Prayer diary spring 2015



Feba's Prayer Diary, Spring 2015 edition

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Prayer DiaryMarch – May 2015

Prayer Diary Mar-May 2015.indd 1 05/02/2015 13:43

2 Spring 2015 3Feba UK

Individuals and communitiesWelcome to Feba’s Prayer Diary for March-May.

‘When Jesus… saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd.’ Mark 6:34 (NIV)

In the UK, we live in a very individualistic culture. Each of us is urged to focus on our own needs and to discover the unique path through life which is right for us. I believe God cares deeply about our individual hopes, fears and needs, but I also believe He cares far more about communities than our culture usually does.

In this passage from Mark’s gospel, Jesus has compassion, not on an individual, but on a crowd. He sees that they have a collective need for guidance, protection and comfort, and His compassion spurs Him on to take action by speaking God’s truth to them. That’s not to say that Jesus doesn’t care about individuals, though. His preaching (and His miraculous provision which follows) is life-changing for the crowd and for each individual in it.

We at Feba are passionate about following Jesus’ example in bringing God-inspired change to communities and to individuals. We hope that as you read this prayer diary (and the Spring edition of voice magazine), you will be inspired by what our partners are doing to bring life and hope, both to communities and to individuals. Thank you so much for standing with us in prayer.

Bob Chambers, Chief Executive, Feba UK

The feeding of the 5,000 is a highly memorable story. Perhaps that’s why it’s the only miracle which all four gospel writers mention. The scale of the miracle – the number of people involved – is extraordinary. Jesus sees a community of people and is moved by their need. They are far away from home and hungry, and Jesus has compassion on them. He doesn’t stop at meeting their spiritual need by preaching to them: He also meets a very practical need by giving them food.

This miracle makes an incredible difference to the crowd. But what about the individuals involved? How was each individual in the crowd affected and changed by this event? And what about the boy who brought along his packed lunch and watched Jesus feed thousands of people with it? I can only imagine how his life would have been different afterwards.

Individuals are often transformed as their community is transformed around them. Speaking to a community – particularly through radio – might occasionally seem a little impersonal. But as our partners strive to transform communities, both practically and spiritually, the individuals who live in those communities are transformed too. Our partners aim to bring something of Jesus’ presence into the communities they serve. As they do that, each person living in that community catches a glimpse of Him.

Tim Hollingdale is Support Development Director at Feba UK

ReflectionContentsReflection 3

Focus on health 4

Iraq 5

Zimbabwe 6

India 7

North East Africa 8

Reflection 9

Middle East 10

Feba UK 11

Democratic Republic of Congo 13

Tibet 14

Pakistan 15

Mozambique 16

Nepal 18

Worldwide 19

*Names changed throughout for security reasons

‘“Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish…”’ John 6:9 (NIV)

Thank you so much for praying for Mun-gongo ya Muana, the radio project, aimed at children living on the streets in Kin-shasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. Training street chil-dren and their leaders will shortly begin. ! More info on p13 of this prayer diary and on p6 of voice..

Prayer Diary Mar-May 2015.indd 2-3 05/02/2015 13:43

2 Spring 2015 3Feba UK

Individuals and communitiesWelcome to Feba’s Prayer Diary for March-May.

‘When Jesus… saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd.’ Mark 6:34 (NIV)

In the UK, we live in a very individualistic culture. Each of us is urged to focus on our own needs and to discover the unique path through life which is right for us. I believe God cares deeply about our individual hopes, fears and needs, but I also believe He cares far more about communities than our culture usually does.

In this passage from Mark’s gospel, Jesus has compassion, not on an individual, but on a crowd. He sees that they have a collective need for guidance, protection and comfort, and His compassion spurs Him on to take action by speaking God’s truth to them. That’s not to say that Jesus doesn’t care about individuals, though. His preaching (and His miraculous provision which follows) is life-changing for the crowd and for each individual in it.

We at Feba are passionate about following Jesus’ example in bringing God-inspired change to communities and to individuals. We hope that as you read this prayer diary (and the Spring edition of voice magazine), you will be inspired by what our partners are doing to bring life and hope, both to communities and to individuals. Thank you so much for standing with us in prayer.

Bob Chambers, Chief Executive, Feba UK

The feeding of the 5,000 is a highly memorable story. Perhaps that’s why it’s the only miracle which all four gospel writers mention. The scale of the miracle – the number of people involved – is extraordinary. Jesus sees a community of people and is moved by their need. They are far away from home and hungry, and Jesus has compassion on them. He doesn’t stop at meeting their spiritual need by preaching to them: He also meets a very practical need by giving them food.

This miracle makes an incredible difference to the crowd. But what about the individuals involved? How was each individual in the crowd affected and changed by this event? And what about the boy who brought along his packed lunch and watched Jesus feed thousands of people with it? I can only imagine how his life would have been different afterwards.

Individuals are often transformed as their community is transformed around them. Speaking to a community – particularly through radio – might occasionally seem a little impersonal. But as our partners strive to transform communities, both practically and spiritually, the individuals who live in those communities are transformed too. Our partners aim to bring something of Jesus’ presence into the communities they serve. As they do that, each person living in that community catches a glimpse of Him.

Tim Hollingdale is Support Development Director at Feba UK

ReflectionContentsReflection 3

Focus on health 4

Iraq 5

Zimbabwe 6

India 7

North East Africa 8

Reflection 9

Middle East 10

Feba UK 11

Democratic Republic of Congo 13

Tibet 14

Pakistan 15

Mozambique 16

Nepal 18

Worldwide 19

*Names changed throughout for security reasons

‘“Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish…”’ John 6:9 (NIV)

Thank you so much for praying for Mun-gongo ya Muana, the radio project, aimed at children living on the streets in Kin-shasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. Training street chil-dren and their leaders will shortly begin. ! More info on p13 of this prayer diary and on p6 of voice..

Prayer Diary Mar-May 2015.indd 2-3 05/02/2015 13:43

4 Spring 2015 5Feba UK

IraqFocus on health March 1 - 7

Many of Feba’s global partners bring change to their communities by speaking into health issues. This can be as simple as advice on basic hygiene or as ambitious as a new radio station for a hospital. This week, please pray with us for our partners who are involved in health-related broadcasting.

Sunday:Feba is working with other organisations in West Africa to explore how radio could help halt the spread of Ebola. Please pray that lives will be saved through the work of Feba’s partners in response to the crisis.

Monday:When the immediate Ebola crisis is over, there will still be a lot of work to be done in restoring communities. Pray that Feba and its partners will be able to play a role in this process of restoration.

