Production Piece Pitch Danielle Ricketts

Production Piece Pitch

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Production Piece Pitch

Danielle Ricketts

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Outline• Genre: Horror

• Task: Video-based production, 2 minute trailer

• Text idea: Orphan and Paranormal Activity.

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Narrative• Typical engaged couple (Olivia and Callum) recently moved

into a new house for a new start – equilibrium (Todorov).• Olivia begins to snap and not act like herself – disequilibrium

(Todorov).• Flashbacks of something that has happened in the past or

another girl – audience in suspense and try to work out what is causing this.

• Strange things happen in the house as well as Olivia’s weird behaviour.

• It is revealed Olivia’s behaviour is due to a ghost possessing her.

• The girl being Callum’s ex-girlfriend who died in a car crash.• She has a message which she wants to share.

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Narrative• Propp: False Hero – Callum – Callum appears

nice but the ghost reveals there is something in his past he’s hiding.

: Princess – Olivia – Olivia is the damsel in distress, the princess who needs rescuing by Callum. This is

challenged by the paranormal affecting her

: Villian – ghost possessing Olivia

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Target AudienceTarget Audience Profile• Age: 15-20• Gender: Female and Male• Occupation: Students mainly, part-time jobs etc.• Income: Low income can afford to go to the cinema• Demographics: E - working class – Students,

Unemployed, Casual Workers• Psychographics: Mainstreamers, Trendies, Groupies,

Egoists, Drifters, Innovators!

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Target AudienceThe audience would use the film for “The Uses and Gratifications Theory”. Mainly used for entertainment because it is scary and thrilling. This is something that the audience may want to get an adrenaline rush from! It could also be used for social interaction of talking about the film or watching it with friends.

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PreparationActorsThe main female character, Olivia:• Christina Brigden – previously studied drama, fits the picture

of how I think Olivia should look. Normal, pretty woman who you couldn’t imagine to go mad. Conventional of horror films to have typical people.

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Locations• The House: • The Kitchen:

• The Living Room:

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• The lane:

Locations• The Bathroom:

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A new house.. Doesn’t always mean a new start

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SummaryMy USPs:• The use of normal characters makes the

audience think everything is normal and nothing bad will happen – unexpected

• The reason why Olivia goes mad is unexpected and different, more original and exciting than her just going mad without reasoning.

• The target audience for the film will enjoy the film because its original, exciting and

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SummaryHow will my text compete with its intertexts?• The text is unique compared with other

intertexts because it is not just about a mad woman. There is more to guess and work out behind it. This makes it thoughtful which also makes it stand out from its intertexts.

• Mixing horror with the paranormal is effective because it makes it unique.

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OverallYou should invest in my ideas because:

“It is original, exciting and unique which will have the audience on the edge of their seats”.