Participant Binder WE3-53-09 Final · 2009-09-22 · trict, roundtable, huddle, program, and unit...


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woOD BADGE for the 21st Century


Los Padres Council, BSA



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Patrol Roster Name


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Glossary of Terms APL—Assistant Patrol Leader—Youth second leader of a patrol. Appointed by the PL to help him and take his place in his absence. A member of the PLC which runs the troop. ASM—Assistant Scoutmaster—A registered volunteer Scouter, 18 years or older, appointed by the Chartered organization to help the Scoutmaster in various ways. ASPL—Assistant Senior Patrol Leader—Appointed by the SPL with SM’s advice and consent, helps run the troop with the SPL and PLC, and takes the place of the SPL in his absence. BP—Baden-Powel, Robert Stephenson Smyth—Founder of the worldwide Scouting movement. Born in London, February 22, 1857. Created a Baron in 1929. He is referred to as Lord Baden-Powell of Gilwell, Chief Scout of the World. Died January 8, 1941. BS—Boy Scouting—A youth program for boys, ages 11 to 17, specializing in outdoor leadership. CA—Assistant Cubmaster—A registered volunteer Scouter, 18 years or older, appointed by the Chartered organization to help the Cubmaster Camporee—Derived from two words: camp and jamboree. A district or council troop activity to demonstrate techniques of living in camp. Involves a one or two-night camping experience. May involve Scoutcraft competitions and visits by Webelos Dens. CC (1)—Committee Chair, Troop—A registered volunteer Scouter, 21 years or older, appointed by the Chartered organization. The adult leader of the troop committee, may also be a member of the chartered organization. Provides the motivation and direction to the committee to get the Troop Program implemented, as decided by the PLC. CC (2)—Committee Chair, Pack—A registered volunteer Scouter, 21 years or older, appointed by the Chartered organization. The adult leader of the pack committee, may also be a member of the chartered organization. Provides the motivation and direction to the committee to get the Pack Program implemented, as decided by the Cubmaster and Den Leaders. CM—Cubmaster—A registered volunteer Scouter, 21 years or older, appointed by the Chartered organization. CO—Chartered organization—A religious, civic, fraternal, educational, or other community-based organization that has applied for and received a charter to operate a BSA Scouting unit. Commissioner—A volunteer Scouter who works with packs, troops, teams, and venturing crews to help the units succeed. In addition to council commissioner, there are district, assistant dis-trict, roundtable, huddle, program, and unit commissioners. Cracker Barrel—A gathering of Scouts and/or Scouters for friendship and fellowship with light snacks and refreshment. CS—Cub Scouting—A youth program for boys, ages 6 to 10, specializing in activities and learn-ing.

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DA—Assistant Den Leader—A registered volunteer Scouter, 18 years or older, appointed by the Chartered organization to help the Den Leader DC (1)—Den Chief—A Boy Scout, Varsity Scout, or Venturer who helps direct the activities of a den. Appointed by the SPL with SM/Adviser advice and consent. A Webelos Den Chief provides the same functions for a Webelos Den. DC (2)—District Chair—The volunteer chairperson of the district committee. DC (3)—District Committee—A group of volunteer adults responsible for carrying out the council program within their district. DE—District Executive—A professional Scouter who works under the direction of the Scout Ex-ecutive and is responsible for the achievements of the district. Denner—A Cub Scout or Webelos Scout elected by his peers to help the den chief and den leader. DL—Den Leader—A registered volunteer Scouter, 21 years or older, appointed by the pack com-mittee to plan and direct the den’s activities. Fast Start—A preliminary training session, available on VHS, DVD and online explaining troop organization, troop meetings, and the outdoor program. Gilwell Park—The training center of the British Scout Association and the original home site of Wood Badge Training. Located in Epping Forest, England. IOLS—Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills—A three-day training event designed to teach WL, ASM, SM, and Venturing Adviser how to support and train boys in the skills needed to attain 1st Class. MC—Committee Member—Adult volunteer who serves on the committee which carries out the unit program. Members are involved in operation of the unit in areas such as finance, advance-ment, transportation, fundraising, and other duties as determined by the CC and SM or CM and CC. Committees can be unit (pack, troop, team,crew), district, or council. OA—Order of the Arrow—An adjunct program of the BSA which honors those who are suppor-tive and experienced in camping and live the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives. It is dedi-cated to service and leadership in the unit and community. Arranged by District (Chapter/Clan/Village) and Council (Lodge). Lodges may take a Native American name usually of the Nation of another totem near them. Ordeal—This is the first level of OA membership. Scouts, of at least 1st Class rank, who have 15 days and nights of camping (1 week summer camp required) and have the approval of the their SM, are eligible for election by their peers and pass through an Ordeal meant to encourage self-reflection and an awaking of other person’s needs. Membership is not given based on what they have done, but what they are expected to do. PL—Patrol Leader—Youth leader of a patrol consisting of between 5-8 boys. As a member of the PLC he helps make the decisions that run the troop. He appoints his APL.

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PLC—Patrol Leader Council—The youth leaders of a troop. The PLC consist of the SPL, ASPL, PL, and APL. They should be trained by the SM, through troop youth leader training (TLT), to do the planning and running of the troop. SM—Scoutmaster—A registered volunteer Scouter, 21 years or older, appointed by the char-tered organization to lead the troop. Provides direction and training to the Scouts so they can run a troop more effectively. Works with troop committee and the chartered organization repre-sentative provide program opportunities for the youth in the troop. SPST—Scoutmaster Position-specific Training—A one-day basic training for SM’s and ASM’s focusing on the organizational and administration aspects of a troop, usually taken before IOLS. SPL—Senior Patrol Leader—Youth leader of the troop. He is elected by the members of his troop and is the head of the PLC. He appoints the ASPL. TC—Troop Committee—A group of adult volunteers Scouters lead by the CC in supporting and implementing the troop program. TDL—Tiger Den Leader—A registered volunteer Scouter, 21 years or older, appointed by the pack committee to plan and direct the den’s activities. TG—Troop Guide—A youth leader who works with the new Scout patrol in the troop; appointed by the SM in consultation with the SA responsible for the new Scout patrol. This Is Scouting—Replaces New Leader Essentials as the introduction to Scouting for new leaders. Available online at a VS—Varsity Scouting—A youth program for boys, ages 13 to 17, specializing in sports and physical fitness. Venture Patrol—A patrol in a troop composed of boys aged 13 to 17 who wish to plan and exe-cute activities which offer more High Adventure opportunities than the standard troop program. Not related to Venturing. Venturing—A youth program for boys and girls, ages 14 to 20, specializing in group activities and personal growth. WA—Assistant Webelos Den Leader—A registered volunteer Scouter, 18 years or older, ap-pointed by the Chartered organization to help the Webelos Den Leader. WDL—Webelos Den Leader—A registered volunteer Scouter, 21 years or older, appointed by the pack committee to plan and direct the den’s activities. Wood Badge—A training award granted upon completion of the Wood Badge course. Those who have completed the practical application portion of their training wear a leather thong with two wooden beads, a special neckerchief, and a slide (woggle). Wood Badge for the 21st Cen-tury teaches team development/management skills. YPP—Youth Protection Plan—Guidelines and policies in place to help fight child abuse.

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Twenty Questions An important focus of the upcom-ing Wood Badge course will be a consideration of our role as lead-ers in Scouting, in the workplace, in our communities and in the na-tion. Among the most valuable discus-sions that will occur will be an ongoing consideration of setting leadership goals and then deter-mining the manner in which those goals can be reached. The Twenty Questions pre-course as-signment is intended to help you lay the groundwork for the course by developing a clearer under-standing of your personal inter-ests, values and sense of the fu-ture. At Wood Badge, you will have the opportunity to channel that infor-mation into the development of specific goals and effective means of action. • This assignment is for you to

do on your own. • No one except you will see

the results. Use this opportunity to take a good look at where you are now in terms of interests, leadership skills and opportunities, and where you would like to be. Be as honest as you can. Enjoy the experience. What to do: • Set aside time to think seriously

about the following questions. • Answer the questions as fully

and honestly as you can. • Write down your answers and

bring them to the Wood Badge course. You will find them to be a helpful reference — only you will see the answers.

• Don’t worry about what the “right” answers are or about satisfying someone else’s idea of how you should respond. No one except you will see what you write.

The Questions:

1. What do I feel are my greatest strengths? _________________ ___________________________________________________

2. .What strengths do others notice in me? ___________________ ___________________________________________________

3. What do I most enjoy doing? ___________________________ ___________________________________________________

4. What qualities of character do I most admire in others? _______ ___________________________________________________

5. Who is a person who has made a positive impact on my life?___________________________________________________

6. Why was that person able to have such significant impact?


7. What have been my happiest moments in life? ________________________________________________________________

8. Why were they happy? ________________________________


9. If I had unlimited time and resources, what would I choose to do? _______________________________________________


10. When I daydream, what do I see myself doing? ________________________________________________________________

11. What are the three or four most important things to me?_______


12. When I look at my work life, what activities do I consider of greatest worth? ______________________________________


13. What can I do best that would be of worth to others?_________


14. What talents do I have that no one else really knows about?___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

15. If there are things I feel I really should do, what are they?______ ___________________________________________________

16. What are my important roles in life? ______________________ ___________________________________________________

17. In each of those roles, what are my most important lifetime goals? _____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

18. In five years, what role do I see for myself in Scouting? _______ ___________________________________________________

19. What would I really like to be and to do in my life? ___________ ___________________________________________________

20. What are the most important values I use to guide and motivate my actions? _________________________________________


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Guidelines for Conducting Flag Ceremonies, Days One through Six


At the Day One Gilwell Field assembly, a staff color guard conducts the flag-raising ceremony, setting the tone and

providing an appropriate model for subsequent flag ceremonies.

During the remainder of the Wood Badge course, the program patrol takes responsibility for the flag ceremony. That

patrol will have had program responsibilities since the previous day’s Gilwell Field assembly; that should give them

time to plan and practice the ceremony, and to obtain the appropriate historic flag from the quartermaster.

Lyrics of the songs associated with historic flags can be photocopied and distributed before the flag-raising cere-



After the senior patrol leader reports to the Scoutmaster, “The troop is formed,” the Scoutmaster replies, “Proceed

with the flag ceremony.”

The senior patrol leader directs, “Program patrol, raise the colors.”

The patrol leader of the program patrol takes charge, calling the members of the troop to attention. The color guard

approaches the flagpoles and attaches the flags for raising. The patrol leader asks the troop members to make the

Scout salute, then instructs the color guard to “Raise the colors.”

The U.S. flag should be hoisted rapidly. As soon as it is at the top of the flagpole, the patrol leader commands “Two.”

The state flag and flag of the Boy Scouts of America are also raised quickly. The patrol then makes its presentation

of the historic flag. Upon completion of the presentation, the historic flag and the Gilwell troop flag are raised rapidly

to the tops of their flagpoles. (The Star-Spangled Banner and the Flag of 1818 are saluted, as they are still recog-

nized as official flags of the United States of America.) The program patrol leads the group in singing a song associ-

ated with the historic flag, then returns to its position in the troop assembly.

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Cub ScoutingCub ScoutingCub ScoutingCub Scouting

•The Ideals (Promise and Law)

•The Den •Advancement Plan •Family Involvement

•Activities •Home– and Neighborhood-Centered

•The Uniform


•The Ideals (Oath and Code)

•Group Activities •Recognition

•Adult Association •Advancement

•High Adventure •Teaching Others


Boy ScoutingBoy ScoutingBoy ScoutingBoy Scouting

•The Ideals (Oath and Law) •Patrol Method •Advancement

•Association With Adults

•Outdoor Activities •Personal Growth

•Leadership Development •The Uniform


Character development, Citizenship training, Mental and physical fitness

Mission Statement

To prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the

“A Game With A Purpose”

Methods Methods




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ay O


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Listening to Learn

Learning Objectives:

As a result of this presentation, participants will

■ Become aware of how we listen.

■ Explore good listening as a communication skill.

■ Practice the skills of active and empathetic listening.

■ Examine the relationship between listening skills and the receiving and giving of feedback














For my Ticket:

List two ways you could use this in your Scouting or personal activities.







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Tips on giving feedback

1. Consider your motives. Feedback should always be helpful, otherwise there is no reason to

offer it.

2. Find out if the other people involved are open to receiving feedback. Listen carefully, then

rephrase what they are saying to be sure you understand them.

3. Deal only with behavior that can be changed.

4. Deal with specifics, not generalities.

5. Describe the behavior, don’t evaluate it.

6. Let the other person know the impact their behavior has on you.

7. Use an “I” statement to accept responsibility for your own perceptions and emotions.

8. To make sure the recipients of the feedback have understood your message in the way you

intended it, ask them to rephrase what they heard you say.

Tips on receiving feedback

1. Seek out feedback. It will nearly always provide you with information that will in some way im-

prove your performance.

2. Listen carefully, receiving feedback requires a heightened awareness of yourself and the per-

son offering the feedback.

3. Listen actively. Restate the feedback in your own words

4. Deal with specifics, not generalities.

5. Describe the behavior, don’t evaluate it.

6. Let the other person know the impact their behavior has on you.

7. Use an “I” statement to accept responsibility for your own perceptions and emotions.

8. To make sure the recipients of the feedback have understood your message in the way you

intended it, ask them to rephrase what they heard you say.

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Troop Meeting Plan—Day One




25 Minutes

• • Patrol Member Introductions

• • Making a Woggle

Troop Guide and Pa-

trol Members

Troop Guide

10 min.

15 min.

25 min.

Opening Ceremony

30 Minutes

• • Opening Ceremony (includes

Scout Oath, Law, and Scoutmaster


• • New-scout Induction Ceremony


Scoutmaster and Sen-

ior Patrol Leader

5 min.

25 min.

55 min.

Skills Instruction

15 Minutes

Aims and Methods of the Boy Scouts of


Troop Guides 15 min. 70 min.

Patrol Meetings

20 Minutes

• • Role of Patrol Leader, Patrol To-

tem, Flags, Responsibilities

• • Election of Patrol Leaders

• • Introduction of Daily Patrol Self-

Assessment Tool

Troop Guides 20 min. 90 min.

Interpatrol Activity

10 Minutes

The Patrol Method Game Senior Patrol Leader 10 min. 100 min.


5 Minutes

Total 105 minutes of


• • Patrol Leader Installation

• • Scoutmaster’s Minute

Senior Patrol Leader

and Scoutmaster


5 min. 105 min.

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The Woggle

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Aims, Ideals, and Methods of Scouting

Aims Ideals Methods

Cub Scouts � Build character � Learn the responsi-

bilities of citizenship � Develop personal


Cub Scout Promise Law of the Pack Cub Scout Motto

� Living the Ideals � Belonging to a Den � Using Advancement � Involving Family and

Home � Participating in Activi-

ties � Serving Neighborhood

and Community � Wearing the Uniform � Making Character Con-


Boy Scouts � Growth in moral strength and charac-ter

� Participating citizen-ship

� Development in physical, mental, and emotional fitness

Oath Law Motto Slogan

� Advancement � Ideals � Patrols � Outdoors � Adult Association � Personal Growth � Leadership Development � Uniform

Varsity Scouts

Same as Boy Scouts Oath Law Motto Slogan Pledge

Same as Boy Scouts

Venturers � Character Develop-ment

� Citizenship Training � Mental and Physical


The Ven-turing Oath The Ven-turing Code

� Group Activities � Adult Association � Leadership � Scouting Ideals � High Adventure � Recognition � Teaching Others � Uniform optional

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Application of the Aims, Ideals, and Methods of Scouting

I will do the following to better apply, implement, and make effective the Aims, Ideals, and Methods within my unit:




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Think of 3 Scouts in your unit and what their lives will be like in 10 years. What qualities do you expect

them to exhibit which they have gained in Scouting?


Scout _____________________

Scout __________________________

Scout ______________________

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Patrol Meeting Agenda

♦ Roles and responsibilities of the patrol leader, asst. patrol leader, chaplalin

aide, and scribe (see Gilwell Gazette)

♦ Patrol leader election

♦ Appointment of asst. patrol leader, chaplain aide, and scribe

♦ Introduction of Start, Stop, Continue (page )

♦ Patrol totem

Patrol Leader Positions

Daily Roster

Patrol Leader Assistant Patrol Leader Scribe * Chaplain Aid **

Day One

Day Two

Day Three

Day Four

Day Five

Day Six

*The positions of Scribe and Chaplain Aid may be held by the same individuals throughout the Wood Badge

course, or they may rotate among several or all members of the patrol.

** Because of their involvement with the Chaplin Aides meeting on Day Two and with the Interfaith Worship

service on Day Six, the person or persons serving as Chaplain Aide should be Patrol Leader on days other than

Day Two or Day Six.

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Evaluation Using Start, Stop, Continue Start – “What should we be doing that will make things better?” Stop – “What should we stop doing because it isn’t helping?” Continue – “What is our strength and what is working well that we want to continue doing?” ♦ ♦ A key to effective team development is self-assessment – regularly measuring the morale

and productivity of one’s own group. The daily patrol self-assessment encourages course par-ticipants to do use that.

♦ ♦ The patrol self-assessment tool can be used just as effectively in other team settings within

and beyond Scouting – district committees, church boards, camp staffs, business task forces, etc.

♦ ♦ The daily patrol self-assessment measures the development and performance of the patrol

over the preceding 24 hours. ♦ ♦ The patrol self-assessment need not be shared with anyone outside of the patrol. On the

morning of Day Two, however, the troop guide may help facilitate the assessment process as patrol members work through it for the first time. After that, the troop guide will not be involved in the assessment process unless specifically requested to do so by the patrol leader.

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Patrol Totems

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My Patrol Totem

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Patrol Leader’s Council Meeting

Day One

1. Welcome

2. Introduction of attendees

3. Special Bulletins

♦ Communication

♦ Interfaith Worship—Chaplain’s Aides Meeting

♦ Future PLC meetings location

4. Purpose of the meeting—what we will accomplish

5. Reports on Patrol Progress

6. Assignment of Day Two troop meeting

♦ Front-End Alignment Game

7. Introduce Program/Service Patrol Responsibilities (Handout)

8. Introduction of the Daily Patrol Self Assessment Form

9. Discussion—Patrol Exhibits

10. Course Schedule

11. Campfire Planning Meeting

12. Campsite set up

13. Summarize the important points of the meeting and review assignments

14. Adjourn

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The Campfire Program Planner

How to use this sheet: Be sure that every feature of the campfire program upholds Scouting’s highest traditions.

1. In a campfire planning meeting, fill in the top of the Campfire Program sheet (over).

2. On the Campfire Program Planner (below), list all units and individuals who will participate in the program.

3. Write down the name, description, and type of song, stunt, or story they have planned.

4. The master-of-the-campfire organizes the songs, stunts, and stories in a good sequence considering timing, va-

riety, smoothness, and showmanship.

5. The master-of-the-campfire makes out the Campfire Program sheet (over).

6. Copies of the program are given to all participants.

Cheer Planner Spot

Song Planner Spot

Group or individual

Description Type Spot



Headliner Main event

Song leader


Campfire Program Planner

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Place ______________________

Date _______________________

Time ______________________

Camp director’s approval _____ ___________________________

Spot Title of stunt, song, or story By ___________________ Time























Campers notified _____________ Area set up by _______________

Campfire planning meeting _____ ___________________________

MC ________________________ Campfire built by _____________

Song leader _________________ Fire put out by _______________

Cheermaster ________________ Cleanup by _________________

Campfire Program

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Key Ingredients of a Successful Camp-

The Four Ss

Why do we have campfires?

CCCC ampfires can be an inspirational

part of the Scout outdoor pro-

gram. There are at least eight reasons

for having them:

Fun—Ask a Scout why he likes camp-

fires and this is his answer!

Entertainment—We give pleasure to

other people.

Action—A was for boys (and adults)

to let off steam in such physical activi-

ties as songs, cheers, and stunts.

Adventure—We can share in some-

one else’s adventure or make our own


Fellowship—This is a deeper meaning

for campfires, and brings Scouts closer


Recognition—For special achieve-

ments beyond the unit norm.

Training—We can learn new things

in an informal setting.

Inspiration—We develop a greater

commitment to Scouting’s ideals.

Six Tips For Songleading Whether you’re tone deaf or a musical

virtuoso, you CAN lead songs. It’s sim-

ple, if you follow these six steps for be-

ing a good song leader,

1. Announce the title of the song clearly and name the tune if it is familiar. The

first song should be familiar to every-

one to get them started.

2. Sing the first note to give the pitch.

Be sure the whole group has it. Too

high or too low? Stop and start over.

3. Set the tempo. Use simple arm/hand

motions, or stomp your foot.

4. Give them the information the need.

If they don’t know the song, teach it.

5. Go for pep and enthusiasm, not just

volume. It’s singing you want—not loud noise.

6. Show you leadership and control.

Choose songs that fit the crowd and

the occasion; avoid parodies or songs

that might offend.

Don’t ask what song the audience wants

to sing...they just might tell you! Instead,

you tell them. And make sure it’s one

YOU know.

L arge or small… informal or for-mal… great campfires involve

planning and four simple ingredients. While location and format are impor-tant, it’s these four program elements that count: Songs, Stunts, Stories and Showmanship. The sequence determines our suc-cess, as we match the campfire pro-

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What’s “Scouter’s 5”? It’s the last five minutes of the camp-fire program, where the emcee makes any final comments and introduces the Scoutmaster’s Minute.

How to Spin a Good Yarn!

O ne thing that boys really like is a good story. The word “story”

comes from storehouse, so many things are actually stored in a story...especially its meaning! In gen-eral, there are four types of stories: Adventure Stories have a fast-moving plot where the unexpected happens. Boys love heroes. Instructive Stories teach important things, such as skills, morals, nature or safety. Good Fun Stories call for laughter and jokes; they share happiness and good fortune. Inspirational Stories usually have a serious tone and have a moral.

F or successful storytelling, remem-ber these easy guidelines: Be-

lieve in your story. Pain a words-eye view. Don’t hurry, except where ap-propriate to create excitement. Vary the tone of your voice to fit the points of the story. See the action in your mind’s eye. And make everyone comfortable before you begin.

Aims, Ideals, and Methods of Scouting

Aims Ideals Methods

Cub Scouts � Build character � Learn the responsi-

bilities of citizenship � Develop personal


Cub Scout Promise Law of the Pack Cub Scout Motto

� Living the Ideals � Belonging to a Den � Using Advancement � Involving Family and

Home � Participating in Activi-

ties � Serving Neighborhood

and Community

Four Ss of a Successful Campfire

SSSS ongs — Can be quiet, peppy, action-filled, novelty, special oc-casion, inspirational, or Scouting-based.

SSSS tunts — can be humorous, full of action, magical, and even educa-

tional. Stunts include the firelighting (sets the tone for the program) and the closing, which is quiet and inspirational sending ‘em home with special thoughts in their heads.

SSSS tories — Can take us on an adven-ture, be humorous, or tell us about

our heroes. A Scoutmaster’s Minutes is also a story.

SSSS howmanship — Adds the sparkle! It’s the timing and lifeline of the

campfire program, with lots of pep as the flames soar, subdued as the fire dies to smoldering embers. As you follow the flame, Showmanship embodies the pace of the program while encouraging enthu-siasm and controlling discipline and group performance.

A few additional Ss to consider

I n addition to the Sequence of program activities, another important “S’ of a

campfire is the Site. Is it large enough for all? With adequate access and seating? Is it protected from the wind? Is it a scenic spot? Or inspirational? Will there be competition from outside noise? Is there adequate and appro-priate fire safety? And remember to look up and see where sparks may fly.

Campfire Etiquette!

E veryone should know and live rules of good campfire etiquette:

1. Enter the campfire circle (or area) horseplay.

2. Be courteous to others; do not talk during a song, skit, stunt

or story.

3. Cheer all contributors for doing their best!...except for the villain of course!

Never jeer...Always cheer!