Tuesday:Aafno FM, Feba’s Nepalese partner, often broadcasts content on public health issues. Over recent years they have addressed public hygiene in local markets. Give thanks for this and pray that their valuable work in this area will continue.

Wednesday:Feba Pakistan’s advice on simple health issues is making a difference, not only to the health of their listeners, but also to how Christians are being perceived. Thank

God that his people are becoming more widely accepted in a Muslim culture.

Thursday:Praise God that Radio Wimbe’s partnership with Leprosy Mission is informing more people in Mozambique about the facts to do with the condition, where to go for treatment and saving lives.

Friday:Feba’s partner in North East Africa has been offering advice on very simple personal hygiene such as hand-washing after going to the toilet. This has profoundly affected rural communities. Give thanks for the very tangible difference our partner is making.

Saturday: Give thanks for the progress being made in building and equipping the studio for the radio station at Karanda Mission Hospital in Zimbabwe. Pray God’s blessing on the chaplaincy team who will be trained to write and deliver most of the programmes.

Please pray

Troubling timesThe situation in Iraq remains highly unstable. Islamic State (IS) controls large areas of the country and is extremely hostile towards Christians and other minority religious groups. But even with this ongoing security threat, many Christian groups, including Feba’s partner, Iraq FM, remains in the country and is doing vital work to serve the communities in the name of Jesus.

Sunday:Give thanks for our partner, Iraq FM, who is continuing to share a message of peace and hope, despite the ongoing threat of violence.

Monday:Iraq FM has been given notice that it will need to move from its current premises. It will be moving to a new location this month. Pray that the move will be a blessing for all involved, and for the team to know God’s peace as they negotiate this process.

Tuesday:The station’s move is also an opportunity to form a new partnership with another church, by renting premises from them. Please pray that this move will be the start of a fruitful relationship.

Wednesday:*Samir, one of Iraq FM’s team leaders,

is still receiving death threats. We don’t know how serious these are, but we do believe they are real threats from people who don’t like the station’s ministry. Pray for God’s protection for Samir and for the whole team.

Thursday:Pray for the peace and security of Iraq, which is still under threat from Islamic State (IS). Pray particularly that the persecution of Christians and non-Sunni Muslims will end.

Friday:Give thanks for the many Christians who have stayed in Iraq, despite the dangers, and are faithfully serving their communities.

Saturday:As Iraqi Christians who earlier fled the country are beginning to return, pray that they will quickly be able to rebuild their lives and homes.

Please pray

March 8 - 14

Prayer Diary Mar-May 2015.indd 4-5 05/02/2015 13:43

4 Spring 2015 5Feba UK

IraqFocus on health March 1 - 7

Many of Feba’s global partners bring change to their communities by speaking into health issues. This can be as simple as advice on basic hygiene or as ambitious as a new radio station for a hospital. This week, please pray with us for our partners who are involved in health-related broadcasting.

Sunday:Feba is working with other organisations in West Africa to explore how radio could help halt the spread of Ebola. Please pray that lives will be saved through the work of Feba’s partners in response to the crisis.

Monday:When the immediate Ebola crisis is over, there will still be a lot of work to be done in restoring communities. Pray that Feba and its partners will be able to play a role in this process of restoration.

Tuesday:Aafno FM, Feba’s Nepalese partner, often broadcasts content on public health issues. Over recent years they have addressed public hygiene in local markets. Give thanks for this and pray that their valuable work in this area will continue.

Wednesday:Feba Pakistan’s advice on simple health issues is making a difference, not only to the health of their listeners, but also to how Christians are being perceived. Thank

God that his people are becoming more widely accepted in a Muslim culture.

Thursday:Praise God that Radio Wimbe’s partnership with Leprosy Mission is informing more people in Mozambique about the facts to do with the condition, where to go for treatment and saving lives.

Friday:Feba’s partner in North East Africa has been offering advice on very simple personal hygiene such as hand-washing after going to the toilet. This has profoundly affected rural communities. Give thanks for the very tangible difference our partner is making.

Saturday: Give thanks for the progress being made in building and equipping the studio for the radio station at Karanda Mission Hospital in Zimbabwe. Pray God’s blessing on the chaplaincy team who will be trained to write and deliver most of the programmes.

Please pray

Troubling timesThe situation in Iraq remains highly unstable. Islamic State (IS) controls large areas of the country and is extremely hostile towards Christians and other minority religious groups. But even with this ongoing security threat, many Christian groups, including Feba’s partner, Iraq FM, remains in the country and is doing vital work to serve the communities in the name of Jesus.

Sunday:Give thanks for our partner, Iraq FM, who is continuing to share a message of peace and hope, despite the ongoing threat of violence.

Monday:Iraq FM has been given notice that it will need to move from its current premises. It will be moving to a new location this month. Pray that the move will be a blessing for all involved, and for the team to know God’s peace as they negotiate this process.

Tuesday:The station’s move is also an opportunity to form a new partnership with another church, by renting premises from them. Please pray that this move will be the start of a fruitful relationship.

Wednesday:*Samir, one of Iraq FM’s team leaders,

is still receiving death threats. We don’t know how serious these are, but we do believe they are real threats from people who don’t like the station’s ministry. Pray for God’s protection for Samir and for the whole team.

Thursday:Pray for the peace and security of Iraq, which is still under threat from Islamic State (IS). Pray particularly that the persecution of Christians and non-Sunni Muslims will end.

Friday:Give thanks for the many Christians who have stayed in Iraq, despite the dangers, and are faithfully serving their communities.

Saturday:As Iraqi Christians who earlier fled the country are beginning to return, pray that they will quickly be able to rebuild their lives and homes.

Please pray

March 8 - 14

Prayer Diary Mar-May 2015.indd 4-5 05/02/2015 13:43

6 Spring 2015 7Feba UK

Zimbabwe March 15 - 21

Making headwayFeba Zimbabwe is developing a project for a radio station at Karanda Mission Hospital. This station will share biblical truth and vital health information with patients at the hospital and their families. As work on the station gathers pace, please pray for the project itself and for the Feba Zimbabwe team.

A lasting legacyFeba India celebrated 50 years of broadcasting, towards the end of last year. This is a wonderful milestone and a marker of how significant its legacy is. Please join us in praying God’s blessing over Feba India’s next 50 years!

Sunday:The building of the Karanda Hospital radio studio is nearly complete. Thank God for this progress and for the opportunity to share the good news and important health information with patients at the hospital.

Monday:Pray for the team as they begin preparing for the set-up of the studio, including the procurement of appropriate broadcasting equipment. Please also pray that the ongoing financial needs of the project will be met.

Tuesday:Give thanks for Bob Chambers’ encouraging visit to Zimbabwe at the end of last year. Pray that God will use this visit to pave the way for a strengthened working relationship between Feba UK and Feba Zimbabwe.

