Raising consciousness - Johrei · Raising consciousness through flowers purpose of pleasing the...


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Raising consciousness

through flowers

Our Primary goal is to help establish Paradise on Earth.

What, then, is Paradise on Earth! It is a World where

thruth, virtue and beauty are manifested fully in our daily


Our teachings on health and Nature farming provide

important guidelines by which to realize our objective.

And our practice of Johrei gives new life to all phases of

one’s being - spiritual, mental and physical. But in

Addition to these, we believe it is vitally important to raise

everyone’s consciousness through beauty.

Basically speaking, our ears and eyes appreciate beauty

through the senses of hearing and seeing. For the ears,

never before have we seen a time when music flourished

so much in Japan; this is due primarily to the development

of the radio and the phonograph. But our eyes for the

most part are limited to motion pictures and theatrical

performances; this creates quite a discouraging situation.

We should be able to have contact with beauty more

easily, without any limitations of time. Of course, for the

purpose of pleasing the eyes, plays and movies are very

good, but considering the time, expense and distance

involved, we cannot accept them wholeheartedly as the

best possible means for studying beauty.

I would like to encourage people to cultivate flowers and

place them everywhere. This would be the best means of

promoting the love and beauty. Begin by decorating the

rooms in our individual homes and in other buildings, and

this should not be limited to the middle and upper classes.

Johrei Association of Australia Newsletter 2016 Issue 2 April–June 2016

“A great turning point

On earth is at hand

Open your eyes.

See what is happening.

See the world’s actual state.

Only those who can see

The dawn of the New Era

Have clear Vision -

True eyes to perceive the truth.

God’s great Devine Light,

Long awaited for by humanity,

Has finally appeared –

The power to save the world.”

Meishu-Sama’s poem

This edition: Page 1 ,2 Meishu-Sama’s Teachings Page 2, 3, 4, 5 Rev. Miura’s Guidance Page 5, 6 Faith in Action Page 6, 7 Paradise on Earth Service Page 7, 8 Johrei Gatherings Calendar Page 9 What’s on, Schedule and updates


Johrei Association of Australia Newsletter 2016 Issue 2 April-June 2016


Our aim is to encourage everyone to place arrangements in

every place possible, so, wherever people go they will see

flowers and enjoy them.

Just a Single flower in a vase would create a refreshing at-

mosphere wherever it is placed. It would be ideal if we could

see flowers in every jail, and in each prison cell. This would

have an immeasurably good effect on the inmates’ mental

well-being. If there are flowers wherever there are people,

the negativity of today`s world will be considerably alleviated.

Presently, the high price of flowers is affecting how much

we can do. Therefore, we must look for a way to make them

obtainable at much lower costs. To achieve this, we should

encourage increasing their cultivation, provided it does not

affect the production of food.

Japan is well-known as a country with a great variety of

flowers. Also, it is said that our methods of growing them

have reached the highest of world standards. According to a

survey we have made, many Americans admire Japanese

flowers and are anxious to secure rare and exceptional ones

that cannot be found in United States. I believe their export

would be a great aid to japan in its efforts to improve its eco-

nomic condition.

( From the book Teachings of Meishu-Sama - Vol. 4 Page 6 )

March Monthly Service

Rev. Keizo Miura Speech

( Guidance by Rev. Miura - March 2016 )

Good morning everyone! It is good to be back here. I

visited here 3 years ago. Some of you are familiar, but

some of you are new to me, so thank you for giving me

this wonderful opportunity to meet you. Today I had

prepared some hundreds of slides showing the worldwide

expansion activities of Johrei, however, I changed my

mind this morning. I will talk about Meishu-Sama’s

Teachings and faith first, then when I have time, I will

show some slides, or if I don’t have enough time, maybe

after lunch we can come back and I can show some slides

from other countries’ activities.

First of all, let me introduce myself a little bit: my name

is Keizo Miura, I am Japanese, born In Nagoya city,

(famous for Toyota cars). I’m currently working at the

International Department as Director, so I visit many

countries now, and that’s why I have many slides to show.