4. Keep flashlights turned off after entering the campfire circle.

5. Leave the campfire in silence.

Key Ingredients (continued from previous page) gram to the flames. We start out fast build to a peak, slow down, and finish with an inspiring close. To maintain a smooth flow, we follow the “program,” which lets all participants know where in the program they appear. If all the players know what to do, it avoids “surprises” and maintains a smooth flow. Everything done at the campfire should be checked in advance to avoid off-color or ques-tionable songs, jokes, stunts or stories—all of which have no place in a Scouting program. A good motto is: “When in doubt, leave it out.”

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Values, Vision, and Mission

Learning Objectives:

As a result of this presentation, participants will

■ Understand what is meant by values, vision, and mission.

■ Review the values, vision, and mission of Scouting.

■ Consider values, vision, and mission in the context of leadership.

■ Learn about the Wood Badge Ticket.

■ Begin writing their own Wood Badge Ticket based on their personal values, vision, and mission













For my Ticket:

List two ways you could use this in your Scouting or personal activities.







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Wood Badge Ticket Worksheet

A Personal Statement of Vision and Mission

My Vision: In 18 months, I, ____________________________________, see myself as a more

_______________________________________ leader, so that I can lead or coach my group to

accomplish or learn ________________________________________.

Goal/Ticket Item # ________________________ Strengthens Me □ Strengthens My Group □


















How Verified: _________________________________________________________________


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Wood Badge Ticket Worksheet

A Personal Statement of Vision and Mission

My Vision: In 18 months, I, ____________________________________, see myself as a more

_______________________________________ leader, so that I can lead or coach my group to

accomplish or learn ________________________________________.

Goal/Ticket Item # ________________________ Strengthens Me □ Strengthens My Group □


















How Verified: _________________________________________________________________


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Wood Badge Ticket Worksheet

A Personal Statement of Vision and Mission

My Vision: In 18 months, I, ____________________________________, see myself as a more

_______________________________________ leader, so that I can lead or coach my group to

accomplish or learn ________________________________________.

Goal/Ticket Item # ________________________ Strengthens Me □ Strengthens My Group □


















How Verified: _________________________________________________________________


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Wood Badge Ticket Worksheet

A Personal Statement of Vision and Mission

My Vision: In 18 months, I, ____________________________________, see myself as a more

_______________________________________ leader, so that I can lead or coach my group to

accomplish or learn ________________________________________.

Goal/Ticket Item # ________________________ Strengthens Me □ Strengthens My Group □


















How Verified: _________________________________________________________________


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Wood Badge Ticket Worksheet

A Personal Statement of Vision and Mission

My Vision: In 18 months, I, ____________________________________, see myself as a more

_______________________________________ leader, so that I can lead or coach my group to

accomplish or learn ________________________________________.

Goal/Ticket Item # ________________________ Strengthens Me □ Strengthens My Group □


















How Verified: _________________________________________________________________


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Wood Badge Ticket Worksheet

A Personal Statement of Vision and Mission

My Vision: In 18 months, I, ____________________________________, see myself as a more

_______________________________________ leader, so that I can lead or coach my group to

accomplish or learn ________________________________________.

Goal/Ticket Item # ________________________ Strengthens Me □ Strengthens My Group □


















How Verified: _________________________________________________________________


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Wood Badge Ticket Worksheet Name: Harry D Hyker Position: Assistant Scoutmaster My Vision: The boys take ever-increasing responsibility for the planning and implementation of the troop's activities and outings.

Goal/Ticket Item # _1_ Strengthens Me __ Strengthens My Group X Goal: Teach project management skills to the PLC to improve event planning Who: Me and the PLC What: Teach project management skills to the PLC Where: At a facility to be determined When: December, before we plan the Spring and Summer events How: Host an all-day Saturday PLC development event on project management. Uses Communi-cation, Project Planning, Team Leadership, Change Management, Problem Solving & Decision Making, Coaching & Mentoring and Managing Conflict skills from the Wood Badge course. Why: Boys don't plan our events because they don't know how to. How verified: By April, the boys are planning events with little assistance from adults.

Wood Badge Ticket Worksheet Name: Robert Stephen Position: Venturing Advisor My Vision: Scouts develop increasing understanding and tolerance of the differences in people from different backgrounds and heritage.

Goal/Ticket Item # _1_ Strengthens Me __ Strengthens My Group X Goal: Gather resources from different religious beliefs and assemble the into a Scout's Own re-source for out crew (Diversity). Who: Me What: Develop a diverse Interfaith Worship resource. Where: Within my Crew When: By October next year. How: Contact Scouter's from various religious beliefs and request appropriate material that can be used by all Scouts. Organize and assemble them into a Interfaith Worship resource and introduce it to my Crew. Uses Project Planning, Leading Change,' and Valuing People & Leveraging Diver-sity skills from the Wood Badge course. Why: Increase the brotherhood of Scouting and help achieve Baden-Powell's vision of world peace through understanding and brotherhood. How verified: Completion of Interfaith Worship resource.

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Wood Badge Ticket Worksheet Name: Helen Back Position: Committee Chair My Vision: The unit committee will begin to act as a resource and support to our unit leaders rather than as a source of frustration and a barrier to progress.

Goal/Ticket Item # _1_ Strengthens Me __ Strengthens My Group X Goal: Implement the EDGE model in our unit committee by creating specific committee roles with clear responsibility and accountability. Who: Me and the committee What: Creating specific committee roles with clear responsibility and accountability Where: Within our unit committee When: Within the next year How: Get the entire committee to attend the committee training course. Use the job descriptions in the committee guidebook as a starting point. Work with the committee to get agreement on the descriptions, and who will hold each position. Uses Listening to Learn, Team Development, Team Leadership, Communication, Leading Change, and Managing Conflict skills from the Wood Badge course. Why: Increase the performance of the committee, increasing results while decreasing frustration and dysfunction. How verified: Position descriptions generated and implemented.

Wood Badge Ticket Worksheet Name: Eddie Eyapaha Position: Cub Master My Vision: Pack meetings are fun and exciting - people want to come.

Goal/Ticket Item # _1_ Strengthens Me __ Strengthens My Group X Goal: Improve my ability to make presentations and deliver engaging pack ceremonies by attend-ing a communication/presentation workshop. Who: Me What: Attending a communication/presentation workshop Where: To be determined When: Within the next three months How: Find course at work or through community college. Uses Communication, Self-Assessment, and Leaving a Legacy skills from the Wood Badge course. Why: Improve my ability to make presentations and deliver engaging pack ceremonies in order to make pack meetings more fun and exciting. How verified: Completion of course

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Wood Badge Ticket Worksheet Name: Edna X Pert Position: District Commissioner My Vision:

Goal/Ticket Item # _1_ Strengthens Me __ Strengthens My Group X Goal: Recruit, train and support a new unit commissioner for the two packs in my district that do not have a commissioner. Who: Me and my District Chair What: Recruit, train and support a new unit commissioner for two packs in my district. Where: The two packs in my district without unit commissioners When: During the next 12 months How: Recruit Cubmasters who are getting ready to step down, as well as past Cubmasters who have recently taken a leadership break. Hold training if no course is scheduled. Coach and men-tor as necessary. Uses Communication, Team Development, Team Leadership, Coaching & Mentoring, and Problem Solving skills from the Wood Badge course. Why: Every unit leader deserves support from an able unit commissioner. How verified: New commissioners trained and in place.

Wood Badge Ticket Worksheet Name: Willie Chasem Position: Webelos Den Leader My Vision: Cubs should gain an appreciation and excitement for the outdoors that carriers them through into the Boy Scouting program.

Goal/Ticket Item # _1_ Strengthens Me __ Strengthens My Group X Goal: Take my Webelos den on monthly outdoor activities that build up to a weekend camping trip in the Spring. Who: Me and my Webelos Den What: Take monthly outdoor activities that build up to a weekend camping rip. Where: Various locations that engage and excite the boys When: Starting next month, and continuing through Spring

How: Plan and promote activities. Lead the charge. Uses Project Planning, Team Leadership,

Problem Solving, Managing Conflict, and Leaving A Legacy Skills from the Wood Badge course.

Why: Put the outing in Scouting How verified: Monthly outings and Spring campout

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Wood Badge Ticket Worksheet Name: Tim Traynor Position: District Training Chair My Vision: Every Scout has a trained leader able to lead a Scouting program that excites and en-gages the youth while developing strong leadership and character

Goal/Ticket Item # _1_ Strengthens Me __ Strengthens My Group X Goal: Implement a program with the goal to increase the percentage of trained Scouting leaders in my district by 10% during the next year. ' Who: Me, with the support of my training committee What: Implement a marketing and awareness program to increase % of trained Scouting leaders. Where: Within the Arapaho District When: Beginning after the Wood Badge Course, and continuing for the next year. How: Implement a training awareness program, identify the benefits of attending training, work with unit commissioners to identify untrained leaders, and make frequent presentations at our dis-trict roundtable. Utilizes Communications skills learned on Wood badge course. Why: Improve quality of Scouting program within the district How verified: District training report from Scoutnet

Wood Badge Ticket Worksheet Name: Linda Leeder Position: Scoutmaster My Vision: All Cub Scouts will go on to experience the Boy Scouting program

Goal/Ticket Item # _1_ Strengthens Me __ Strengthens My Group X Goal: Increase the communications and relationship development between our troop and our feeder packs, resulting in an increased percentage of We bel os who decide to continue on into Boy Scouts Who: Me, Senior Patrol Leader, Den Chiefs, Pack Cubmasters and Webelos Den Leaders. What: Host joint meetings and joint events to build communications, teamwork, and excite the Cubs about the adventure of Boy Scouting. Where: Our troop and our two feeder packs When: Starting in January and continuing through pack graduation in June How: Contact Cubmasters and Webelos Den Leaders and identify opportunities for joint activities, including us joining in or supporting their activities (like their Blue & Gold dinner). Invite the Webe-los dens to join us at Camp-o-ree, and host several joint hikes and campouts April-June. Uses Communication, Team Development, Team Leadership, and Leading Change skills from Wood Badge course. Why: Gets Cubs into Boy Scouting, and improves our Boy Scout program How verified: Compare percent of We bel as joining our troop this year with last year.

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“What Are You Most Afraid Of?” Work Sheet

Below is a list, in alphabetical order, of 14 common fears. You have two tasks:

1. Working on your own, rank all 14 items in the order in which you think a survey of respondents

from throughout the United States ranked them. Rank them from “1” (most feared) to “14” (least


2. Once everyone has completed the individual ranking, work together as a patrol to come up

with a group ranking of the items, again using “1” for most feared, up to “14” for least feared.

Fear Individual Ranking Team Ranking

Darkness ______________ ______________

Death ______________ ______________

Deep water ______________ ______________

Dogs ______________ ______________

Driving/riding in a car ______________ ______________

Elevators ______________ ______________

Escalators ______________ ______________

Financial problems ______________ ______________

Flying ______________ ______________

Heights ______________ ______________

Insects and bugs ______________ ______________

Loneliness ______________ ______________

Sickness ______________ ______________

Speaking before a group ______________ ______________

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Learning Objectives:

As a result of this presentation, participants will

■ Understand a basic definition of diversity.

■ Recognize the importance of Inclusiveness to a team.

■ Understand simple behaviors that can make diversity work for a patrol.














For my Ticket:

List two ways you could use this in your Scouting or personal activities.







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Stages of Team Development

Learning Objectives:

As a result of this presentation, participants will

■ Develop the ability to recognize the stages of development associated with a team.

■ Understand the characteristics of each of the four stages of team development.

■ Understand the concepts of productivity and morale and how they relate to the four stages of team development.














For my Ticket:

List two ways you could use this in your Scouting or personal activities.







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Stages of Team Development 1. The first stage in a team's development is the FORMING stage ("Pickup Sticks"). The team

begins with high enthusiasm, and high, unrealistic expectations. These expectations are ac-

companied by some anxiety about how they will fit in, how much they can trust others, and

what demands will be placed on them. Team members are also unclear about norms, roles,

goals, and timelines. In this stage, there is high dependence on the leadership figure for pur-

pose and direction. Behavior is usually tentative and polite. The major issues are personal

well-being, acceptance, and trust.

2. The second stage in a team's development is the STORMING stage ("At Odds"). As the team

gets some experience under its belt, there is a dip in morale as team members experience a

discrepancy between their initial expectations and reality. The difficulties in accomplishing the

task and in working together lead to confusion and frustration, as well as a growing dissatis-

faction with dependence upon the leadership figure. Negative reactions to each other de-

velop, subgroups form, which polarize the team. The breakdown of communication and the

inability to problem-solve result in lowered trust. The primary issues in this stage concern

power, control, and conflict.

3. The third stage in a team's development is the NORMING stage ("Coming Around"). As the

issues encountered in the second stage are addressed and resolved, morale begins to rise.

Task accomplishment and technical skills increase, which contributes to a positive, even

euphoric, feeling. There is increased clarity and commitment to purpose, values norms, roles,

and goals. Trust and cohesion grow as communication becomes more open and task-

oriented. There is a willingness to share responsibility and control. Team members value the

differences among themselves. The team starts thinking in terms of "we" rather than "I". Be-

cause the newly developed feelings of trust and cohesion are fragile, team members tend to

avoid conflict for fear of losing the positive climate. This reluctance to deal with conflict can

slow progress and lead to less effective decisions. Issues at this stage concern the sharing of

control and avoidance of conflict.

4. The fourth stage in a team's development is the STORMING stage ("As One"). At this stage,

both productivity and morale are high, and they reinforce one another. There is a sense of

pride and excitement in being part of a high-performing team. The primary focus is on per-

formance. Purpose, roles and goals are clear. Standards are high, and there is a commitment

to not only meeting standards, but to continuous improvement. Team members are confident

in their ability to perform and overcome obstacles. They are proud of their work and enjoy

working together. Communication is open and leadership is shared. Mutual respect and trust

are the norms. Issues include continued refinements and growth.

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Learning Objectives:

As a result of this presentation, participants will

■ Relate the experience of the Zulu Toss game to basic principles of


■ Understand how listening can be an important part of communication.

■ Develop some strategies to overcome barriers to communication.

■ Develop an understanding of the principles of the Teaching EDGE.













For my Ticket:

List two ways you could use this in your Scouting or personal activities.







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Project Planning

Learning Objectives:

As a result of this presentation, participants will

■ Identify the five stages of team-based project planning.

■ Prepare an effective project overview related to their patrol exhibit.

■ Understand the importance of selecting an appropriate approach or method.

■ Avoid the “activity trap.”

■ Develop a work breakdown structure

■ Implement and track a project plan












For my Ticket:

List two ways you could use this in your Scouting or personal activities.







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Outline for Project Planning

Five Stages of Team-Based Project Planning 1. Project overview

2. Work breakdown structure

3. Activity assignments

4. Putting the plan into action

5. Project closeout

Stage One: Project Overview Create a strategic decision-making document that

■ Identifies the problem or opportunity

■ States the scope of the project

■ Establishes project goals

■ Lists important objectives

■ Explains how success is measured

■ Determines the approach or methodology

■ Identifies assumptions and risks

Project Overview

Problem, opportunity, or situation to be changed: ______________________________________


Project goals: _________________________________________________________________


Objectives: ___________________________________________________________________


Measure of success: ____________________________________________________________


Approach or method: ____________________________________________________________


Assumptions and risks: __________________________________________________________


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Stage One: Project Overview (cont.)

SMART Goals and Objectives

Establish project goals and objectives that pass the “SMART” test:

S— Specific: Is it specific in targeting an objective?

M—Measurable: What are the measurable indicators of success?

A— Attainable: Is it attainable by someone on the team?

R— Relevant: Can it be achieved within the resources and time allowed?

If not, then the goal is irrelevant to project success.

T— Time-based: When will the project be completed?

Project Overview Ensures Success

The project overview should

■ Identify problems early and determines the feasibility.

■ Help others understand and commit to the project.

■ Provide the basis for a detailed plan.

■ Help avoid “activity trap” and “scope creep.”

Approach or Method

Consider the following when choosing an approach or method:

■ Focus on goals and objectives.

■ Challenge assumptions regarding usual approaches.

■ Explore out-of-the-box solutions.

■ Invent new methods when appropriate.

Assumptions and Risks

To help identify the project’s assumptions and risks, answer these questions.

1. What resources are required?

2. What risks are associated with obtaining these resources in a timely manner?

3. What problems or delays could we have?

4. What effects will delays have?

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Stage Two: Work Breakdown Structure The work breakdown structure helps keep the team focused and helps prioritize tasks.

■ Following the network of high-level objectives, break down each objective into separate

activities that will be necessary to accomplish it.

■ Order the activities by what must be done and when.

Characteristics of Project Activities

Project activities should

■ Pass the “SMART” test.

■ Have clear start and stop events.

■ Incorporate easily estimated time/cost.

■ Be assignable and manageable.

Stage Three: Activity Assignments When assigning activities, be sure participants have

■ Clarity regarding their assignment

■ Clarity about the project’s purpose

■ Clarity about resources and deadlines

■ A good match to their skills

■ Established milestones and reporting procedures

Stage Four: Putting the Plan Into Action The implementation and tracking leader should

■ Provide leadership to the team.

■ Provide additional resources.

■ Assist with decision making and problem solving.

■ Monitor the critical path.

■ Monitor each team member’s performance.

Stage Five: Project Closeout When closing out the project:

■ Recognize team members.

■ Write a postmortem report.

—Were goals and objectives achieved?

—Was the project completed on time?

—What lessons were learned?

—What ideas and recommendations do you have for next time?

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Principles of Leave No Trace

1. Plan Ahead and Prepare Proper trip planning and preparation helps hikers and campers accomplish trip goals safely and enjoyably while minimizing damage to natural and cultural resources. Campers who plan ahead can avoid unexpected situations, and minimize their impact by complying with area regulations such as observing limitations on group size.

2. Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces Damage to land occurs when visitors trample vegetation or communities of organisms beyond recovery. The resulting barren areas develop into undesirable trails, campsites, and soil erosion.

3. Dispose of Waste Properly (Pack It In, Pack It Out) This simple yet effective saying motivates backcountry visitors to take their trash home with them. It makes sense to carry out of the backcountry the extra materials taken there by your group or others. Inspect your campsite for trash or spilled foods. Accept the challenge of packing out all trash, leftover food, and litter.

4. Leave What You Find Allow others a sense of discovery, and preserve the past. Leave rocks, plants, animals, archaeo-logical artifacts, and other objects as you find them. Examine but do not touch cultural or histori-cal structures and artifacts. It may be illegal to remove artifacts.

5. Minimize Campfire Impacts Some people would not think of camping without a campfire. Yet the naturalness of many areas has been degraded by overuse of fires and increasing demand for firewood.

6. Respect Wildlife Quick movements and loud noises are stressful to animals. Considerate campers observe wildlife from afar, give animals a wide berth, store food securely, and keep garbage and food scraps away from animals. Help keep wildlife wild.

7. Be Considerate of Other Visitors Thoughtful campers travel and camp in small groups, keep the noise down, select campsites away from other groups, always travel and camp quietly, wear clothing and use gear that blend with the environment, respect private property, and leave gates (open or closed) as found. Be considerate of other campers and respect their privacy.

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The Leading EDGE™/ The Teaching EDGE™

Learning Objectives:

As a result of this presentation, participants will

■ Describe the four leadership behaviors included in the Leading

EDGE™, and explain which behavior is most appropriate for each

stage of team development.

■ Describe the four skills instruction behaviors included in the Teaching EDGE™, and explain

which behavior is most appropriate for each stage of skills development.













For my Ticket:

List two ways you could use this in your Scouting or personal activities.







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October Sky

Learning Objectives:

The film October Sky presents an engaging story that illustrates many sides of leadership, team development, and personal initiative.

■ Identify scenes that portray the various stages of team development: Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing ■ What styles of skills instruction do you observe in Homer? In John

Hickam Sr.?

Explaining, Demonstrating, Guiding, Enabling















For my Ticket:

List two ways you could use this in your Scouting or personal activities.







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Themes to Observe—Questions for Analysis and Discussion The movie October Sky provides an excellent opportunity to observe and study how people actu-

ally apply some of the skills of leadership and team development that we’ve been talking about in

Wood Badge. Pay particular attention to John Hickam and to his son Homer. They are both lead-

ers, and the movie depicts some of their flaws as well as their strengths. Your challenge is to

analyze what you observe. The questions below may help guide your thinking.

1. Consider people’s values, missions, and visions and how they evolved and changed through

the movie. The townspeople? Homer? The Rocket Boys? John Hickam Sr.? Who or what in-

fluenced the evolution of their values? Missions? Visions?

2. What are the dreams and aspirations of characters in the movie? What role do dreams play in

people’s lives? For those of us engaged in the study of leadership, what is the significance of

people’s dreams?

3. During the story the Rocket Boys move through various stages of team development. Identify

scenes that portray the various stages.

■ Forming ■ Norming

■ Storming ■ Performing

4. What styles of skills instruction do you observe in Homer? In John Hickam Sr.?

■ Explaining ■ Guiding

■ Demonstrating ■ Enabling

5. Consider the roles that careful listening and effective communication play in the story. Cite

examples where these skills had a significant impact on the story.

6. Watch Miss Riley, the teacher, carefully. What impact does she have on Homer?

7. Consider the conflict between the father and son. Does it get resolved? If so, how?

8. Cite examples of people giving and receiving feedback. Is it accepted, or ignored? There are

plenty of examples, including some from Homer’s mother, one of which comes at a critical

moment in the story.

9. Finally, as you watch this film, think about the leadership positions you have at home, those in

Scouting as well as those beyond it. Reflect on all the things that have been discussed during

this course thus far. Begin to connect the things you observe in the movie to the content of

this course and to your leadership responsibilities at home.

Sometimes by observing traits in others, it is easier to improve traits in ourselves.

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About the Movie

October Sky is an incredible, triumphant, true story about four boys in a poverty-stricken corner of Appala-chia who are determined to build their own rocket and help get America back into the "space race:' It is told through the eyes of their leader, young Homer Hickam, who sees a speck of light in the sky (Sputnik I) and begins to dream. The movie tells of Homer's efforts to build a team, enlist the sup-port of others, acquire resources, and overcome challenges-all in pursuit of his vision.

It is 1957: Elvis Presley is the rage and the Soviets have stunned America with the successful launch of the Sputnik satellite. In Coalwood, West Virginia, like communities all across the country, townsfolk gather to watch a satellite race across the sky. Some are frightened, others disgusted. Most are un-sure of what it is or what it means.

Life in Coalwood is about coal. All boys grow up to be coal miners and Homer Hickam has no reason to think he'll be any different. Even the public school furnishes no other vision beyond the town's coal mine. Too small to earn a football scholarship, Homer has no way out of his predetermined life-until that little Soviet satellite flies through the October sky and changes everything. As Homer watches the satellite that evening, he has a life-changing experience and his world heads in a new direction-up. "I'm gonna build a rocket-like Sputnik," he says the next morning.

Though his father is superintendent of the mine and has no greater wish than to see his sons follow in his footsteps, Homer embarks on a mission to build and launch his own homemade rockets with the help of a loyal band of friends. Though their frequent mistakes nearly defeat them, the boys' suc-cesses eventually inspire the whole town to believe that miracles can happen, even in Coalwood.

Each boy brings to the task his own personality, skills, and flaws. Homer isn't a math whiz, but Quen-tin is. He isn't a scavenger, either, but Odell knows about that. Roy Lee is the Elvis of them all-he can seduce what he needs from just about anyone. Homer brings hope and passion to the team. Like most good lead-ers, he brings "fire" to the project and forces the boys to keep at it, at times even when they're not will-ing-he makes them willing.