Wednesday:Please pray for Zimbabwe as it considers the issue of a successor to President Mugabe. This is causing unrest in the country.

Thursday:Pray for Feba Zimbabwe’s team of volunteers, that they will be united in purpose and continue to support one another and the National Director in their work.

Friday:Pray for Kurai Madzonga, National Director of Feba Zimbabwe. Thank God for Kurai’s vision and commitment and pray he will refresh and energise him for the work that lies ahead.

Saturday:Pray for Zimbabwe’s economy. With widespread poverty and unemployment, pray for wise leaders who will restore the country and act in the best interests of the people.

Monday:Give thanks for Feba India’s work in West Bengal, reaching women either in the sex industry or at risk of being drawn into it. Pray that God will encourage and empower numerous women through this ministry.

Tuesday:Listeners’ stories from Udaan and Hamari Beriyan often tell of horrible family situations. Many listeners ask the team for prayer, and some go on to ask for counselling. Please pray for these vulnerable people.

Wednesday:Pray for two proposed Hamari Beriyan listeners’ meetings. The team will have the opportunity to meet with its listeners for the first time. Pray that God uses these meetings to help develop a powerful sense of community.

Thursday:Give thanks for the training which the West Bengal and Hamari Beriyan teams are receiving. Pray that this training will enable them to be more effective in connecting with their audiences.

Friday:Please pray for Feba UK’s relationship with Feba India. Ask that God will give us wisdom to see how we can best support our Indian partners, and humility to see in what areas we can learn from them.

Saturday:India is a strongly Hindu nation. Pray that Feba India’s Christian message will be not just tolerated but welcomed in this context.

Please pray

Please pray

India March 22 - 28

Prayer Diary Mar-May 2015.indd 6-7 05/02/2015 13:43

6 Spring 2015 7Feba UK

Zimbabwe March 15 - 21

Making headwayFeba Zimbabwe is developing a project for a radio station at Karanda Mission Hospital. This station will share biblical truth and vital health information with patients at the hospital and their families. As work on the station gathers pace, please pray for the project itself and for the Feba Zimbabwe team.

A lasting legacyFeba India celebrated 50 years of broadcasting, towards the end of last year. This is a wonderful milestone and a marker of how significant its legacy is. Please join us in praying God’s blessing over Feba India’s next 50 years!

Sunday:The building of the Karanda Hospital radio studio is nearly complete. Thank God for this progress and for the opportunity to share the good news and important health information with patients at the hospital.

Monday:Pray for the team as they begin preparing for the set-up of the studio, including the procurement of appropriate broadcasting equipment. Please also pray that the ongoing financial needs of the project will be met.

Tuesday:Give thanks for Bob Chambers’ encouraging visit to Zimbabwe at the end of last year. Pray that God will use this visit to pave the way for a strengthened working relationship between Feba UK and Feba Zimbabwe.

Wednesday:Please pray for Zimbabwe as it considers the issue of a successor to President Mugabe. This is causing unrest in the country.

Thursday:Pray for Feba Zimbabwe’s team of volunteers, that they will be united in purpose and continue to support one another and the National Director in their work.

Friday:Pray for Kurai Madzonga, National Director of Feba Zimbabwe. Thank God for Kurai’s vision and commitment and pray he will refresh and energise him for the work that lies ahead.

Saturday:Pray for Zimbabwe’s economy. With widespread poverty and unemployment, pray for wise leaders who will restore the country and act in the best interests of the people.

Monday:Give thanks for Feba India’s work in West Bengal, reaching women either in the sex industry or at risk of being drawn into it. Pray that God will encourage and empower numerous women through this ministry.

Tuesday:Listeners’ stories from Udaan and Hamari Beriyan often tell of horrible family situations. Many listeners ask the team for prayer, and some go on to ask for counselling. Please pray for these vulnerable people.

Wednesday:Pray for two proposed Hamari Beriyan listeners’ meetings. The team will have the opportunity to meet with its listeners for the first time. Pray that God uses these meetings to help develop a powerful sense of community.

Thursday:Give thanks for the training which the West Bengal and Hamari Beriyan teams are receiving. Pray that this training will enable them to be more effective in connecting with their audiences.

Friday:Please pray for Feba UK’s relationship with Feba India. Ask that God will give us wisdom to see how we can best support our Indian partners, and humility to see in what areas we can learn from them.

Saturday:India is a strongly Hindu nation. Pray that Feba India’s Christian message will be not just tolerated but welcomed in this context.

Please pray

Please pray

India March 22 - 28

Prayer Diary Mar-May 2015.indd 6-7 05/02/2015 13:43

8 Spring 2015 9Feba UK

Get involved!

“…the woman went back to the town and said to the people, “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Messiah?” They came out of the town and made their way toward him.” John 4:28-30 (New International Version)

I love this story. It’s such a powerful example of how Jesus reaches out to broken, hurting and imperfect people; of how he shows us grace, but challenges us to change. The unnamed woman in this passage has a past. She has been married five times and is now involved with another man, who she is not married to. She clearly has something of a reputation and has been shunned by the other women in her community, hence her coming to the well in the heat of the day, instead of early in the morning, when all the other women would have come. And Jesus still chooses to spend time with this woman, to show her acceptance and to give her glimpses of the power of God.

But what really stands out to me is not what Jesus does for the woman herself, but what He does for the rest of the town. The woman’s immediate reaction to her encounter with Jesus is to rush back to the town and urge everyone she can find to come and meet Jesus for themselves. And these people duly come out of the town and make their way towards him. Jesus’ truth and acceptance draws a whole community to him, through one woman.

It seems that reaching an individual can spark a dramatic change in the wider community. Feba’s partners are committed to reaching and serving individuals, because each individual matters, and also because a changed individual can be a catalyst for change for their neighbours. The members of a community see how one of their own has been impacted by the love of Jesus and want to know more about how he could change them, too. It makes you wonder what the outcome might be if each of us chose to invest in just a few individuals around us.

Simeon Whiting is a freelance writer and is editing this edition of the Prayer Diary.

ReflectionNorth East Africa March 29 - April 4

Challenges and encouragementsNorth East Africa can be very oppressive, both for Christians and for journalists. Freedom of speech is very limited, particularly where sharing the gospel is concerned. This week, thank God for the courage of Feba’s partners in this region, and pray for their protection.

Sunday: Praise God for the testimonies our partners have received from people in prison. They described our partners’ pro-grammes as, ‘our faithful, daily-bread-serving mother’ and say that, ‘Each and every programme was listened to every night and without any interruption by all of the members of our cell.’

