Pitch & production pack


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The Big Pitch By Ben Tedeku

Blood Cries


•  Film follows two friends part of a gang in South London. There is tension in the area between two rival gangs not far from each other.

•  The friends eventually fall out over a girl the two are involved with leading to one of the friends siding with the enemy.

•  This results in the death of the younger brother of … who was innocently targeted because of his older brothers actions. The film focuses on “the effect of gang culture on innocent lives”

Genre/Target Audience

The film Genre is an Urban Crime Drama/Drama. Similar comparable titles are of the same genre and focus on things that not everybody knows about on urban streets.

The target audience for this project is individuals from the age of 15 – 24. I feel that the individuals in this age bracket are who the film will impact the most and most of the viewers will be from this age bracket. Therefore the film rated a 15.

Comparable Titles

£100,056 £3,247,651

£297,735 £550,213

Comparable TV Shows


The Hughes Brothers

Producer George Tillman Jr.


Levi David Addai


John Boyega Malachi Kirby Dan Jay Green Bernard Mensah

Film Festival

British Film Festival


I plan to work in conjunction with Microwave Film London and take advantage of their funding for debut film makers. The challenge is to shoot a full length feature film for up to £120,000 including cash and in-kind support


Production Dates

PRE-PRODUCTION: June 1st 2014 – 1st August 2014

PRODUCTION: 5th August 2014 – 25th September 2014

POST PRODUCTION: 1st November 2014 – 30th December 2014

RELEASE: January 2015