Penny Press 13 DECEMBER 3, 2015 · 03-12-2015  · The Penny Press Tips Its Cap To: A Las Vegas man...


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Penny PressNevada, USA Volume 13 Number 13 DECEMBER 3, 2015

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Credits:Publisher and Editor: Contributing Editors:Fred Weinberg Floyd Brown Al Thomas Doug French Robert Ringer John Getter Pat Choate Ron Knecht Byron Bergeron

The Penny Press is published weekly by Far West Radio LLC All Contents © Penny Press 2015

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By RICK MANNINGSpecial to the Penny Press

America has been experiencing a contrast in cultures that have been created by our institutions.

On one hand, we witness some

college students protesting over whether Thomas Jefferson’s statue has a place on the college campus that he attended.

On the other, the men and women of our armed forces continually demonstrate a toughness and valor that is unmatched anywhere in the world.

As college protesters complain about the need for safe spaces

where they can be sheltered from the diversity of ideas that makes the world go round, our young men and women in the military put their lives in harm’s way to create safe spaces for people who otherwise would be physically destroyed for their beliefs.

One group riots over a justified police shooting as the net effect of the grievance and victim culture that has been nurtured, and the rapid response ability to spread misinformation fomented by the media. The other sees a leader face losing his career because he stopped a local Afghan police chief from raping a young boy.

The problems of Ferguson, William and Mary, the University of Missouri and elsewhere that our nation is witnessing is not about the millennials, a group that is

often unfairly derided as being unfocused, lazy and entitled.

Our volunteer military’s performance in high stakes, high stress environments proves that there is nothing wrong with young America. The problem is one of training.

Liberal arts colleges no longer train young people to think critically about problems, but instead are encouraged to embrace a victim culture that blames the capitalist system and white males in particular as oppressors to be reviled. The attack on Jefferson’s statue at William and Mary — whose natural rights ethos in the Declaration of Independence of “all men are created equal” unquestionably inspired abolitionists a generation later — by a small group of students shows the massive holes in their

education and the manipulation of their world view.

When the statue of a man who is emblematic of individual freedom is treated with the contempt that a statue of Vladimir Lenin received after the fall of the Soviet Union, then something is clearly wrong with the molding of these young people’s world view.

The next election will help determine whether the federal Department of Education will continue to push suicidal self-loathing through approved curricula, but this is not just a federal government problem, it is a state and local one.

Twenty four states have Republican Governors and state legislatures with two states — Alaska and Louisiana with very conservative Democrats either


Penny WisdomThose who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inev-itable.— John Fitzgerald Kennedy

The Conservative Weekly Voice Of NevadaInside:Nutbags Don't CareAbout Amendments

See Editorial Page 6


Millennials Deserve Better Than College Indoctrination


Continued on page4


sitting or incoming to go with Republican legislatures. There is simply no excuse for these states with single party control to fail to address the destruction of the millennial mind by a university system dominated by far left ideologues determined to undermine America’s greatness.

America is witnessing the fruits of our current education system on

campuses across the nation, it is time for conservative elected leaders to begin the process of pulling out the weeds that have overrun what was the greatest education system the world has known. It won’t be easy, but the future demands it.Rick Manning is the President of Americans for Limited Government.

University Systems Dominated By LeftContinued from page 3

Color Us SkepticalClimate change is the cause of

everything, even crime, prostitution and terrorism.

Those are among claims studies have made in recent years. With world leaders meeting in Paris this week to discuss a new global climate treaty, we’ll hear more of these stories.

The terrorism connection, which blames the rise of ISIS (or the Islamic State) on climate change in Syria, is particularly noteworthy because President Obama said earlier this year that climate change is a greater threat than terrorism. We’re guessing that will encounter some skepticism in Paris right now.

But we have a beef with climate change fanatics on a more

fundamental level. Their entire justification for radically altering society and destroying individual liberty and market freedom is founded not on actual empirical evidence, but on hypothetical computer models. Sure, activists will insist “the science is settled” and there can be no more debate, but that Stalinist attitude is decidedly unscientific.

