Planning For Super Sweet -€¦ · Filming Schedule (con.)...


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Planning For Super SweetBy Liliana Alvarez & Eva Warrender

Filming Schedule

Filming Schedule(con.)

Filming Schedule(con.)

Shooting ScriptScene 1● Black Screen● Fade into shot of empty road● Car drives by● Camera- wide shot● Light- afternoon sun

Scene 2● Camera- from back of car see four passengers● Light- afternoon sun

Scene 3● Camera- close up to Gracie relaxing in passenger seat● Light- afternoon sun

Shooting Script (cont.)Scene 4● Camera- close up to Schmidt hunched in the back seat glaring at Gracie● Light- afternoon sun

Scene 5● Camera- close up to Vidal with hair in her face from the wind● Light- afternoon sun

Scene 6● Camera- close up to Bradley driving● Light- afternoon sun

Shooting Script (cont.)Scene 7● Camera- cut to everyone looking bored in the car● Bradley is tired and starts to swerves, accidentally hitting the radio scan button● Light- late afternoon● Weather- Sunset

Scene 8● Camera- from front of car● Everyone starts yelling at Bradley at the same time● Radio plays advisory about gummy bears● Gracie talks- “What the hell, Bradley!”● Vidal talks- “Why did you change the song?”● Schmidt talks- “I can’t move my leg!”● More ad libs and fighting● Bradley yells- “ Everyone just shut up”● Light- late afternoon● Weather- Sunset

Shooting Script (cont.)Scene 9● Camera- cut to everyone silent, still from front of car● Vidal- “I have to pee”● More yelling ensues● Light- late afternoon

Scene 10● Camera- see gas station in distance, wide shot● Bradley- “Whatever, I’ll just stop here”● Light- Late afternoon

Scene 11● Camera- Wide shot of car pulling into station● Light- Sunset

Shooting Script (cont.)Scene 12 ● Camera - low angle of Vidal walking into gas station● Light - sunset

Scene 13● Vidal jumps into car● Schmidt complains- “Finally, it took you long enough.”● Vidal- “Calm down, I got you guys candy”● Vidal starts handing out candy● Light- Dusk● Camera- from front of car

Shooting Script (cont.)Scene 14● Vidal tosses Gracie a bag of candy● Gracie exclaims “My mom used to have these, they are the best”● Camera- follows the bag and tilts to Gracie’s face● Light- Dusk

Scene 15● Gracie makes everyone try a candy● Everyone is grossed out by the candy● Camera- front of car interior● Light- Dusk

Shooting Script (cont.)Scene 16● Schmidt asks- “I want more food!”● Vidal- “there’s nothing left. This place is sketchy, let’s just keep driving.”● Bradley drives away● Camera- from front of car interior● Light- Dusk

Scene 17● Cut to 15 min later,● Everyone has a stomachache ● Camera- from front of car interior● Light- Dusk

Shooting Script (cont.)Scene 18● Camera- pan to Bradley● Light- Dusk

Scene 19● Gracie- “Bradley you’re green!”● Bradley- “I know I feel awful”● Gaby yells- “No Bradley, you’re actually green!!” (Bradley is glowing green)● Bradley looks in mirror and sees he’s glowing● Camera- Bradley POV● Light-Dusk

Shooting Script (cont.)Scene 20● Bradley pulls over to the side of the road● Camera- follows car to pull over● Light-Dusk

Scene 21● Bradley looks back at Gracie who is now glowing blue and screams in unison with Vidal● Camera- Bradley POV● Light- Dusk

Shooting Script (cont.)Scene 22● Everyone acts frantic● Bradley is now green● Gracie is blue● Vidal is orange● Camera- Front of car interior● Light- Dusk

Scene 23● Schmidt yells over everyone else “CALM DOWN!”● Pulls out his phone and looks up “Super Sweet Gummy Bears”● Camera- Close up Schmidt● Light- Dusk

Shooting Script (cont.)Scene 24● Camera- Close up to Schmidt’s phone ● Article about gummies being recalled pops up● Light- Dusk

Scene 25● Camera- tilts up to Schmidt looking up at everyone● Schmidt is now glowing red● Schmidt- “Guys, I think we are in trouble”● Light- Dusk

Title Details

The title of our film is “Super Sweet”

The title will appear on a black screen and fly in from the back after 2 seconds. It will be in a font called fun sized in purple. It will appear for 5 seconds and abruptly cut out.

Sound Details

Scene 1-7- Non-diegetic sound from music- “Fluorescent ADOLESCENT” by Matt and KimScene 1- Car noisesScene 7- Radio playsScene 8- Swerving car noise, radio playing advisory about radioactive material contaminating gummy bearsScene 11- Car pulling into parking lot and turning offScene 16- Car pulling out of parking lotScene 20- Car pulling over


Birch State Park- Scenes 1-9, Scene 17-25

Gas Station- Scene 10-16


● Eva (actress, film editor, director)● Lily (camerawoman, film editor, director)● Gabriella (actress)● Sam (actor)● Parker (actor)

Health & Safety

Our opening sequence involves filming while in a moving car. We will make sure that in no way does filming interfere with the driver’s ability to focus, and we will specifically be filming on a deserted stretch of road to make sure that the driver (Parker) does not have any unnecessary distractions while driving and acting. During one take in which Parker swerves while driving, we will take every precaution to make the ‘swerve’ is as choreographed as possible and make certain there are no other cars on the road while filming. Our actors understand and accept the risks they are taking by filming in a moving vehicle.

Opening Sequence ScriptScene 8

● Indistinguishable yelling from Gracie, Vidal, Schmidt● Gracie: “What the hell, Bradley?”● Vidal: “Why did you change the radio?”● Schmidt: “I can’t feel my leg!”● More indistinguishable yelling (complaining)● Bradley: “Everyone shut up!”

Scene 9

● Vidal: “I have to pee.”● More indistinguishable yelling

Opening Sequence Script (cont.)Scene 10

● Bradley: “Whatever, I’ll just stop here.”

Scene 13

● Schmidt : “Finally, it took you long enough.”● Vidal: “Calm down, I got you guys candy.”

Scene 14● Gracie: “My mom used to have these, they’re the best!”

Scene 16● Schmidt: “I want more food!”● Vidal: “There’s nothing left. This place is sketchy, let’s just keep driving.”

Scene 19● Gracie: “Bradley, you’re green!”● Bradley: “I know, I feel awful.”● Vidal: “No, Bradley, you’re actually green!!”

Opening Sequence Script (cont.)Scene 21

● Bradley & Vidal both scream

Scene 23

● Schmidt: “Calm down!”

Scene 25

● Schmidt: “Guys, I think we’re in trouble.”