My family is currently living in Hawaii, I have 3 boys and

the 2 elder sons are living in mainland USA and my

youngest son is living in Honolulu with my wife, and I am

living in Atami – Japan alone, so we all live separately all

over the world.

Let me report my own experience, how I became

involved with Johrei. My parents and my grandparents

were members even before I was born, so I am completely

second generation Johrei member. I was raised in a Johrei

family; even if I had a headache, cold or whatever,

everything was Johrei, Johrei, and Johrei. Until today I am

really blessed that I’m very healthy so far, I don’t know

about tomorrow, however, so far, I’m so grateful to be

healthy. As I grew up I was drifted away from the Johrei

Association because I couldn’t believe in Johrei or things

like raising hands and these kind of funny things, so I was

little by little drifting away from the Johrei. But there was a

big turning point when I was 14 years old. All of sudden I

started to have a pain at the back of my left eye, and I

didn’t know what to do. My mother said; “let’s go to the

Johrei Centre and receive Johrei”, but I said no thank you,

I don’t believe this. For a couple of days I was absent from

my school and the pain still continued at the back of my

eye. My mother said “let’s go to the Johrei Centre”, and

she said it again and again, but I declined. I didn’t want to

go and my mum said again “let’s go to the Johrei Centre

to receive Johrei! “

That time I said I would go and would only believe if it works

on me right away. And my mother said ok, let’s go. We run to

the Johrei Centre and I received Johrei from the minister in

charge. After I went back home, my eye pain was gone. At the

time I was not happy, I was truly shocked, truly shocked. If this

invisible power works, if this Johrei power exists, it was better

to me to be serious for my life. I was a rough student at that

time, never studied, never participated in anything, I was a

very angry boy but after this experience I changed my attitude:

every Sunday, every single Sunday I went to the Johrei Centre

by myself. I started going every single Sunday to participate in

Johrei activities, channelling and receiving Johrei. When I was

a high school student I had a miraculous experience through

this Johrei activity but that experience I will tell you next time

when I come because this is a long story.

So that is the way I started to believe in Meishu-Sama’s

teachings. I read Meishu-Sama teachings for a couple of hours

every day, and I really started to think like: “ah what Meishu-

Sama said is really the truth!”. That`s why I believe in Meishu-

Sama. So when I was 18 years old I decided to be a minister in

the future. That is how I felt when I went to Kyusei College

(Johrei Trainee Program) after I graduated from regular college

(by the way my master was mechanical engineering). So that’s

how I connected to the Johrei Association.

Today I have a present for the Sydney Johrei Centre. This

calligraphy I brought for you, these characters in Japanese

means eternal life. I would like to present this calligraphy to

Rev. Horacio and so for all of you.

Now Kyoshu-Sama said that each individual, each one of us

has eternal life; whenever I see this calligraphy it remind me

that we have eternal life, because we have an individualized

part of God in us, which is the Divine Particle. Each one of us,

no matter what nationality or race, has a divine particle, I be-

lieve that. Meishu-Sama said that everybody has eternal life.

God is eternal, so we have a divine particle which is eternal as

well. So we have an eternal life. Of course physically we may

have to go to the spiritual world but, spiritually we are eternal.

Whenever you see this calligraphy, please remember: our life

is eternal. That’s why we have to respect each one of us, who

has a divine particle. A lot of wars are going on, killing is going

on but I believe that, if we believe that everyone has an eter-

nal divine particle, I think someday the wars will end, that’s my

hope. We have to pray for that. As a Johrei follower we have

to pray for world peace by believing this, that each one of us

has eternal life, each one of us has a divine particle. That’s

what I really want to ask you to learn through this “eternal

life” calligraphy.

