PROFORMA VI C - Department List/… · Kamar Coop Housig Society, ... We M/s RPS...


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List of Major Equipments

Sr.No. Name of the Project Owned/ Assured

1 2 3

Computerized Batch mix Asphalt Plant Capacity min. 80 1 M.T. per hr /Drum mix Plant (computerized) Capacity Assured

min. 40 M.T. per hr.

2 R.M.C. Plant (computerized) - Capacity 30 Cu.M. per hr. Assured

3 Paver Blocks manufacturing factory approved by

Assured M.C.G.M. with valid registration number.

For Speco Infrastructure

~ Partner


flt13 66 •UN 17 O13 amkarnajAggr: ar

C1O' iEasb.MumbaoQQ57 ? z mn 1€ 11

ROOOO 2001-PB03



Date: 15.06.2013

To, Dv. C1i.E. (Rds.) City Kamar Coop Housig Society,

tht hapurao Road, Ht koad i).

Ninmhii 4)t(P

Sub: - AC-105: Providing and fixing S. S. Railings, ramps for disabled at footpaths on various roads near School buildings in City Area Zone I

We, the undersigned hëbv undertake that,

1. All the asphalt plant works required to he done under the captioned contract work shall he got executed through the specified asphalt mixes

manufactured in \4.C.G.M. approved asphalt plant i.e. Saket Infraprojects Ltd and their consent letter are attached here with.

2. All the oa er blocks ree u ired for the na ver block works to be carried out under the capuiotleo contract vnrk chalj ilk, procured from thc sccitied mann Licture'; re&isterod \:f \l.C._A1 . Gyan Construction Co. and their consent letter are attached here

'. All the RNIC work, required to be done under the captioneti contract ork shili be got executed through the specified NMC mixes

manufactured in M.C.G.M. approved RNIC plant i.e. RPS Infraprojects Pvt. Ltd. and their consent letter are attached here with.

I banking you, urs faithfully,

LO,C() 1/:tr1mI1'!,r tire

V 611


GOVT. OF INDIA Res. 129, A-Wing, Appli Ekta Hsg. Soc.

Nay Pda, Miro! Naka, A. K. Road, Andhei (E), £.iumbai400 059.

Mob. 92086O83

F \7 \

i .— f ' 'j__•• .- -':

- \


Date: 15.06.2013

To, Dy. Ch.E. (Rds.) City Kamar Co.op Housig Society, Pathe Bapurao Road, Grant Road (E), Mumbai 400007

Infra projects Pvt. Ltd. (Formerly M/s R. P. Shah)

Sub: - AC-105: Providing and fixing S.S. Railings, ramps for disabled at footpaths on various roads near School buildings in City Area Zone -I


We M/s RPS Infraprojects Pvt Ltd. hereby give our consent to the effect that we are

agreeable to supply RMC Mixes to Mfs. Speco Infrastructure for the above

mentioned work code.

We are having the MCGM registered RMC Batch Mix Plant having capacity of 60

Cu.M /hr. valid till 30.06.2013.

During the course of work the supply of the RMC Mixes of approved quality will be

made available as and when required, if the above mentioned work is awarded to


Terms & Condition will be decided at the time of Commencement of works.

Thanking You. Yours Faithfully, For RPS Infraprojects Pvt. Ltd.

~- t___- ~~ Director Encl: Copy of Valid Registration

113 - C, Shyam Kamal , Agarwal Market, 27 - Teipal Road , Vile Parle, (E), Mumbai - 400 057. Tel .. 9122-26120223 I 4, Fax. 9122-26120225, E-mail :

BRIHANMUMBAI MAHANAGARPtL~Kit'' l\1r~··, No: Dy . Ch. Eng. l~:JBC, I Rds./P\g./ E .. o - ) l'L.

Office of the ~ Dy. Chief Engineer'(Roads) E.5. Pant Nagar Garage Bldg., 4 th floor, Behind BEST Depot, Ghatkoµar (East), Mumbai- 400 075 Tel No. - 25001103

'n···r \._'.., '

/To, M/s. R.P.S. lnfraprojects Pvt. Ltd., C/113, Shamkamal Building, Agarwar Market, 1st Floor, Vile Parle (East ) , Mumbai-400 057 .


Sub: Renewal of registration of RMC plant of M/s. RPS Infraprojects Pvt. Ltd., situated at Plot No. SP, Scrap yard & Powai store be longing to H.E.,Sak1 Vihar Road, Powai , Mumbai-400 072.

Ref: 1) Renewal of re·1istration of RMC plant for period upto 30.11 .2012 u/no. Dy .Ch .E./7S88/Rds/E.S , dtd . 12. l0.2012.

2) This office letter to M/s . RPS Infraprojects Pvt. Ltd. for compliance of condition no . lG u/no. Dy. Ch.E. /76S2/Rds/Plg./E. S., dtd. 08.11.201 2 .

3) Letter from M;s. RPS Infraprojects Pvt . Ltd., dtd.08 .11 .2012.

4) Permission from H.E.Dept . u/no. HE/30SO/MC, dtd. 08.11 .2012.

. By directions this is to inform you that your request for registration

of RMC Plant situated Plot No. SP, Scrap ya rd & Powai store belonging to

H.E.,Saki ViharRoad, Powai ,Mumbai-400 072 is consirle red by this office

& the said plant is registered with this office up to 30.06.201,3.

You are permitted to supply Ready Mix concrete to' Municipal . . " , -works during this period subject to fol low ing conditiors: , '

1) That the batching plant alon g with all accesson'es, equipments and

..--._. laboratory shall be maintained in working condit ion for the entire period.



1 A) Thai: the conditions mentioned in the N .O .C./consent obtained h'm

Maharashtra Pollution Control Board to operate R.M .C. plant shal l l"'

com plied with/main tained, (which is valid upto 31.0S.201 4).

l B) That the pla nt shall be updated/maintain ed as per the points mentioned in

th e check list of QA & QC Manual which is already collected by you from ti 1s


lC) The RMC pla nt own er shall applv for renewal before 90 days of expiry nf rhir

registration & comp ly the requ1rnme'lts of renewal of registration bcfn;·

30 .06.2013 i.e. expiry of this registra tion.

