Our Values



Our values

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Cristina Neculoiu

8th grade

During my childhood, a story told by my grandmother got my attention.

The end was special: the strongest didn't win, the wisest didn't achieve victory and the hero isn't rewarded for perseverance, he is rewarded for honesty, simplicity and for the purity of his thoughts and his actions.

But here is the story…….

It is said that a worthy emperor from a kingdom where everything was good and where people had all they needed, had to choose a heir for the throne.

Many willing people came to try their luck.

They all had to pass a very simple test: the emperor would give them a handful of seeds which they had to cultivate during summer and in the autumn, they must come with their decorated flowerpots.

…..But the seeds were boiled by the emperor…..

"Easy to understand, easily done" every boy said.

They planted the seeds in a good soil, they watered the plants , the sun stroke them, they put the flower carefully in a shady place.

Everyone waited for the amazing plant to grow.

Surprisingly though, it didn't matter the care that they offered to the plant because the flower wasn't what everyone expected.

However, everyone came in front of the emperor with plants that didn't have the same form, or colour or size of the fruits, only in one flowerpot the seeds didn't grow.

The emperor looked carefully at all the flowerpots and stopped in front of the one that didn't grow and sais to the boy:

"You are the chosen one, you are priceless! The seeds were boiled, that's why they couldn't grow and I wanted to test if you trust my word and to see if you deviate from the truth.”

The story is wonderful not because of the one who is chosen, but because of respect to the emperor's wisdom, and to what he thinks is really important.

Ioana Bodean

7th grade




What’s more important in


Se zice că Dumnezeu a trimis odată un înger pe

pământ și i-a spus:

-Îngere, du-te pe Pământ, umblă pe unde vrei și cât

vrei peste tot pământul și găsește-mi cel mai pretios lucru

pe care crezi tu că Mi-L poți aduce..

It is said that God, once, sent an angel on Earth

and told him:

„Angel, go on Earth , travel where ever you want

and how long you want and find me the most precious

thing you think you can bring that exists on Earth.”

Și a umblat îngerul prin multe locuri și multă vreme, cu

multă atenție și cu multă băgare de seamă. Trebuia să aleagă un

lucru care să-i placă lui Dumnezeu, cel mai de pret!

The angel traveled through lots of places for a long time, being

very careful. He had to choose a thing that God liked, so it wasn’t that

easy. It was sort of a test for him because he had to prove God that he

has the ability of choosing a thing that is truly valuable. He was in the

situation where he had to compare the values and make the right


A nimerit într-un loc unde era în toi un război și unde un om

căzuse la datorie. Lăsase în urmă o familie, lăsasa idealuri, lăsase

planuri acasă, dar a înțeles să-și dea viața pentru patrie cu

generozitate și eroism.

He went into a place where there was a big war. In this war, a

man died for his country. He left behind his family, his plans, but he

understood that he had to give his life for his country generosity and


Îngerul s-a apropiat de el și a cules o boabă din sângele

lui și și-a spus:

-Sacrificiul, acesta trebuie să fie considerat de

Dumnezeu drept cel mai mare!

The angel came close and took a little bit of the man’s

blood and he told himself:

„The sacrifice, this must be considered by God the most

important thing on Earth”.

S-a dus la Dumnezeu și a luat Dumnezeu picătura de

sânge și i-a zis: „Într-adevăr, ceea ce mi-ai adus e un lucru

extraordinar, e un lucru mare, dar nu e cel mai mare”.

God took the blood and told him:

„-Angel, indeed what you brought me is an extraordinary

and great thing but it’s not the most important. I am looking for the

most important thing. Go, travel more, search more!”

A plecat îngerul din nou și a nimerit într-un spital. Acolo era pe

moarte o soră de caritate care a îngrijit un bolnav ce avusese o boală


And the angel went again. This time he went into a hospital.

Over there, a nurse was almost dieing. She took care of a sick person,

a person having a contagious sickness. Nobody wanted to take care of

the person, but she sacrificed, taking care of the sick person, knowing

that she will get sick as well.

Ea s-a sacrificat îngrijind bolnavul acela, iar acum

era pe moarte. Îngerul a luat ultima suflare și Dumnezeu i-a


So, the nurse got sick and now she was dieing.

The angel said to himself: „This sacrifice must be the

biggest thing”. He took the woman’s last breath and he took

it to God.

„-Îngere, te-ai gândit bine, e mare sacrificiul, dar

poate există ceva și mai mare”.

God told him:

”Angel, you thought well. This is a big sacrifice

that the nurse did for the sick person. She gave her life

for him. But maybe there is something much greater

than this. Go again!”

A venit îngerul iarăși pe pământ și a dat de un bandit, un

fără-de-lege ce urmărea o familie să o prade. Se înarmase cu

toate uneltele pentru furt.

The angel came again on Earth and he met a thief, a law

breaker, a man without God, without conciens, a man ready to do

all evil. He was just getting ready to rob a family of good

Christians. He got all the tools that he needed.

Aștepta să se înopteze și privind pe geam în casă ce a

văzut înăuntru? A văzut o femeie care tocmai își culca copilul, își

făcuse rugăciunea, făcea semnul Crucii deasupra copilului și era

gata să-l adoarmă.

He was waiting for the night to come. When the night came,

he went to the house that he wanted to rob. He was ready to kill the

family just to rob them. But, before he got in the house, he looked at

the window to see what happens in there. And what did he see

inside? He saw a woman that was just putting her baby to bad. She

made the Cross sign above the child and she was ready to put him

to sleep.

În clipa aceea hoțul și-a adus aminte de mama lui, care tot

așa făcea și cu dânsul, când era mic și un val de remușcare l-a

cuprins. Parcă s-ar fi întors sufletul înapoi.

At that moment, the thief remembered his mother, that used

to do the same thing when he was little young and he regreted

everything that he did until then. It was like his soul came back to

where it belonged

S-a gândit la toate nelegiuirile pe care le făcuse, iar

acum era impresionat de cumințenia pe care o văzuse și i-a

scăpat o lacrimă.

He thought about every bad thing that he did until then and

impressed by the purity and innocence of the child’s face but also

terrified of the bad thing he was ready to do, he started crying.

Îngerul atunci și-a zis: „acesta e cel mai important lucru” și s-a

grăbit la Dumnezeu.

„-Acesta este, l-ai găsit, lacrima de pocăință a omului ce se

întoarce de la rău la bine”.

The angel told himself:

”This must be the most important and precious thing”. He took a

tear and brought it to God.

God told him:

”This is it!” You found it. It’s the tear of returning, the tear

of the one that seemed lost forever”.

Teacher Mihaela Turtureanu

Kids from 5th, 6th, 7th grade