Today I will talk about Kyoshu-Sama’s guidance too, but be-

fore that let me share a picture of Kyoshu-Sama and his son

with you. These are Kyoshu-Sama’s middle son, Reverend Ko-

bayashi the Worldwide President of Johrei and the supporting

reverends. The International Department had a great oppor-

tunity this time to report about worldwide activities directly to

Kyoshu-Sama. On this occasion I asked one question to Kyoshu

-Sama: “I’ve always been telling overseas members that now

Kyoshu-Sama is answering very difficult questions that nobody

answered yet: ‘As humankind, where did we come from, and

where we are mean to go?’. Nobody can answer, even scien-

tists, religious people, but Kyoshu-Sama has now answered,

that we were created in Heaven and we were sent from Heav-

en and we should return to where we belong; so we have to

return to Heaven”. That is what Kyoshu-Sama has been telling

us, teaching us in his guidance repeatedly. But sometimes we

don’t understand, so I asked him personally: “if we want to

understand his guidance, we have to raise our spiritual level

first, we have to grow more, Is that right? that`s the kind of

idea okay?” I asked Kyoshu-Sama that. What he said is: “but

Miura San, God gave you a perfect divine particle, we have a

perfect divine particle but you still feel like you have to ele-

vate; you believe there is a gap, you think about yourself ‘ohh I

have to elevate more and more’, but God already gave you a

perfect divine particle, which is perfectly good and shiny and

beautiful!” We have a divine particle but we feel like we are

not enough yet, not elevated yet, so much clouded still. But

what Kyoshu-Sama wanted to tell me was that, first of all, why

don’t we just recognize we have a perfect divine particle, and

once we recognize it, let`s thank God, like saying: “oh you

gave me perfect divine particle and eternal life, you shared it

with all of us”. Let us recognize it and then thank God. Of

course we should make an effort to elevate more and more,

but we don’t realize we have a perfect divine particle.

That is what Kyoshu-Sama taught me. He believes this is the

way that we should communicate with God. So I realize we

should recognize this every day. For example if today you

come to the Centre and then there is something you recognize

on hearing the experience of faith, hearing the teaching and

you can say: “oh I realize it, I never thought! I have listened to

those teachings so many times but I didn`t realize that point”,

then if you give thanks to God, “I realize now, thank you very

much!”, then through Meishu-Sama we can communicate with

God. That`s the way Kyoshu-Sama is repeatedly telling us to

communicate with God by gratitude, by realizing something,

being aware of something new to us.

And then today, we are granting an Assistant Minister certifi-

cate to Rubens, and, I myself received a Kyoshi (Senior Rever-

end) certificate in February last month, and also representing

all the overseas churches I receive a lot of certificates like this:

Hundreds of certificates for assistant ministers, ministers, Sen-

ior Ministers. So when I have received all the certificates from

Reverend Kobayashi, I felt that being a Minister, a Senior Min-

ister, demands a great sense of responsibility that through my

words, my behaviour and my thoughts, the people

Johrei Association of Australia Newsletter 2016 Issue 2 April–June 2016


around me must feel the presence of Meishu-Sama; everyone

must feel His dignity and love through me. I realized this is the

kind of Minister I want to be, that kind of person I want to be,

a person that through his words, behaviour, and thoughts can

bring Meishu-Sama to the people; I would really like to be that

kind of Minister. So in that moment, receiving all those certifi-

cates, representing all churches around the World, I felt that

way! So again, first of all, I have to recognize I have a perfect

divine particle, and I still want to elevate myself, that is my


So, I always share with the members my thoughts that grati-

tude is the most important thing in our lives, I believe that. So

I will explain with a slide. In daily life we always have situations

(I call it situation, okay), things happening around us, all right?