Monday: Our partners have also heard from two friends serving with the army who started to listen to the programme together. They would go out for a walk every night to listen, as it was prohibited to listen to a Christian radio station in the camp. Pray for God’s blessing on these listeners.

Tuesday:Our partners ask in particular for prayer for the persecuted Christians in North East Africa. Feba UK has been planning with the partners how we can help serve persecuted Christians and those in need across the region. Please pray that these efforts will be effective.

Wednesday: Give thanks that equipment for a new media centre has now arrived in country. However, clearing customs could be a long and costly process. Please pray for the staff involved, that they will have the

wisdom and diligence to get the best possible outcome.

Thursday: Stephanie and Paul from Feba UK, along with *Dawit, visited partners in the Horn of Africa in November and December. This included meeting those involved with a particular project that has had significant challenges recently. Give thanks for good discussions in planning the way ahead.

Friday (Good Friday):Thank God for the truth of Jesus’ crucifixion, that he died for all people, to draw all people to himself.

Thank God for recent feedback from follow-up workers, serving an Islamic people group from a very unstable country. They report being visited by three students, all of whom listen to our partners’ programmes. The students had many questions about the Christian faith and were very open to the team’s answers.

Saturday: Radio is one of the most significant media for conveying important information, throughout North East Africa. Pray that our partners’ broadcasts will stand out and gather listeners, in a very competitive field.

Please pray

Prayer Diary Mar-May 2015.indd 8-9 05/02/2015 13:43

8 Spring 2015 9Feba UK

Get involved!

“…the woman went back to the town and said to the people, “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Messiah?” They came out of the town and made their way toward him.” John 4:28-30 (New International Version)

I love this story. It’s such a powerful example of how Jesus reaches out to broken, hurting and imperfect people; of how he shows us grace, but challenges us to change. The unnamed woman in this passage has a past. She has been married five times and is now involved with another man, who she is not married to. She clearly has something of a reputation and has been shunned by the other women in her community, hence her coming to the well in the heat of the day, instead of early in the morning, when all the other women would have come. And Jesus still chooses to spend time with this woman, to show her acceptance and to give her glimpses of the power of God.

But what really stands out to me is not what Jesus does for the woman herself, but what He does for the rest of the town. The woman’s immediate reaction to her encounter with Jesus is to rush back to the town and urge everyone she can find to come and meet Jesus for themselves. And these people duly come out of the town and make their way towards him. Jesus’ truth and acceptance draws a whole community to him, through one woman.

It seems that reaching an individual can spark a dramatic change in the wider community. Feba’s partners are committed to reaching and serving individuals, because each individual matters, and also because a changed individual can be a catalyst for change for their neighbours. The members of a community see how one of their own has been impacted by the love of Jesus and want to know more about how he could change them, too. It makes you wonder what the outcome might be if each of us chose to invest in just a few individuals around us.

Simeon Whiting is a freelance writer and is editing this edition of the Prayer Diary.

ReflectionNorth East Africa March 29 - April 4

Challenges and encouragementsNorth East Africa can be very oppressive, both for Christians and for journalists. Freedom of speech is very limited, particularly where sharing the gospel is concerned. This week, thank God for the courage of Feba’s partners in this region, and pray for their protection.

Sunday: Praise God for the testimonies our partners have received from people in prison. They described our partners’ pro-grammes as, ‘our faithful, daily-bread-serving mother’ and say that, ‘Each and every programme was listened to every night and without any interruption by all of the members of our cell.’

Monday: Our partners have also heard from two friends serving with the army who started to listen to the programme together. They would go out for a walk every night to listen, as it was prohibited to listen to a Christian radio station in the camp. Pray for God’s blessing on these listeners.

Tuesday:Our partners ask in particular for prayer for the persecuted Christians in North East Africa. Feba UK has been planning with the partners how we can help serve persecuted Christians and those in need across the region. Please pray that these efforts will be effective.

Wednesday: Give thanks that equipment for a new media centre has now arrived in country. However, clearing customs could be a long and costly process. Please pray for the staff involved, that they will have the

wisdom and diligence to get the best possible outcome.

Thursday: Stephanie and Paul from Feba UK, along with *Dawit, visited partners in the Horn of Africa in November and December. This included meeting those involved with a particular project that has had significant challenges recently. Give thanks for good discussions in planning the way ahead.

Friday (Good Friday):Thank God for the truth of Jesus’ crucifixion, that he died for all people, to draw all people to himself.

Thank God for recent feedback from follow-up workers, serving an Islamic people group from a very unstable country. They report being visited by three students, all of whom listen to our partners’ programmes. The students had many questions about the Christian faith and were very open to the team’s answers.

Saturday: Radio is one of the most significant media for conveying important information, throughout North East Africa. Pray that our partners’ broadcasts will stand out and gather listeners, in a very competitive field.

Please pray

Prayer Diary Mar-May 2015.indd 8-9 05/02/2015 13:43

10 Spring 2015 11Feba UK

Exciting timesThese are exciting times for Feba UK. There have been changes at senior leadership level and the organisation is in a process of transition to a new strategy. There are challenges which accompany these changes, but there are also great opportunities for Feba to grow and develop.

Sunday:Bob Chambers, Feba CEO, thanks you for your prayerful support as he takes on this new role within the organisation. Please pray that God will provide Bob with wisdom, insight and vision as he leads Feba forward.

Monday:Pray for the new leadership team: Bob Chambers, Tim Hollingdale and new Partnerships Team Director, Stephanie Murray. Pray that they and Feba as an organisation will quickly adjust to the changes in leadership.

Tuesday:Give thanks for the encouragement of new and emerging opportunities for Feba’s ministry to expand. There are now particular opportunities for Feba to work with some significant organisations in new partnerships. Pray that God will lead and guide all that is said and done in these new engagements.

Wednesday:Feba UK is pursuing a transition strategy that includes the acquisition of a new generation of supporters, as well

as honouring our wonderful existing ones. It is a difficult and complex task, and the team is stretched. Pray for clarity of purpose and focus, and for encouragements for the team.

Thursday:Give thanks for travelling mercies: with various staff travelling to a range of different places, we are always thankful for God’s protection. Ask God to bless and guide our team members as they travel across continents to resource our partners in the field.

Friday:Pray for the health and wellbeing of the staff team, physically and emotionally, in the face of work and personal pressures. Pray for Merisa, Feba Fundraiser, who has been facing some significant health issues recently.

Saturday:The whole Feba UK staff team in Worthing is busy, particularly as we face the reality of the current year’s budget pressure. We are very mindful of our reliance on God, but with a clear sense of the requirement for us to give of our very best too.

