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If your child does experience some form of exploitation whether mild or severe, it is crucial to be 100% supportive, make it clear that it is not their fault and that you arethere to help and protect them no matter whatWhat is Internet abuse?Internet abuse is an activity that involves the use of the Internet in an abusive manner. It consists of threats and harassment, viruses, spamming, port scanning, hacking, DOS attacks, and copyright infringement.How do I report an incident of Internet abuse?In order to report an Internet abuse, it is recommended that you provide evidence in the form of afirewall log or email header.The types of Internet abuse that requires evidence using an email header are threats and harassment, spamming, and phishing email. ollow the steps below to report the incident!1. "#amine the email header. he email header information is necessary to identify where a message originated from. !lick "ere for instructions on how to view the email header. #. $ocate the offending I% address. $ead the email header from the bottom up. he first &'eceived& line should indicate the I% address and timestamp. he I% address and timestamp should be included in the complaint. &. (etermine who is responsible for the I% address. 'o to http()) and enter the offending I% address into the *$I+ ,"OIS$,* search bo-. .ost organi/ations have abuse contact information listed under the %oint of !ontact section. 0. )end the evidence to the organi*ation responsible for the I% address. If the offending I% address belongs to !harter, report the incident to If the offending I% doesn2t belong to !harter, report the incident to the owner of the I% address. 3e sure toinclude in the complaint the full email header. Note: We cannot process an abuse complaint unless it includes the full email headers.The types of Internet abuse that requires evidence of firewall or server log are port scanning, (+) attac,s, and hac,ing. ollow the steps below to report the incident! 1. "#amine the firewall or server log. he firewall or server log will contain the activity, the I% address, and the time stamp of which the abuse occurred. $efer to your firewall vendor by contacting or visiting their website for help in reading the firewall log and finding the date and time of the abuse.#. $ocate the offending I% address. $ead the firewall or server log to determine the I% address and time stamp.&. (etermine who is responsible for the I% address. 'o to http()) and enter the offending I% address into the *$I+ ,"OIS$,* search bo-. .ost organi/ations have abuse contact information listed under the %oint of !ontact section. 0. )end the evidence to the organi*ation responsible for the I% address. If the offending I% address belongs to !harter, report the incident to If the offending I% doesn2t belong to !harter, report the incident to the owner of the I% address. 3e sure to include in the complaint the complete firewall or server log.Note: Charter cannot process an abuse complaint unless it includes a complete firewall or server log that contains the evidence of abuse. How do I report a copyright violation?If you believe that a !harter I% address is violating your copyright claim to original material suchas a song, film or software, please report the incident to 4ou must be the copyright holder to file a D.!* notice. %lease comply with the standards of the Digital .illennium !opyright *ct 5D.!*6.What should I do if I am threatened over the Internet -via email, chat, or other form of online communication.?If you are threatened over the Internet( Do not respond to the threatening or dangerous email, chat or other communications. Do not delete the offensive or dangerous email. Instead, turn off the monitor and contactlocal law enforcement. $eport the incident to your local law enforcement agency, as you would any other crime committed against you. back to top 7How To 'espondWhat should I do if I am threatened over the Internet -via email, chat, or other form of online communication.?If you are threatened over the Internet( Do not respond to the threatening or dangerous email, chat or other communications. Do not delete the offensive or dangerous email. Instead, turn off the monitor and contactlocal law enforcement. $eport the incident to your local law enforcement agency, as you would any other crime committed against you.What should I do if I am the victim of identity theft?If you believe that you have been a victim of identity theft, take the following steps immediately(1. %lace a fraud alert and)or free/e on your credit report. 8or more information, click "ere. #. 8ile a report with the three ma9or credit reporting agencies( 1. "quifa#%O 3O: ;0. 6pple 4ail DoubleCclick on the message, choose 5iew. Select 2ustomi*e Headers and drag the )how Headers icon into your toolbar. ?. 4icrosoft "ntourage DoubleCclick on the message, select the 5iew menu. !lick Internet Headers and use your mouse to pull down on the line below the header sothat the entire header is visible. ;. 4icrosoft +utloo, "#press for 462 Select the message !lick on the 5iew option on the main toolbar. Select )how Internet Headers option. but before we go into the matter, let us give you some conte-t. $ecently, actress and B presenter Shruti Seth was harassed on witter for e-pressing her opinion about the %.Ds Hselfiewithdaughter campaign. Soon after that, activist Iavita Irishnan was mercilessly trolled on social media for calling .odi a Hlameduck%..!ut to present day, and actress +eha Dhupia is being literally stalked on witter for this tweet sheput up yesterday(Neha duphia: One rain n the city comes to a standstill !ood "overnance is not about sel#es n makin us do yo"a ,it$s makin" sure ur citi%ens r safe%eople are saying things like( Neha &hupia is trendin" for funny reasons I would have liked her to trend for her role in '(aat !ayi )aat !ayi*'*nd this( st +hruti +eth , now Neha &hupia -part from criticisin" .odi, can$t all /0"rade actresses #nd some other way 1claim 2ew03ours02ame on net3efore you trolls begin your good work here too, here is some information you may want to readabout(6ccording to the Washington %ost,The men most li&el* to harass women online + are the men most li&el* to have their own problems.