As economists, we both have professional experience building and using complex computer models. So, we know the outcomes depend greatly on the data one chooses to use and the rules one sets for how different data should interact in a simulation. Model results may not be borne out in reality for many reasons: One may insert errors, incorrect assumptions, or not even be aware of some key variables and how important they

are.These problems plague even

the simplest models developed by adept professionals. So it’s fantastic to think there’s a select set of human beings who can correctly code every single determinant of a system as massive, complex and interdependent as the global climate.

After all, the most consequential determinants are celestial events like the Earth’s elliptical orbit or changes in solar cycles or flare activity, much of which physicists don’t yet fully understand. Then there are a myriad of Earth-based factors such as magma flows, heat circulation by oceans and air, effects of clouds and water vapor, degree of vegetation, and, yes, the composition of atmospheric gases.

So, one can be sure there’s not a computer model that accurately simulates how all these millions of moving parts interact. Our skepticism is supported by the predictions of past models. For 25 years, we’ve heard dire pronouncements about these predictions, all while the actual record showed mild mid-20th Century warming has slowed down despite rapid growth in carbon-dioxide emissions. According to computer models, that shouldn’t happen, so human understanding of this topic is clearly not perfect.

In fact, much of the hard, empirical evidence tells a vastly different story than the computer models behind which activists hide. Temperature records taken from ice cores, tree rings and other sources indicate that the Earth was warmer 1,000 years ago than it is today. They also indicate that higher carbon dioxide levels have historically followed rising temperatures instead of leading

them. There’s debate as to why this is, but there are clearly disconnects between climate reality and virtual reality.

This hasn’t stopped fanatics from demanding that governments of all nations immediately tax and regulate us all into oblivion or move toward Soviet-style command-and-control tactics. Even if there were a clear scientific consensus that human activity is contributing significantly to climate change and the experts’ simulations did match reality – and neither is the case – it wouldn’t mean we should all become socialists.

Bjorn Lomborg is an environmentalist who believes human activity is changing the climate but has made enemies for himself by pointing out some truths inconvenient for fanatics. First, some warming might not be a bad thing, he notes, because longer growing seasons and less harsh winters are beneficial for human beings. Second, even if warming is a problem, there are far more cost-effective and humanly beneficial ways to address its impact than through destructive carbon taxes or cap-and-trade schemes – for example improving sanitation in the Third World to prevent malaria.

Finally, the best way to deal with warming is through capitalism. The most carbon intensive countries aren’t wealthy Western nations, but socialist places such as China and India. As market institutions develop, nations become more efficient and less carbon intensive.

If climate change is really the bogeyman they say, the fanatics are nonetheless promoting very bad policy ideas.


The Penny Press Tips Its Cap To:A Las Vegas man identified only as “John Doe” who looked for love and found it briefly, meeting a minor Hollywood producer online. Now he's suing. The man said he met the producer through the dating app Tinder and their hookup left him with genital herpes. Doe's claims against the woman include fraud-ulent misrepresentation, battery, constructive fraud, willful misconduct, gross negligence and intentional infliction of emotional distress. He claims he incurred substantial medical care expenses, lost wages, lost earning capacity and loss of life enjoyment. He seeks $10,000 as well as attorneys fees, unspecified punitive damages and other relief. Points for creativity and degree of difficulty. Only in Vegas

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who had stood by Superintendent Garry McCarthy, announced during a news conference he had asked McCarthy to resign. The mayor said he was creating a new police account-ability task force. As they say on the world wide web, Shocking!

The Penny Press Sends A Bronx Cheer And A Bouquet of Weeds To:Boulder City NV Police Chief Bill Conger, who supervises animal control and its shel-ter for quashing a criminal investigation against the former shelter manager, Mary Jo Frazier, for killing animals just for fun. "We could drag this thing through the mud and it really doesn't accomplish anything. It doesn't accomplish anything. She has no longer any authority to do anything with animals," Conger told the Las Vegas Review-Journal "What does it accomplish when she was allowed to do that for several years before I even got here? When we discovered it here, we started to do something about it.” His is a job which also needs to be “euthanized”.

Tips Of Our Capand

Bronx Cheers

Commentary: Ron Knecht & Geoffrey Lawrence


It would appear that the nutbag who shot up a Colorado Springs abortion clinic and finally surrendered is hardly a poster boy for the anti-abortion movement. He’s just a plain old garden variety homicidal nutbag.

