Pattern Recognition Using Carbon Nanotube Article...


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Pattern Recognition Using Carbon NanotubeSynaptic Transistors with an AdjustableWeight Update ProtocolSungho Kim,†,∥ Bongsik Choi,‡,∥ Meehyun Lim,§,∥ Jinsu Yoon,‡ Juhee Lee,‡ Hee-Dong Kim,†

and Sung-Jin Choi*,‡

†Department of Electrical Engineering, Sejong University, Seoul 05006, Korea‡School of Electrical Engineering, Kookmin University, Seoul 02707, Korea§Mechatronics R&D Center, Samsung Electronics, Gyonggi-do 18448, Korea

*S Supporting Information

ABSTRACT: Recent electronic applications require anefficient computing system that can perform data processingwith limited energy consumption. Inspired by the massiveparallelism of the human brain, a neuromorphic system(hardware neural network) may provide an efficientcomputing unit to perform such tasks as classification andrecognition. However, the implementation of synapticdevices (i.e., the essential building blocks for emulatingthe functions of biological synapses) remains challengingdue to their uncontrollable weight update protocol andcorresponding uncertain effects on the operation of the system, which can lead to a bottleneck in the continuous designand optimization. Here, we demonstrate a synaptic transistor based on highly purified, preseparated 99% semiconductingcarbon nanotubes, which can provide adjustable weight update linearity and variation margin. The pattern recognitionefficacy is validated using a device-to-system level simulation framework. The enlarged margin rather than the linear weightupdate can enhance the fault tolerance of the recognition system, which improves the recognition accuracy.

KEYWORDS: analog switching, carbon nanotube, neuromorphic system, pattern recognition, synaptic transistor, weight update

Neuromorphic engineering is the design and con-struction of systems that replicate the capabilities ofbiological systems and their advantages, such as

robustness and power efficiency, by mimicking both thefunctional and structural characteristics of the biologicalsystems.1 Although relatively little is known about the principleof information processing in the brain, it is certain thatbiological neural systems for sensory perception (such as thevisual system shown in Figure 1a) are more energy efficientthan the common von Neumann architecture of computers.2

Therefore, inspired by the structure of biological brains,3

neuromorphic systems have been adopted to developinnovative artificial neural network computing architecturethat is adaptive, massively parallel, and fault-tolerant.4

A unique feature of neuromorphic systems is that in amassive parallel network, the processing and storing ofinformation can be performed simultaneously by modulatingthe connection strength of synapses, which is referred to as thesynaptic weight.5 Spikes from the presynaptic neurons can betransmitted through the synapses and generate a membranepotential and thus presynaptic spikes based on the relativestrengths of the synapses (i.e., the synaptic weights). These

synaptic weights can be modulated by either potentiating ordepressing spikes from pre- and postsynaptic neurons followingappropriate learning rules, such as spike-timing-dependentplasticity (STDP).6 Therefore, a key element in the neuro-morphic system is the implementation of an ideal synapticdevice that can emulate the functionality of biological synapses.Unfortunately, the current lack of a highly scalable and low-power synaptic device is still a major obstacle to realizeneuromorphic systems.7

To date, several efforts have been made to implement anappropriate synaptic device by exploiting complementarymetal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology and emergingnanoelectronic devices. Although the capability of CMOScircuits is sufficient to capture synaptic functionalities,8−10 thechip area and power consumption required would beprohibitively large for large-scale integration. To overcomethe challenges of CMOS-based approaches,11 attention has

Received: November 24, 2016Accepted: February 21, 2017Published: February 21, 2017


© XXXX American Chemical Society A DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.6b07894ACS Nano XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

recently turned to the attractive characteristics of emergingdevices. One of the most promising candidates is two-terminalresistive switching devices (known as memristors). Memristorsare nonvolatile analog memory.12 With memristors, analogconductance states can be maintained over the long-term, andonly a minuscule amount of energy is required to modulatedistinct states. Synaptic plasticity (e.g., STDP, spike-rate-dependent plasticity or paired pulse facilitation) has beendemonstrated using memristors in a number of studies,13−18

indicating the possibility of establishing next-generationcomputation paradigms.However, the sustainability of memristors is still in doubt,