Please pray

Middle East April 5 – 11

Grounds for hopeThe Middle East is a notoriously difficult environment for Christians. However, Feba’s partners across the region are persevering and seeing fruit from their work. This week, we’ll thank God for some recent encouragements and commit difficulties into His hands.

Sunday (Easter Sunday):The Landais Project reaches out to women through the Internet. Pray that through this project, more women will encounter Jesus and experience the power that raised him from the dead. Happy Easter!

Monday:*Mara, Project Leader of the Landais Project, says she has been suffering recently from vertigo. Tests revealed nothing but she is still not feeling well. Please pray for her health, particularly as she has a busy schedule of travel and meetings across the region.

Tuesday:Give thanks for the launch of the new Landais website. The new site features improved security (important for interactions between listeners and team members) and more freedom to use audio-visual content.

Wednesday:Thank God for 26 new episodes of Reality Church recently recorded for Yemen. Ask God to use these programmes to inspire and encourage

listeners in this part of the world, where it is very difficult to be a Christian believer.

Thursday:We also recently heard that *Amira, a Christian woman imprisoned in Yemen, has now been released. Praise God for this good news but please also pray for Amira and her family as she recovers from this experience.

Friday:Voice of Egypt has started three new programmes, bringing biblical principles to bear on everyday life and relationships. Our partners have trialled two new episodes. Pray that these new programmes will attract new listeners who will be interested in hearing more.

Saturday:Our partners in Egypt use Internet advertising to attract people to their website. However, Google doesn’t accept Egyptian credit cards, which presents a problem. Please pray for a solution to this issue and that, one way or another, more visitors will be drawn to the website.

Please pray

Feba UK April 12 - 18

Prayer Diary Mar-May 2015.indd 10-11 05/02/2015 13:43

10 Spring 2015 11Feba UK

Exciting timesThese are exciting times for Feba UK. There have been changes at senior leadership level and the organisation is in a process of transition to a new strategy. There are challenges which accompany these changes, but there are also great opportunities for Feba to grow and develop.

Sunday:Bob Chambers, Feba CEO, thanks you for your prayerful support as he takes on this new role within the organisation. Please pray that God will provide Bob with wisdom, insight and vision as he leads Feba forward.

Monday:Pray for the new leadership team: Bob Chambers, Tim Hollingdale and new Partnerships Team Director, Stephanie Murray. Pray that they and Feba as an organisation will quickly adjust to the changes in leadership.

Tuesday:Give thanks for the encouragement of new and emerging opportunities for Feba’s ministry to expand. There are now particular opportunities for Feba to work with some significant organisations in new partnerships. Pray that God will lead and guide all that is said and done in these new engagements.

Wednesday:Feba UK is pursuing a transition strategy that includes the acquisition of a new generation of supporters, as well

as honouring our wonderful existing ones. It is a difficult and complex task, and the team is stretched. Pray for clarity of purpose and focus, and for encouragements for the team.

Thursday:Give thanks for travelling mercies: with various staff travelling to a range of different places, we are always thankful for God’s protection. Ask God to bless and guide our team members as they travel across continents to resource our partners in the field.

Friday:Pray for the health and wellbeing of the staff team, physically and emotionally, in the face of work and personal pressures. Pray for Merisa, Feba Fundraiser, who has been facing some significant health issues recently.

Saturday:The whole Feba UK staff team in Worthing is busy, particularly as we face the reality of the current year’s budget pressure. We are very mindful of our reliance on God, but with a clear sense of the requirement for us to give of our very best too.

Please pray

Middle East April 5 – 11

Grounds for hopeThe Middle East is a notoriously difficult environment for Christians. However, Feba’s partners across the region are persevering and seeing fruit from their work. This week, we’ll thank God for some recent encouragements and commit difficulties into His hands.

Sunday (Easter Sunday):The Landais Project reaches out to women through the Internet. Pray that through this project, more women will encounter Jesus and experience the power that raised him from the dead. Happy Easter!

Monday:*Mara, Project Leader of the Landais Project, says she has been suffering recently from vertigo. Tests revealed nothing but she is still not feeling well. Please pray for her health, particularly as she has a busy schedule of travel and meetings across the region.

Tuesday:Give thanks for the launch of the new Landais website. The new site features improved security (important for interactions between listeners and team members) and more freedom to use audio-visual content.

Wednesday:Thank God for 26 new episodes of Reality Church recently recorded for Yemen. Ask God to use these programmes to inspire and encourage

listeners in this part of the world, where it is very difficult to be a Christian believer.

Thursday:We also recently heard that *Amira, a Christian woman imprisoned in Yemen, has now been released. Praise God for this good news but please also pray for Amira and her family as she recovers from this experience.

Friday:Voice of Egypt has started three new programmes, bringing biblical principles to bear on everyday life and relationships. Our partners have trialled two new episodes. Pray that these new programmes will attract new listeners who will be interested in hearing more.

Saturday:Our partners in Egypt use Internet advertising to attract people to their website. However, Google doesn’t accept Egyptian credit cards, which presents a problem. Please pray for a solution to this issue and that, one way or another, more visitors will be drawn to the website.

Please pray

Feba UK April 12 - 18

Prayer Diary Mar-May 2015.indd 10-11 05/02/2015 13:43

12 Spring 2015 13Feba UK

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.”

Matthew 5:14

New programmes on airFeba’s partners in Kinshasa are developing a new radio project, Mungongo ya Muana (‘The Voice of the Child’). Through this project, they aim to change the public perception of children living on the streets. The radio programmes will give street children a voice, allowing them to share their experiences, give important information and support their peers who are facing similar problems.

Sunday:Give thanks that the project is coming to fruition and pray that God will use the programme to its full potential.

Monday:Give thanks for an exciting trip by Pastor Claude Muya and Stephanie to Kinshasa with partners Centre d’Entraide Chretienne (CEC) in November. Pray that the ‘street children leaders’ will benefit from the training they received, and that relationships will be strengthened as the project becomes more established.

Tuesday:A group of eight street children leaders, who are critical to the project, have received some introductory training in making radio programmes and have committed their time. Pray that these children and their leaders will catch and own this vision.

Wednesday:Pray particularly that our partners will be able to find girls willing to be involved with the radio project. They are most at risk on

the streets and have a crucial perspective that must be conveyed through the programming.

Thursday:Michal Rafaldt, Chief Executive of the Children’s Radio Foundation has agreed to partner with Feba and the project going forward. They bring valuable experience in working with children and radio. Thank God for this opportunity to partner with an organisation with this expertise.

Friday:Please give thanks for the commitment of the partners, street children leaders and street children involved in Mungongo ya Muana. Pray for CEC in particular, as they aim to make the project more established, moving from pre-recorded to live programmes this year.