But it didn’t take long for the nutbag in the White House to make this about gun control and the nutbags at Planned Parenthood (and the media) to make this about what they called “rhetoric” aimed at their horrendous practice of selling the body parts of aborted babies which was exposed in some undercover videos.

CNN commentator Sally Kohn (who IS a poster girl for the pro baby death left) on Twitter blamed the “rhetoric” of the “anti-abortion right” for Friday’s murders. Kohn has previously blamed “white conservatives” for mass shootings. (She tweeted: Those who deliberately spread LIES about #PlannedParenthood profiting off fetal tissue DONATIONS have blood on hands)

And, as time goes on, there will be a move on the part of the baby killers and dismemberers who were caught red-handed on video selling the organs of the babies they killed to try and regain the moral high ground by somehow associating the pathetic excuse for a human being who shot up the clinic with the videos and the “rhetoric”.

It won’t work—except maybe at the New York Times.

It won’t work any better than calling FBI wiretaps on New Jersey mobsters in the DeCavalcante family cases violations of the mob’s constitutional rights.

The Colorado Springs shooter is, as was the shooter in the Charleston South Carolina church, a nutbag.

No amount of gun control or rhetoric control can stop people like this and if there is an answer I’m pretty sure that Barack Obama and Sally Kohn haven’t thought much about what it might be because they’re too busy calling for their pet political answers which make absolutely NO sense. Presumably, Obama wants us not to have guns. And Kohn wants us not to be able to catch people selling baby parts with undercover video. Because neither wants to stop the killing of babies and the trafficking in body parts of the dead babies.

Neither gun control nor the abridging free speech is going to happen. Ever.

Our forefathers wrote the right to bear arms into the bill of rights for a very good reason and that reason has not changed since 1789. Here’s a hint. It has nothing to do with duck hunting. It is best summed up in the immortal words of Suzanna Hupp to then Congressman Chuck Schumer at a Congressional hearing: “The Second Amendment is not about duck hunting, and I know I’m not going to make very many friends saying this, but it’s about our right, all of our right to be able to protect ourselves from all of you guys [politicians] up there.”

Nothing Barack Obama or his ilk does will ever change that.

As far as a free press goes, if you thought the New York Times was right in the Pentagon Papers case, you ought to love this case. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you should read a little history—if your ideology doesn’t get in the way.

A free press and free speech means exactly that.

What’s making people of the left nervous is that the “press” is no longer just the New York Times or even Fox News Channel.

The “press” today can be anyone with a smart phone and a twitter account.

Nonetheless we still have the First Amendment which protects such “rhetoric” and the Second Amendment to protect the First one.

If you want to kill babies and sell the parts and tell everybody how right you are, do so if you can stay within the law.

But don’t blame guns and rhetoric for the actions of nutbags. And look in the mirror if you are looking for someone to blame.



OPINIONFrom The Publisher...

Some Nutbags Want To Shoot You...


The Age of InnocenceThere’s something about Thanksgiving that brings back memories

of my childhood, more so even than Christmas. I consider myself to be blessed to have lived in America when it was a symbol of stability and freedom to people everywhere.

As the world continues its sociological supernova, I find myself increasingly saddened by the fact that none of my children will ever have the opportunity to experience the America of my youth. Make no mistake about it, computers, smartphones, and all the other space-age technology that we take for granted are wonderful tools. They make things so much more convenient and entertaining, but, as with everything in life, there’s a tradeoff.

Actually, there are many tradeoffs, but the most glaring one is the loss of innocence. I’ve long maintained that the 1950s were the pinnacle of America’s greatness — not militarily, but sociologically. And looking at it more objectively today, I believe a big part of that innocence was made possible by ignorance — blissful, mind-numbing ignorance.

Of course, there were many people who didn’t share my experience — e.g., not all minorities had the opportunities they enjoy today. But this article isn’t about minorities, justice, or politics. All these are important subjects, to be sure — and millions of articles have been written about them — but they just don’t happen to be the subject of this particular article.

This article is about life as viewed through the eyes of a semi-privileged white kid who believed that Columbus, Ohio was the center of the universe and that both life and youth were eternal. In the 1950s, everything stood still and every day was predictable. My parents, my siblings, my friends, my house, my school, Ohio State football — nothing was ever going to change. Life was static.

