Recent mobility strategy developments in HEAnet Mike Norris 9 th November 2011


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Recent mobility strategy Recent mobility strategy developments in HEAnetdevelopments in HEAnet

Mike Norris9th November 2011


• HEAnet background, fixed network• Mobility Strategy v1• Intervening changes• Mobility Strategy v2• Highlights• Roles of NREN

Fibre network April 2008 (~2300km)Fibre network April 2008 (~2300km)

Galway Access RingGalway Access Ring

NUIG Northern Computer Room, IDA Dangan

Open Learning Centre

UCHG Clinical Science Institute

NUIG ASSC Computer Room 139

NUIG M Ryan Institute


GMIT Comms RoomGMIT Comms Room 924

CoLo, Monlvea Road

Network Trends, since 1991Network Trends, since 1991

Status of Fixed NetworksStatus of Fixed Networks

• Dark Fibre• Bluenet, Rednet, Greennet...• IP, p2p• IPv4, IPv6• Campus LANs– Multiple devices per person

E-Learning in HEAnetE-Learning in HEAnet

• VLEs• Mobility• Student as a content provider• Context and location dependency• Apps for everything (including project outputs)

Wireless/Mobility StrategyWireless/Mobility Strategy

Mobility Strategy v1 (2008)Mobility Strategy v1 (2008)

• NREN support for Education & Research• Ubiquitous service• eduroam deployment• 3G service

- below market price- pre-pay and contract

• No to WiFi off campus• WiMax trials• Engage with regulator

eduroam serviceeduroam service

• Available in:6 out of 8 universities7 out of 13 institutes of technology2 out of 4 other third-level institutions3 other client institutions

• See • See also

as eduroam and Federation are loosely coupled

Mobile broadband growthMobile broadband growth


1 0001 5002 0002 5003 0003 5004 0004 5005 000

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016





ion) Mobile PC

& Tablets


Mobile broadband growthMobile broadband growth

• Ericsson predict:- the mobile traffic growth will be 60% CAGR in the next five years- number of smartphones to increase 5-fold…- … and generated traffic 8-fold- number of tablets to increase 10-fold…- … and generated traffic 40-fold

Technology TrendsTechnology Trends

Short Medium Long


Near Campus

On Campus

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020












5G ?

Mobility Strategy v2 (2011)Mobility Strategy v2 (2011)

• 3G service- added value - range of devices- framework agreement- pre-pay and contract

• WiFi + eduroam off campus• 5 x provide, 3 x advise, 1 x (facilitate, ensure,

develop, promote, evolve, drive)• Engage with regulator

HEAnet strategy directivesHEAnet strategy directives

Mobility update, Nov 2011Mobility update, Nov 2011

• Mobile broadband service- new contract began in September 2011- around 3000 subscribers at end of October- over 92% go for 1-year contract- range of devices, dongle most popular (92%)- steady uptake from all clients- popular with students and staff- collaboration on federation

• Extracts from other strands of strategy- off-campus WiFi/eduroam being explored- APN for schools successfully trialed- promote e-learning, options to support

Extracts from other strands of Extracts from other strands of strategystrategy

• Build up capability, provide centre of excellence• Promote e-learning, options to support• Continue to engage with regulator

Possible projects, with O2 and others (1)Possible projects, with O2 and others (1)

• Federated access in O2 website• Trial of eduroam off-campus• Mobile application development• APN for specific user group or purposes• 3G and WiFi integration• Fixed to mobile connection, SIP trunk

Possible projects, with O2 and others (2)Possible projects, with O2 and others (2)

• Cloud service e.g. unified communications• E-learning projects• LTE trial• Knowledge transfer• IPv6 rollout in APN

Roles of NRENRoles of NREN

• Broker• Advocate• Technical Advisor• Provider• Other ...

GÉANT 2020GÉANT 2020

“GÉANT 2020 needs to be much more active in the wireless domain and the NRENS may even wish to consider delivering such services themselves.”

Report of the GÉANT Expert Group October 2011

Spectrum for education & researchSpectrum for education & research

• In the USA, the FCC has the Educational Broadband Service

• In Ireland, the Communications Regulator acknowledges the case for spectrum reserved for education purposes
