Principal s Report Term 2 · 2020-05-18 · Term 2 Week 5: From Monday the 25th, Kindergarten...


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Issue #27 18th May 2020

Term 2

Week 5: From Monday the 25th, Kindergarten students are encouraged to return 3 days per week. On a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Principal’s Report

It was great to see all of our students back for at least one day

last week. Most looked like they had definitely grown taller and

all said they enjoyed their time at home with family. It was great

to hear that they also missed school, their friends and their

teachers. I know the teachers really missed the students and it is

fantastic to hear the buzz in the playground and the joy of happy

voices again at school.

We have had 25% of our school students return every day

except Friday and all our essential workers each day. This does

take us over our 25% of students at school each day. We will be

notified when this plan changes to 2 days per week for all

students. When that happens all the Monday and Tuesday

students will attend both on the Monday and Tuesday and the

Wednesday and Thursday children with come both those days.

Kindergarten students will be encourage to return 3 days a week

from next week. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday will be

returning days for Kindergarten. Don’t forget to bring back the

maths books on the day you are attending school so we can use

them for maths that day, and also teachers can look through the

work you have done in maths that week at home.

Don’t hesitate to call the school if you need any support or help.

This is a tricky transition period and it can be very hard to

develop new routines. I know some children are finding it very

challenging to find their rhythm again.

Kind regards,

Michelle Fahey


Mrs Michelle Fahey, Principal

Yass Public School

Laidlaw St, YASS NSW 2582

Ph: 6226 1017

E: yass-


Welcome back Kindergarten!

The Kindergarten teachers were thrilled to welcome students back to school on their

allocated day last week. Students were very excited to pat the cats living under KP’s

classroom and make delicious pancakes in Science. It was also great to share photos of our

families and hear about the exciting things people have been doing while learning from

home. We can’t wait to see you again this week!

Stage 2 Science

Last week in Science, Stage Two students discussed how in Scientific Investigations it is

important that you keep the conditions ‘fair’ so that you can tell when one thing is

affecting another. We learnt that you change only one thing (independent variable), you

have to measure or observe something and everything else in the investigation should be

the same. Students then worked in groups to determine how the amount of air in a

balloon affects the distance it travels along a string. We quickly learnt that fair tests are

actually very hard to do, but we certainly had a lot of fun trying.

Creative Arts in Stage 3

Stage 3 have been learning about the techniques used by artists to create realistic botanical

drawings. They have also been examining the link between this technique and early

explorers such as Captain Cook. Students collected botanical samples from around the

school or their homes, examined them and then carefully drew sketches aiming to create an

image as close to the real thing as possible. This task was completed by both students at

school and those learning from home. We definitely have some talented artists in this


Sock Puppets in Stage 2

Last week Stage 2 made sock puppets as part of their Drama unit. During this unit,

they will be studying all different types of Puppets and Puppet Theatre.

Social Distancing at the Gate

Please remember to kiss and drop your child at the gate in the morning and wait for your

child at the gate in the afternoon. There is a teacher on duty at the gate and will wait

with your child in the afternoon. It is important to limit the amount of adults in our

school grounds. If you need to drop off work or see a teacher please go via the office.

Dropping off work to School

Each student is coming back to school at least one day a week. Every day we have

essential workers children at school and on a Friday, we only have our essential workers

children here. This is the day teachers are marking work that has been sent in, as well as

planning and uploading lessons to Google Classrooms for the following week for our

students. It is important that your child comes on their allocated day to school. We are

really looking forward to seeing them and catching up with them about the learning they

are doing at home.

Students are expected to be back at school on their day and parents need to be

contacting the school if their child is sick on that day and cannot come to school.

Teachers are also checking completed work put into the baskets from students while they

are working from home.

Breakfast Club Start Up

Mrs Northey has taken up the role of Breakfast Club Coordinator. She is currently

sourcing grocery items to start back up the program in the next week or two. This

term we have warm Milo and hot toast. We will let students know when we are

good to start again this term.

Cooler Classrooms Project

Work is still continuing in our Cooler Classrooms project. There have been some changes

to the locations and units, which has caused some delays. We expect to have workers

back on site this week.

Canteen News

Our canteen will be opening for 2 days this week. We will have a very limited menu as

shown below. Initially the canteen will be open LUNCH TIME ONLY, and accepting CASH

ONLY payments– no online ordering. As previously, we can supply paper bags for 10c


Week Four: Canteen open Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th of May.

Special Menu:


Sausage Rolls (GF avail)

Cheese & Spinach Rolls (v)

Meat Pies

Pizza Roundas

$5.00 for one of these items, plus a milk or

juice popper



Water (250ml) 60c

Chocolate/Strawberry Milk $1.50

99% Juice Popper (apple, blackcurrant & strawberry) $1.50

Glee Sparkling Fruit Juice (raspberry, tropical & bubble gum grape) $2.50


Quelch 99% Fruit Juice Ice Blocks 50c

Ice mony 99% Fruit Juice Ice Blocks (blue raspberry-sour & red berry blast-sour) 80c

Chocolate Dairy Ice Block $1.00