Sometimes we react saying a "oh no!" about that situation;

then, basically when we say "oh no", it is going to be a prob-

lem, a complaint; instead, if we say "OH YES!" to that situa-

tion, then it is going to be a purification, which will let us im-

prove spiritually. I heard members in Australia have been prac-

ticing this always when they face something odd, saying “OH

YES!” first, meaning “thank you, thank you for giving this puri-

fication to me”. That is the meaning of the “OH YES!”; a lot of

members in Melbourne remember me as the Rev. OH YES,

from three years ago. When you face a situation, the situation

remains neutral, you are in charge, situation is just an instant,

but you are in charge, you can say “OH YES” or “oh no”, you

can complain or have gratitude, complain or say “OH YES, I

take it as a purification”, so it will be a grateful happening to

which you can have gratitude. It means you understand that

God`s love is to cleanse you, to nurture you, to raise your spir-

itual level. If you can see God’s love behind any situation, then

you can have gratitude. So let’s not say “oh no” and create

problems and ingratitude! If we always say “OH YES!”, we will

have gratitude then we are going be really happy. Meishu-

Sama’s Teaching says: “Gratitude gives birth to gratitude and

ingratitude creates more ingratitude, if you rejoice, joyous

things will come to you”. Every morning when I get up, when I

open my eyes, before I get up, I say a prayer Kyoshu-Sama

guided us to: “I want to be born anew as a true child of

God...”, and after that, for one whole minute, I say thank you,

thank you, thank you, thank you, ... For one minute I can say

115 times “thank you!”. I read in one book that if you say

thank you before you get up, 100 times, your brain, which was

still sleeping, will try to find something grateful, which means

that your brain will try to find out at least 100 things to be

grateful for. I do it continuously. I mentioned this to one of the

Brazilian trainees in Japan, who had a little skin problem

around the neck. I didn’t say try this, but I said that I was prac-

tising this, saying thank you 100 times, so whenever I have

problems I say thank you; it seems crazy if you always say

thank you, thank you, thank you, in front of the people, but

when you say words of appreciation, joyous things will come

to you, as Meishu-Sama said. So every morning I say thank you

for one whole minute; I go to the altar and then the first thing

I do is a morning gratitude donation, and so many wonderful

things have been happening to me. I am so happy, I am the

happiest man in the world. I have lots of problems, lots of situ-

ations, however, I say thank you, thank you for each situation,

because it raises myself.

Let me share something I realized during my last visit to

Thailand, last year. I was waiting in the airport lounge, and

there was a gentleman nearby. He stood up to go to a refresh-

ment table, but I saw that he had dropped something, I

thought it could be an important thing for him, but he had just

gone to the refreshment table, and I missed the chance to tell

him. So I found an employee who was there nearby the place

he had dropped that thing and I told her, “that gentleman

dropped something”. She picked it up and gave to the gentle-

man, and he said “oh thank you very much”. At that time, I

thought it was not fair, because the one who found the thing

he dropped and tried to inform him was me, not her, so I

thought, “ohh this is not fair”. You know me, I am a humble

man, I don`t get angry, that was okay, I am a Minister, why do

I have to be recognized? However, I thought that if the gentle-

man said thank you to the employee and she said, “oh not me,

that gentleman is the one who told me that you had dropped

something, say thank you to him”, at least the gentleman

could thank me, but he just went back to his seat without

knowing my existence at all. So I realized, am I doing the same

thing to God and Meishu-Sama? She didn’t inform the gentle-

man the real target of his appreciation, who did it, who found

it; am I doing the same to God? As a Minister we receive grati-

tude from you, from the members; Do I say “oh, it is not me, is

Meishu-Sama, Not me”? Sometimes we don’t, sometimes we

receive thank you and feel like that was “my guidance”. But

no, everything comes from God, everything comes from

Meishu-Sama, we just have been used! So I thought that we

should always say thanks to the real source of our apprecia-

tion, that means God’s love, we should appreciate God. Be-

hind every situation there is God. We may feel that there are

problems or negative things; however, God is behind it, behind

everything. God sometimes gives us favourable things or unfa-

vourable things, but either way, God is doing, God is giving the

situation to us, so we should thank Him for everything. We

should do our best, of course.

It is here I would like to share, one good tip for your health.