It would be impossible for today’s youth to imagine, or understand, the innocence of the 1950s. As far as I knew, drugs didn’t exist in my little version of Peyton Place. Nor was there such a thing as political correctness. And as to gay issues, the only time I ever recall hearing the word gay was in the verse “Don we now our gay apparel.”

Girls? I guess there were a few who were a bit on the risqué side, but the vast majority of them could fit comfortably into a Dick Clark audience — well groomed, prim, and proper. In retrospect, they were almost like automatons — cashmere sweaters, saddle shoes, and short, sculptured hairstyles featuring soft curls and waves.

For me, going to school every day was like walking into a candy store, and I had a really bad sweet tooth.

I’m sorry to say that I never got very far with either of them.Had a girl come to school with an earring attached to any part of her

body other than an ear (none ever did), she would have been expelled from school. Pregnancy? The thought never occurred to me until a sophomore girl got pregnant and created one of the biggest scandals in our school’s history. Her expulsion was swift, and it was a one-time event.

Finally, along came Elvis, who unknowingly laid the foundation for the sexual and cultural revolution that was to explode onto the scene in the sixties, and things have never been the same since. But those of us who were raised in the Age of Innocence tended to ignore the steadily

increasing base behavior of the sixties, seventies, and eighties, because we were focused on getting ahead in life.

Then, in the nineties, there seemed to be a slowdown in America’s cultural disintegration as the hotshots — led by Bill Gates and Steve Jobs — became the rock stars of a new generation. But in the new century, Americans and the rest of the Western world took the good life for granted and, as a result of the Internet, became so knowledgeable about their “rights” (both real and imagined) that every law, every institution, and every certitude became a protest target.

So here we are, well into the 21st century, and the number-one product America produces is grievance. And it’s greatest collective demand is for more and more “diversity.” These are the two phenomena that most separate the protected little fantasy world I grew up in from today’s unstable, angry, entitlement-based world.

Diversity is a commodity that was in short supply in the fifties, and, as a result, America was a pretty peaceful place. Whether someone was born in Italy, Ireland, China, or India, he assimilated into American culture because he loved the idea of becoming a true American.

I remember one kid in our school who was of Egyptian descent, and he was as American as I was. Ditto with a Chinese classmate of mine who was culturally in synch with everyone else in the class. It was a true melting pot, not a diversity pot.

Now, I can just “hear” some readers thinking, “But doesn’t a lack of diversity make life boring? Why would you want everyone to think alike?” I’m not advocating that people think alike. I’m just saying that when a large majority of a population believes in a generally accepted code of conduct, it results in a more peaceful, more civilized, happier society. That’s a self-evident reality.

By the same token, within a society’s generally accepted code of conduct, it’s fine for everyone to think their own thoughts and have their own opinions — but back in the day, the foundation of most thoughts and opinions was a broad consensus on American values.

That said, as much as I love the life-saving benefits of modern medicine, as much as I love computers and cellphones, as much as I love the instant knowledge at my fingertips via the Internet, I am obliged to admit that I’d give it all up if I could climb into a time capsule and go back to the fifties ─ and most people I’ve talked to from that era have expressed similar sentiments.

The people I feel sorry for are those who never had the opportunity to experience America’s Age of Innocence. Perhaps someday the United States will rise from the ashes and make a comeback that will take it through a similar period all over again. And perhaps our children and grandchildren will be the beneficiaries.

In the meantime, Thanksgiving is still a very special day, so let’s enjoy every minute of it. ROBERT RINGERRobert Ringer (© 2015)is a New York Times #1 bestselling author who has appeared on numerous national radio and television shows, including The Tonight Show, Today, The Dennis Miller Show, Good Morning America, ABC Nightline, The Charlie Rose Show, as well as Fox News and Fox Business. To sign up for a free subscription to his mind-expanding daily insights, visit

Commentary: Robert Ringer


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Time to Sign Up for Health InsuranceThe Affordable Care Act’s health insurance exchanges opened for

business earlier this month. Now, millions of Americans who do not get coverage through work have the opportunity to shop for policies that will take effect in 2016.

