medical text, Reshi is the 'King of Herbs', the superior herb forperpetual youth and longevity. Over 282 research documents have been published on thespectacular results of Ganoderma.

    Known as Resish or Mannentake to the Japanese and Ling Zhi to the Chinese, Ganodema Lucidum isrenowned for its medicinal properties.

    Reishi often is associated withhealth and recuperation, longevity, wisdom, and happiness. It isbelieved that certain triterpenes and polysaccharides may account for the multiple activities ofReishi.

    Thus, considerable time and effort has gone into the isolation and characterization of thesecompounds.

    In ancient time, Reishi in Medicine was considered so auspicious that its medical efficacy has beenattested to the oldest Chinese medical text (presumed to be over 2,000 years old). The book,which is known in Japan as 'Shinnoh Honsohkyo' is now accepted as being the original textbook ofOrientalmedical science. In it, 365 kinds of medicines are classified and explained. The medicinesare basically classified into 3 categories.

    1) 120 of them are declared to be 'superior' medicines.2) Another 120 are classified as 'average' medicines.3) He remaining 125 are placed in the 'fair' category.

    The 'superior' medicines are called 'God's Herbs' and they are for perpetual youth and longevity, themedicines of the legendary wizards. The 'average' category medicines are those which can be takenas a tonic, and those in the 'fair' category are taken to remedy specific ailments. One must be

    careful about the volume taken of the 'average' and 'fair' category medicines, and should nevertake them continuously. However, the book states that for 'superior' medicines, any amount can betaken as desired on a continuous basis with no unfavorable effects. Of the superior medicines listedin the text, Reishi was Rated Number One!

    Reishi has long been known to extend life span, increase youthful vigor and vitality. GanodermLucidum, with more 200 documented vital nutrients is the closest thing to nutritional perfectionfound in nature.

    Reishi promotes good blood circulation by eliminating thrombi in the blood streams. As a result, theperson feels renewed vitality. Deterioration of mind and body is arrested. Reishi is indeed a herbwith multiple applications.

    Ganoderma acts by increasing the number of so-called natural killer cells, one of several types ofcells in the body's immune system.

    Gano Excel owns the world's largest Organic Ganoderma Plantation in the world which incorporatesan environment-friendly concept. The greenhouse maintains a sophisticated and moderntechnology, as proper cultivation methods and surroundings are essential in producing Ganodermawith high-therapeutic value.
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    So the answer to the question 'Can Death Be Delayed or Ageing Reversed' is a resounding yes. Thebody needs Ganoderma because many ailments are caused by the imbalance of body functions dueto the accumulation oftoxinsin the body. Ganoderma Lucidum helps the body remove the build-upof toxins and allows the body's natural immune system to strengthen itself.

    Enjoy The Health Benefits Of The Ganoderma Mushroom

    In the West we tend to think that almost all health problems can be cured by the recently inventeddrugs of the modern pharmaceutical industry. However, in the East and in traditional societieseverywhere, people have been successfully using natural remedies for thousands of years.

    One of these remedies is the Ganoderma or Reishi Mushroom which is known as the "Mushroom ofImmortality" by the Chinese and the Japanese, who have used it to treat a wide variety of diseasesfor the past 4000 years.

    So what does this miracle mushroom do? It might be better to rephrase the question and ask "whatdoesn't it do," because in traditional Chinese literature it has been called a "panacea" or cure for alldiseases

    Typically in oriental medicine this mushroom has been used to treat insomnia, gastric ulcers,neurasthenia, arthritis, nephritis, asthma, bronchitis, hypertension and poisoning.

    Since the late 1960s medical researchers have been studying the mushroom to find out how it helpsthe body and to see how it can be used to cure and prevent disease. They have found that theactive ingredients in the Reishi mushroom are anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory and have beguntrials in which the mushroom has been used to treat: migraine, asthma, diabetes, hypertension,constipation, menstrual pain, kidney detoxification, gastric ulcers and immune system problems.

    One of the most serious contemporary medical problems is cardio-vascular disease, which iscaused, to a large degree, by a lifestyle that is low in exercise and high in fat. Once again, thisancient remedy may provide to be a boon for this serious health problem.

    Researchers at the Nestle Research Center in Switzerland are impressed with the Ganodermamushroom, calling it "a renowned medicinal species." In one of their studies, using hamsters andpigs, oxygenated lanosterol which was derived from the Ganoderma, reduced cholesterol by 9.8%These researchers concluded that Gandoderma Lucidium could have a great role to play in thetreatment of cardiovascular disease in the years ahead and looked forward to "innovative newcholesterol lowering foods and medicines containing Gandoderma Lucidium."

    Similarly, researchers are also looking into the use of Ganoderma in the treatment of cancer, andhave found it to be effective in regressing the growth of certain types of tumors.

    If you want to start getting some of the benefits of the Ganoderma mushroom you don't have to goto Japan or China or dig mushrooms in a forest, because several companies are already distributingfoods and health supplements based on the Ganoderma mushroom. It is now possible to buy coffee

    and chocolate products that have been enriched with Ganoderma as well as capsules, toothpaste,soaps, lotions, and creams that include this miracle mushroom in their ingredients list.
