Reevaluation: Reevaluation with Additional Data....After the decision to proceed with reevaluation...


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Reevaluation: Reevaluation with Additional Data.


After the decision to proceed with reevaluation has been made and recorded on the Reevaluation Decision form, the reevaluation process begins with the IEP chair gathering current information on the student. S/he completes the data collection portions of the Review of Existing Data (RED) form to the extent possible and then reviews the information with a variety of professionals who have knowledge of the student.

The IEP chair should be sure to include the school psychologist/evaluation chairperson, all related service providers, and the regular education staff when gathering data and consulting.


At least 10 days prior to the RED meeting, the IEP chair will obtain several possible dates from other staff members, then contact the parent/guardian to confirm a preferred date. The IEP chair will then follow this contact by sending a written Notification of Meeting letter. On the Notification of Meeting form for the purpose of the meeting, select “review existing data as part of a reevaluation” AND “determine initial or continued eligibility.” A Record of Attempts to contact the parent should also be completed, but it is for internal use only and is not to be sent to the parent. Procedural Safeguards and the Parents’ Bill of Rights may be included with the letter or given to the parent/guardian at the meeting, unless the safeguards have already been provided within the calendar year. The chair then confirms the RED meeting date with the other staff participants.


The parent/guardian, SSD representative, partner district representative, regular education teacher, special education teacher, an individual capable of interpreting the results of data collection, the evaluation chairperson—essentially, all members of the IEP team and any other knowledgeable professionals—may be invited to the RED meeting.



During the RED meeting, the team will review the existing data. At this time, the team may conclude that additional assessment is needed to 1) program adequately for the student’s special education and determine if a related service is necessary or; 2) determine if a new or additional area of eligibility is suspected.

Additional assessment may also be needed for identification purposes, to address changes in eligibility for special education services or to change an identified disability.


At the conclusion of the RED meeting, the IEP chair documents the team’s decision on the RED form page 5, the Team Conclusions and Decisions page.

The IEP chair must contact the evaluation chairperson within 3 days of the RED meeting, if s/he was not present at the meeting. This will allow the evaluation chairperson to comply with legal timeline requirements.



The evaluation chairperson then proceeds to obtain consent for additional assessments from the parent/guardian. S/he then schedules the eligibility determination meeting and complies with the legal timelines as required by DESE. The evaluation chairperson supervises the completion of assessments.

Please refer to the Notice of Action training unit mini-lesson on “NOA-Proposed for Evaluations” for information about special rules for obtaining consent for assessments during reevaluation.

The evaluation chairperson schedules, chairs, and coordinates the eligibility determination meeting. During the meeting, the new assessment information is reviewed and discussed. Decisions regarding the student’s eligibility are made, considering the newly obtained information.



Following the eligibility determination meeting, best practice requires the IEP chair to reconvene the IEP or complete an Amendment as soon as possible to address the results of the meeting.