But they only have a few months to do so. This open enrollment period will end on January 31, 2016.

Those who currently lack insurance should sign up without delay. And those who have had coverage this year should investigate whether there’s a better deal available to them for coverage that will kick in next year. Picking a plan can be complicated, but it’s worth it -- and there’s help available to ensure that consumers make wise decisions for themselves and their families.

There are many advantages to getting covered. The most important, of course, is that insurance ensures access to medical care. Robust coverage can be a life-saver in the event of a serious medical emergency.

But insurance also keeps people from having to pay the Affordable Care Act’s penalty for not maintaining coverage -- a penalty that increases dramatically in 2016.

This year, those who were uninsured paid either $325 per adult and $162.50 per child, up to a maximum of $975, or 2 percent of their income -- whichever was greater.

In 2016, those who don’t secure coverage will pay much more. The per-person rates will more than double to $695 per adult and $347.50 per child, up to a maximum of $2,085. Wealthier uninsured will have to pay 2.5 percent of their incomes.

That’s a lot of money to spend on not getting insurance.Additionally, federal tax credits subsidizing coverage are available

through the exchanges for low-income individuals who need help paying for their policies. This year, 85 percent of those who bought private plans on the exchanges got financial assistance.

However, the online insurance exchanges can be very complex. Fortunately, buyers who find themselves overwhelmed can seek the expert counsel of a licensed, professional insurance broker. The easiest way to do so is via a free tool available online, at

Brokers are specifically trained to help consumers work their way through the maze of plans, coverage levels, deductibles, networks, and premiums. Nearly three-quarters spend most of their time explaining coverage to clients, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. And nearly two-thirds of brokers devote significant time to resolving claims questions or disputes with insurance carriers.

Brokers also yield results for their clients. According to research from the University of Minnesota, premiums are 13 percent lower in areas where there are the most brokers, compared with those with the fewest.

It’s no wonder that nearly 84 percent of shoppers who got assistance purchasing exchange coverage in 2014 rated their agent or broker as “helpful.” No other enrollment assistance group received a higher satisfaction rate.

Selecting a health plan can be confusing. But help is readily available. And the Affordable Care Act provides incentives for buying insurance -- carrots in the form of subsidies to those with low incomes, and sticks in the form of penalties for those who fail to sign up.

During this open enrollment season, getting covered should be a no-brainer. JANET TRAUTWEINJanet Trautwein is CEO of the National Association of Health Underwriters. To learn more, visit


Commentary: Janet Trautwein


Classifying Chimps as Endangered Will Kill Them

Ebola is one of the world’s deadliest diseases. But it’s not just human beings who are at risk. In the past 20 years, Ebola has claimed the lives of one-third of the world’s population of Great Apes.

The best hope for saving them would be a vaccine that could protect them from the disease in the wild. Unfortunately, due to an ill-considered decision by U.S. regulators, the chances of successfully developing such a vaccine have diminished drastically. Chimpanzees and other Great Apes will die as a result.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife service has moved chimpanzees that are currently in captivity from its “threatened” to its “endangered” list. Chimps in the wild are already formally listed as endangered.

The agency’s decision will jeopardize U.S. medical research involving chimps -- the very research that is closing in on an Ebola vaccine for both humans and Great Apes.

The University of Louisiana’s New Iberia Research Center, the largest institution for primate research in the country, has been at the center of the progress toward a vaccine that could save the lives of countless chimpanzees.

In a paper published last year in the prestigious Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, wildlife biologist Peter Walsh and his colleagues there described how their injected Ebola vaccine produced a strong immune response to the virus in six chimpanzees. The study also noted no negative side effects among the vaccinated chimps.

Walsh and his colleagues are now working on a new version of the vaccine that can be administered orally. That would make delivering it in the wild much easier. If the United States no longer permits research on

chimps, the oral vaccine will never be developed.The authors of the Proceedings paper did not fail to note the tragic

irony of the government reclassification: “In an effort to pay back an ethical debt to captive chimpanzees, the U.S. Government is poised to renege on an even larger debt to wild chimpanzees,” they wrote.

Sometimes research conducted for human benefit ends up benefiting animals as well. And in some ways, animals have been the biggest beneficiaries of research involving animals. As recently as 2007, for example, millions of cats contracted a virus that can weaken their immune system and cause cancer. In 2008, after years of animal research, a treatment for the virus was developed.