$esearchers .ichael Iasumovic and Eeffrey Iu/nekoff, from the Jniversity of +ew South Wales and 4iami /niversity, respectively, conducted a test among a bunch of men and women playing the popular videogame "alo &.,hat they discovered was significant(,s the* watched the games pla* out and trac&ed the comments that pla*ers made to each other$ the researchers observed that - no matter their s&ill level$ or how the game went - men tended to be prett* cordial to each other. "ale pla*ers who were good at the game also tended to pa* compliments to other male and female pla*ers.ome male pla*ers$ however - the ones who were less.s&illed at the game$ and performing worse relative their peers - made fre/uent$ nast* comments to the female gamers. 'n other words$ se0ist dudes are 1literall*1 losers.!heck out the graph that e-plains this behaviour(2alo Chart"ow can this be connected to what weDre talking about, you askK*ccording to Iasumovic, "alo & actually Fmakes incredible pro-ies for studying realClife behavior.F...3asumovic suggests$ a recent influ0 of female participants has disrupted a pre.e0isting social hierarch*. That4s o&a* for the gu*s at the top - but for the gu*s at the bottom$ who stand to lose more status$ that4s ver* threatening. (Its also in keeping with the evolutionary framework on anti-lady hostility, which suggests sexism is a kind of Neanderthal defense mechanism for low-status, non-dominant men trying to maintain a shaky grip on their particular caves supply of women.) 5emphasis ours65,s men often rel* on aggression to maintain their dominant social status$6 3asumovic writes$ 5the increase in hostilit* towards a woman b* lower.status males ma* be an attempt to disregarda female4s performance and suppress her disturbance on the hierarch* to retain their social ran&.6Five Types of Internet Abuse Used to Cyberbully4ou might look at the internet in private, but anything you share can @uickly become very public.Inowing these five types of internet abuseLwhich have been used by cyberbullies to embarrass,e-ploit and harrass othersLas well as strategies for protecting yourself against them, can help you avoid running into problems.7.)ocial "#clusion Social e-clusion might be one of the mildest forms of cyberbullying, but it can cause serious distress( itDs the online e@uivalent of leaving someone out of a group to which they should e-pect automatic membership. his could include an entire class not accepting a friend re@uest from a particular classmate.Tip! 8ocus on developing realClife relationships rather than depending on virtual relationships for social connection. If you or your child is being e-cluded online, this is probably an indicationof a more serious social problem in real life. alk to your parents, teachers, or a counselor if youDre being socially e-cluded at school. Eoining online or realClife groups based on your interests, hobbies, or activities is also helpful. 14a""in" 5ithout 6ermission agging is a way of attaching a personDs name to an online image so that her name appears on theimage, or so that images of a particular person can be identified by searching for tagged images using her name. agging someoneDs name against an embarrassing, defaming, or manipulated imageLparticularly without her permissionLis a form of internet abuse, especially when the intention is to cause that person distress or ridicule.Tip! Mimit and censor images that you post of yourself, and that others post of you. 'o into the privacy settings of the website you are using and ad9ust them so that tagged images of you cannot be seen by others. 4ou may also be able to block specific people from accessing any information about you. If your image has been posted on a website, contact the website administrator and re@uest that it be taken down. If the image is pornographic, you may be able to report the abuse to the police, although some teens have found themselves in trouble for othersD posting se-t images of them online. 72lamin" 8laming is the practice of posting derogatory comments about another person. It can include outing another person by revealing that he is gay when he hasnDt come out himselfN character assassination by berating someoneDs character throught e-aggerating her perceived faults in an unbalanced wayN or posting up untrue information about someone in order to damage her image or reputation.Tip! *lthough abuse is never the fault of the victim, you can reduce the likelihood that it will happen to you by conducting yourself appropriately online, avoiding provoking negative reactions in others by comments you make, and treating yourself and others with respect. *t the very least, any flaming that does happen will be unsubstantiated and unconvincing. *nd if it doeshappen, report abuse to the owner of the websiteN webmasters are increasingly aware of internet abuse and have moderators who can remove offensive material. 8+ext (e06ostin" Se-ting is a risky activity, but when you are in a relationship, you can be drawn into se-ting a picture of yourself to your loved one without thinking about the potential future risk of its being used against you. 4ounger internet users, especially teenage girls, can also be flattered into se-ting images of themselves, or flashing on a webcam, by predators, pedophiles, and pornographers who can use these images for cyberse-. his is known as coercion, and is a form of internet abuse. ,hile you may feel embarrassed by such images of you being made public, it is not your fault. *sk them to take the image down, and if they do not, report it to the website as being posted without your consent. If they continue to leave it online, and especially if they are harassing you in any other way, report it to the police. 9Impersonation and Identity 4heft Impersonation is pretending to be someone else, and can range from obvious mockery to actuallyborrowing or stealing someoneDs identityLsuch as their name, image, or identifying informationLto carry out actions which are attributed to the victim. Tip! 8or superficial impersonations, such as someone posting up a silly comment online using your name, simply adding a comment below stating that it was not made by you might be enough. 8or more serious impersonationsLcomments which indicate controversial views you donot agree with, for e-ampleLyou can contact the webmaster and ask to have it removed. *nd if your personal information is used to commit theft or another crime, you should either confront the culprit to correct the matter, or report it to the police. hese days 'oogling and 8acebooking are as common daily activities as shaving and sleeping, and all over the world, the amount of time that college students devote to the ,eb is increasing.