particularly with regard to the uncontrollable weight updateprotocol that is common to all memristor technologies. Thespecific physical mechanism of the conductance change in mostprospective metal-oxide-based memristors, which uses anatomic-scale modulation of oxygen vacancies based on anelectro/thermodynamic feedback process,19 is responsible forthe unwanted abrupt conductance change (i.e., the nonlinearresponse of the resistance to consecutive potentiation ordepression spikes) and the limited conductance variationmargin.20 Moreover, the effect of nonlinearity and the limitedvariation margin to the neuromorphic system operations, suchas pattern recognition tasks, has not been analyzedquantitatively,21−23 which leads to a bottleneck in thecontinuous design and optimization of synaptic devices.This study breaks through these issues by demonstrating a

synaptic device based on a carbon nanotube (CNT) transistorin which the randomly networked CNTs produced from highlypurified, preseparated 99% semiconducting CNT solutionswere used as channels in the transistor. We intentionallyembedded a thin Au layer as a floating gate (i.e., charge storagelayer) inside a gate dielectric to control both the linearity andvariation margin of the weight update. In addition, wedemonstrate a device- to system-level simulation frameworkbased on a simplified STDP scheme that has the potential forunsupervised online learning and consequent pattern recog-

nition ability in a synaptic transistor array. Therefore, it isexpected that our results can provide guidelines for thequantitative design and optimization of synaptic devices and, inparticular, the required linearity and variation margin of theweight update to improve the recognition accuracy of theneuromorphic system. In addition, we demonstrate the CNTsynaptic transistor on a paper substrate that has great potentialto meet the demand for a popular, flexible, foldable, low-cost,mass-producible, disposable, retrievable, and easily processableneuromorphic system.


Transistors based on CNTs have been investigated as synapticdevices in previous studies.24−27 However, those studies onlyconcentrated on the characterization of a single synaptic deviceand therefore could not effectively provide guidelines forsystem-level design, such as how to implement the functionalneuromorphic system (e.g., the implementation of a patternrecognition system with the proper learning algorithm).Similarly, in our previous work,28 a synaptic transistor basedon a random matrix of single-walled CNTs was demonstratedto reproduce synaptic functions. Preseparated semiconductingCNTs enabled high uniformity and sustainability of thesynaptic transistors with a reliable analog modulation ofchannel conductance. However, the updates of the synapticweight (i.e., change in the channel conductance in the devices)were shown to be highly nonlinear for both potentiation anddepression; consequently, the weight change was prohibitivelylarge during the first few potentiation/depression pulses andbecame saturated as the number of applied pulses increased.Moreover, the variation margin of the weight was only a factorof 2, which limits further improvement of the patternrecognition accuracy.28

To alleviate these issues, a randomly networked highlypurified, preseparated 99% semiconducting CNTs were utilizedas a channel in the CNT synaptic transistor, and a thin Au layer

Figure 1. (a) Processing of visual input received through the eye’s retina is performed in the so-called visual cortex. The genetic background ofan individual’s neuronal development and the activity-driven learning process connects neurons in this part of the brain with each other bymeans of synapses and, in so doing, forms an energy efficient neural network. (b) Schematic of the demonstrated flexible synaptic transistorsbased on a random matrix of semiconducting CNTs. (c) Microscopy (left) and AFM (right) images of the fabricated CNT synaptic transistorsand a random matrix of CNTs, respectively. (d) Image of the fabricated flexible CNT synaptic transistors being transferred onto the papersubstrate (photo paper, averaged RMS of 22.5 nm).

ACS Nano Article

DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.6b07894ACS Nano XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


