Radio Trailer Script




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Radio Trailer Script


- Consuming a balanced diet seems like a very easy task. Some people can eat anything and maintain a healthy figure

Clip from documentary:

- “Nothing’s off limits, so I can have anything.” (Interview with Nicola Barber: 1:37- 1:40)


- But some people, like diabetics, have to watch everything they eat to ensure they remain healthy

Clip from documentary:

- “People may think it’s a pretty strict diet, it’s not that strict, all it is (sort of) block out a lot of sugar.” (Interview with Chris Pearson: 4:16-4:22)


- And some people really struggle with their relationship with food which can lead to mental and physical ill health

Clips from documentary:

- “I think once you start losing too much weight, I don’t think it’s a very healthy look either.” (Interview with Michelle Ryall: 13:11- 13:16)

- “The shock of that was what jolted me to think I have to do something about this’ (Interview with Christine Pilkington: 10:18-10:23)


- Are you what you eat? Food For Thought; Thursday 9pm; ITV1