E: 1Sr.Steno Madha1·i\RPS lnl'ra.doc

lD) That t he revalidation of accreditation of RMCMA be-yond 11.02.2013 s.hall be·

obtained and co py of same shall be submitted to this office, failing which

deposit of RS.10,000/- wil l be forfeited. . . ~ . l E) Th at the RMC plant owner shall obtain the ren'ewal of approval of

E.E.B. P. ( E.S.) for erection of a RMC plant beyond 23.~l.2012.and various

conditions mentioned in E.E. B.P(E.S)'s letter shall be abided with . Also, the

condition s of Muni ci pal permit u/s. 390 of MMC Act shall be complied with

and further revalidation of Municipal license u/s. 394 of MMC Act beyond

28.10.2012 shall be obtained, failing which deposit of Rs.15000/- will bP

forefieted .

lF) That the SCAD A system installed at RMC plant & VTS system for trans'"

mixers shall be linked with MCGM portal for monitoring the work prog1·0 s

online and confirmation of the same shall be obtained from MCGM within 611

days or as soon as technical problem is 1-esolved whichever is earlier .

lG) That the condition of perm1ssio:<: of H.E. Dept. u/no.HE/3050/MC, dtr

08.11.2012 for RMC Plant shall be complied with (which is valid u11tn

16.01.2014) .

. 2) R.M.C. Producers should give top priority to M.C.G.M. wor.ks . If failur·r

noticed in this respect, the R.M.C. Plant will be deregistered.

3) Whenever· cement concrete is vepared for municipal works, the Pl21

representative should show all necessary test"s at RMC plan l if demanded 11 '

the visiting personnel from the office of Chief Engineer (Roads & Tr.).

4) For the municipal works, tests mentioned in the list attached along with ti

period shall be carried out in the plant laboratory and reco1·ci to l'dl • f•,

shall be properly maintained and show 11 to the visiting staff.

5) The plant shall be freely allowed for inspection to the visiting personnel

Chief Engineer (Roads & -:-raffi,_) oif1ce/othe1 municipal office .

6) The producers shall be responsib 'e to supply the Ready Mixed Concrft•. r

the contractors to whom he has issued letter for supply, till the com pie: i0 .. ,

of that work, as and when require ·!.

7) The producers shall follow all instructions given to r11em from time to th1

by M.C.G.M.

8) No pozolona cement ~;hall be used in any of the mix supplied . to th

municipal works. Fly-a~h shall be user.I for thP spcr-,fiPd CC.Road vJorks a' per the directions from Ch. Ergr. ( Roads & Traffic). • •••

9) The batching plant and allied accessories should be got calibrated evpry

year and certificate to that effect should be availc.b~e for ir.spect1on to visiting officers.

10) The access, leading to the plant should he maintarned in good condition,

during t he per iod of approval.

E:\Sr.Steno JV!adhavi\RPS Inrra .doc

. ' I ·/

11 ) The arrangement for keep ing records etc., shal l be made with proper


12) Th e batch ing producers will have the full responsibility for preparing and

supplyi ng specifi ed mix of concrete confirming to latest I. S . specifications.

13) The RM C producers shall em ploy minimum one Civil Engineer on producers.

They will additiona lly employ adequate number of trained Plant Operator·,

Laboratory Tech nician, one full ti me mechanic and skilled labourers. The

RMC producer's Engineers should be experienced and well conversant with

the concrete mix design procedure. The RMC Producers not employing such

qualified Engineers shall not be allowed to commence with the work . The

qualified Engi neer shall be ava ilable on plant throughout the period of

execution of the work. In addition to this, RMC producers may depuce orw

Engineer during the execution of ~he work on site, whe nevec requincc,_

14) Cement shall be tested at Munic pal laboratory as mentioned in TA BLE

conditions for the Ready Mix Producers, preferably before its use. cri c

the cement test resul's <•re io. -t , 'ri lao'e J>eFo , its us-- , t!1, conc1Y:L:•:L

be permitted on the ex plicit ~nd,"·stnnding thc:t they Will, remov'e' &, r~do LI'·'

work at their own cost in ca se the cement specimen fails to attain :h.­

specified compressive strengt ,_

15) The RMC producers have to r.;ake their own arrangement a~ their cost fr,

storing adequate water of potable quality for mixing concrete . Any sU1tab:,.,

measures shall be employed by the plant owner to maintain the desi1·ecl

temperature of concrete as per I. S. specifications at the RMC plant itse lf and

for this no ext ra payment will be made. This will be achieved by add irg

requisite quantity of ice in mixing water at plant, so that concretl:

temperature should not: exceed 30°C.

The RMC producers shall make arrangement for the storag e of ice

flakes at the plant, which needs to be added in M-40 mix.

16) Water used for mixing of concrete sh all be clean and free from oil, salt, acid,

vegeta ble matter and other injurious subsla~ces harmful to the concrete. It

shall meet the requirements stipulated in latest I.S. Code-456. The water

brought for c:mcreting and curing etc. shall be got tested from munic1pa1

laboratory (si t uated at G/North Ward Office) to verify whether is suitable for

above purposes, whenever directed . This testing will be done at the RMC

plant owner's cost.

17) The sand shall be of approved quality with fineness modulus between 2.4 to 3. S.

The sand will have to be screened to remove the over sized particles at qua1-i-v

itself and washed at Plant before its use. In no case shall fine aggregatr I

accepted containing more than two percent, by dry weight, not more than th ree

and ha lf percent, by dry volumes, not more than five percent, by wet volume of

clay loam, silt. The fine agg regates will be tested and retested as directed by

E:\Sr.Steno Madhavi \RPS lnfra .doc

the Eng ineer t ill it satisfy the required norms as per 151 and as specified above:

18) If coarse aggregates are foun d having wh it e spots, the sarr.e sha ll be got

tested from approved testing laboratory to eliminate possibility of potential

aggregate-alkali reactivity before accepti !lg or using spotted aggregates. Th e

RMC producers should make the necessary arra ngements to sta ck the

ac;;gregates separat ely so tha t they do not get mixed up with ea ch other

and/01 with t he fore ign materials and get segregated . The screening of

agg regates sha ll be done if found necessary as di rected by the Engi;wer.