One of the first people to encourage the boys is their teacher, Miss Riley. Everywhere Homer turns there are extraordinary obstacles. What he wants to do with rockets isn't being done; model rocketry doesn't exist yet. To Miss Riley the fact that Homer even aspires to do these things is pretty amazing. She helps the boys see the power of dreams, belief, and determination. "Sometimes you really can't listen to what any-body else says, you just got to listen inside;' she tells Homer.

People respond to this film because it touches so many common feelings and dreams that we all share. Most of us have dreams we would like to see fulfilled. Can they be? This film says yes!

Homer sums it up: "I've come to believe that I've got it in me to be somebody in this world!"

But Homer isn't the only leader in the story. As superintendent of the mine, Homer's dad, John Hickam, is a pretty impressive fellow and a central figure in town. He loves the mine. He once worked seven years without a day off. He fights for his men and rescues them from disaster. The mine is the whole reason for the town. There was no Coalwood before they found coal there and then built the town around the mine. The mine is John's life, and he would love for Homer and his brother to grow up to be mine supervisors, just like him. When John takes Homer down in the mine for his son's first day on the job, his voice glows with poetry: "I know the mine like I know a man. I was born for this:'

John Hickam isn't a bad man and he sincerely loves his son, but rockets don't fit into his view of life. He doesn't understand much about rockets, thinks they're silly, and believes Homer is wasting his energy. He throws one of Homer's rockets in the trash. The essence of this classic conflict between father and son is that they each have the same passion in them, but for different things. The conflict tends to strengthen Homer's resolve to reach for the stars. The strong emotional anger between Homer and his dad is equal to the mutual love and respect they secretly have for each other, deep down inside. The conflict builds throughout the movie, though the dramatic outcome is never in doubt.

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To better understand and appreciate coal-mine work, director Johnston takes us underground with the miners, where coal dust coats the lungs and frequent cave-ins threaten to end lives. The miners live in a world of constant claustrophobic darkness, helping us to better appreciate Homer's desire to soar free of restrictions into the bright sky and, he believes, a better future than Coalwood.

October Sky isn't so much about escaping one's background or overcoming a conflict with one's fa-ther, nor is it about being a teenager trying to figure out who you are and how you fit into the world. It is about finding one's own voice and skills and passion-and realizing one's own potential.

About the "Real" Rocket Boys and Others in the Story

All of the Rocket Boys went on to graduate from college, something not likely in pre-Sputnik West Vir-ginia. Roy Lee worked his way through college, became a banker, and traveled the world. After serv-ing in the Air Force and graduating from college, Odell went into insurance and farming. Quentin be-came an engineer and now lives in Amarillo, Texas. Homer became a NASA manager at Marshall Space Flight Center, Werner von Braun's old headquarters.

Homer's brother, Jim Hickam, became a high school teacher and head football coach in Roanoke, Virginia. Elsie Hickam went after her dream and moved to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

Miss Riley ranked first in the high school graduating class in Coalwood in 1955 and first in her class at Concord College in 1959. She returned to Coalwood and taught for 10 years before her death in 1969. "As a teacher, Miss Riley impressed and inspired her students .... The greatest tribute that we can give is to emulate the principles by which she lived: a deep faith in God, the courage to face diffi-culties, a sincere concern for others, the unselfish quality to give of herself, a respect for knowledge, and the desire for excellence:' - The Big Creek High School yearbook, 1970

Homer's father stayed in the mines until he retired at age 65, and continued as a mine consultant for several years after that. In 1989 he died of suffocation caused by "black lung" disease from his many years in the mines.

About the Author

Homer Hadley Hickam Jr. was born on February 19, 1943, in Coalwood, West Virginia. He graduated from Big Creek High School in 1960 and from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute (Virginia Tech) in 1964 with a B.S. in industrial engineering. A U.S. Army veteran, Hickam served in Vietnam from 1967 to 1968 for which he was awarded the Army Commendation and Bronze Star medals. He served six years on active duty and left the service with the rank of captain. For 10 years he was employed as an engineer for the U.S. Army Missile Command. He began employment with the National Aeronau-tics and Space Administration (NASA) at Marshall Space Flight Center in 1981 as an aerospace engi-neer.

During his long NASA career, Mr. Hickam worked in propulsion, spacecraft design, and crew training. His specialties included training astronauts on science payloads and extravehicular activities (EVA). He trained crews for many Spacelab and space shuttle missions, including the Hubble Space Tele-scope deployment mission and the first two Hubble repair missions, to name just a few. He retired in February 1998.

Mr. Hickam published his first book, a military history bestseller called Torpedo Junction, in 1989. His second book, Rocket Boys, was published by Delacorte in 1998. The paperback version of the book was No.1 on The New York Times bestseller list for three weeks and stayed on the list for 16 weeks. It has been translated into eight languages and also has been released as an audio and an electronic book.

Rocket Boys was selected by The New York Times as one of its Great Books of 1998 and also was nomi-nated by the National Book Critics Circle as Best Biography for that year. Since Rocket Boys, Mr. Hickam published several books, including Back to the Moon in 1999, The Coalwood Way in 2000, and The Keeper's Son in 2003.

Homer Hickam is married to Linda Terry Hickam, a jewelry designer, photographer, and his first edi-tor and critic. They have four cats and live in Huntsville, Alabama-"Rocket City;' USA.

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Conservation Project Planning

Learning Objectives:

As a result of this presentation, participants will

■ Better understand the importance of incorporating conservation projects into every level of the Scouting program. ■ Review resources and methods to help them develop worthwhile conservation efforts in their home units districts, and councils. ■ Learn how Scouting units can develop ongoing cooperative relationships with local land management agencies. ■ Use their planning skills to finalize the conservation project to occur on Day Four of the Wood Badge course.














For my Ticket:

List two ways you could use this in your Scouting or personal activities.







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Conservation Project Planning Checklist Scouting leaders and agency personnel can use the following checklist to assist them in planning conservation projects. ■ What is the task to be done? ____________________________________________________





■ Why is it important? __________________________________________________________





■ How many Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts, or Venturers can take part in the work?





■ What is the time frame for completing the project? ___________________________________





■ What tools and materials will be needed, if any, and who will provide them? _______________





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■ What leadership skills are required to oversee the work? ______________________________





■ Who will provide project leadership? (List youth and adult Scouting leaders and any agency

personnel.) ___________________________________________________________________





■ How will youth reach the work area? ______________________________________________





■ What safety factors are involved and how will they be addressed? _______________________





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What Makes a Good Conservation Project? Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts, and Venturers undertaking conservation work are volunteering their time and energy for the good of the environment. A worthwhile project allows them to feel pride in what they are doing. It gives them a chance to experience something new. Though the work may be hard, it should also be satisfying. The following guidelines will help Scout leaders and agency personnel plan conservation work that serves the needs of Scouts, of agencies, and of the environment.

Involve Scouts in All Aspects of a Project A sense of project ownership is important to young people. Scouts should understand the purpose of a conservation project. Increase their commitment to conservation by involving them in planning as well as in carrying out the work.

Make Projects Fun Whenever possible, combine conservation efforts with other Scout activities such as a hike, a campout, a swim, or a nature walk with someone who can discuss the area’s ecology. That will enrich the experience for everyone and also reinforce the idea that caring for the environment is a fundamental part of the Scouting program.

Choose Reasonable First Projects The first projects undertaken by a Scouting unit should be limited in scope and last no more than a few hours or an afternoon. As the young people gain experience and confidence, projects can become more lengthy and complex.

Consider Skill Levels A good project is within the skill levels of the young people doing it and is age-appropriate. Work that is too demanding sets up young people to fail and to lose interest. On the other hand, the best opportunities challenge Scouts to push a little beyond their current abilities and master new skills.

Set Reasonable Goals Everyone likes a sense of completion to their work. Some conservation efforts can be finished in a few hours, an afternoon, or a day. Longer-term projects may be broken into intermediate goals achievable in shorter amounts of time—planting a certain number of trees, for example, or repairing the sites in just one area of a campground.

Make a Difference Appropriate projects allow young people to see that their efforts have a positive effect on the quality of their environment. They learn about the importance of conservation and gain a sense of pride in having done a Good Turn for the environment and for those who will enjoy the outdoors in the future.





