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Homemade Detox Recipe 1:Instead of buying another bottle of water, try our homemade vitamin drink, Homemade Detox Water Ideal for a Flat Stomach to refresh you. It is not just a regular refreshing drink, it is all natural and healthy, perfect for a complete body cleanse, ideal for those who want to lose some weight and improve the food digestion.Ingredients:8 cups / 65 oz /2l water1 tsp ginger, grated1 medium-sized cucumber1 lemon12 mint leavesPreparation:Do not peel any of the ingredients, as their peel is high in healthy nutrients, but make sure the foods you use are 100% organic. Cut the cucumber and lemon into slices, and add the slices to a mason jar. Add the rest of the ingredients and pour in the water. Keep the detox water in your fridge and let it rest for 8 hours. Do not forget to stir it once in a while.Each of the ingredients has positive effect on the intestinal function and stimulates the food digestion, eliminating the toxic buildups in the body.Lemon is well known for its high content of vitamin C. It stimulates many vital functions in the body associated with the detoxification process.Cucumber is 90 % water. It stimulates the release of substances responsible for the detox process.Ginger maintains the glycemic index. It also relieves cramps and helps in the treatment of body aches.Mint plays an important role in the fat burning process, stimulates the elimination of toxins and it is efficient in treating abdominal pain.Source: healthyfoodhouse.comimage credit: earthsfoodcatalogue.comHomemade Detox Recipe 2:

Wanna lose weight? Well, its not always necessary to go for diet or follow heavy workouts. There are certain methods that can help you lose your weight without going for diet and exercise.Following are 5 Tips that will help you with your weight without the need of diet and workouts.1. Drink Green TeaWaters not the only metabolism booster in town. Studies have shown that drinking green tea can give your metabolism a tiny increase which can add up to over 400 extra calories burned a week! Not only that, the beverage has got some major antioxidant power, so drink up.2. Get Enough SleepCelebs and doctors alike cant stop talking about their go-to weight-loss secret: one of the keys to losing or preventing weight gain is getting enough sleep. Why? Turns out we end up eating more when were sleep-deprived. A recent study, for example, showed that participants who got only four hours of sleep ended up consuming 300 more calories than when they were well rested.3. Drink Enough WaterThere are so many reasons why water is, among other things, good for your waistline. Drinking cold water can help up your metabolism, since your body will work harder to warm up the liquid, meaning more calories burned for you. Drinking water regularly also helps keep you feeling full so you dont snack on empty calories, and hydrating before you exercise will help release muscle-building hormones in your body which spells good news for not only your strength goals but also your metabolism.4. Practice Portion ControlEven if youre not on a diet, being mindful of how much youre eating is good practice. It can take a few minutes for your brain to recognize that youre full, so get in the habit of knowing how much an actual serving size is (and how much it takes until youre full), and youll be less apt to pack on the pounds due to overeating.5. Use Your FriendsMaintaining a healthy lifestyle can be much easier with the support and motivation of like-minded friends. Having a healthy support group can lead to better choices for yourself; you may find yourself moving more, skipping more calorie-laden happy hours, and making other lifestyle choices that can contribute to weight loss.Source: healthdigezt.comThe fastest way to look slimmer and trim down weight within a shorter span of time is to lose water weight from the body. Almost 60% of your weight is because of water and this makes a few people look puffy. For brides who are looking forward to get slimmer in a short while, reducing water weight is the best option. Not only women, but men and kids can also shed water weight from their body speedily. One can lose up to 3 pounds overnight by consuming a strict diet on a specific day. One of the drawbacks is that you regain water weight rapidly. The only way to manage it is to follow a healthy lifestyle.Homemade Detox Recipe3:For athletes, reducing water weight is a primary task, as it will keep their body look fresh and slim.The following are some really effective ways that will help you shun water weight of your body, very quickly.1. Drink More WaterTo reduce water weight fast, it is essential to drink adequate amount of water and keep your body hydrated. Reducing recommended amount of H2O from your body will not affect you so much and it is really simple to gain it back in a matter of 10 days.2. Cardiac Exercises and Sit-upsAny exercise that increase your heartbeat and warm up your body will help you trim down water weight faster. When you do cardiac exercises like walking, treadmill, etc., you can trim down more water weight overnight. Hence, it is always recommended to do cardiac exercises in the morning and also at night, before sleeping, as it speeds up your water weight reduction process.While working out to decrease water weight from the body, watch out your standing and sitting posture. Stand straight and keep your spine erect all the time, as it streamlines water flow to all parts of your body. Doing squats and sit-ups whenever you get free time not only cuts down water weight from the body, but also tones up your muscles.3. Simple AcupressureThere are total four acupressure areas in your body. These areas are located two finger width under your belly button, under the large bulge of the knee bone, inside the anklebone and at the back inner border of shinbone. Apply pressure in these areas that not only reduces water from your body but also regulates water flow to all the body organs.4. Sleep for extra 30 minutesFew people sleep for 8 hours in a day whereas others sleep only for 5 to 6 hours. For any person who wishes to cut down on water weight, sleeping 