Personality: Freudian Principles. What do we know about Freud? HW: Read pages:575-580 by Wed What...


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Personality: Freudian Principles

What do we know about Freud?HW: Read pages:575-580 by Wed

What exactly is our unconscious mind?

Psychoanalysis= seeking to expose unconscious tensions.

Freud’s Structure and Development of Personality

Personality= blend of conscience and pleasure ID- operates on pleasure principle. Seeks instant

gratification regardless of consequences Superego- voice of the conscience that forces

the ego to consider not only the real but societies ideal.

Ego-balancing the wants and needs of the id and super ego.

How does our Personality Structure Develop

- Psychosexual stages: the Id’s pleasure seeking energies focus on different areas of the body.

fixation= becoming overly or under gratified in a certain stage effects your personality as an adult

Psychosexual Stages

5 Stages

1) Oral Stage- gratify ones self by putting things in mouth.

2) Anal Stage- during toilet training. Gratification by holding and letting go of waste

3)Phallic Stage (3-5)-

Electra and Oedipus complex. Sexual Feelings for opposite sex parent.

After a while, we try to be like our

4)Latency (6-11)- absence of pleasure seeking principles.

5)Genital Stage= adolescence till rest of life. Reappearance of gratification focused on genitals.

Same Sex Parents? Single Parent Homes?

Think, Pair, an Share

1) Evaluate the Situation on your own. Are the actions of the main characters an example of the id, ego, or super ego. Explain.

2) Share your view with a partner.

3) Share with the class

Defense Mechanisms

Ego protects from anxiety

conflict between the super ego and id can cause us to have anxiety and make us feel frustration.

Defense Mechanisms=unconscious tactics used to deflect anxiety or guilt caused by superego, id and ego *explanations for unacceptable actions. We


Group Skits

1) Goto Your assigned group.

2) Define your term

3) Create a skit (can be improv) that shows the meaning of your definition.

4) Write the definition on the board in your own words , and explain to the class what it means

1)repression 2)regression3 3) Reaction Formation 4) projection 5) Rationalization 6) Displacement 7) Sublimination


-Making up acceptable excuses for behaviors that cause us to feel anxious


Memories that are cause anxiety are pushed in the back of the mind and forgotten. They slowly come out in some situations


When faced with anxiety one retreats to more infantile solutions


Feels or Anxiety you experience are projected onto other people.

Ex: Jealous bf does not want to admit it. He claims that the GF is the jealous one.

Reaction Formation

Defending against acceptable impulses by acting opposite to them


-cannot take out frustration on the source so you take it out on someone else.


Redirecting a forbidden desire into socially acceptable desire.

EX: You are angry at your friend’s arrogant attitude. You take out that anger in soccer practice by playing harder.
