Power saving control for the mobile DVB-H receivers based on H.264/SVC standard Eugeny Belyaev,...


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Power saving control for the mobile DVB-H receivers based on H.264/SVC standard

Eugeny Belyaev, Vitaly Grinko, Ann Ukhanova

Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation



Description of the power saving in DVB-H standard

Scalable extension of the H.264/AVC standard (SVC)

Proposed scheme of power consumption control

Simulation results and conclusions


Minimizing of power consumption in DVB-H receiver1

1ETSI TR 102 377 V1.1.1 (2005-02): Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); DVB-HImplementation Guidelines, European Telecommunication Standards Institute

The main idea - receiver works for a short time interval, during it the part of the video data is received, then the receiver powers off completely

Power saving is a function of constant and burst bitrates, burst size, synchronization time and delta-t jitter


For DVB-H single layer coding system all the parameters in the formula are defined values and the level of power saving can not be influenced on receiver

Case 1: User can not choose the level of power consumption by himself

Case 2: With scalable codec we can change parameter Cb on the receiver side and change level of power consumption

DVB-H power saving based on single layer video compression

31 0.96 100%

4b b

s t jb s




Scalable video coding extension H.264/AVC2 standard

2Advanced video coding for generic audiovisual services. ITU-T Recommendation H.264 and ISO/IEC 14496-10 (AVC), 2009.

Various ways of forming scalable video stream:

•Temporal scalability •Spatial scalability •SNR scalability•Combined scalability

Scalable stream means that receiver can playback video data by receiving only the part of the video stream


Temporal scalability

The concept of hierarchically encoded B-frames

Each temporal layer is marked by an additional identifier T. T is equal to 0 for frame of the temporal base layer and is increased by 1 from one temporal

layer to the next. Each layer has its own frame rate.


Spatial scalability3

3H. Schwarz, D. Marpe, and T. Wiegand, “Overview of the Scalable Video Coding Extension of the H.264 / AVC Standard“, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 17, 2007

The dependency identifier D for the base layer is equal to 0, and it is increased by 1 from one spatial layer to the next.

Each layer has its own frame resolution.



0 1 2 3 4


SNR scalability4

4H. Schwarz, M.Wien, “The Scalable Video Coding Extension of the H.264/AVCStandard“ IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 25, Is. 2, pp. 135-141, 2008.

Q=0 Q=1 Q=2

Test sequence: foreman

The quality identifier Q for the base layer is equal to 0, and it is increased by 1 from one quality layer to the next.

Each layer has its own SNR.


Combined scalability5

5 P. Amon, T. Rathgen, and D. Singer, “File Format for Scalable Video Coding“, IEEETransactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 17, No. 9, pp.1174-1185, 2007.

Note: to extract the stream with the required parameters all other layers with less values of the identifiers should have been already extracted


Proposed scheme of power consumption control

Receiver is choosing the necessary (D,T,Q) identifiers. These parameters define the necessary video bit rate Cb.

Depending on the priorities it is possible to choose receiving modes with high level of power saving (modes a and b) or receiving modes with high level of visual quality (modes c and d).


Simulation results6

6 Joint Scalable Video Model 9.15 software package, CVS server for the JSVM software. http://iphome.hhi.de/

Power saving and quality trade-off



Scalable coding open new opportunities for the system like DVB-H

User can choose trade-off between power consumption and the visual quality of the received video: frame rate SNR frame resolution



Thank you!
