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]Main Mission:

Join together and create a network with all the organizations whose efforts are focussed

on the creation, promotion and maintenance of public Internet access centers, to promote

the Information Society innovating in the public access to Information and Communication

Technology (I.C.T.), carrying out this work as a community service.




6400 Rural Villages have


8,000 Telecentres

3,000 Dinamizador@s

(Telecentres Managers or


3.500.000 Active


6 millions collaborators

Broadband Internet access

50.000 High performance


Spain is Asociation

Strategic Objectives I [Action Plan 2010 – 2014]

1.-Become the Community Association Network of

Telecentres, as a national benchmark in the use of

ICT for the socioeconomic transformation of the

territory and the citizens.

2.-Promote the telecenters as social innovation

spaces, where people can generate their own new

opportunities in economic and social development.

Strategic Objectives II [Action Plan 2010 – 2014]

3-Promote actions to strengthen the services

provided in the telecentres, aimed at citizens, SMEs

and freelances to accelerate the incorporation of all

of them to the Information and Knowledge Society.

4.-Bring out the importance of one of the most

important asset we have in the telecenters, the

promoters and dynamization agents.

Strategic Objectives III [Action Plan 2010 – 2014]

5.- To encourage the exchange of public strategies

and successful experiences and best practices at

international level between the partners of the

Community Association Network of Telecentres.

6.- Provide methods and means to stimulate

creativity and innovation for their social and

economic progress.

Intended [Action Plan 2010 - 2014]

Our strategy is embedded in the European Digital Agenda, notably:

Digital Single Market

Trust and Security (Especially for children)

Very Fast Internet (Example: Cell Broadband in Andalusia)

Research and innovation (Open Social innovation)

Enhancing e-skills (Personal Learning Environments)

ICT for Social Challenges (For example: Promoting self-dependent

individuals, and environmental sustainability)

The actions are aimed at:

Policy makers and technical partners. (Government and


Policy makers and technicians from related entities.

(Government and Administration)

Coordinators and managers of telecentres.

Associations and interest groups.

Entrepreneurs and SMEs.

General public.

Action Lines I [Action Plan 2010 - 2014]

1.1.-Strengthening institutional role and


1.2.-Leadership on issues related to the Information

Society in our country.

2.1.- Generating socially innovative initiatives.

2.2.-Promoting digital inclusion actions.

Action Lines II [Action Plan 2010 - 2014]

• 3.- Strengthening of initiatives for entrepreneurs and innovation

activities in the I.C.T. sector.

• 4.- Training and Education for all network operators.a) Establish guidelines for training activities, the result of assessment

methodologies and programs carried out successfully. Focused on adapting them

for each group with an outline of activities necessary for the achievement of

objectives, considering possible threats and barriers.

b) Leading strategic alliances with foundations, associations or entities which are

developing digital inclusion actions for citizens or autonomous technological

awareness and SMEs, to align efforts and reuse experiences.

c) Creating a forum with entrepreneurs, SMEs and microtechnology.

d) Analysis of means and channels for contents exploitation.

Action Lines III [Action Plan 2010 - 2014]

4.- Training and education for all network operators. (Cont)‏

a) Development and reuse methodologies, materials and contents,

involving a centralized resource for staff and regional training


b) Types and themes, structures and formats for content tailored to


c) Use cases to create useful content, practical, approachable and

reusable (creative commons).

d) Common patterns of learning and self-learning training. Itineraries,

modules and learning scheme.

Action Lines IV [Action Plan 2010 - 2014]

• 5.- Implementation of mechanisms and methodologies for

Knowledge Transfer communication.

Evolution communication platform. Collaborative platform. 2.0

Barnetegui technology - Mayors

Relaunch of the working groups already established and creation of new

groups. Interact with the training activities.

6.1.- Launching Workshops, seminars and related events

and collaboration with organizations and with the I.C.T.