Fine and coarse aggregat es shall be screened at quarry itsel f and uniform

qual it y of fi ne/coarse aggregates passi ng t hrough different 1.5 . sieve shall

be obt ained from the same source. Maxim um size of aggregat es shalJ be 25

mm . The fin e and coarse aggregates shall ':le free _of f;ireign r;iaterials,

im purities . • • !'I ~

The storage bi ns for aggregates shal l be preferably covered ano :1. · e·

spri:-ik lers sha ll be usecl .

19) The RMC produce rs must maintain the laboratory in full. Failure to m;::i .,. ·1·

the laboratory in fu ll , penalt\ nf Rs.300/- per v1eek w parr tl1l,

eriu1pment will he mr'ose·-: ti' - k RHC p )ducers procure the nut y

equipments in good working cond ition .

20) The RMC producer:. srall rrriin'-;" 'he labo atory at a p,ciri' -o, ;x-r:r •(

various tests and al leac t· t! c- <ollowing equipments shall be prn " '• d

there in :

Sr . No.

--------------- -- ---

Name of equ~pment Mr

Quant1•, in Noc.

- -- -·---- -· -·- - - -(i) ' Water still

-, (ii) Vicat need le ap paratus fo1· setting time wirh plungers, as I---...., pe r I.S. 269 -1 967 _ _ _ _ __

I 1 Moulds


L I (iv)


\ (vi)

I (a ) 150 mm x 150 mm x 150 mm cubical fo r co mpressive

strength _ ____ ~

' (b) 150 m m x 150 mm x 70 0 mm beam for flexural r strength

I Co ncrete mixer power driven , 1 cu ft. capaci t y

I Flakin ess & Elongation test apparatus --· ---------

Aggregate im pact test appar.1tus as per 15-2386 1 (Part 4)1963

;-Tvii)-1 Co ncrete pe netrometer-- - --- - ------

~-[Equ i pment fo r slu'.:1'~~es t =- -----(ix) \ Equipment for determination 01 S .P. Gravity for cement ,

I fine and coarse aggregate as per I. S. 2386 (Part- 3) 1963

(x) j Fl exura l attachment to comp. t~sting machine . -~ -

(xi) I 0. 15 cu.It, 1 cu .ft ., cylind er for check ing -bu lk density of I ag gregate wi t h temping road


1 ')





1 r (xii)

[- ( ... ) I X II I

I Flexu ral bea m testing machine with accesso ries .

\ Surface moistu re ~ter fo~:g-gre_g_a_t_e_a_n_~ __ c_o_n_~_r_e-te--_---'-----

l·. Sr.Sten\) Madhavi\RPS lnfr< oc

.,. . \ '. 1/


(xiv) Density Basket as per IS2386 (Part III)1963 l (xv) Balance : I

(a) 7 Kgs. to 10 Kgs . capacity semi-self indicating

I Electronic type-Accuracy 1 gm.

(b) 500 gm capacity semi self indicating Electronic type- I I Accuracy 0.01 gm. ; I

(c) Platform scale-300 Kg. capacity I . . . . ;

I (xvi) Ovens - Electricall y operated, thermostatically cc.1tr,)lted

(a) from 100°c to 220°c sensiti vity I

(xvii) Sieves - as per I.S. 460 - 1962 based on relevant te::;b i

I '

(a) I.S. Sieves 450 mm internal dia of Sieve sets as per BIS of required sieve sizes comp lete with lid arid pan


I (b) IS Sieve 200 mm internal d1a (brass frame and steel or brass wire cloth mesh) consisting of sieve sets of

required sieve sizes complete with lid and pan

(xviii) Sieve shaker capab le of taking 200 & 450 mm dia sieves electricall v operatPd wit1· '"i'T'" switch "lSSeMbly (as

i per BIS) _ __ _ ______________ _

~ix) 1200 T. Compression testing mac_hi~e _________ _

(xx) 1 Stop Watches 1/5 sec. Accuracv

i----tc;lassware comprising of beake··s, pipettes, dishes, 1 measuring cylinders (100 ts HJ! cc capacit;) glass rods

(xxi) and funnels; glass lhermomete·"range o0c tc 100°c and

1 metallic thermomete" ranges 3'10°c

(xxii) : Hot plates 200 mm dia (15()0 1' ri•ts/sto1e) - ---·- -------

) E ITas XXlll i name r Y ' ---- - ----·

\ (a) 600 mm x 450 mm x 50 mm I (b) 450 mm x 300 mm x 40 m m

---I (c) 300 mm x 250 mm x 40 mm

(d) Circular plates of 250 mm dia I


(xx iv) Water testing kit (PH, chlorides, sulphides) -------- --- -

(xxv) Equipment for testing of silt contents ---- ---

(xxvi) First Aid Box I

(xxv ii ) Variable frequency and amplitude vibrating table size 1 meter X 1 meter, as per the relpva nt British Standard

- - -(xxviii) I Other machines as may be directed by the engineer in

charge of M.C.G.M.




' .L . ,,1






5 ·-





2 -1


Note 1. The nos. of individual equipmL:1 ·1ts mentioned in the above list

(quantity) may be enhanced as per the work locd at RMC Plant


2.The RMC plant and measuring & testing equ

laboratory shall be calibrated regularly.

1ts of RMC plant


- --:i

- i '

- -

21) All the Calibration and test record s shall be m< ... , ''-"'" "-cJ in the plant lau u1 uLU•:

an cl made available as and when required.

22) Even though it is the obligatory duty of the RMC prod_ucer·s to .1-i.;iv~ .,n Uf:- 'o

date laboratory at the plant and ca rry out necessc.ry tests in his l-;;borarn1y,

they shall submit for every day's work of M-35 grade fl· ;ibove, 3 cubes ;;-.i1r<

E: \Sr.Steno lV\adhavi RPS Infra. Joe


. f l I

I, flexural beam s at the approved laboratory for testing for 28 days c.;:impressive . . . . . as well as flexural strength . The Ri'v1C producers shqil •arrange to . send the

cubes and the flexural beams to the approved material t est ing laboratory at

least two days befo re the date of testing of cubes ar.1d beam s· failing which

pen alty of Rs .500/- pe r day will be imposed and recovered from the RMC

producers .