Saturday:Please pray for favour with radio stations in Kinshasa; that they will be willing to air the programmes made by children living on the streets.

Please pray

April 19 - 25Democratic Republic of Congo

Prayer Diary Mar-May 2015.indd 12-13 05/02/2015 13:43

12 Spring 2015 13Feba UK

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.”

Matthew 5:14

New programmes on airFeba’s partners in Kinshasa are developing a new radio project, Mungongo ya Muana (‘The Voice of the Child’). Through this project, they aim to change the public perception of children living on the streets. The radio programmes will give street children a voice, allowing them to share their experiences, give important information and support their peers who are facing similar problems.

Sunday:Give thanks that the project is coming to fruition and pray that God will use the programme to its full potential.

Monday:Give thanks for an exciting trip by Pastor Claude Muya and Stephanie to Kinshasa with partners Centre d’Entraide Chretienne (CEC) in November. Pray that the ‘street children leaders’ will benefit from the training they received, and that relationships will be strengthened as the project becomes more established.

Tuesday:A group of eight street children leaders, who are critical to the project, have received some introductory training in making radio programmes and have committed their time. Pray that these children and their leaders will catch and own this vision.

Wednesday:Pray particularly that our partners will be able to find girls willing to be involved with the radio project. They are most at risk on

the streets and have a crucial perspective that must be conveyed through the programming.

Thursday:Michal Rafaldt, Chief Executive of the Children’s Radio Foundation has agreed to partner with Feba and the project going forward. They bring valuable experience in working with children and radio. Thank God for this opportunity to partner with an organisation with this expertise.

Friday:Please give thanks for the commitment of the partners, street children leaders and street children involved in Mungongo ya Muana. Pray for CEC in particular, as they aim to make the project more established, moving from pre-recorded to live programmes this year.

Saturday:Please pray for favour with radio stations in Kinshasa; that they will be willing to air the programmes made by children living on the streets.

Please pray

April 19 - 25Democratic Republic of Congo

Prayer Diary Mar-May 2015.indd 12-13 05/02/2015 13:43

14 Spring 2015 15Feba UK

Our Tibetan partnerGaweylon (Good News) Feba’s Tibetan partner, broadcasts to Tibetans in India, Nepal and Bhutan. The station broadcasts for 30 minutes a day, on shortwave, in the Tibetan language. Alongside the broadcasts, the Gaweylon team also does valuable work in interacting with its listeners.

Sunday: Give thanks for Anil Alfred, Director of Gaweylon, and the rest of the team. Pray for energy as they work tirelessly to reach out to Tibetans across India, Nepal and Bhutan through their programmes.

Monday:Continue to pray for Tibetan-speaking believers living near the project in India to come and join the team. The Gaweylon team urgently needs two believers to help with their ministry. Tuesday:Thank God for the three special Christmas programmes, broadcast in December about the birth of Jesus. Pray that the impact of those broadcasts will be long-lasting and make an impact on Gaweylon’s audience. Wednesday:The Gaweylon team aims to promote and preserve Tibetan culture, which is under threat because of many people moving away from the region. Pray that

it will be able to share the good news of Jesus while still being true to their culture.

Thursday:Give thanks for the many good interactions the Gaweylon team has with its listeners. A Buddhist monk recently contacted the team to say that although he disagrees with their religious views, he still enjoys the programme’s authentically Tibetan style and content!

Friday:Please pray for the many young Tibetans who move to India, looking for work. All too often, they simply end up poor, out of work and far from home. Pray that they will find hope for their future in Jesus.

Saturday:Thank God for the Gaweylon base, for its many uses as a training and resourcing facility and as a venue for the team to meet listeners. Pray for the funds needed for the centre’s upkeep to be available.

Please pray

Challenging preconceptionsFeba Pakistan is taking steps to expand its work by equipping Christian Service Providers to broadcast on local community radio stations. Following the success of the Syban pilot, the team is now training two other Christian groups in radio broadcasting skills. In the meantime, the content of Feba Pakistan’s programming is tackling important issues and challenging its audience’s preconceptions.

SundayThe FM Expansion project is progressing, allowing more Christian Service Providers to have a voice on local radio stations and enabling Feba Pakistan to increase its reach. Give thanks for these developments and pray that the Christian Service Providers will be a blessing to their communities in this way.

Monday:Syban focuses on addressing the key needs of the community, such as health, education and unemployment. Pray that this content will make a tangible difference in the lives of individuals and their communities.

Tuesday:Thank God that through the Syban programmes, barriers are breaking down between the Christians and the majority community, and as a result there is increased understanding and mutual respect. Pray that God will continue to use Syban to bring his kingdom to Pakistan.

Wednesday:Feba Pakistan also aims to address gender issues and to empower women through its programming. Pray that its messages of hope and love will be taken to heart by its audience.

Thursday:Pray for the current situation in Pakistan, especially for the Christian community, as it is vulnerable to extremist groups. Pray too for those who are seeking, as well as those who have discovered the Gospel.

Friday:Pray for the safety and security of the Feba Pakistan team, especially those who travel frequently whilst working on the FM Expansion project.

Saturday:Pray for wisdom for the FM team as it considers which local organisations to partner with. Pray that it will choose partners whose aims are in step with its own and who have a positive effect on local communities.

Please pray

Tibet April 26 - May 2 Pakistan May 3 - 9

Prayer Diary Mar-May 2015.indd 14-15 05/02/2015 13:43

14 Spring 2015 15Feba UK

Our Tibetan partnerGaweylon (Good News) Feba’s Tibetan partner, broadcasts to Tibetans in India, Nepal and Bhutan. The station broadcasts for 30 minutes a day, on shortwave, in the Tibetan language. Alongside the broadcasts, the Gaweylon team also does valuable work in interacting with its listeners.

Sunday: Give thanks for Anil Alfred, Director of Gaweylon, and the rest of the team. Pray for energy as they work tirelessly to reach out to Tibetans across India, Nepal and Bhutan through their programmes.

Monday:Continue to pray for Tibetan-speaking believers living near the project in India to come and join the team. The Gaweylon team urgently needs two believers to help with their ministry. Tuesday:Thank God for the three special Christmas programmes, broadcast in December about the birth of Jesus. Pray that the impact of those broadcasts will be long-lasting and make an impact on Gaweylon’s audience. Wednesday:The Gaweylon team aims to promote and preserve Tibetan culture, which is under threat because of many people moving away from the region. Pray that

it will be able to share the good news of Jesus while still being true to their culture.