There is this Doctor Shinohara, he is a rheumatic arthritis spe-

cialist, he has performed exams on thousands of patients, and

he said there is only 3 ways to recover from very hard diseas-

es, almost incurable diseases; one: give up, two: forget, three:

serve others. What that means is, patients who fully give up

their own illness, patients who put their illness in the back of

their mind, patients who strive for the lives of others, are the

ones who gather those three conditions to recover from incur-

able unhealthy situations. I believe it also applies for financial

Johrei Association of Australia Newsletter 2016 Issue 2 April–June 2016


Faith in Action


The teachings of Meishu-Sama and Sorei-Saishi

(Religious suffrage of settlement and sacrament of our ancestors at

the Sacred Ground)

Last April we held the ANZAC Memorial Service at Sydney

and Melbourne Johrei Centres. On that occasion, Rev. Horacio

(President of Johrei Association) said: “We pray together to

honour the memory of the courageous heroes of ANZAC, pay-

ing tribute to all of the proud men and women who have

served in the defence forces of the Australia New Zealand Ar-

my Corps. I believe that praying for them, is one of the ways

we can actively work to purify the spiritual world of Australia

and NZ, promoting a happier future for our descendants!”

In this way, every year on ANZAC Day the Johrei Associa-

tion celebrates the ANZAC Memorial Service not just for the

brave ANZAC heroes, but for the ancestors of all of us who live

in Australia.

Meishu-Sama taught us in the teaching “Wrongdoing and

the Cause of Illness” that “We are not creatures who have sud-

denly sprung to life unrelated to other beings. Each of us is the

total sum and synthesis of thousands of ancestors, the living

and breathing culmination of all our forebears”.

This means that our consciousness and bodies are made

from our own past experiences and our ancestors’ ones. That

is why we say we inherit behaviours and manners from par-

ents and relatives. It is like a tree, our great-grandparents be-

ing the roots, grandparents the trunk, parents the branches

and we the leaves, which can bear fruits and seeds repre-

senting our descendants.

In other words, as Meishu-Sama continues: “We are each

an intermediate being – an individual person at this moment –

in the eternal flow of life. In the large view, we are links in the

chain connecting our ancestors and our descendants. In the

smaller view, each of us is the link joining our parents to our


As we are the sum of our ancestors, it is clear that their

happiness will be a motive to us to be happy too. So, the more

ancestors of ours can grow spiritually to a paradise-like level in

the Spiritual Realm, the more we will become happier on

Earth, and vice-versa.

Johrei Association of Australia Newsletter 2016 Issue 2 April–June 2016


situations, or conflicts situations, or others situations as


This doctor says that if a sick person uses his energy focus-

ing only on his illness, or worries, or concerns, in other words

pays attention only to illness, poverty or financial problems,

he is using all his energy for a negative thing; instead, if he

uses energy to serve for others, this can create a healthy

body, healthy mind, and even bring a cure. For instance, one

lady came to him, and he diagnosed her with rheumatic ar-

thritis and gave her some pills. She came back to see him just

4 or 5 months later, and she was fine! Then the doctor asked:

“what happened? you really look fine, no pain, what hap-

pened?” and she said: “Oh after I came here, my husband

collapsed from a stroke and then I gave up my illness, be-

cause I needed to take care of my husband.” This is a perfect

example. She forgot her problems and served others; then

she got a blessing. So, we have certain energy, let’s use our

energy towards something good, towards something positive.

Then God will take care of our problems, I believe. So I sur-

render everything into God’s hands.

Okay, I think time is up, I will finish my talk. What I really

want to say is that here in Australia we can see the worldwide

expansion work. I believe it doesn’t matter if there is a bigger

group or a smaller group, it doesn’t make a difference at all

because we are all Meishu-Sama’s true family! Even in the

many places with no Johrei Centre, no place to gather, or no

Ministers, or no Full Time Ministers, when there are members

who practice Johrei and try to follow Meishu-Sama`s teach-

ings, there is truly Meishu-Sama’s family. So from here Syd-

ney Johrei Centre, let us pray for the worldwide expansion,

lets us pray for the members in Nepal, let us pray for mem-

bers in Indonesia (they don’t have a centre or a Minister), let

us pray for members in Vietnam (they don’t have many activi-

ties); but we are blessed here, we have a Johrei Centre, we

have full time Ministers, so let us appreciate that too, and

appreciate God and Meishu-Sama because they are behind

everything. Thank you for everything.