23) Whenever the materia ls, cubes and beams are required to be sent to the

laborat ory , th e same shall be transported to the Laboratory by the RMC

producers rit their own cost .

Th e charges fo r testing of cubes and beams at Municipal Labora"or /

shall be as per rate schedule fixed for testing by the office of A.E '. ::>Oi

Mech.), M.C. G.M. Lab . at Worli from time to time and the same shall be brn°"

by the batching producers .

24) In addition to above, the cubes for every day's work shall also be tested fo 1•

7 days and 14 days strength at ~he laboratory attached to the plant. Th · 1

plant owner s:-iall cast at least ') cuoes during the r ncreting of e-·d,

work of M-35 grade & abovr an .1 test the cubes at laboratory attachrc: ·

plant in accordance with the I S 456 and / or latest I.S.Code for 7 da\/C i 'C'

14 days strength . The acceptance criteria for the test results shall be c'r • P

IS 456 and /or latest I.S.Code .

I n case of concrete of grade less than M 35, at least 2 sets of

cubes sha ll be t ested for 7 days and 28 day's strength in lab. attached to 'h,

plant on compressive testing machine for every days work .

25) Quality control in the field mav be exercised on the basis of corno1·0rc,i1,

strength. It may be however ensur·ed that in such case the materia ls anr

mixed proportion remain unaltered, the water content shall be the min11"L r.1

reeju ired to prov ide t he specified workability for full compaction 0f "1°

concrete to the req uired density . The maxiTT'u m water cement ratio ..,,. '•

0.4 for M-35 mix & above.

26) Mix-design to give the target strength as re~uired shall be pn'cJ. ,.,,,,

preferably in accordance w ith t11, relevant I. R.C./I.S . sp?cifications . T'..c ,1T t

shall be done by batching plant personnel an.:; checkLd by Asstt .• Engrn ePr/

Execut ive Engineer (Roads). Whenever fresh lot of ag~r~gates ·i~ br~ugl't at

site by the batching plant owner, the same shall be got checked .' For •.hie,

pu rpose, gradation an alysis of coarse and frne aggrega~2.:; shall b~ perfo rmed.

The 11ecessary correction shall be made in th e mi x design accordingly.

27) Before actual sta rting of M- 35 (', cibove concrete mi;_, sand shall be ct--. 0 "l°''

for moistu re content. Accordi ngly, quantity of water and sand shal l be

adjusted .

!-:: \Sr.Steno Madhavi\RPS l nfrri.cloc



28) The minimum O.P.C. consumption for M-40 grade shall be 350 Kg ./Cu.m.

If thi s min imum cement content is not sufficient t o produce in the field

the concrete of strength specified in the drawing/design, it shall be increased

as necessary or else fresh mix design shall be carried out till desired r·esults'

are obtained.

29) For the desired workability the concrete mix of M-35 & above will ha ve a

slump of 50 m m. at the work site, it may vary by± 10 mm.

30) Ready Mix concrete prepare d and transported will be as pe; IS 4926.

31) Ready mix concrete wi ll be brought to the site from R.M.C. plant only by

transit mixers. The concrete oreriared and transported will be as per IS 4 J 1 •

or the relevant latest IS cod e .

32) The central mixer shall be Main·a1111>d in clean condition. H,,rcicned r r';

should not get accuMuleited ewe 'leath . Th e blades of th e mixer shall iJ• f ... ,,

of excessive wear.



Every transit mixer will carry computerised delivery challan, which vv1\I •1,, c

minimum following details.

1. Name of manufacturer and Depot. 2. Printed Sr. No . of challa n. 3. Date 4. Truck No. 5. Name of the Contractor to whom the R.M.C. is being supplied. 6. Location of contract. 7 . Gra de of concrete. 8. Specified workab ility.

9 . Cement content and grade of cement. 10. Time of Departure. 11.Time of receipt at work site.

12.Quantity of concrete.

A computerized sheet sf-iowing detai ls of ingredients df ready mi>• con I ,,Lt_ 1' • ~ .l

including admixture viz. the actual weight of ear::h . ingredients, ,,requrr·ed

weight of each ingredients as per mix design etc . shall invariably be sent wi!'h

each transit mixer carrying RMC on site. The computerized sheet sha I he

preserved as a record on the site.

35) Use of trunked radio sets/mobile phones shall be mandatory in each trarsit

mixer to avoid the delay between vehicle arrival and departure time, so 2s to

restrict formation of cold joints .

36) When the truck arrives on the site, the drum should always be s;:>eedr rJ to

about 10 to 15 rev ./min. for at least 5-10 minutes to make sure that con ~rct•·

is thoroughly mixed and uniform before discharge .

37) Aher making ·sure that the concrete has been uniformly mixed, a sample fro·'1

the first 0 .5 Cu .m. of concrete discharge shall be taken by Site Eng ineer· and a

slump test on the sample shall be done. If the result complies with t r

specified requiremen ts, then the load shall be accepted. If the result fai.s

E:\Sr.Steno Madhav i\RPS Infra.doc

i I I

I \

. outside the limits, a further sample shall be taken from the second 0 .5 Cu.m.

of the discharge and if this is satisfactory, the load sha ll be accepted. If not,

the concrete may be rejected as the sa'me being outside the specifica tion


38) The admixture used shall conform to IS or ASTM. The admixture shall be

tested twice during the work in approved laboratory and test certificates to

that effect shall be submitted to M.C.G.M. No extra payment ·w ill be made for

use of admixtures .

. t:..dmixtures shall be properly stored, to minimize contamination .

A separate register will be maintained for stock and consumption of the

admixtures consumed for R.M.C. mixes suppl ied for municipal works. A t·~L

certificate for the compatibility 0f arJmixture with cement shall be obrairip, I.

39) All taxes/duties etc. will be bo··ne by lhe batching producer.

40) Minimum one weather proof silo of 75 MT capacity shall be prnvided 1n R.Ht

plant. The R.M.C. work shall not be affected at any time due to insuffir1

stock of cement or any othe1· aggrec,atcs.