was embedded as a floating gate in this work, as shown inFigure 1b,c. In this structure, the channel conductance can bemodulated according to the charges stored at the thin Aufloating gate, enabling the variation margin to be enlarged dueto the additional charge storage node. In particular, the amountof charge at the floating gate can be adjusted more accurately bydesigning the amplitude and duration time of the gate voltagepulse, which enables the weight update linearity and variationmargin to be controlled as desired. Additionally, a CNT ishighly suitable for flexible electronic materials because of itshigh bendability and chemical stability, which originates fromthe excellent material properties.29,30 Flexible devices arebecoming increasingly significant in a wide variety of novelapplications that enable integration with soft, curvilinear, andeven time-variant substrates. We believe that a computingsystem with high flexibility could be an essential part of flexibleelectronics for data processing. Therefore, the CNT synaptictransistors proposed in this work were fabricated on a papersubstrate that offers many advantages, including flexibility,inexpensiveness, lightweight, disposability, and recyclability(Figure 1d), as a proof-of-concept for the implementation ofa flexible paper neuromorphic system (the detailed fabricationprocess and device performance are described in the Methodssection and Supporting Information Note 1, respectively).Figure 2a shows a neural network architecture for our

conceived pattern recognition system. With the crossbar layout,the system consists of an input layer followed by an outputlayer. The pixels in the image housing the definite patterns tobe recognized constitute the input layer. Each input neuron isconnected with one pixel of the image; a total of 28 × 28 inputneurons emit presynaptic spikes (Vpre), wherein the timing ofthe presynaptic spikes represents the analog information on thepixel intensities (the detail timing information on thepresynaptic spike will be discussed later). Subsequently,presynaptic spikes from the input neurons can trigger multiple

CNT synaptic transistors simultaneously, and postsynapticcurrents (Ipost) determined by the channel conductance of eachCNT synaptic transistor are collected and accumulated at anoutput neuron. If the accumulated postsynaptic current level isgreater than a given threshold value (Vth), one output neuronfires a postsynaptic spike (Vpost); then, the synaptic weight canbe modulated to any analog state according to the correlationof the pre- and postsynaptic spikes. Additionally, when anoutput neuron fires a spike, it sends inhibitory signals to theother output neurons of the output layer that prevent the otheroutput neurons from firing during the refractory time. Thus,lateral inhibition promotes competitive learning and effectivelyprevents all of the output neurons from learning similarpatterns, which can afford a winner-takes-all mechanism.31

In terms of circuit-level design, a synaptic function isemulated by the configuration of three CNT transistors (3T-Synapse), as shown in Figure 2b, which is the combination ofthe inverter (shown in orange) and the synaptic transistor(shown in yellow). The role of an inverter is a selector; thespike timing correlation between the pre- and postsynapticspikes is converted into various pulse amplitudes through theselector. This pulse is applied to the gate electrode of thesynaptic transistor (VG) and enables the modulation of thechannel conductance. In addition, as noted above, one outputneuron is connected with 28 × 28 synaptic transistors inparallel; each synaptic transistor generates the postsynapticcurrent (Ipost) based on the channel conductance. The totalsum of the postsynaptic currents is accumulated by a leakyintegrator, and finally, the output neuron generates apostsynaptic spike through a waveform generator dependingon the comparison between the integrated postsynaptic currentlevel and Vth. In the proposed neural network, there is no asneak path issue in a crossbar array due to the use of three-terminal synaptic devices. This issue typically limits thepracticability of crossbar architecture32 and requires complex

Figure 2. (a) Hierarchical neural network for pattern recognition of 28 × 28 grayscale images consisting of the input and output layers. Theinput neuron is fully connected to the input image pixel in a one-to-one manner. The synaptic devices are located at the junctions between theinput and output neurons. (b) Neuron circuit with each synapse. The neuron circuit is composed of a leaky integrator, comparator, andwaveform generator. The synapse (i.e., 3T-Synapse) consists of three CNT transistors: an initial p-channel CNT transistor, PEI-doped n-typeCNT transistor, and CNT transistor with a thin Au layer as a floating gate. The former two transistors were connected to form the inverter(orange), and the latter CNT transistor was used to implement the synaptic transistor (yellow). Using the inverter circuit, a postsynaptic spike(Vpost) was selectively applied to the synaptic transistor, i.e., the gate electrode of the synaptic transistor (VG), only when presynaptic spike(Vpre) is the input.

