Poem 5 Zero May Day


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7/25/2019 Poem 5 Zero May Day

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Zero May Day

A strange figure knocked on the door

He came to recite us some of his poems

They included facts that were hard to find

Dreams and passions from his distinguished life

Tales of men very heroic

Factoids from cities very hypnotic

Made us think that poetry is a privilege

That very few are lucky to experience

Everyone in the room was there to see

that the poet’s works were easy to reach

Minds of young men with full aspiration

They learned that poetry re uires astonishing dedication

!ut isn’t that the way life works"

#hen someone sets his mind into achieving his goals

His $ourney in life %ecomes a firework

A spark of light& an escape from the %lack night

(Ευγενικός Νικόλαος-Ιωάννης, 1563201100073)