41) RMC plants shall submit Manufacture1·'s test certificate of GGBS dL~ rinq ·t~

use. Also, RMC plants shall submit certificate ·Of phys:cal ~est'inq 0f C"mr•'

mixture of 43 grade OPC and GGr>c; 'Jr Portia rid slag c~m c n· r~ 1· • r~n '

chemical testing of the same before its use from the Laboratories app'roved b\'

Ch. E.(Rds & Tr.). Further, to cover durab:lity parametnr~ of co n~rete, R.M\.

plants shall submit one test rcpor·t during the project on permeability ~' '·

(RCPT as per ASTM 1202) and hea' of hydr·atior of cement mixture of GC,

and OPC determined at 7 & 28 days from the Laboratories apprnved by Cil.E.

(Rds & Tr.& Brs.).

42) It will be the sole righ t of the adn-in1str·ation tc. allow or disallow tlw J';(

Ready Mix concrete as also in specific works, based on site situation, number·

of works, distance of plant from the site of work etc.



Following are the directions for· use of Fly ash -

a) I.S .I. mark fly ash conforming to IS 3812 shall be used 20% by

weight of cement content .

b) Test certificate from lv'\ anufacturer shall be produced for satisfying physic.

and chemical test prcperties as per IS 3812 before the use and '

every batch of fly ash.

c) In addition to the manufacturer's test certificate, R.M.C. Plar .. ~s shall gr"

the fly ash tested for its physical and chemical prop erties from 11-"'

Laboratories at V .J.T .I. or I.I.T, .preferably before its use, at the cost or

R.M.C. Plants.

d) A separatt:! silo sha ll be provided for stacking fly ash in the R.M.C.Planl .

Concrete slurry or sludge from RMC plant and transit mixers shall not be

disposed either at site of work or any other locations which may generate

E:\Sr.Steno Madhavi\RPS Infra.doc

CELL : 98200 10533 [Vipin) 98201 10804 [Rajesh)

TEL. : 2386 2556, FAX : 2382 2125




The Dy. Chief Engineer (Roads), Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai. Gr. Floor, Engineer Hub Building. Dr. E Moses Road, Worli. Mumbai - 400018.

Sub : Tender for the work of :

Da te: 1710612013

1) AC-105 Providing & M.S. Railings and Ramps for Disabled at Footpaths on various roads near School Buildings in Cit) Area of Zone I.

2) AC-106 Providing & Fix ing M.S. Railings and Ramps lor D isab led at Footpaths on \arious roads near School Buildings in Cit) Area of lone II.

Respected Sir,

We Mis. Gyan Constriction Co. are the O\\ner of Pnver Blocks manulacturing

factory approved by M.C.G.M. \\ ith valid registration.

We hereby give our consen t to the effect that '' e are agreeable to supply

Paver Blocks to Mis. Speco Infrastructure having their office at 110-C. Shyarn

Kamal Agarwa l Market, 27. Tejpal Road. Vile Parle [E]. \1umbai--1-00057, for the

above said \\ Orks. at our terms and conditions as rnutuall) agreed upon.

Thanking ) ou.

Yours fa ithfull y,


A uthorise



Office of , . Dy.Ch.Eng (Roads) City Kamar bldg CHSL. Patthe Bapurao Road, Near Navjeevan Society, Grant Road (East) Mumbai-400 007. Ph. l\o. :23002493i23002694

M/s Gyan Construction Co. 136, Madhani estate, 542 , Senapati Bapat marg, Dadar, Mumbai-400 028

Sub.: Renewal of registration of interlocking concrete paver blocks manufactured by M/s Gyan Construction Co. to supply on M.C.G.M. Works.

Ref.: Your application dated 28.05.2012 .


Ch.E.(Rds.,Tr.& Br.) has accord.ed sanction for renewal of Registration and for use of

interlocking concrete paver blocks casted in single/double layer in grey cement in any colour of

60mm., 80mm. thick unishape paver & lacquered coated pavers and 1 OOmm. unisahpe paver

blocks manufactured by M/s.Gyan Construction Co. and to include their name in the

approved list of interlocking paver block supplier and to use the same on the Municipal work

for the period upto 31.5 .2013 with the following terms and conditions. , (1) Paver block manufacturer shall strictly follow~BIS registration guidelines.

(2) Paver block manufacturer shall supply their approved products to MCGM works on top


(3) The Interlocking paver blocks shall be cast in single/double layer in grey cement in any

specified colour to the thickness of 100mm., 80mm . and 60mm . thick having average

compressive strength of not less than 50N/Sq .mm. , 50N/ and 40N/


(4) The concrete to be used for manufacturing pavers shall be ready mix concrete or

concrete mixed with weigh batch mixer only.

(5) Mix design for concrete to be used for pavers shall be submitted to Dy.Ch.E.(Rds.)City.

after every six months/change in source of ingredients and shall be got approved from

Dy.Ch.E.(Rds.)City/ Executive Engineer of the work.

(6) The shape of the precast concrete block shall be standard shape and size , prescribed

by MCGM to give proper interlocking action and all the sides are keyed into each "other

by their plane geometry so as to resist the spreading of joints on both the axis of the

joints. The paver blocks shall have uniform interlocking space of 2mm. to 3mm.

(7) The work shall be executed as per specification laid down by department of Ch.E.

(Rds ,Tr.& Br.).

(8) The concrete pave block when tested shall comply with IS 15658:2006.

(9) For supply of interlocking paver blocks on MCGM works , Octori clearance certificate

will be mandatory, for factory situated outside Greater Mumbai limit

( 10) The factory shall be made available for inspection to visiting MCGM officers .

True Copy

~ A.E <B.G.) E $.

(11) For supply of interlocking paver blocks on MCGM works , only printed challa.1 book

with printed Sr.No. and other relevant details etc. shall be used and it should be signed

by authorized personal with rubber seal , and shall accompany test results from factory

or from reputed laboratory of VJTI. , S.P. Engineering co llege, 1.1.T. ·etc. The paver

blocks without manufacturers test result for compressive strength , water absorption

shall be out rightly rejected .