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DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.6b07894ACS Nano XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


solutions, such as complementary resistive switches33 or the useof nonlinear devices34 in the case of common synaptic devicesbased on two-terminal resistive switches.Subsequently, we implement the simplified STDP

scheme28,35 by designing an appropriate timing correlationbetween the pre- and postsynaptic spikes to facilitate thelearning/recognition operation of the proposed neural networksystem. By assuming that an image sensor senses the externalpattern, the sensed information is converted into presynapticspikes with timings. We define a presynaptic spike timing (tpre)from 0 to 50 ms for 256-shade greyscale pixel intensities, asshown in Figure 3a. An early voltage spike timing of 0 mscorrelates to a white pixel, and a late voltage spike timing of 50ms correlates to a black pixel. The presynaptic spike (Vpre) is asuccession of a negative bias and positive bias; when a negativebias part of Vpre is applied to the 3T-Synapse, the p-channeltransistor, which is a pull-up network in the inverter, passes thecertain read bias (Vr) to the gate electrode of the synaptictransistor (VG = Vr), which generates the postsynaptic current(Ipost). Conversely, when a positive bias part of Vpre is applied,the n-channel transistor, which is a pull-down in the inverter,passes Vpost (VG = Vpost), which leads to the channelconductance modulation at the synaptic transistor. Similarly,the postsynaptic spike is composed of consecutive negative andpositive biases, as shown in Figure 3b. If the presynaptic spikearrives at the 3T-Syanpse earlier than the postsynaptic spike(i.e., tpost − tpre = Δt > 0), then the polarity of VG is negative (=VLTP), which increases the channel conductance (which isreferred to as a long-term potentiation (LTP)). Conversely,when the presynaptic spike is later than the postsynaptic spike(Δt < 0), the channel conductance of the synaptic transistor isdecreased (long-term depression (LTD)) by positive VG (=VLTD) (the channel conductance change depending on the VGpolarity is discussed in Supporting Information Note 2).Therefore, the timing correlation between pre- and post-synaptic spikes is converted into various pulses (Vr, VLTP, orVLTD) applied to the synaptic transistor; here, VLTP and VLTDmodulate the synaptic weight for the learning of patterns,

whereas Vr only generates the postsynaptic current todetermine the occurrence of firing at the output neuron forthe recognizing of patterns. This simple learning rule, which iseasily implemented with three CNT transistors (3T-Synapse),is the ground for the weight update protocol. Compared withthe purely bioinspired and more complex scheme introduced inprevious studies,13−18 no delay matching is necessary betweenthe pre- and postsynaptic spikes; thus, this simplified STDPlearning rule (Figure 3c) should make driving circuitryconsiderably easier to design. Moreover, a peripheral drivingcircuitry that is equal to those of 3T-Synpase can also beimplemented by CNT transistor technology, enabling aconsiderably easier fabrication process for high-densityintegration.In the following, we present the synaptic learning rule from

3T-Synapse. First, complementary n- and p-channel CNTtransistors were developed to implement the aforementionedCMOS inverter circuit. In general, the CNT transistor showsinitial p-type behavior under ambient conditions; thus, the n-type CNT transistor could be achieved by doping electron-donating groups.36 Here, n-type doping was accomplished bycoating the prepared polyethylenimine (PEI) solution dissolvedin methanol (50 vol %) on a desired CNT network channel(see the Methods section). With n-type doping, the channelcurrent at positive VGS values began to show a clear increase,and the complete type conversion was achieved with a similaron/off ratio as that of the initial p-channel CNT transistor(Figure 4a). Such a conversion of CNT transistors by PEIdoping results from the shift of the Fermi level toward theconduction band due to electron donation (see SupportingInformation Note 3 for a detailed explanation). The additionalAu layer as a floating gate was not embedded into the inverter,i.e., both the n- and p-channel CNT transistors, for stableinverter operation without significant hysteresis. In addition,highly purified, preseparated, 99% semiconducting CNTs wereused for the formation of the CNT network channels, whichgave rise to uniformly distributed electrical performances, suchas the threshold voltage, on/off current ratio, and mobility

Figure 3. (a) Pulse timing for presynaptic spikes. Each pixel’s intensity is converted into the timing of Vpre. (b) Pulses for a simplified STDP(voltage pulses as functions of time). The net applied voltage to the synaptic transistor (VG) is determined by the timing correlation betweenVpre and Vpost. The polarity of VG is determined by Δt (= tpost − tpre); VG is negative when Δt > 0 for potentiation and positive when Δt < 0 fordepression. (c) Developed simplified STDP rule compared with the standard biological STDP rule.