Consider the case of protease inhibitors, which slow the spread of the HIV virus. Thanks to research on rodents, scientists were able save the lives of millions of people with HIV/AIDS. New research suggests that protease inhibitors may also be able to fight the fungal “white nose syndrome” that has killed more than 6.5 million North American bats since 2006.

The Fish and Wildlife Service insists that despite the onerous new restrictions that the “endangered” label imposes on scientists, the agency will issue permits for research intended “to benefit wild chimpanzees or to enhance the propagation or survival of chimpanzees.”

But the work of scientists like Peter Walsh will become more difficult. Funding expensive chimpanzee research facilities is tough when studies related to human health are off-limits.

Animal research models have been crucial to improving the health and well-being of humans and animals alike. New restrictions will only end up increasing both human and animal suffering.

Animal rights activists have cheered the Fish and Wildlife Service’s decision. The wild chimps that will needlessly die of Ebola in the years to come have unfortunately been silenced on the matter. FRANKIE TRULLFrankie L. Trull is president of the Foundation for Biomedical Research.

Commentary: Frankie Trull

‘Emmaus Code’ Shows Jesus is the Messiah

One of my favorite C.S. Lewis quotes points out, as only Lewis could, that Jesus was either the Messiah (and the Son of God) as prophesied in the ancient Jewish scriptures, or He was a liar, a lunatic, or, worse, the “Devil of Hell.”

Wrote Lewis: “I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: I’m ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don’t accept his claim to be God. That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic – on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg – or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse. You can shut him up for a fool, you can spit at him and kill him as a demon or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord and God, but let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about his being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to.”

Indeed, to my Jewish friends, I say this: We Christ followers love your Messiah. And make no mistake about it, Jesus is your Messiah. He is our Messiah. He is the Messiah. Messiah means savior, and Jesus is the Savior of all mankind.

To be sure, if both Christ’s words and the Holy Spirit-inspired teachings throughout both the Old and New Testaments are to be believed, and they are, then Christianity and Judaism are not competing religions at odds with one another. Rather, Christianity merely represents the final culmination of Judaism, and Christ’s promised incarnation, death and resurrection, the fulfillment of the long awaited Jewish Messiah prophesied throughout the Old Testament.

In his latest book, “The Emmaus Code: Finding Jesus in the Old Testament,” author and attorney David Limbaugh thoroughly unpacks this reality and “unlocks the mysteries of the Old Testament and reveals hints of Jesus Christ’s arrival through all thirty-nine Old Testament books.”

“The key to the secrets of the Old Testament, Limbaugh argues, is the crucial New Testament encounter between the risen Jesus and two travelers on the road to Emmaus,” notes the book’s description. “With that key, and with Limbaugh as a deft guide, readers of ‘The Emmaus Code’ will come to a startling new understanding of the Old Testament as a clear and powerful heralding of Jesus Christ’s arrival. Limbaugh takes readers on a revealing journey from Genesis through Malachi, demonstrating that a consistent message courses through every one of the Old Testament’s thirty-nine books: the power, wonder, and everlasting love of Jesus Christ.”

The “Emmaus Code” is a project that God long-ago placed on Limbaugh’s heart. “Jesus is prophesied in the Old Testament and fulfills

those prophecies in the New Testament,” he writes. “For years, I have wanted to write a book to share my enthusiasm for the Old Testament and explain how it is foundational to the New Testament as the first act of a two-act play. I have wanted to show the many ways Christ is foreshadowed in the Old Testament.

“My new book, ‘The Emmaus Code: Finding Jesus in the Old Testament,’ is the culmination of a project I began some 20 years ago. In the book, I try to demonstrate that the Christ-centeredness of the Old Testament is the key to understanding all of Scripture. The book is a primer on the Old Testament. I take you through each period of Old Testament history, introduce and discuss all the threads and themes pointing to Jesus in the Old Testament, and finally give you an overview of each book of the Old Testament and detail how each one prefigures Jesus Christ.