(International Congress, National Meetings, Seminars,


Action Lines V [Action Plan 2010 - 2014]

6.2.- Preparation of a diagnosis of the reality of telecentres


6.3.-Proposed Quality Models

6.4.-Search and proposals for a sustainable model of Telecentre

6.5.-Development of innovative actions proposed by the


New proposals for a new stage ...

New hopes for a new time.

"There is a driving force more powerful than steam, electricity

and nuclear power: the will." Albert Einstein

2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 20220







D e v e lo p m e n t in d ic a t o r s - S o c ia l t r a n s f o r m a t io n o f T e le c e n t r e s

The new Telecentres as

social spaces to:

Implement projects


think write


A Network Andalusia: of 610,000 persons and 890 centers




Guadalinfo(2,139 followers)‏

Slide Sharing(621


Blogs(750 blogs)‏

(5,166 post)‏

noticias 5,520


Networks(5,437 amigos)‏


Sharing8,100 fotos


Guadalinfo43480 videos

700 proposals



Bookmarking(168 bookmarks)‏


106,000 activities

6,5 millons visits

per month

*Datos desde Mayo 2009

*Incremento mensual medio del 10%

Objetivo: Incremento mensual 20%

2,000 Digital


Transformed through the revitalization project:







•Strong Cooperation from the beginning with the

local territorial social agents, cooperation public-

private (“INTEREST GROUPS”), divided in three

groups:•Non Profit Organizations (NGOs),

•Private Companies, specially local SMEs, and

•Public Administrations. 2,336 groups in Andalusia., Oct 2010

•9 Wide Action Lines or “CHALLENGES”

proposed at a regional level to the territory:•Citizenship Participation.

•Digital and Social Inclusion.

•Entrepreneurs and Employment.


•Motivation to Change.


•Andalusia’s Image.

•Social Corporate Responsibility.

•Innovation and Creativity.

•Free proposal of projects and iniciatives from

the “bottom” (territory) to the “top” (regional

managers), taking into account the needs and

socioeconomic profile of each local village.In this process the global network proposed a total of 24

CHALLENGES to be developed each one in the territory through

several projects.


Methodology /2

•Professional Support to the „dynamizers‟ network in the

territory providing them with:

•Specific training about projects’ design and management.

•Tools to select and identify potential Project Leaders among the GUADALINFO

users in the territory.

•Motivation, Empowerment and Coaching sessions.

•Group and Brainstorming Sessions about projects.

•Connection and networking between similar challenges in different geographic

areas of our region.

•Support and assistance to promote the projects through the web 2.0 tools.

•Specific consultancy on demand to the projects.

•Suggestion of potential interesting alliances to reinforce each project.

780 Social Dynamizers: Key

Human Resources Change

•Creation of On Line Repositories of Projects (Top

Level), Best Practices (Intermediate level, a higher level

than an idea ), New Ideas Bank (baseline)

•Promotion and Acknowledgment of the best

projects and practices in the Meetings, Events and

Encounters programmed, and the Community

Manager Team

Talent Training

Personal learning environments (motor behavior intelligence on the

training to suit each person)

Sistem NLP : NLP is all about how your mind works, how you form your

subjective experience and modeling excellence.

Catalog of training users

Personal learning environment

DynamizersCollaborative work

¿Have we obtained results? invested in human capital formation technology is a 2.5% increase 1%‏Every‏•

in GVA of the territory.


economics of equality.

.direct jobs and 6.000 indirect jobs 3.000‏than‏more‏of‏Creation‏•


they are not implemented.


electronic appointment, eGovernment, etc.






Our experience, our diversity, our failures

(especially our failures) and our success

we share with Europe Telecentre

We learn from the rich experience of other European

countries. Learn from you all collaboratively build a

powerful network to help us make progress, to train people

to spot talent and help her out of the economic crisis by

helping our young people and entrepreneurs, social

groups disadvantaged.

We also want to serve as a bridge to Latin America

and its extraordinarily rich experience of Telecentres,

with Africa and the Middle East through the

experience of international cooperation with more

than 30 countries


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