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(Supporting Information Note 1). As a result, the operation ofthe complementary inverter was achieved by combining n- andp-channel CNT transistors, as shown in Figure 4b. With Vr = 5V, clear output on and off states were observed in which theseoutput characteristics were realized with a small leakage currentat the off state of n- and p-channel CNT transistors.As discussed above, the inverter selects the signal VG applied

to the gate electrode of the CNT synaptic transistor accordingto the timing correlation of the pre- and postsynaptic spikes;accordingly, VG is either Vr, VLTP, or VLTD. When VG = Vr, Vr (=5 V) is not sufficient to modulate the channel conductance ofthe CNT synaptic transistor, it can generate a channel current(i.e., postsynaptic current (Ipost)) depending on the channelconductance. Therefore, when VG = Vr, only Ipost is generatedand accumulates due to the leaky integrator. Conversely, whenVG = VLTP or VLTD, the channel conductance of the CNTsynaptic transistor is modulated, and this modulation is causedby the tunneling process of carriers into the specially embeddedAu floating gate (the Au layer is embedded only into thesynaptic transistor in three CNT transistors in 3T-Synapse).We identified the analog channel conductance-switching

behavior in the CNT synaptic transistor. Figure 4c shows theschematics of the pulse trains used for the measurement. Eachpulse train consists of 120 pulses (negative polarity pulse forpotentiation and positive polarity pulse for depression),followed by nonperturbative read voltage pulses at 1 V withinthe intervals. Although the synaptic update responses ofdifferent devices were reasonably uniform, the weight updateswere highly nonlinear for both potentiation and depression, asshown in Figure 4d. The change in the channel conductancewas more dramatic during the first few potentiation/depressionpulses and became saturated as the number of pulses increased.Every training pulse resulted in a different response in theweight update depending on the current weight state, and thecumulative effect on the weight update does not follow a simplelinear relation, which is attributed to the nonlinearity (NL) ofthe weight update. Here, NL and ΔG were definedquantitatively as37

=| − |

−= −NL

G n G n

G Gn

max ( ) ( )

(120) (1)for 1 120p d

p p

Figure 4. (a) Transfer characteristics for n- and p-channel CNT transistors for the inverter. (b) Voltage transfer curves of an inverterconsisting of CMOS CNT transistors showing a voltage gain of approximately 2.3 at an operating voltage (VDD) of 5 V. (c) Schematics of theapplied pulse trains used to measure the analog channel conductance modulation. Each pulse train consists of 120 potentiation or depressionpulses applied to the gate (VLTP and VLTD for 5 ms) followed by small, nonperturbative read voltage pulses (5 V for 100 ms) within theintervals. Measured analog conductance-switching behaviors in three different cases: (d) Case 1: the amplitudes of VLTP and VLTP are greaterthan other cases; thus, NL is the highest and ΔG is the largest. (e) Case 2: the amplitudes of VLTP and VLTP are smaller than in case 1; thus, NLand ΔG are lower. (f) Case 3: if the CNT transistor without the Au floating gate is used for the synaptic transistor, NL and ΔG areconsiderably smaller than in the other cases due to the limited charge storage space.

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Δ = −G G G G( (120) (1))/ (1)p p p

where Gp(n) and Gd(n) are the conductance values after the nthpotentiation pulse and nth depression pulse, respectively. NLshould be zero for a completely linear update. Interestingly, inthe case of the proposed CNT synaptic transistor with a thinAu layer (floating gate), the channel conductance is modulateddepending on the number of trapped charges at the Au floatinggate, which can be adjusted by designing the amplitude andtime of the gate voltage pulse; thus, the weight updatenonlinearity (NL) and total variation margin (ΔG) arecontrollable. In our measurement, when VLTP and VLTD were−8 V and +8 V, respectively, with a fixed pulse width (5 ms),NL and ΔG were quite high (NL = 0.82, ΔG = 47.0), as shownin Figure 4d (case 1). These high NL and ΔG values are due tothe abrupt carrier injection into the Au floating gate.Furthermore, when the amplitudes of VLTP and VLTD arereduced (Figure 4e, case 2), the conductance change becomesmore gradual due to the alleviation of the carrier injectionprocess, which enables smaller NL and ΔG values. Moreover,the CNT synaptic transistor without the Au floating gateprovides the smallest NL and ΔG values (Figure 4f, case 3).Interestingly, compared with more complex schemes intro-duced in previous studies for two-terminal resistive switches(i.e., nonidentical training pulses with a state-dependent pulsewidth and the amplitude have been required to control theweight update behavior, NL and ΔG),21 with the thin Au layerin our CNT synaptic transistors, NL and ΔG can be easilycontrolled by simply adjusting the amplitude of the pulse,which will decrease the complexity of the peripheral circuitdesigns.However, although NL and ΔG can be adjusted as desired, it

