Physical Science Challenge Part I Types of Energy Energy is?? Ability to cause changes in matter. Is...


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Physical Science Challenge Part I

Types of Energy• Energy is??•Ability to cause changes in matter.

• Is energy ever lost?•No, it is just changed from one form to another

• Energy of motion or energy in use is -•KINETIC (moving)

• Energy an object has because of where it is or because of its condition is - POTENTIAL (non-moving)

Solar Energy

►What source does most of the energy on earth come from?

THE SUN►What forms of energy are produced by the sun?


Thermal Energy

►Thermal energy is:The random movement of molecules

►The faster the molecules are moving, the higher the _____________.TEMPERATURE

Geothermal (Heat) Energy

►What is geothermal energy? Heat energy from the earth

►Heat energy traveling from the sun through space is called: RADIATION

►Heat transferred (carried) from one molecule to another is called: CONDUCTION

Electrical Energy►In order for a light connected to a

battery to work it’s wires must be touching_________________. Both sides (+ & -) of the battery

►Why is there a rubber coating around an electric wire? To act as an insulator (so you

won’t get electrocuted)►What is electricity doing in a wire?

Electrons are moving to a +

Electrical Energy►What interaction takes place in a

circuit connected to a light bulb? Electrical energy flows through

the wires to produce light energy►Electrical energy can be

transformed into: electromagnetism, light, heat,

movement, and sound energy►Name 3 types of energy a T.V. uses.

Light, Sound, and Electric

Light Energy

►What is reflection?Light reflecting color in OPPOSITE direction

►Explain angles of reflectionLight angles will reflect light at the same angle in opposite direction (symmetrically)

Light Energy►When a pencil is placed into a glass of

water, what change takes place? Light traveling through water slows

and makes the pencil look bigger (refraction)

►What properties must be present for a surface to refract light? It must be transparent and curved

►What happens to light traveling through a glass of water? Refraction: it slows, and bends

Light Energy►What are some examples of things that reflect light?Mirrors, walls, tinted windows, etc

►What are some examples of tools that refract light?Cameras, telescopes, eyeglasses, microscopes, magnifying glass, etc.

Sound Energy►Is sound energy kinetic energy or

potential energy? KINETIC (moving energy)

►In order for sound to be present we need 2 things what are they? MATTER AND VIBRATIONS

►Is there sound in space? Why? No, because there is no matter in

space►In which type of matter does sound

travel the fastest? SOLIDS

Sound Energy►Describe how sound travels from a guitar to your ear.1st pluck the string to cause vibrations

2nd vibrations conduct through molecules in the air

3rd the sound waves reach your ears causing your eardrums to vibrate

Forces►Does gravity push or pull?

PULL►Name the 3 types of forces?


►What 2 forces effect meteorites in the earth’s atmosphere?GRAVITY and FRICTION


►What force acts on a ball thrown in the air?GRAVITY

►How do compasses work?MAGNETISM, NORTH and SOUTH POLES