(12) The paver blocks shall have uniform chamfers to facilitate easy drainage of surface run


(13) Testing of abrasion resistance and flexural strength shall be carried out in accordance

with IS.: 1237 (Specifications for cement concrete floor type appendix 'C') . The

manufacturer shall test 60mm .. 80mm. and 100mm. paver blocks for tensile splitting

test as per IS : 15658:2006. The manufacturer shall specify abrasion value of their


(14) _The conditions mentioned in the consent letter of Pollution Control Board

u/No.MPCB/ROT/R/07 dated 25-10-2010 having validity upto 30.09.2015 shall be

complied with .

(15) The manufacturer shall have well equipped laboratory at factory and shall have Quality

Control Engineer and keep record of in house test results of paver blocks and such

record shall be forwarded to the site-in-charge of work site alongwith delivery of

paver blocks to the work site. Record of in house test results of paver blocks shall

be maintained in register and shall be made available for inspection for visiting MCGM


(16) The manufacturer shall submit quarterly report of paver blocks supplied to MCGM

contractors for MCGM works .

t 17) The permission is valid upto 31 .05.2013 For further renewal of registration of the

paver block plant ,the manufacturer shall apply at least 90 days in advance with valid

BIS licence and relevant necessary documents after paying requ isite plant inspection

fees .

( 18) In case , the BIS reg istration I Licence is revoked I cancelled due to any reasons , this

renewal shall automatically stand revoked .

For non compliance of any of the above condit ion , the security deposit will be

forfeited and manufacturer has to pay fresh deposit at the time of renewal.

Approval may be further extended depending upon satisfactory performance of

the product on MCGM works and on request from manufacturer.

True Copy

A.E.(~ Yours faithfully,


,,......__ I




ccr\if•~_,)· ~o-~ ~~ I \ ~ 1 ~ \\\,\ 1Q\1A

,,.. su H 000"" /f<P.K~ " . a.AU.· •

1Rds/City of Office of , Dy.Ch Eng (Roads) City Kamar bldg CHSL, Patthe Bapurao Road, Near Navjeevar Socretv. Grant Road (East) Murnbai-400 007

..... f\ court, To, d\IOC ile .,1~ 11ndi

. r.· w£ •nmet\t o M/s.Gyan Cons:i:trot1011 <\%\dg. NtJ. • 136. Madhani est.alt!~ 'dlll HOS\ll\ • r • 542, Senapatr-&tpat rfiatf~3,.4u\1'.Jl2. . Dadar. Mumbai-400 02 ;

Sub.: Renewal of registration of interlocking concrete paver blocks manufactured by Mis Gyan Construction Co. to supply on MC G.M Works

Ref.. YOLlf application dated 28.05.2012


Ch E.(Rds.,Tr.& Br) has accorded sanction for renewal of Registration and for use of

interlocking concrete paver blocks casted in stngletdouble layer 1n grey cement in any colour of

60rnm .. 80mn thick unishape paver & lacquered coated pavers ana 100mm. unisahpe paver

blocks manufactured by M/s.Gyan Construction Co. and to include their name in the

approved list of interlocking paver block supplier and to use the same on the Mun1c1pal work

for the period upto 31.5.2013 with the following terms and conditions.






Paver block manufacturer shall strictly follow~BlS registration guidelines

Paver block mar.ufacturer shall supply their approved products to MCGM works on top


The lnterlock111g paver blocks shall be cast in single/double layer 111 g1ey cement 1n any

specified colour to the thickness of 1 OOmm 80mm and 60mm thick havmg average

compressive strength of not less than SON/Sq mm , 50N/Sq_mrn. and 40N/


The concrete to be used for manufacturing pavers shall be ready mix concrete or

concrete mixed with weigh batch mixer only.

Mtx design for concrete to be used for pavers shall be submitted to Dy.Ch E (Rds.)C1ty

after every six months/change rn source of ingredients and shall be got approved from

Dy Ch E(Rds.)City/ Executive Engineer of the work

(6) The shape of the precast concrete block shall be standard shape and ::.ize, prescribed

by MCGM to give proper interlocking action and all !he sides are keyed into each other

True Copy will be mandatory for factory situated outside Greater ML n1ba1 limit

(10) The factory shall be made available for 1nspect1on to visiting MCGM officers ~ A.E. (B.C.) E.S.

(11) For supply of interlocking paver blocks on MCGM works , only printed challa'1 book

with pnnted Sr No. and other relevant details etc. shall be used and it sl1ould be signed

by authorized personal with rubber seal, and shall accompany test results from factory

or from reputed laboratory of VJ T.I. , S.P Engineering college I l.T etc. The paver

blocks without manufacturers test result for compressive strength , water absorption

shall be out nghtly reiected

(12) lt1e pave1 blocks shall have uniform chamfers to facilitate easy drainage of surface run

T oft~ - · Certifie t • u ..1

(13) Testing of abrasion resistance and flE:xJra. strength snail be carried out m accordance ./

.(,.._ w\;}'lfil\11237 (Specifications for cement concrete floor type appendix 'C') The

\ \:)~ff\~ hhutacturer shall test 60mm , 80mm and 1 OOmrr. paver blocks for ,ensile splitting

P~A! . H!Efl ~r 18:15658 2006 The rnanufacture1 shall specify abrasion value of the11

'ti~ product... •

' 0~ '{14)' ~~~ '.cf?nd t1ons mentioned 1t1 the consent iette1 of Pollution Control Board

Nt.<i 111 Go• irr n n 'Ir / / a. Kona1Sji Bld!JJ/.l\j~ MPCB/ROT/R/07 dated 25-10-2010 having validity upto 30.09 2015 shall be

./ 6ctiin<l Tarn Hosp~~ptled1 with.

Mumt>ai-4 lf'"l ·•

(15) The manufacturer shall have well equipped laboratory at factory and shall have Quality

Control Engineer and keep record of m house tes. results of paver blocks arid such

record shall be forwarded to the site-111-charge of work site alongwith delivery of

paver blocks to the work site Record of 1n house test results of paver blocks shal.

be maintamed m register and shalt be made available for inspection for v1s1tlng MCGM


(16) The Manufacturer shall submit quartelly report of paver blocks supplied to MCGM

contractors for MCGM works.