Johrei Association of Australia Newsletter 2016 Issue 2 April–June 2016

Paradise on Earth


In the early morning hours of June 15, 1931, Meishu-

Sama and a group of followers went to the top of Mount

Nokogiri, in the province of Chiba, Japan. Then, at

daybreak, facing the sun, he chanted the Amatsu-Norito

prayer, whose spiritually uplifting words have the power to

purify both Heaven and Earth.

Just then, Meishu-Sama received the revelation that a

huge change was about to begin: the Transition from the

Age of Night to the Age of Light. Thus, Meishu-Sama

teaches us that every year, as of that date, the Spiritual

World becomes ever brighter and the materialization of

Paradise on Earth is nearer.

Therefore, the Paradise on Earth Service, held on June 15,

is one of the most important services of the World

Messianic Church. It is a day when Johrei members renew

the awareness of their mission to contribute to Paradise on

Earth and to the salvation of as many people as possible.


As Rev. Horacio explains, “As representatives of our ances-

tors, we should be always mindful that the more we work for

Meishu-Sama here, the more we are directly influencing the

happiness of our Ancestors in the spiritual world. Let us show

our love to our Ancestors, becoming their True Representative

on Earth, working towards building a better world. The more

we accumulate good deeds in our daily lives, for the benefit of

society and the world, the more we will directly accelerate the

purification of our spirit and our ancestors, and consequently

elevate the spiritual level of our whole family.”

Therein lies the importance for us to dedicate together

with our ancestors in order to bring light, happiness and salva-

tion to the whole family lineage.

A way for us, Johrei members, to bring light to ancestors is

through the Sorei-Saishi (Religious Suffrage of Settlement and

Sacrament of our Ancestors). Through Sorei-Saishi we can

settle the spirits of our ancestors at the Ancestors Altar at the

Sacred Ground in Atami, Japan, where they can receive pray-

ers and offerings of gratitude on a daily basis, allowing them

to raise their spiritual levels. We can also say prayers and offer

gratitude at the Johrei Centre as well. (for more information

about Sorei-Saishi please contact us via email).

Another important way to bring light to our ancestors is

through our dedication at the Johrei Centre, doing cleaning

dedication, channelling Johrei to people in need and guiding

new members to the Johrei Association. When we make oth-

ers happy, their gratitude comes to us in form of light, which

purifies not just our spirit, but our ancestors’ ones too.

So, let’s make an effort to realize what Rev. Horacio asked

at the ANZAC Memorial Service: “Let us take this Annual AN-

ZAC service as a great ‘Annual opportunity’ to re-confirm in-

side of us that: ‘We are persons on Earth, that have a strong

spiritual connection with our Ancestors and with Meishu-

Sama.’ We can say that our Ancestors - through our spiritual

cords – are connected with Meishu-Sama, and that they can

be purified, saved and receive New Life from The Divine &

Meishu-Sama! - Meishu-Sama can guide all of us to the Su-

preme God and to the paradise that exists inside of each one

of us!”

Source: Teachings of Meishu-Sama, Vol 5, pg. 42; Family

Assistants Program Module 2 (Brazil); Rev. Horacio speech

2016 ANZAC Service

Johrei Association of Australia Newsletter 2016 Issue 2 April–June 2016



Every month, the Johrei Association members hold

Johrei, Ikebana and Nature Farming activities all around

Australia, either at Sydney and Melbourne Johrei Centre

and members` own houses. We are open to meet anyone

who wants to receive Johrei, and all are welcomed to join

us in our activities. Please be in contact to Rev. Horacio

and Rev. Rubens in order to be informed when the

monthly activities will take place.