“My goal is to increase the reader’s appreciation for the Old Testament and for its Christ-centeredness, for once we have a better handle on the Old Testament and understand that Jesus is its focus, the Bible will come alive for us in ways we never anticipated and our faith will be strengthened and energized. That is certainly my experience, and I pray the same thing happens for you.”

Having just finished the book, I can say with enthusiastic certainty that Limbaugh accomplishes his goal. He demonstrates, like the trial lawyer proving his case beyond any reasonable doubt, that Jesus is not just hinted at in the Old Testament, but that His presence permeates the ancient Jewish texts. As John 1:1 reminds us, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

Christ is the Word and the Word is God.The “Emmaus Code” will change your whole perspective on the

Bible. The Old Testament will come to life for you and you will see clearly, perhaps for the first time, that its primary purpose was, and is, the foretelling of the coming of Christ Jesus.

When Jesus asked the apostle Peter, “Who do you say I am?” Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the son of the living God” (see Matthew 16:15-16).

“Jesus replied, ‘Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven’” (Matthew16:17).

Christ points to Himself as the Old Testament Messiah.David Limbaugh establishes, masterfully, the veracity of Christ’s

claim. MATT BARBERMatt Barber is founder and editor-in chief of He is an author, columnist, cultural analyst and an attorney concentrating in constitutional law. Having retired as an undefeated heavyweight professional boxer, Matt has taken his fight from the ring to the culture war. (Follow Matt on Twitter: @jmattbarber).


Commentary: Matt Barber


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SAGE Commission 2.0 an Insult to Taxpayers’ Intelligence

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval’s ripoff of former conservative Gov. Jim Gibbons’ SAGE Commission is more like adding insult to injury.

SAGE stands for “Spending and Government Efficiency.” It was created by former conservative Gov. Jim Gibbons in May 2008, at the height of the Great Recession.

The commission chairman was Bruce James, a man who was not only a wildly successful businessman in the private sector, but wildly successful in public service as a reformer of the federal Government Printing Office under then-President George W. Bush.

The bi-partisan and bi-regional commission, as described by James in his final report delivered to Gibbons in January 2010, “was the strongest, most knowledgeable, most diversified group of business leaders ever brought together as a state commission in Nevada and perhaps in the country.”

It’s mission, successfully accomplished, was to identify ways of “making our state government smaller and more efficient to avoid the prospect of raising taxes in a declining economy.” Indeed, the commission’s 44 final recommendations were projected to save taxpayers some $2 billion over five years.

But rather than dust off and implement the SAGE recommendations, Sandoval instead shoved $1.4 billion worth of higher taxes down our throat this year, including a new anti-business gross receipts tax that 80 percent of Nevada voters rejected at the ballot box last year.

And now that the tax-and-spend horse is out of the barn; now that the largest tax hike in state history is in place and driving businesses out of state – NOW the governor announces the creation of SAGE 2.0.

But this isn’t your father’s SAGE Commission.Indeed, SAGE 2.0’s appointed chairman is Dale Erquiaga, the governor’s

childhood friend, #1 crony and career bureaucrat whose only identifiable experience in the private sector was as a government affairs lobbyist.

Also appointed was Republican In Name Only (RINO) Assemblyman Pat Hickey, who is quitting the Legislature rather than face voters next November after voting for Sandoval’s $1.4 billion tax hike.

And then there’s Glenn Christensen, chairman of the Las Vegas Global Economic Alliance which,

according to its 2014 Annual Report, gets 1/3 of its operating revenue from “State Funds.”

Rounding out the roster on SAGE 2.0’s board is an employee for a public education foundation, an employee for MGM Resorts, a pastor, a hotel manager, a government affairs lobbyist for a gaming company, and two retired Clark County school district employees.

Yeah, these folks are really gonna tackle government spending and inefficiency.

SAGE 2.0 is a joke. If Gov. Sandoval was really interested in reducing government spending and boosting accountability he’d have put at least a couple of real fiscal conservatives on the board. Instead we get a sham group designed purely for PR and propaganda purposes.

Yet another insult to our collective intelligence by America’s Worst Governor. CHUCK MUTH(A longer version of this column can be found at Mr. Muth is president of Citizen Outreach and publisher of You can reach him at


Commentary: Chuck Muth Every week in Nevada, someone is trying to screw us.

Most of the time, we elected that someone.

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