is unclear what NL and ΔG values are appropriate for thereliable operation of a neuromorphic system. In other words, aninvestigation on the impact of high/low NL and ΔG is

necessary, as is particularly evident when investigating the effecton the pattern recognition accuracy. In recent patternrecognition studies based on implemented synaptic devicearrays,21−23,38 high NL has been shown to degrade therecognition accuracy. Nevertheless, no study has performed aquantitative analysis on how a correlated NL and ΔG affect theaccuracy. Therefore, in the following, we represent a device- tosystem-level simulation by using the implemented simplifiedSTDP scheme and demonstrate how different NL and ΔGvalues affect the learning and recognition process. The detailedsimulation procedure, parameters, and model used in this studyare described in Supporting Information Note 4.28 Briefly, todemonstrate pattern recognition in a CNT synaptic transistorarray, we use the widely studied case of handwritten numberrecognition using the MNIST database, which consists ofhandwritten numbers that are 28 × 28 pixels.39 We input thefull MNIST training database, which consists of 60,000 digits,into the system to guide the learning process. Each inputneuron is connected with one pixel of the image; thus, a total of28 × 28 input neurons emit presynaptic spikes such that theirtimings are proportional to the pixel intensity. Inputpresynaptic spikes generate postsynaptic currents based onthe synaptic weight of each synaptic transistor and areintegrated by the output neurons. Then, the one outputneuron whose integrated postsynaptic current is the highestfires postsynaptic spikes; correlated pre- and postsynapticspikes result in channel-conductance potentiation or depression(i.e., the learning phase). After completing the learning process,the network is tested on the MNIST test database, whichconsists of 10,000 digits that were not available during training(i.e., the recognition phase).Figure 5a shows the final simulated conductance states of the

CNT synaptic transistors connecting the input neurons to eachof the output neurons. The synaptic weights that wererandomly initialized eventually learned to encode the input

Figure 5. (a) Rearranged weights (from 784 to 28 × 28) of the connections from the input to output neurons for a network with 80 outputneurons. (b) Performance as a function of the number of output neurons. Each dot shows the recognition rate for a certain network size as anaverage over 10 digits of the entire MNIST test set. (c) Average confusion matrix of the testing results over 10 digits of the 10,000 MNIST testset. High values along the identity indicate correct identification, whereas high values anywhere else indicate confusion between two digits, forexample, the digits 4 and 9.

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DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.6b07894ACS Nano XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


patterns. Figure 5b shows the recognition rate for the test dataset as a function of the number of output neurons (N) and thatthe classification accuracy (i.e., recognition rate) can beimproved by increasing the number of output neurons (N);with 80 output neurons, the recognition rate reaches 60−70%.Additionally, Figure 5c shows the detail of the misclassificationin three different cases; it is the average confusion matrix over10 digits of the MNIST test set, i.e., every single classification ofthe test inputs belongs to one of the 10 × 10 tiles, and itsposition is determined by the actual digit and inferred digit.Given a recognition rate of approximately 70% in case 1, themajority of the inputs are on the identity that corresponds tocorrect classification. Conversely, more misclassificationsoccurred in case 3 given the lower recognition rate, wherethe most common confusions were that 4 was identified as 9, 5was identified as 8, and 9 was identified as 4. Interestingly, case1 (NL is the highest and ΔG is the largest) always exhibits abetter recognition rate than the other cases regardless of thenumber of output neurons, as shown in Figure 5b. This result isdistinctive from the results of previous studies,21−23,38 in whicha smaller NL could improve the accuracy. In contrast, in oursimulation results, a larger ΔG rather than a smaller NL is thedetermining factor to improve the recognition accuracy.To understand the nature of the recognition accuracy