We also provide monthly schedules by email for the

members. If you are not receiving it from us, please send

us an email to: Johrei.sydney@gmail.com.

Also refer to www.johrei.org.au in order to visualize

the Calendar of Activities.


On last February 4th, our Spiritual Leader taught us how to

partake on this Construction:

““The construction of paradise on earth” means only one

thing. It is for us to follow in the

footsteps of Messiah Meishu-sama, be born anew as a child

of God and attain the status of a

Messiah. We can all be a Messiah while living on earth, be-

cause we are destined to be so. [..]

This is what a construction of paradise on earth means. God is

constructing us to become His

children. Where does He do it? He does it within us. He is

training our hearts and minds always

so that our consciousness does not vanish when we die. God

wants our consciousness to last

forever and attain eternal life. That is why I will say this re-

peatedly: surrender your inner selves,

your heart and mind, to God in the name of Messiah

Meishu-sama; surrender your life,

consciousness and soul to Him. God will then be able to nur-

ture and train you and lead you to

obtain eternal life. Living your life in this way is how you can

be a part of the construction of

paradise on earth.”

So, in this coming Paradise on Earth Service let’s commit

ourselves to follow Meishu-Sama’s footsteps and realize Para-

dise on Earth!

(Source: Kyoshu-Sama Message ; http://johreiafrica.com/?



Dear Readers

We are very glad to delivery the 2nd Edition of the Johrei

Newsletter and keep everyone updated with news about our

activities, Johrei Gatherings and guidance from our spiritual

leader Kyoshu-Sama.

This journal is for you and we would appreciate your con-

tributions in making it happen. You can contribute by sending

articles and suggestions for improvement to:


In order to contribute to the environment and help us in

saving costs we would like to send the news by e-mail to

whoever has an e-mail address. We would appreciate it if

you can send your e-mail address to:


All your contributions will be appreciated.

2016 Year Schedule

Monthly Service: Sydney: 1st Sunday at 11:00 am

Melbourne: 2nd Sunday at 11:00 am

Brisbane: 3rd Sunday at 11:00 am

April 25 (Mon) at 11:00 am: Anzac Day Service - Sydney and


June 12(Sun) at 11:00 am: Paradise on Earth Service – Melbourne

June 19(Sun) at 11:00 pm: Paradise on Earth Service – Sydney & Brisbane

September : Annual General Meeting and Members Conference - dates still

to be confirmed

December 23(Friday) at 18:00 pm – Meishu-Sama’s Birthday Service


Activities currently happening:


Study Class and New Members Class: By appointment with Rev. Horacio



Study Class and New Members Class: By appointment with Rev. Rubens

Ikebana arrangement— volunteer work on Sunday, by Mrs Karen Mieko,

before the Monthly Service

Any other event or more details of the events above will be updated in the

coming editions.

Official publication of Johrei Association

Director: Rev. Horacio Godoy

Art Works: Elza Ivasaki - Luciana Brito

Editorial Team: Rev. Rubens Buys, Luciana Brito

Contribution: Marcelo Brito, Jane Barbieri

Natural Agricultural Expansion in Brazil

In April we moved one step forward to the realisa-

tion of Divine Work. Rev. Luiz Dematte (Brazil) was

elect by the members and chosen by the Brazilian Min-

istry of Agriculture as the new President of the The-

matic Chamber of Organic Agriculture (CTAO) in Brazil.

This chamber discusses points of improvement of leg-

islation on Organic Agriculture. From now on, the

Johrei Association, the Korin and the Mokiti Okada

Foundation are able to contribute directly in develop-

ing Meishu-Sama’s Nature Farming in all Brazilian terri-

tories. Less poison and more vital energy for all! Con-

gratulations Rev. Dematte! The Korin family is really


Special Guests

Reverends from Japan visiting

the Australian headquarters.

Reverend Keizo Miura is the Director of the Johrei Interna-tional Department and came together with Rev. Renato Taka-matsu to bring strength and light to the Australian members and followers.

Beautiful gatherings, guid-ance and light on March 2016.