30 minutes extra gives them more energy to perform workout which helps them decrease their water weight. Many doctors suggest that sleeping 9 hours a day shall enable them to get rid of water weight fast, because the body gets enough energy to stay active all-day long.5. Parsley TeaStaying away from coffee may not keep you refreshed all day long; hence, try out some really good alternative to caffeine that works as a catalyst to reduce water weight. Parsley is a good source of antioxidants that can cut down water weight soon. Have parsley tea at least 3 times every day. Parsley tea can keep your system active and also prevents you from the danger of dehydration.6. Consume more HerbsHerbs like ginger, garlic, fennel and even parsley are a great source of antioxidants. Eating these herbs evaporates excess water from your body and at the same time, they do not cause dehydration.7. Water Loss SupplementsThere are a lot of water loss supplements available in the market. Most of these supplements are in the form of pills and they are not so expensive. Under your fitness trainers supervision, use these water loss supplements that speed up water weight loss in your body.8. Anti-gas PillsSimilar to water loss supplements, anti-gas pills also diminish water weight sooner. The anti-gas supplements can increase digestion by breaking up the gas bubbles in your digestive track. They release gas from your body which often gives you a bloated appearance, and as a result, you also attain a flat tummy.9. Consume SalmonWhen water weight is reduced, wrinkles and freckles peep out sooner. Eat ample salmon to counter balance the water weight reduction process from your body. Salmon is very good for your skin and it will also keep your body hydrated.10. Rose Petal WaterPut some rose petals in a pan. Cover them with distilled water. Put the pan on the stove. Simmer it for 15-20 minutes until the petals lose their color. Strain the solution. Drink at least cup on an empty stomach every morning. This remedy lessens the quantity of water in your circulatory system by drawing out water from your blood.11. ApplesEat 1-2 apples on daily basis with its skin on, in order to minimize the risk of water weight.12. Herbal teaWhy stick to milk when you can get a refreshing taste from herbal tea? Since milk slows down the process of water weight reduction, switching to herbal tea like chamomile, green tea, lemon tea, herbal grass tea and more will not only detoxify your body, but also help you decrease water weight.13. Apple Cider VinegarApple cider vinegar is a natural diuretic and it maintains the potassium level in your body. Potassium loss during water weight reduction may have a harmful effect on your kidney sooner, but with two spoons of apple cider vinegar every day you can get enough potassium to keep yourself fresh and healthy without water weight.14. Munch CarrotsCarrots increase your metabolism and aid in trimming your weight. This gives you energy to work out without getting tired sooner, while you are attempting to lose water weight.15. Cabbage JuiceYou may not find cabbage juice to be really tasty, but add a little bit of yogurt to it and drink in the morning with little pepper to diminish water weight really sooner. Cabbage contains properties and minerals that can prevent your body from gaining water weight. It decreases and maintains the speed of water absorption. It also heals organ inflammation and bloating.16. TomatoTomato contains abundant iron, calcium and vitamin C. Having tomato on daily basis is a simple yet effective remedy to lose water weight.17. Cucumber-Lemon-MintMix 2 teaspoons of mint juice, cup of lemon juice and 3 cups of lemon juice. Along with contributing to water weight loss, this drink also helps maintain the pH level of the body and strengthen the digestive system.18. WatermelonEat watermelon or consume its juice, both works wonders in eliminating water weight quickly. Besides, watermelon is also an excellent source of magnesium, vitamin A, B and C, which gives your skin a radiant look.DosWhile you do cardiac exercises to trim down water weight, don thermal wear or a sweatshirt. This will help you to sweat faster and you need not work for longer hours.High fiber intake also absorbs water from your body fast and you can shed weight sooner.Food items that are rich in carbs increase your water weight instantly. Hence, avoid them completely. Be it rice, white pasta, or white bread, it is good to skip them from your diet list, as they require more water in your body. Moreover, carbohydrate rich food items get digested fast, leading you to overeat next time.Caffeinated drinks can increase your water intake and they also retain water in your body for longer hours. If you sleep after consuming caffeinated drinks, it will make you look bloated and fluffy. Refrain from having coffee, aerated drinks and other caffeinated food items while you are following a strict diet to trim down water weight fast.Avoid eating salty, processed and canned food items that are rich in salt. When you consume more salt, it leads to water retention in your body for longer time. Besides limiting consumption of salt, it is also recommended to cut down sugar intake.Walking in the beach sand (if you reside closer to a beach) is a great way to lose water weight fast from your body. Walk briskly on beach sand for 50 minutes daily.DontsIf you wish to trim down only water weight from your body, it is always better to give yourself at least 2 weeks time. Do not hurry up about it.Losing more than three percent of water weight at a time may turn out to be really dangerous for your health. Try not to over workout and reduce more than three percent of your bodys weight in a day.Some people avoid drinking water entirely when they want to trim down water weight fast. This is a myth and it may also lead to dehydration and urinal infection. So, drink adequate water.While using diuretics for reducing water weight, keep in mind that high or regular doses can lead to bloating and may dehydrate you.If you are following any medication, or suffering with diabetics or cardiac disease, then it is not recommended to cut down water weight fast.Source:
