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I. INTRODUCTION1.1 Background of Problem

• Lack of vocabulary• Organization

• Method or the technique did not motivate the students to write a good text

Contextual Teaching and Learning

1.2 Problem FormulationDoes the implementation of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) method enhance students’ ability in writing descriptive text?

1.3 Research objective

The researcher wants to find out whether the implementation of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) method enhance students’ ability in writing descriptive text or not.

1.4 Research Significance



1.5 Research ScopeThe research will be focused on the use of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) method in teaching writing descriptive text to the second grade students of SMPN 14 Banda Aceh.

1.6 Research Hypothesis• Alternative hypothesis (Ha): The implementation of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) method enhance students’ ability in writing descriptive text.

•Null hypothesis (Ho): The implementation of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) method does not enhance students’ ability in writing descriptive text.

1.7 Theoretical Orientation1.7.1 Contextual Teaching and learning

CTL is the way or the concept of teaching that help teacher and students to relate subject matter to real life situation and motivate students to connect and apply all aspects of learning into their role in real life (Berns and Errickson in Wijarwadi, 2008:25).

1.7.2 Writing

According to Boardman (2002:11) writing is a continuous process of thinking and organizing, rethinking, and reorganizing.

Nunan (2003:88) defines writing as the process thinking to get the ideas, to express them, and to arrange them into statements and paragraphs in writing.

1.7.3 Descriptive

Trianingsih (2010:5) defines that descriptive text is a text in which the writer described the features of someone, something, or a certain place. She further explains there are two characteristics of descriptive text; identification and description.

1.8 Operational Definition1.8.1 Contextual Teaching and Learning ( CTL)

Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) method is a conception of teaching and learning that helps teachers relate subject matter content to real world situations and motivates students to make connections between knowledge and its applications to their lives as family members, citizens, and workers.

1.8.2 WritingWriting is an activity to arrange words into a good sentence and paragraph. Writing is one of the way to express our experience in an essay.

1.8.3 DescriptiveDescriptive text is a kind of the text which describes a person, place or particular things. In descriptive, there are two characteristics namely identification and description.

II. RESEARCH DESIGN2.1 Research Method

The research method will be used in this study is experimental research. The researcher uses one group pretest and post test design.

2.2 Population and Sample• Population

The second grade students of SMPN 14 Banda Aceh • Sample

The number of students is 27 studentsRandom sampling

2.3 Research Instrument

Written test

2.4 Technique of Data Collection

Pre- test Treatment Post-test

2.5 Technique of Data Analysis• Mean (M)

Where: M = Mean = total score of post-test-total score of pre-test N= Number of students

• The standard deviation (SD)

SD = Where: SD = Standard Deviation = Sum

• T-score

Where:t = the significant of score ∑x2d= sum of difference value pre-test and post testMd = N = number of student