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  • 8/9/2019 prezentare ses



  • 8/9/2019 prezentare ses


    The reasons why I had chosen to present theThe reasons why I had chosen to present theNative American Mythology is becauseNative American Mythology is because

    iit reveals the magnificient history of the Native Americanst reveals the magnificient history of the Native Americans

    has a unique character among the other mythologies of has a unique character among the other mythologies of the worldthe world

    the myths of Native Americans give us a glimpse into thethe myths of Native Americans give us a glimpse into theways of life and worldviews of North Americas first peopleways of life and worldviews of North Americas first people

  • 8/9/2019 prezentare ses


    The study is thus divided into two parts, the first isreferring to general aspects of the Native AmericanMyth:



    Types & P atterns

  • 8/9/2019 prezentare ses


    What is a Myth ?

    Th is que stion ha s a var ie ty of r e spons e s,sinc e m a ny de finitions ex ist a nd sc h olar s deb a te s a bout th eme a ning of th e w o r d contin ue.


    s ar

    e co mm only de fineda

    s stor ie s a bout go ds a nd go dde ss e s, h e r oe s a nd

    h e r oin e s, us ed to p r ovide guida nc e o r to edu ca te b y s har ing colle ctivekno wled ge o r ex pe r ie nc e.

  • 8/9/2019 prezentare ses


    What are the Functions of Myth?

    The myth has two primary functions :

    1.To provide an explanation of facts,whether natural or cultural

    2. To justify, validate, or explain theexistence of a social system,traditional rites and customs

  • 8/9/2019 prezentare ses


    1 .Th e fir st ca te go r y include s include s mythical narratives toldsolely for entertainment


    e s e con d ca

    te gor y includes operative, iterative, or validatorymyths

    3. The third category includes explanatory or speculative myths

    Th e r e ar e thr ee m a in ca te go r ie s of myth type s :


    OF MYT H ?

    P atte

    r n of dist

    r ibu tion of myt

    hs eme

    r ge s,

    and w

    hat disting uis

    he s

    P atte

    r n of dist

    r ibu tion of myt

    hs eme

    r ge s,

    and w

    hat disting uis

    he s th em f r om pla ce to pla ce is th e co mb ina tion of motifs a ndth em f r om pla ce to pla ce is th e co mb ina tion of motifs a nd

    e leme nts .Th is is th e m ost co mm on pa tte r ne leme nts .Th is is th e m ost co mm on pa tte r n

  • 8/9/2019 prezentare ses


    The second part approaches the well known deitiesThe second part approaches the well known deitiessources, but also the themes and concepts of thesources, but also the themes and concepts of theNative American MythologyNative American Mythology

  • 8/9/2019 prezentare ses


    Which are the sources of Native American Mythology ?

    N a tive Ame r ica n myth s we r e r e co r ded b y non- N a tive s par ticular ly Eu r op e a ns

    Th e fir st Eu r op e a ns to r e co r d th e s e m yth s we r e th e J esuitmissionaries of N ew F ra nc e.

    Franz Boas wa

    s on e of th

    e pion eer s of mode

    r n cultu

    ral a nthr opology .He ca te go r ized N a tive Ame r ica n myth s a nd not ed

    co mm on tra ditions

    S tith Th ompson deve lop ed th e co mplex m otif index of tra dition a l narra tive s (1929)

  • 8/9/2019 prezentare ses


    What are the Themes and Concepts ?

    Alth ough de ta ils of N a tive Ame r ica n myth s var y f r om cultu r e to Alth ough de ta ils of N a tive Ame r ica n myth s var y f r om cultu r e to cultu r e , ce r ta in th eme s ar e u nive r s a l. In N a tive Ame r ica n cultu r e , ce r ta in th eme s ar e u nive r s a l. In N a tive Ame r ica n Myth ology ar e f r eque nt th e th eme s a bout th e :Myth ology ar e f r eque nt th e th eme s a bout th e :

    o r igins of th e u nive r s eo r igins of th e u nive r s e

    diving a


    ls a

    nd b ir ds diving



    and b i

    r ds

    r eve r e nc e for na tu r e a nd a n unde r st a nding of th e need to h ono r r eve r e nc e for na tu r e a nd a n unde r st a nding of th e need to h ono r th e a nima ls th e a nima ls

    Th e m ost f r eque nt conc e pts ar e of :Th e m ost f r eque nt conc e pts ar e of :

    L if e a fte r de a thL if e a fte r de a th

    Warr ior twinsWarr ior twins

    Cultu r e h e r oe s & h e r oin e s Cultu r e h e r oe s & h e r oin e s

  • 8/9/2019 prezentare ses


    Which deities are present in the Native AmericanWhich deities are present in the Native AmericanMythology?Mythology?

    ANGAKOK This deity is common in the Inuit, Yupik EskimosANGAKOK This deity is common in the Inuit, Yupik Eskimos(Alaskan Eskimos), Arctic region(Alaskan Eskimos), Arctic region .. Angakok is a shamanAngakok is a shaman

    BEAR is one of the most common characters in Native AmericanBEAR is one of the most common characters in Native Americanmyths In some stories, he is friendly and intelligentmyths In some stories, he is friendly and intelligent

    For the Apache the C HILDFor the Apache the C HILD--OFOF--THETHE--WATER isWATER is a culture hero Hea culture hero Hehad many adventures hunting and killing monsters in order to makehad many adventures hunting and killing monsters in order to makethe world safe for humans.the world safe for humans.

    BEGOC HD ,is a deity common the Navajo (Dineh) . He controlledBEGOC HD ,is a deity common the Navajo (Dineh) . He controlledgame and domestic and domestic animals.

    P LANTS are an essential of life, plants are often viewed as giftsP LANTS are an essential of life, plants are often viewed as giftsfrom the Creator or the spirit world.from the Creator or the spirit world.

  • 8/9/2019 prezentare ses


    The traditions and history of Native Americans are embodied in their myths andThe traditions and history of Native Americans are embodied in their myths andrituals. A familiarity with Native American mythology therefore contributesrituals. A familiarity with Native American mythology therefore contributesgreatly to respecting and understanding their cultures, as it provides insightgreatly to respecting and understanding their cultures, as it provides insightinto daily life and society and the collective experience of a tribe, past andinto daily life and society and the collective experience of a tribe, past andpresent .present .

    W e s h ould w a nt to deve lop a n a war e ne ss of a nd a pp r e cia tion for N a tive Ame r ica n myth ology, no ma tte r h ow d ifficult th e p r oc e ss, no ma tte r h ow limited ou r unde r st a nding, a s par t of ou r h um a n ex pe r ie nc e.

  • 8/9/2019 prezentare ses



    1. Bastian, Dawn E. and J udy K. Mitchell. Handbook of N ative Am erican My tholog y. Oxford: ABC- Clio, 2004

    2. Lynch, P atricia A. N ative Am erican My tholog y A T o Z.N ew Y ork : F acts on F ile, 2004

  • 8/9/2019 prezentare ses
