Post Harvest Technology of Grapes


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8/6/2019 Post Harvest Technology of Grapes 1/17



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�Binomial name : Vitis vinefera

�It is a non-climacteric fruit.

�It can be consumed raw or used for making

various delicious products.

�White grapes and purple grapes.

�1st largest producer of grapes - Italy

�India - 10th largest producer .

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� Based on the method of consumption grapes is classified as

� Table grapes - consumed raw

� Wine grapes - used for making wine

� Table grapes - large, seedless, relatively thin skin.

� Wine grapes - small, seeded, relatively thick skin.

� Wine grapes is sweeter  than table grapes & is harvested when its juice contains ~ 24% sugar by weight.

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� Stored fruits deteriorate as a result of both normal senescence andpathogen attack.

� At cellular level,

Loss of membrane permeability

Increase in production of 2° metabolites

Cell wall degradationChanges in respiration

Changes in hormonal levels

� Postharvest biochemical changes

Soluble solids Titrable acids

Organic acid


Water loss

Mary Starnes Saunders et al., (1981)

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� Non- climacteric fruit - fruit is at final stage of senescence during

harvest (C.R Hale et al., 1973).

� Hence all these biochemical changes ultimately lead to death of the

fruit (Rhodes et al., 1980).

� Coombe has associated the beginning of ripening of the grape with

the onset of sugar accumulation, loss of acidity, sof tening andchange in color .

� Storage life - 2 weeks when stored at 0°C.

� At veraison - soluble solids & acidity

� During - soluble solids & acidity (Johnson et al., 1983).

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� Pathogen attack - fungi & yeasts.

� Controlled by fumigation with SO2 - reduced fungal growth butcaused tissue damage & skin discoloration.

� Chlorine wash - 15 to 125 ppm - effective reduction in microbial load(Smith W.L Jr, 1982).

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� Wine is an alcoholic beverage, made of fermented fruit juice.

� Incorporation of yeast conver ts the sugar into alcohol.

� Process : vinification.

� Types of wines

� Red wine

� White wine

� Desser t wine

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� Selection of red grapes - stage of ripening.

� Production process :

� Harvest

� Unloading & destemming� Crushing

� Maceration & frementation

� Stabilisation

� Filtration & bottling.

� Alcohol content : 12%

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�Made from white grapes.

�Production process similar to red wine.

�Difference : removal of peel af ter crushing -

avoid transfer of pigments.

�Alcohol content : 11-13 %

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CALORIES 102 96 130

FAT (%) 0 0 0


E (%)1 0.35 5

PROTEIN (%) 0.44 0.22 0.27

SODIUM (%) 0.3 0.3 0.3

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� Grape seeds are rich in Vitamin E, flavanoids, OPC ( Oligomeric

Proantho Cyanidins)

� A common dietary supplement.

� Induces apoptotic death of advanced human prostate carcinoma cells

(Chapla agarwal,, 2002).

� Effective against chronic venous

insufficiency ( U.S Dept. Of Health and

Human Services).

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� Oil extracted from grape seed af ter being pressed for wine.

� 1 tonne grapes - 8 ounce oil.

�The GSO has protected the liver from CCl4 damage, by protection

against oxidative damage produced by CCl4 (Uma maheshwari , 2004).

�The Helsinki and Framingham Hear t Studies

claim that using Grape Seed oil reduced the risk of cardiac events by 41

to 55%.

�Richest natural source of vitamin E

28.8 mg/100g.

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� Dried form of grapes.

� Raisins production dates back to 1490 B.C.

� Phoenicians and Armenians traded raisins with the Greeks andRomans.

� Greeks and Romans decorated places

of worship with raisins and handed

them out to winners in spor ting contests.

� Roman physicians prescribed raisins tocure anything from mushroom poisoning

to old age.

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� Raisins Juice : pure extract of raisins. Raisins are leached with

water, evaporated in a vacuum pan - concentrate.

� Contains a minimum of 70 % natural

fruit soluble solids.

� It's added to a variety of foods, including

dairy, confectionery and bakery items.

� Raisins Paste : extruding raisins through

a fine mesh screen.

� Natural sweetener, fine confectionery fillings

and sof t-center candies.

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Postharvest physiology and senescence in muscadines, Mary Starnes Saunders

and Fumiomi Takeda, Proc. Fla. State Hor t. Soc. 94:340-343. 1981.

Hale, C. R., B. G. Coombe and J. S. Hawker . 1970. Effects of ethylene and 2-

chloroethylphosphonic acid on the ripening of grapes. Plant Physiol. 45:620-623.

Rhodes, M. J. C. 1980. Respiration and senescence of plant organs. In "The

Biochemistry of Plants: A Comprehensive Treatise". (P. K. Stumpf and E. E. Conn,


Johnson, L. A. and D. E. Carroll. 1973. Organic acid and sugar contents of 

Scuppernong grapes during ripening. J. Food Sci. 38:21- 24.

Smith, W. L. Jr . 1962. Chemical treatments to reduce postharvest spoilage of fruitsand vegetables. Bot. Rev. 196:411-445.

Antihepatotoxic effect of grape seed oil in rat. Uma Maheshwari & P.G.M.Rao,

Indian journal Of Pharmacology, 2005.
