Peer to Peer to peer... · The...


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Each of the Managers were asked how their teams would feel using a video camera to record each others practice .

Here are some comments..

Peer to Peer Observations

Being Two Project

Peer to Peer observations

After initial training and discussion the team will record each other as well as conducting written observations of teaching and learning. The

Early Years Assistant Head will use this material with the Early Years Team to ensure teaching is providing a wide range of opportunities to motivate and support children and to help them to learn effectively

and to ensure teaching is rich, varied and stimulating. Here are some comments from staff about how they feel about the

peer to peer observations.

“The peer to peer observations will help us reflect on our

practice. We will be able to identify where we need to

improve and therefore meet every child’s needs individually”.

“We will be able to share good practice with our

colleagues and learn from each other”

Mary Anang: 'I think the peer to peer observations are an effective way of providing constructive feedback from a colleague which helps us to identify their strengths and weaknesses of their interactions with children and help

develop targets, enabling them to help each other improve practice. Most of our peer observations take the form of a more experienced practitioner

supporting a less experienced practitioner but does not necessarily have to be this way. The videoing is a useful way of capturing particular moments

from both children and staff. This also helps us gather evidence for supervisions, appraisals and present to parents, carers and Ofsted‘

(Nursery Manager Wiggly Worms)

Peer to Peer Observations..

Lillian Marza,-Deputy Manager

'These peer to peer observations improve our practice and allows us to

bring our personal thoughts and ideas together and find the best way to deliver what

we understand as good practice’.

Dulce Semedo:

'It is an interesting and curious way to see how I

interact with the children'

Tatyana Samur: 'It was good to know the

opinion of my colleagues and to decide what is appropriate for good practice. It is good

to improve and develop your knowledge with the

experience of others'

Azra Fahad: 'It is a useful way to identify our strengths and weaknesses and how we can support each other to develop ourselves into the best practitioners we can be. It helps us to support children in the best way possible.'

How we are using peer observations to respond to children effectively.

As a team it has made us think about how we adapt our practice or activity to

meet the need of the individual child. As a staff team the peer to peer

observations would make us think about how we can welcome constructive

criticism that will help us to respond to the children’s needs effectively.

We have also considered through reflection

Change layout of activities

Change of weekly plan to meet the children changing choice.

Peer to Peer Observation Discussion

The team have started to video each other as well as doing written observations on each other. The manager is looking to use the video footage as part of the supervision and mentoring process. Here are some comments from staff about how they feel about the peer to peer observations..

“The peer to peer observations have helped us reflect on our practice. We were able to see

where we needed improvement and how we can meet every child’s

needs individually”.

“Our team had discussions about different ways we can involve children in different

stimulating activities”

The teams discussion on Peer to Peer observations Morning Star Nursery

“It helps me to improve my skills and to get more ideas

on how to interact and engage with children”


“Allows you to see what you are doing right or wrong. It helps you to

learn from you mistakes and helps you to support

the children more effectively.”


“Allows me to see how

the next time I can do an observation how I can do

better. This helps us to listen to the children and see what we can improve

on” Kerry

“Helps us to understand what stage each child is at and what I can do to help them. Gives us

more ideas to support the children’s learning and

development by getting comments from our peers ”


Discussion on how the team feel about the peer to peer observation using Video..

“I like it because it will help us to

know what we are doing well and to help us improve”


“I don’t think it is a good idea – I am

not comfortable for a peer giving me


“It would be good for Gladys to be

in the background when feeding

back” Fauzia

“I think this is good we have to go for

it” Aggie

“I feel it is ok as it will help us improve our

general practice as a whole setting”


“We should embrace the

change “ Sandra

Discussion on how the team feel about the peer to peer observation using Video..

Quotes from staff peer to peer observations

“ I thought I would be nervous but I'm not”


“ I like the fact that I can see for myself

what others see when observing me”


“ I felt okay, we can all improve on

something and if this helps us, its all good”


“ I feel shy when being filmed, as this

is new to me”Farjana

“ I think it’s a good way to support each

others”Sophia + Lynn

Devon Close Pre- School

Our discussion on Peer to Peer


• The manager is discussing this with her team on a training inset day – However the team have videoed each other and the manager wants to discuss this with her team about their thoughts and views about how they felt about this… and the teams view on how it benefits good practice further.

Susan says, “Being observed by another member of staff allows me to receive feedback, good or

bad. It allows me to see how things could have been done

differently, allowing me to see what I may need to work on to


Marian says, “Gives me an understanding of reflective

practice and how to better myself in my job and improves

communication with colleagues”.

Tiffany says, “Peer to Peer observation allows you to see yourself from a different angle showing your weaknesses and

strengths and how you can improve yourself”.

Marcia says, “I feel it is a good way to look at the

way you do things”.

Maggie (Manager ) says, “It allows me to look at how the staff are performing in their everyday interactions with

the children. I find it extremely useful for training

purposes as I can show apprentices what good

practice should be. It allows me to see what works well and if there is a need for more training in areas of

weakness ”.