( 17 J The perrrnss1on 1s valid upto 31.05.2013 For further renewa 1 of reg1s1ratior of the

paver block plant .the manufacturer shall apply at least 90 days in advance with valid

BIS licence and relevant necessary documents after paying requ1s1te plant mspect1on


( 18) In case , the BIS registration I Licence is revoked I cancelled due to any reasons this

renewal shall automatically stand revoked

For non compliance of any of the above cond1t1on. the security deposit will be

forfeited and manufacturer has to pay fresh deposit at the time of renew;:il

App1oval may be further extended dependrng upon satisfactory pe1iormance of

the product on MCGM works and on request from manufacturer.

True Copy

~ A.E. ~S.

Yours faithfully,

' \\ (~<~· %.ti . .i.'{..,,.-.1 ( l?AG I 17--­

Dy C!i .E.(Rds )City



j· I



... CEll: 9820010533 [VipinJ

~lllill,>t~'.i .... :f ."' >.- -~:- · --' . ·~-,,,~_,;.; : ... _ .. _.,_,. .:.- .-·--· ··:- - .-... · ~-.:· .: _._ . ,: ............ . ~~·~ TE( ;::~,;;~o;A[~;1f!~ 5735- ··· "1



To, Dy.Ch Eng ( Road) City. Ka.inar bldg CHSL, Patthe Bapurao Road, Grant Road (East ) Mumbai-400007.


ADMN .. OFFl(E : 136,,MADHANI E~TAT£. ~4i, SENAPATI BAPAT MARG, DADAR {W}, MUMBAI- 400 028, FACTORY : M!HAXf NAGAR, NEAR GREEN Vlill.GE, MAS.ACHA PAOA, KASHIMIRA, KASH! GAON -401101. E-MAIL: gyancomlruction@hofmoil.cotn • WEB : rkmodhaniandco.rom AN ISO 9001 :2008 CERTIFIED COMPANY • ISi & MCGM APPROVED PAVER BLOCKS

DATE: 15/0412013

Sub : Renewal of Registration for period of l y~ fr~~ 31. OS .14.

.Ref : Registration of Interlocking Conc~e Paver blocks Manufacture by Mis. Gyan Construction Co. Vide No.Dy.Ch.E./1937/E-I/Il/Ill/Rds/City.

De11.r Sir,

We are manufacture of 60mm,80n:un And lOOmm Interlocking concrete Paver Block at Kashimira,.Kashigaon,Oist. Thane. Our Manufacturing Plant has beeu approved by your Office nearly 6 years since 2007, our regjstration on 31.05. 2013. we request your Goodself to renew our plant for the further period of l years.

We are ready to pay the necessary inspection charges f9r the renewal ofregistrat:ion.

-(1 Kindly do the needful and oblige.

Thanking you.



True Copy

~ A.E. (BC.) E.S.

1 j i I I I

i • . . ·1

l I I

· I I


I complaints. The RMC plant owner shall arrange to treat the Concr~te slurry by

providing sedimentation tank along with necessary additional number of

tanks and pipe line network at the R.M.C. Plant.



___ r_t_e_m _____ \c__ __ T_es_t_c_h_e_c_k_c _o_nt_r_o_1 _ _ l ____ F_r_e_q_u_e_nc_v ____ \ criterion




43 grade Portland slag cement conform in g to IS 455 using G.G.B.S. only

Cement mixture of 43 grade OPC and GGBS

Coarse and Fine Aggregate

Physical and I IS-8112 Once for each source supply Chemical Test for approval of source and

I su bsequent when warranted by change in quality in case of

I doubt.

Physiccl Test I IS-8112 : Once in a month

I 1-------L---~---------~ -

I S-455 Chemical \



I (~~~luding I IS-383 \



. --db--• • 1' i

I Water

1 soundness \ and alkali 1 reactivity) I Chemical test I IS 456 I

--~- -~-


-I For each lot Cement Strength I IS-8112 of cement

received. 43 grade Cement Physical Test I IS-8112


Once i Portland mixture I slag cement of 43 I

n a month

conforming grade Ch emical Test IS-455 Once t0 IS 455 OPC and using GGBS

I G.G.B.5. I only

- - - -------L,

Coarse and Fine Gradation receiv ed : S-383 1

For each I ot of ~gregat~ Aggregate


Moisture content

Flakiness Index Elonqation Index Workability Concrete strength

-·---do-- Regular' / as required

I subject to 2 tests 12e

a minimum of r~_· __ _

--do-- - -do--__ --do-- -~- - -do--I 1 For each t ransit mixer i

i I I

\ Cube specified

I 7 days, 28 days

samplt:s, as for each age of

14 days ancl ( for every d?.y's


Position Criterion Toleran ce ,_C_e_m_e_n_t_c_o_n_c-re_t_e--+-Q-u_a_l_it_y_concrete Gra de Tolerance l evel for characterist ir:

Pavement M-35 & above . _

11 strength assessment:_]: _i.0 ):5

Workability 50 mm, +/- 10 mm. ~-------~(~s_lu_m~1r) maxl_mum__ _ _ _ __ ·- _____ _

E:\Sr.Steno Maclhavi\RPS Infra .cine


A) The provisional approval gives no right to run a RMC plant upon ground

which is not the property of R.M.C. plant owner .

B) lhe RMC plant owner shall obtain all the prevailing necessary statutory

permissions/ licenses etc. from various Govt./Semi Govt. /M.C.G.M.

authorities under various Acts applicable to RMC plant.

C) The provisional approval gives no right to erect RMC pl ,1t.

E: \Sr.Steno Maclhavi\RPS Infra.doc

YourS' f~ithfully ,·

- :+vY . r/1~ ,.,.,,.1'1.-.

. .

Executive Engineer (Roads) Eastern -Su bu rhs




Date: 15.06.2013

To, Dy. Ch.E. (Rds.) City Kamar Co.op Housig Society, Pathe Bapurao Road, Grant Road (E), Mumbai400007


infw1p-rojed1 ltd

Sub: - AC-105: Providing & Fixing M.S. Railings and Ramps for Disabled at Footpaths on various roads near School Buildings in City Area of Zone I


We Saket Infraprojects Ltd. hereby give our consent to the effect that we are agreeable to supply various Asphalt Mixes to Speco Infrastructure for the above n1entioned work.