affected by NL and ΔG, we re-investigate the influence of NLand ΔG on the recognition rate according to the number in thelearning phase. Figure 6 shows the simulation results with

different cases and shows again that the recognition rate issignificantly affected by ΔG regardless of the number in thelearning phase and the number of output neurons; as notedabove, a larger ΔG instead of a smaller NL produces a betterrecognition rate. Although a rapid and unstable evolution of therecognition rate was obtained when N = 10 (depicted by thefilled circles) compared with N = 80, the tendency of therecognition rate is predominately determined by ΔG instead ofNL. This opposite result compared to previous studies is causedby the fact that the conductance variation margin of commonsynaptic devices based on two-terminal resistive switches isbelow 10 (i.e., ΔG < 10).21−23,38 With this small ΔG value, NLwas the sole controlling factor; thus, previous studies haveconcluded that a smaller NL produces a better recognition rate.In contrast, in our CNT synaptic transistors, ΔG is 57.5 in case1, and it can be further enhanced by increasing the amplitude ofVLTP or VLTD. This larger ΔG provides more analogconductance states to store information on the input patternto be more clearly distinguished, which leads to a betterdistinction between the previously learned pattern and othertest patterns. Although a smaller NL can improve the

recognition rate under a fixed ΔG, a larger ΔG is the moredominant factor in the pattern recognition procedure. There-fore, when improving the pattern recognition accuracy in aneuromorphic system, the larger variation margin of the weightstates is more important than the linearity of weight update;this conclusion has not been drawn in previous studies.

CONCLUSIONIn summary, we have experimentally demonstrated a synapticdevice based on three CNT transistors (3T-Synapse)constructed from highly purified 99% semiconducting CNTsolutions with reliable, analog, conductance-modulated behav-ior. Specifically, the embedded Au floating gate of the CNTsynaptic transistor enables the synaptic-weight plasticity to beencoded by adjusting the amount of carrier injection, which issimpler and more accurate than previous approaches based ontwo-terminal resistive switches. We fabricated the CNTsynaptic transistors on a paper substrate, demonstrating thefeasibility of a flexible, inexpensive, lightweight, disposable, andrecyclable neuromorphic system. In addition, the developedcomplementary n- and p-channel CNT transistors provide theCMOS inverter circuit, which emulates the simplified STDPmechanism from the timing correlation between the pre- andpostsynaptic spikes. Additionally, a simplified STDP schemewas used to simulate the pattern recognition task at a systemlevel, where the 3T-Synapses associated with peripheral neuroncircuits could perform unsupervised learning. The larger marginof conductance modulation in the CNT synaptic transistorenables a better recognition accuracy; this simulation result isan important step toward effective analog hardware imple-mentation for more complex neuromorphic systems.Although the proposed 3T-Synapse, which is based on highly

purified, preseparated 99% semiconducting CNTs, requiresgreater energy consumption to change the analog conductancestates than previous two-terminal resistive switches or existingsilicon-based floating gate memory, the existing two-terminalresistive switches and silicon-based technology are now facingreliability issues and the physical limit of device scaling,respectively. On the other hand, the CNT has been regarded asthe next-generation material with excellent material propertiesfor high-performance, low-power electronics; hence, the CNT-based synaptic device has been reported by other groups,24−27

including our previous work.28 In this work, we employed thehighly purified, preseparated 99% semiconducting enrichedCNTs-based synaptic transistor with excellent electricalperformance, in particular, high on/off current ratio resultingin the large analog conductance changes. In addition, aperipheral driving circuitry (neuronal circuit) as well as synapticdevices can also be monolithically implemented using theequivalent CNT transistor technology, which enables aconsiderably easier fabrication process with low cost.Importantly, the integration to three-dimensionally stackedhigh-density array might be much easier than silicon-basedconventional floating gate memory;40 it will be an importantmerit toward the effective analogue hardware implementationof more complex neuromorphic networks.