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Leading Change

Learning Objectives:

As a result of this presentation, participants will

■ Understand the value of change and develop skills to lead it


■ Learn steps for leading change with groups and individuals.

■ Appreciate the value of leading change through lifelong learning.














For my Ticket:

List two ways you could use this in your Scouting or personal activities.







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Six Steps of “Leading Change”

Step 1 – Recognize that change happens.

Step 2 – Empower others to help you lead change.

Step 3 – Lead change based on vision, mission, and values.

Step 4 – Establish urgency.

Step 5 – Move ahead, regardless.

Step 6 – Create a culture that embraces change.

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Problem Solving and Decision Making

Learning Objectives:

As a result of this presentation, participants will

■ Analyze a problem and submit it to a systematic problem-solving


■ Understand the relationship between problem-solving and project management..

■ Put into action many of the skills and ideas they have learned during the Wood Badge course.

■ Prepare themselves for the upcoming Problem Solving Round-Robin.













For my Ticket:

List two ways you could use this in your Scouting or personal activities.







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Managing Conflict

Learning Objectives:

As a result of this presentation, participants will

■ Better understand conflict from a leadership point of view.

■ Acquire new tools for successfully managing conflict situations.
















For my Ticket:

List two ways you could use this in your Scouting or personal activities.







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Managing Conflict

There will be conflict. Leaders need to manage conflict by:

� Finding common ground among individuals

� Providing tools for people to settle their own disputes

� Stepping in to make unilateral decisions (rare, driven by safety issues, unacceptable behavior)

We can’t make people do anything they don’t want to do.

As leaders, do we create conflict by trying to control things we don’t need to control?

Others will most likely do what we ask when:

� They trust you

� They have experience with you and have found you to be a reliable leader and ally

� They understand that you are making decisions for the good of the group

� They sense that you care about them.

When certain behavior cannot be tolerated, proscriptive conflict resolution is needed, based on the fol-

lowing four statements:

� This is what I want.

� This is what I understand what you are doing.

� This is why that isn’t working for me.

� Here’s what I need for you to do.

Preparation for cooperative conflict resolution includes:

� Sharing experiences

� Involvement and awareness

� Establishing a connection, understanding

Questions for Cooperative Conflict Resolution:

� What do you want?

� What you are doing to get it?

� Is it working?

� Do you want to figure out another way?

Negotiating Limits and Rules

� Be clear about what the boundaries are, and stick to them.

� When feasible, involve the group in setting the boundaries.

� This is why that isn’t working for me.

� Here’s what I need for you to do.

Conflict can be minimized when the following ideas are shared often:

� “If I’m doing something that bothers you, I’d like you to tell me in a respectful way.”

� “How will it be if we really get along? What will that be like?”

� “If I see you’re having a problem, what do you want me to do?”

The goal of conflict resolution is to build on common ground, listen, and find solutions to situations that

allow us to grow closer to one another rather than farther apart.

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Valuing People and Leveraging Diversity

Learning Objectives:

As a result of this presentation, participants will

■ Consider the nature of diversity and its importance.

■ Better understand the value of incorporating people of diverse

backgrounds into organizations and teams.

■ Give thought to ways of valuing people who are outside our usual areas of comfort.

■ See the connection between leveraging diversity and leading change.













For my Ticket:

List two ways you could use this in your Scouting or personal activities.







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Diversity Three Categories of Diversity

♦ Human Diversity ♦ Cultural Diversity ♦ Organizational Diversity ♦

Human Diversity Human diversity is the raw material of who we are:

♦ Gender ♦ Race ♦ Age ♦ Physical Appearance ♦ Health ♦

Human diversity is the accumulation of our life experiences: ♦ Education ♦ Marital & parental status ♦ Occupation ♦ Geographic location ♦

Cultural Diversity Arises from differences in:

♦ Language ♦ Lifestyle ♦ Heritage ♦ Belief systems ♦ Religious beliefs ♦ Traditions ♦

Organizational Diversity Organizational diversity is characterized by differences inherent in the values, vision & mission of organizations.

♦ Teamwork

♦ Roles

♦ Relationships

♦ Leadership

♦ Empowerment

♦ Education & training

♦ Affiliations

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Coaching and Mentoring

Learning Objectives:

■ The purpose of this session is to discuss the different roles of

coaching and mentoring, and to describe ways in which the skills of

coaching and mentoring can be used to lead teams and individuals.
















For my Ticket:

List two ways you could use this in your Scouting or personal activities.







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Learning Objectives:

As a result of this presentation, participants will

■ Understand the importance of self-assessment in maximizing their

leadership potential.

■ View self-assessment as a valuable avenue for receiving feedback.

■ Build their own tools for the self-assessment of their roles in Scouting and in other leadership














For my Ticket:

List two ways you could use this in your Scouting or personal activities.







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Sample 360-Degree Assessment Survey I am seeking productive feedback on my progress toward reaching these four goals that have to do with my leadership in Scouting: 1.___________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________________

With those goals in mind, please provide an assessment of how I am doing. Of the following questions, answer those for which you have personal knowledge. Your answers may be either “Way to Go!” or “Ways to Grow.” If an answer is “Ways to Grow,” please feel free to suggest how I can do better in that area. When you have finished the survey, please mail it in the enclosed envelope to my assessment facilitator. The facilitator will provide me with a summary of all the surveys. No one but the facili-tator will see your answers. Way to Go! Ways to Grow 1. Produces work on time ______________ ______________

2. Communicates well with others ______________ ______________

3. Encourages diversity in Scouting ______________ ______________

4. Develops creative solutions to problems ______________ ______________

5. Demonstrates a good knowledge of Scouting ______________ ______________

6. Treats Scouts and Scouters in a respectful,

considerate manner ______________ ______________

7. Creates an environment that makes progress

possible for everyone ______________ ______________

8. Serves as a good role model ______________ ______________

9. Shares knowledge with others ______________ ______________

10. Takes active steps to ensure lifelong learning ______________ ______________

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Wood Badge Participant Course Assessment The purpose of this course assessment is to learn from your evaluation of the Wood Badge training program that you have recently experienced. We are interested in knowing how we can improve the communication and the deliv-ery of the course, how what you learned will help you, and how we did in helping you increase your knowledge about each of Scouting’s programs.

Pre-course Communication

How do you rate the communication you received before the course?

Content of the communications. How do you rate the information about where you were to be, when you were to be there, what to bring, and when you would leave?

□ Very Good □ Good □ Needs Improvement □ Poor

If your rating was Needs Improvement or Poor, please let us know what we could have done to

help you more.









Timing of the communications. How do you rate the timing of the information you received prior to the course?

□ Very Good □ Good □ Needs Improvement □ Poor

If your rating was Needs Improvement or Poor, please let us know what we could have done to

help you more.









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Delivery of the Course

Effectiveness of the staff. How effective was the staff in helping you to understand the schedule and

material and to enjoy the Wood Badge experience?

□ Very Good □ Good □ Needs Improvement □ Poor

If your rating was Needs Improvement or Poor, please let us know what we could have done to help you more.







Facilities and food. Please let us know how the facilities and food were.

□ Very Good □ Good □ Needs Improvement □ Poor

If your rating was Needs Improvement or Poor, please let us know what we could have done to help you more.







What Did You Learn?

Please let us know how helpful you feel the material you learned will be in making real improvements to the Scouting program in your position back home.

□ Very Helpful □ Helpful □ Of some help □ Of little help






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About the Scouting Programs

We are interested in knowing how effective we were in helping you learn more about the different

Scouting programs—Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, Varsity Scouting, and Venturing.

□ Very Effective □ Effective □ Needs Improvement □ Poor







And Finally . . .

Is there anything else we need to know?


















Name (optional) _________________________________________ Patrol ________________________________

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Leaving a Legacy

Learning Objectives:

As a result of this presentation, participants will

■ Provide participants with an appreciation of leadership,

empowerment, and lifelong learning.

■ Inspire participants to use leadership through out their live to “leave a legacy.”

■ Review the five traits of good leaders.

■ Reveal clues that lead to the revelation of the Greatest Leadership Secret













For my Ticket:

List two ways you could use this in your Scouting or personal activities.







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