We are having the MCGM registered Batch Mix Asphalt Plant having capacity of 160 M.T / hr . located at Mahape with of validity of registration up to 31.12.13

During the course of execution of work, the supply of the Asphalt Mixes of approved quality will be made available as and when required, if the above mentioned work is awarded to them.

Terms & Condition will be decided at the time of Commencement of works.

Thanking You . Yours F ai thfull y, For Saket Infraprojects Ltd.

~ Director Encl: Copy of Valid Registration

L-3 , 308: The Chambers, Service Road, Next to Golden City Swan Club, Off. Western Express Highway, Vile Parle (East) , Mumbai - 400 057. Tel. : +91-22- 2617 1339 Telefax : +91-22-2617 1343

Email :

,...--- I o.

Ml '\i!CIPAL CORPOf<A. TlO?'J OF (jR[A l f:R :VHJ\1BAI ~O.Dy . Ch.E . 'bo 2.__!'Rds. 1 Ci1:· f)/\.TF: , / ~

Ofrice of the Dv.Ch.Eng.(Rds) city. Karr.Jr Co-op Hsg Society. ht Fioor.Patthe Bapurao Marg. Opp.t'\avjee\ nri CHSL Grant Road (t~ast)-400007.

i'v1 /s Sake! lnfraprojccts l .td. I O:L>08 .Thc C'hambcTS .Scrvi,;c road . ~c'Xl 10 (i,;lden Cil\ s .... an Club. Off \\/.:stem Exprc~s Hig!w.rr .. v;It- f\ir!e (bot;.\11umbai-400057


Sub:- Registration of Batch ¥.ix Asphalt Plant of l'v1/s Saket lnfraprojects Ltd. for supplying asphalt mixes to v.:orks of MCG~.·f upro 3 i. i2.20J 3.

Ref:- Your letter dated 06.03.201;

\ \ I;

By directions or" Chief Engineer (Roads & Tr.). \1unicip:1l Corporation Greater

\1urnbai(lV1CGM). it is to infom1 you that the·· Batch :V1ix A~phalt Piant situated· at

Ou<iiT) No-0 I,";\"" B!nck. \ti !DC. Turbhe .\iavi Mumbai Dist l'hane is registered as

MCC iv! for the further period upto 31.12.2Hi 3 for Greater \1umb<li knits subject to

i. That the asphalt Plant aiong wirh aii accessories and laborator:. shali be maintained

in \.\.Orking condition during regi::;tration paiod.

2. lh<n a qualified Chemist should be present at the plant. v,hcnever the plant is in

operation during day as wen as night. He ~hould he able lo conduct all necessary tests

on the spot as and "vhen demanded by the visiting \!1.C.G.\~. Ot1icers & / Third Part)

Qualit: Auditors appointed by M.C.G.:V1.

3. rliat the asphalt mix scnr on '>vvrks of rvl C.G.M. shal! be te,rtd fix percentage of bitumen

content. a12grcgate gradation. ami-stripping agent. Marshal stabilit: 3i1d fl0" value . \Oids etc.

·11 ica<;t one<: in a day in ! a b~1rn!Oi') at the plant anc! a copy ofihe tes: repor. shall be sent to the

re-;pectivc Municipa! \\ ork site alonirn ith the asphalt mi" laid at tht time cremi.\ is being laid.

4. For works of 1\1.C.G.M. test~ mentioned and frequencies as mentioned in the

M.C.G.M. 's spcciiications and quality control manual shail b:~ conducted in plant

laboratory. The record tc 1h:11 effect shall be properly maintained and shown to the

\isiting \1 .C.G .:\1. Sl<~ff & 1 Third Party (hrnlity At1di10! ·~ appci;ntcd by \.1 .C.G.M.

True Copy

~ A.E. (BC .) E.S.


13. If the pcrccnrngc or rt"st sample failure exceeds :5% i.e. i in 20. in consecutive

t \\ll months. and pL'nalt) amount exceeds '.:''10000 month. action of

dcregistrati\)n ot plant will be initiated.

14. !hat permission is Yalid upw 31.12 .20 13 and for further rene,,al of registration, the

plant o""ncr shall appl: 90 days in ad\ ance b~ pa~ ing requisite inspection fees and

all the penalties as per the reports of i\1unicipal Testing L.aborator; should be paid

'' ith in 7 da) s from the date of intimmion.The required ~honi~1ii, in the documen ts a'

per· letter is;,ued by th~ insrecting office of !\1CG~.-1 for renc,'.al shall be complied

"' ithin se\en days !"rom receipt of letter to the Asphalt piam.Fariling this MCGM "ill

not cons ider the asphal! plant for renc\\ is proposed wren-:\\ the securit~ dcposite

of Rs.1,00,000/- !or faithfol compliance of above mentioned c:onditions.

15. That the SC1\DA system installed at the Batch \1i.x _\,,phait Plant Jntell igent

Compaction System installed on Rollers & VTS system for dumpers &

Machinary shall be linked v.ith 'v1CG\1 portal for monitoring the work

progress on line and confirmation of the same shall be obtained from

MCGM within 60 da)S or as soon as technical problarne

\\ hiche\ er is ec!rlicr.

lS reso lved

l 6. 'vlCGrvl 1\·il l carry out surprised visi ts to the Plant. if' <luring Lhc Yis it it is found

that SC.!\.DA .VTS & Intelligent Compacting system is not in working

condition .the securit~ deposi t will he forelited & pla.m 1\·ill be de-registered.

Jr an) of the aho~e c.;1Jndiuo11s are not fulfilled the Securi!.' deposit \\·ill be forfeited

and the plunt 0 1\ncr has 10 pay fresh deposit at the time of rene\\ ai.

H.egistration of Asphalt Plant may further be renewed on the request of plant

o" ncr and depending upon the satisfactory perforrna:ice of the product on the

Munic.:ipal road.

True Copy I

Yours f~i!h"' lh~. - '

• I ~V. ?-(, \ k \ \ ~ Dy.Chief Engineer(Rds) City

~ A.E. (8 S.) E $.

~-PJ [{cgs C >i \SPl 1/\! i