Thursday:Give thanks for the many good interactions the Gaweylon team has with its listeners. A Buddhist monk recently contacted the team to say that although he disagrees with their religious views, he still enjoys the programme’s authentically Tibetan style and content!

Friday:Please pray for the many young Tibetans who move to India, looking for work. All too often, they simply end up poor, out of work and far from home. Pray that they will find hope for their future in Jesus.

Saturday:Thank God for the Gaweylon base, for its many uses as a training and resourcing facility and as a venue for the team to meet listeners. Pray for the funds needed for the centre’s upkeep to be available.

Please pray

Challenging preconceptionsFeba Pakistan is taking steps to expand its work by equipping Christian Service Providers to broadcast on local community radio stations. Following the success of the Syban pilot, the team is now training two other Christian groups in radio broadcasting skills. In the meantime, the content of Feba Pakistan’s programming is tackling important issues and challenging its audience’s preconceptions.

SundayThe FM Expansion project is progressing, allowing more Christian Service Providers to have a voice on local radio stations and enabling Feba Pakistan to increase its reach. Give thanks for these developments and pray that the Christian Service Providers will be a blessing to their communities in this way.

Monday:Syban focuses on addressing the key needs of the community, such as health, education and unemployment. Pray that this content will make a tangible difference in the lives of individuals and their communities.

Tuesday:Thank God that through the Syban programmes, barriers are breaking down between the Christians and the majority community, and as a result there is increased understanding and mutual respect. Pray that God will continue to use Syban to bring his kingdom to Pakistan.

Wednesday:Feba Pakistan also aims to address gender issues and to empower women through its programming. Pray that its messages of hope and love will be taken to heart by its audience.

Thursday:Pray for the current situation in Pakistan, especially for the Christian community, as it is vulnerable to extremist groups. Pray too for those who are seeking, as well as those who have discovered the Gospel.

Friday:Pray for the safety and security of the Feba Pakistan team, especially those who travel frequently whilst working on the FM Expansion project.

Saturday:Pray for wisdom for the FM team as it considers which local organisations to partner with. Pray that it will choose partners whose aims are in step with its own and who have a positive effect on local communities.

Please pray

Tibet April 26 - May 2 Pakistan May 3 - 9

Prayer Diary Mar-May 2015.indd 14-15 05/02/2015 13:43

16 Spring 2015 17Feba UK

“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

Matthew 25:40

Trials and triumphsRadio Wimbe is Feba’s partner in Mozambique. It has recently faced technical difficulties at the station, as well as some health problems. But at the same time, important work is still being done, particularly a crucial piece of research into the listeners’ interests and needs.


Sunday Give thanks for Radio Wimbe’s partnerships with organisations such as USAID and Leprosy Mission. These partnerships are allowing Radio Wimbe to speak into important local issues.

Monday:Radio Wimbe is suffering from very regular power cuts, which interrupt the link with the transmitter. They are also struggling with their mixer, which is getting old and requires constant maintenance. Please pray that the equipment continues to work and does not suffer due to the power cuts.

Tuesday:Give thanks for the baseline research which took place at the end of last year. The research was very informative and will help the Radio Wimbe team sharpen the content of their programmes. Please pray for them as they improve their broadcasts.

Wednesday:Please pray for the team members experiencing ill-health – please pray for their recovery. Please pray for the radio station team that has to cover the work of those staff who have been sick.

Thursday (Ascension Day):Ascension Day celebrates the truth of Jesus returning to heaven, to intercede for us and to send his Spirit.

A listener called *Lucia recently came to the station to ask for prayer, and decided to stop drinking as she felt burdened by the addiction. She later returned to the studio, prayed with team members and became a Christian. Lucia is now attending a local church. Thank God for Lucia and pray that she perseveres in her new-found faith, living out her freedom in the power of the Spirit.

Friday:Pray for the Radio Wimbe Association as it makes decisions about the land it owns in Pemba. Please pray for guidance as they consider selling part of the land they own to finance a new studio building.

Saturday:Please also pray for Narciso, Radio Wimbe’s Project Coordinator. Pray that he will be able to provide guidance, support and advice to the team, whilst maintaining good health. Also pray for his family who are based in Maputo and we know miss him and Olga (Narciso’s wife) greatly.

Please pray

May 10 - 16

Prayer Diary Mar-May 2015.indd 16-17 05/02/2015 13:43

16 Spring 2015 17Feba UK

“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

Matthew 25:40

Trials and triumphsRadio Wimbe is Feba’s partner in Mozambique. It has recently faced technical difficulties at the station, as well as some health problems. But at the same time, important work is still being done, particularly a crucial piece of research into the listeners’ interests and needs.


Sunday Give thanks for Radio Wimbe’s partnerships with organisations such as USAID and Leprosy Mission. These partnerships are allowing Radio Wimbe to speak into important local issues.

Monday:Radio Wimbe is suffering from very regular power cuts, which interrupt the link with the transmitter. They are also struggling with their mixer, which is getting old and requires constant maintenance. Please pray that the equipment continues to work and does not suffer due to the power cuts.

Tuesday:Give thanks for the baseline research which took place at the end of last year. The research was very informative and will help the Radio Wimbe team sharpen the content of their programmes. Please pray for them as they improve their broadcasts.

Wednesday:Please pray for the team members experiencing ill-health – please pray for their recovery. Please pray for the radio station team that has to cover the work of those staff who have been sick.

Thursday (Ascension Day):Ascension Day celebrates the truth of Jesus returning to heaven, to intercede for us and to send his Spirit.

A listener called *Lucia recently came to the station to ask for prayer, and decided to stop drinking as she felt burdened by the addiction. She later returned to the studio, prayed with team members and became a Christian. Lucia is now attending a local church. Thank God for Lucia and pray that she perseveres in her new-found faith, living out her freedom in the power of the Spirit.

Friday:Pray for the Radio Wimbe Association as it makes decisions about the land it owns in Pemba. Please pray for guidance as they consider selling part of the land they own to finance a new studio building.

Saturday:Please also pray for Narciso, Radio Wimbe’s Project Coordinator. Pray that he will be able to provide guidance, support and advice to the team, whilst maintaining good health. Also pray for his family who are based in Maputo and we know miss him and Olga (Narciso’s wife) greatly.

Please pray

May 10 - 16

Prayer Diary Mar-May 2015.indd 16-17 05/02/2015 13:43

18 Spring 2015 19Feba UK

Other projectsHere is a collection of the prayer points from other Feba projects:


Sunday (Pentecost Sunday):At that first Pentecost after Jesus rose from the dead, the disciples were given power to speak out and the truth of the gospel in many different languages.

Please pray for the safety of team members in Yemen as they do valuable follow-up and provide updates on the internal situation to programme producers. Pray also for a reduction in violence and an end to the kidnapping industry in the region.

Monday:Yemen: A large proportion of the cost of this project is required to provide for the security of team members as they travel. Pray that the necessary funds will continue to be available.

Tuesday:Egypt: Give thanks for the energy of the young team members at Voice of Egypt. Pray for them as many of them have secular day jobs and come straight from work to present live shows. Give thanks that their experiences in the radio shows gives them a new appreciation for their work colleagues.

Wednesday:Bangladesh: Please pray for the local trustee board as it seeks to recruit a national CEO: no-one suitable has been found yet. Pray too that God will prepare

the staff and the trustee board for this change in leadership next year.

Thursday:Bangladesh: After her many years of ministry leadership, please pray for *Joelle Morris’ peace of mind as she steps down. Pray also for wisdom in training the new CEO when he/she is appointed.

Friday:Bangladesh: Give thanks that the Jacob Project now has a new website. Pray that more people will be drawn to the station through the website, and be open to discussing spiritual issues there.

Saturday:Central Asia: Praise God for His perfect timing; pray that God will be softening the hearts of the listeners. Pray that the team would be encouraged by the fruit of the ministry.

Sunday:Central Asia: Praise God for the security of the projects and for the strength that the Lord provides to the team. Pray for continued unity within the team as they work tirelessly to bring transformation to their communities.

Please pray

May 24 - 31

Aafno FMAafno FM is Feba’s partner in Nepal. It broadcasts from two locations: Okhaldhunga in the east of the country and Dadeldhura in the west. Aafno FM’s programming combines discussion of important local issues (like education and health matters) with biblically based messages of hope.

Sunday:Pray for God’s blessing on Aafno FM’s campaign to empower women and get more girls into education. Pray that its listeners will receive this message favourably.

Monday:Pray for Vijay, Aafno FM’s Project Coordinator, that God would inspire him as he leads the teams with conviction, discernment and sensitivity.

Tuesday:Praise God for the long-term commitment that Aafno FM has in bringing transformation to communities across Nepal. Pray that God will provide wisdom for the team as it considers its part in the country-wide Christian Radio Network.

Wednesday:The team hopes to build a new studio in Okhaldhunga (in the east of Nepal). Thank God for this possibility and pray for his guidance as plans start to take shape.

Thursday:Please pray for the Dadeldhura FM station, as it is faces competition from other local radio stations which are protected by political parties and can therefore secure advertising. Pray that God’s light will shine through the station and it would therefore be attractive to listeners.

Friday:Thank God for Aafno FM’s health-related programming, which is showing God’s love in a practical way and helping countless listeners access information to improve their wellbeing. Pray that the team will continue to speak into relevant issues in this way.

Saturday:Give thanks for Aafno FM’s work to share the Gospel with their audience. Pray that many will come to know Jesus through this work and in time transform their own communities.

Please pray

Nepal May 17 - 23

Prayer Diary Mar-May 2015.indd 18-19 05/02/2015 13:43

18 Spring 2015 19Feba UK

Other projectsHere is a collection of the prayer points from other Feba projects:


Sunday (Pentecost Sunday):At that first Pentecost after Jesus rose from the dead, the disciples were given power to speak out and the truth of the gospel in many different languages.

Please pray for the safety of team members in Yemen as they do valuable follow-up and provide updates on the internal situation to programme producers. Pray also for a reduction in violence and an end to the kidnapping industry in the region.

Monday:Yemen: A large proportion of the cost of this project is required to provide for the security of team members as they travel. Pray that the necessary funds will continue to be available.

Tuesday:Egypt: Give thanks for the energy of the young team members at Voice of Egypt. Pray for them as many of them have secular day jobs and come straight from work to present live shows. Give thanks that their experiences in the radio shows gives them a new appreciation for their work colleagues.

Wednesday:Bangladesh: Please pray for the local trustee board as it seeks to recruit a national CEO: no-one suitable has been found yet. Pray too that God will prepare

the staff and the trustee board for this change in leadership next year.

Thursday:Bangladesh: After her many years of ministry leadership, please pray for *Joelle Morris’ peace of mind as she steps down. Pray also for wisdom in training the new CEO when he/she is appointed.

Friday:Bangladesh: Give thanks that the Jacob Project now has a new website. Pray that more people will be drawn to the station through the website, and be open to discussing spiritual issues there.

Saturday:Central Asia: Praise God for His perfect timing; pray that God will be softening the hearts of the listeners. Pray that the team would be encouraged by the fruit of the ministry.

Sunday:Central Asia: Praise God for the security of the projects and for the strength that the Lord provides to the team. Pray for continued unity within the team as they work tirelessly to bring transformation to their communities.

Please pray

May 24 - 31

Aafno FMAafno FM is Feba’s partner in Nepal. It broadcasts from two locations: Okhaldhunga in the east of the country and Dadeldhura in the west. Aafno FM’s programming combines discussion of important local issues (like education and health matters) with biblically based messages of hope.

Sunday:Pray for God’s blessing on Aafno FM’s campaign to empower women and get more girls into education. Pray that its listeners will receive this message favourably.

Monday:Pray for Vijay, Aafno FM’s Project Coordinator, that God would inspire him as he leads the teams with conviction, discernment and sensitivity.

Tuesday:Praise God for the long-term commitment that Aafno FM has in bringing transformation to communities across Nepal. Pray that God will provide wisdom for the team as it considers its part in the country-wide Christian Radio Network.

Wednesday:The team hopes to build a new studio in Okhaldhunga (in the east of Nepal). Thank God for this possibility and pray for his guidance as plans start to take shape.

Thursday:Please pray for the Dadeldhura FM station, as it is faces competition from other local radio stations which are protected by political parties and can therefore secure advertising. Pray that God’s light will shine through the station and it would therefore be attractive to listeners.

Friday:Thank God for Aafno FM’s health-related programming, which is showing God’s love in a practical way and helping countless listeners access information to improve their wellbeing. Pray that the team will continue to speak into relevant issues in this way.

Saturday:Give thanks for Aafno FM’s work to share the Gospel with their audience. Pray that many will come to know Jesus through this work and in time transform their own communities.

Please pray

Nepal May 17 - 23

Prayer Diary Mar-May 2015.indd 18-19 05/02/2015 13:43

20 Spring 2015

Ivy Arch Road,Worthing, West Sussex,

BN14 8BX, UK

+44 (0)1903 237281

Feba Radio: A registered charity no. 257343 A non-profit making company limited by guarantee no. 940492.

Registered in England, Registered office Ivy Arch Road, Worthing



Prayer Diary Mar-May 2015.indd 20 05/02/2015 13:43