METHODSFabrication of CNT Transistors and Transfer to the Paper

Substrate. To transfer the device onto the paper substrate, CNTtransistors were initially fabricated on highly p-doped rigid siliconsubstrates with a thermally grown 50 nm-thick SiO2 layer. First, thecopper (Cu) (300 nm) and SiOx (300 nm) layers were sequentially

Figure 6. Recognition rate as a function of the number of learningphases.

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DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.6b07894ACS Nano XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


deposited on the substrate using evaporation and a plasma-enhancedchemical vapor deposition process, respectively. The layers served as asacrificial layer to detach the CNT transistors from the rigid donorsubstrate using a water-assisted transfer technique.36 We used the localback-gate structure for efficient local modulation of the channels in theCNT transistors. To form the local back-gate, the palladium (Pd) layerwas first deposited and subsequently patterned using evaporation anda lift-off process, respectively. Next, a 50 nm-thick SiOx layer, 10 nm-thick Au layer, and 20 nm-thick SiOx layer were deposited sequentially.The thin Au layer served as a floating gate for charge storage. Then,the top surface of the SiOx layer was functionalized with a 0.1 g/mLpoly-L-lysine solution to form an amineterminated layer, which actedas an effective adhesion layer for the deposition of the CNTs.Subsequently, the CNT network channel was formed by immersingthe chip into a 0.01 mg/mL 99% semiconducting CNT solution(NanoIntegris, Inc.) for several hours, followed by a thorough rinsewith isopropanol and DI water. Subsequently, the source/drainelectrodes consisting of Ti and Pd layers (each 2 and 40 nm,respectively) were deposited and patterned using conventional thermalevaporation and a lift-off process, respectively. Finally, additionalphotolithography and oxygen plasma steps were conducted to removeunwanted electrical paths, which isolated the devices from oneanother.We used the water-assisted transfer printing technique to transfer

the fabricated CNT transistors on the rigid substrate to the papersubstrate. First, a thermal release tape (TRT) was attached to thefabricated CNT transistors as a temporary holder. Next, the entirestructure was soaked in deionized water at room temperature, and anedge of the TRT was peeled off to initiate water penetration. Withinseveral minutes, the entire structure was detached from the donorsubstrate. A Cu etchant (FeCl3) was then used to eliminate the Culayer on the backside of the detached substrate. At the end of theprocess, the TRT holding the structure was pasted onto the photopaper without any surface treatment of the paper surface.Electron Doping for the n-Channel CNT Transistor.We used a

branched PEI polymer (average MW: 800, Sigma-Aldrich) to producen-channel transistors. First, a typical branched PEI polymer with thechemical formula H(NHCH2CH2)nNH2 was dissolved in methanol(50 vol %) and then spin-coated on the top surface of the devicesusing low-rpm spin-coating. Next, the baking process was performed at65 °C to evaporate the methanol. Finally, the remaining PEI on theCNTs was removed by rinsing again with methanol. The PEI wasirreversibly adsorbed on the CNT network via thorough rinsing with asolvent (methanol). A relatively high concentration of PEI (50 vol %)was selected due to the high n-channel current. All experiments wereconducted under ambient conditions.


*S Supporting InformationThe Supporting Information is available free of charge on theACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.6b07894.

Additional discussions about (1) the electrical propertiesof CNT synaptic transistors and their variability, (2) themechanism of the channel conductance modulation inthe CNT synaptic transistors, (3) doping in the CNTtransistors, and (4) details concerning the patternrecognition simulation procedures (PDF)


Corresponding Author*E-mail:

ORCIDSung-Jin Choi: 0000-0003-1301-2847Author Contributions∥These authors equally contributed to this work.

NotesThe authors declare no competing financial interest.


This research was supported by Nano·Material TechnologyDevelopment Program (NRF-2016M3A7B4910430) and BasicScience Research Program (NRF-2016R1D1A1B03930162,2016R1A2B4011366, and 2016R1A5A1012966) through theNational Research Foundation of Korea funded by the Ministryof Science, ICT, and Future Planning. This work was partiallysupported by the Future Semiconductor Device TechnologyDevelopment Program (grant 10067739) funded by MOTIE(Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy) and KSRC (KoreaSemiconductor Research Consortium).

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